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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10216099 No.10216099 [Reply] [Original]

>When you eat pizza when you've been drinking

Holy fuck. Might as well drink a glass of acid. What can you no longer eat because of age or intolerance?

>> No.10216148


I'm the opposite. Used to be if I ate a bunch of cashews my throat would swell slightly, now nothing happens.

>> No.10216208

For me it's the opposite. I can only eat cashews if I haven't had any bread, and that's if I'm drinking less.

>> No.10216212

Dairy fucks me up now, so now I can either choose to be a soyboy or pay for expensive almond 'milk'.
Pizza is usually accompanied by tums all the time now.
Getting old sucks.

>> No.10216222


I'm in my 30's, am a severe al/ck/, and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.10216229
File: 650 KB, 2448x1836, pizza-sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk is just about it for gaining an intolerance over the years, started around age 30 or so. I don't remember hot sauces tearing my intestines up quite as much in the past too. Also can't really chug coke and other soft drinks anymore because of how ridiculously sugary they are, like to the verge of gagging.

If I couldn't get a pizza after drinking I'd probably neck myself. One of the last remaining joys in life

>> No.10216230

i have tums for dessert all the time as well. i second the getting old sucks. i never used to get fucked up by tomatoes/acidic things.

>> No.10216296

Lol fucking loser

>> No.10216301

Don't worry about the soy meme. If you've been drinking unfiltered tap water or using plastic bottles at all then you've already done way more damage than any amount of soy will do to you.

>> No.10216313

You are not required to drink opaque white liquids. If you can't drink milk, just don't.

>> No.10216326

That's a big fucking pizza.

>> No.10216349

thats a big FUCKING post ;))))

>> No.10216356

I don't get it--is it because you are so drunk you can't properly eat? Or the pizza burns/melts your skin? What the fuck is wrong with you?
I drink heavily 2 - 3 times a week and always finish with a meal of literally anything plus milk and am fine. Do you have cowardly organs that make you sick?

>> No.10216357

For me it's the opposite, I can only eat bread if I haven't drank any cashews

>> No.10216364

who does she think she's fooling with that wig?
and would it be rude to take a peice out of the middle?

>> No.10216370

This feels like a still frame from a Tim and Eric sketch.

>> No.10216372

Why does this pic make me sad?

>> No.10216377

I was an handle a day alcohol for a long time. When I got drunk enough that ordering dominoes started to sound like a good idea, I would spend the next 3 days puking up pure stomach acid and water. Not being able to eat. Just vomiting like 100 times. I think my stomach just needed to heal. It's not prepared for pizza when you are constantly hurting it with booze.

>> No.10216382

i think he gets acid reflux/heartburn.

>> No.10216474

For me, it's the opposite. the best contrarian opinion ever made.

>> No.10216476

look at these old ass bitches

>> No.10216609

The only change I've noticed is not being able to handle hot wings from kfc. Any other spicy food I handle fine, but if I eat their hot wings, I can set my watch to the impending fiery diarrhea two hours later. This didn't happen before. I still occasionally eat them, though. Fucking delicious.

>> No.10216612

sounds like you have a mild nut allergy anon

>> No.10216617

drunk pizza is the best pizza. After a sloppy night, grab a slice brah and coat that stomach with grease, ease into hangover mode 5 hours later.

follow up with a few large pints of chilled ice water come sunrise.

Good as new

>> No.10216619

For me it's the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.10216654

my grandma has the same designs on her dinnerware

i'm 31 and can still eat and drink anything without stomach issues. sucks to be you.

>> No.10216732

Beware of poison ivy, pistachios and mangoes.

>> No.10217389

Just take fucking PPIs, you retard. You can buy them over the counter here.

>> No.10217560

Yeah filtering tap water is hardly gonna save you.
But the idea is harm reduction, not giving yourself the green light to eat trash because you've consumed trash before.

>> No.10217635

Sweets never used to bother me, now half a chocolate bar or cupcake will make my heart race and give me a stomachache. Feels bad

>> No.10217638

PPI's take several days to work and if you stop taking them the heartburn comes back twice as bad as before. Just use TUMS or baking soda

>> No.10217643

Yeah. Used to be able to have a wings, pizza, and a few pitchers of beer no problem. Besides a violent shit in the morning.

Now I've got to chug water and take several antacids before I go to sleep.

>> No.10217794


anon boolin

>> No.10217802

He's not a loser. I'm an alki too. It's very difficult to overcome. Everything in life always came easy to me except staying stopped drinking. That's been the hardest thing. I'm 27 and just stopped finally.

>> No.10217906
File: 55 KB, 570x568, il_570xN.149335545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost pepper hotwings. I used to pride myself on chemical spicy and hot tolerance. Treats my mouth and stomach fine, but now my asshole can't take it. Even normal hot ones sometimes. Makes me so sad.

>> No.10219389

Spicy food makes my butthole fucking bleed and I get hemorrhoids now
It wasn't like this until my early 20s, it fucking sucks because I love spicy food

>> No.10219649


>> No.10219654

Developed an allergy towards bananas in my early-mid 20s. It's a shame 'cus I like bananas

>> No.10219664

Try organic milk. I used to think I was lactose intolerant, organic milk give me no stomach pains and I don't fart all the time like when I tried to use lactaid.

>> No.10219665

Getting older and spicy stuff starting to give me heartburn

>> No.10219678

patrician taste

>> No.10219841
File: 416 KB, 570x568, braaaaap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10219874

Certain foods will cause you to produce excessive stomach acid, and you can sometimes burp the acid up the esophagus and back into your mouth. This is called acid reflux.
A lot of food that's generally considered unhealthy, or are high in sodium can cause acid reflux.

>> No.10220870

pizza and alcohol just gives me atomic shits that last like 20 minutes

>> No.10221026
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 00068100058611_a1c1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can you no longer eat because of age or intolerance?

I used to eat Kraft Dinner all the time, now I eat it maybe once a week if at all and I just shit it all out in like 5-6 hours.

>> No.10221058

For me it's the same. I can only drink bread when I haven't had cashews, and that's if I'm eating less.

>> No.10221065

Man, I worry about Brenden Frazier

>> No.10221318

why remotes on the floor and not on the lower tier of the table

>> No.10221336

I'm only in my mid-twenties, but I've had to take a lot of stuff off my personal menu because of how badly it hurts my stomach.
I can eat anything no problem, but the effects afterwards are runny.

I can't eat fast food anymore, any soda will also do me in. I can eat pizza okay, but it usually causes me to have a really bad morning. I've also had to stop drinking coffee completely, and replaced it with tea.

I've had to limit myself a lot more than just this, but i can't think of all of them off the top of my head.

>> No.10221479

Had to tone down extra spicy foods. Still love the taste but my guts say "no" and proceed with rapid explosive diarrhea. Normal spicy is okay though.

>> No.10221552


You and I are the same

>> No.10222009

easily one of the best pics i've seen on four chan

>> No.10222313

I can't eat large pie of jalapeno pizza anymore. I mean I can, but I have a fiery shit the next day and feel kinda bloated. Too much cheese is probably also bad. But I'm only 26. Recently, not drinking alcohol makes me feel weird.

>> No.10222573

Because they ordered a big ol' pizza for all their friends and nobody showed up ;(

>> No.10222595

I'm only 22, but I've been getting pretty bad heartburn since I was about 16. It doesn't seem to be tied to any particular thing I eat and I usually just deal with it, but it can be annoying when it keeps me from getting to sleep for a few hours.

>> No.10222869

For Fucking You

>> No.10223405

>eat an apple almost every day since I was 5
>6 months ago (I'm 23)
>ate apple
>lips swell up, throat itchy
>what the fuck
>take benadryl, pass out
>eat apple 2 days later
>same thing
>now I'm allergic to apples

>> No.10224023
File: 11 KB, 255x254, 08d16903807fa27a44a065615ed70434b104e17b2250904b35cc5d115b53ec06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't eaten a banana since 1995, they started giving me horrible heartburn.

>> No.10224046

It's not because you are old, it's because you are fat. Lose the weight and the acid reflux goes away.

>> No.10224079


I don't bleed or anything but my digestive system definitely can't handle real spice like it used to. Mouth and stomach are fine but I'll be shitting gassy type 6 on the Bristol scale the next morning if I go too hard. Also general bloating/pain until I unload that chilli shit.

It sucks because I fucking love pushing my spice boundaries.