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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 612x459, 03-school-lunch-sl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10215321 No.10215321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can Amerisharts defend this garbage?

>> No.10215324

I legit miss getting to eat garbage like that in school.

>> No.10215325

That’s for niggers. White parents pack healthy lunches for their children

>> No.10215329

We need the tax money eurocucks use to give out free quality lunches in their school to bring FREEDOM to mudslimes

>> No.10215333

Because school lunches are cheap as fuck. You can't expect any better for what you pay. Where else do you get a whole tray of food for like 2 bucks?

>> No.10215332

it has an orange in it so its healthy

>> No.10215334

A mutt with shit taste. What else is new.

>> No.10215341

honestly the worst part is getting 2 shitty cookies with one bite of chocolate instead of 1 okay cookie with twice as much chocolate

>> No.10215363
File: 395 KB, 717x717, 1507284305246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senior anon from a Californian high school, this shit is pure garbage and you could thank Obama's transgender ape wife for this crap, the majority of the lunch at our school for the exception of Tuesday in which we get actually fried chicken and mashed potatoes and some of the breakfast, the majority of food like eating bland tasteless prison food in which if I had a choice of drinking Soylent that actually tastes good versus the shit I get at school. I rather choose Soylent and become a soy boy rather than eat that crap

>> No.10215364

>10 year olds hate nuggies, milk, and cookies

>> No.10215373

>actual high schoolers are posting here
The food fucking sucked long before Obama.

>> No.10215390

I remember the nuggets being so fucking dry they'd give you heartburn eating them, which was ironic because the tater tots were so greasy they'd give a six year old heart burn. You'd think the two would counteract each other.

The nugget's insides looked like they were some sort of hollow catacombs, it was creepy.

>> No.10215396

There's plenty of underage posting going on and always has been.

>> No.10215402


>actual high schoolers

Who else would find soyboy posting funny?

>> No.10215406
File: 47 KB, 168x168, 250px-Genuine_Animal_Milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not American and I can defend everything except the rat milk

>> No.10215412

Actually now that I analysed the picture a bit more, I can't defend the cookies.
Did they seriously put 2 fucking chocolate chips on the biscuit? Absolutely disgusting

>> No.10215419



>> No.10215421

I work in a schooll district, it got 100% worse, all sources of carbs have to be whole wheat, and expected use of condiments is considered part of the calorie count. No salt either of course.

Do you know how fucking disgusting Apperts/Sysco whole wheat pasta is? Its fucking GRIT.

Portion sizes are also shit for student athletes.. Some in brainthink thinks people on the senior swim team use the same ammount of calories as 7th graders.

Its an absolute fucking joke. On staff days we are encouraged to eat with the kids, fuck that nonsense.

>> No.10215423


Ham and cheese sandwich, ants on a log, apple or banana, and a bottled water with a drink mix? Lol

>> No.10215433

True, I been browsing this place back in my middle school days and found this place during the summer break, and yes it's true that a bunch of underage fags usually come over the summer since they have nothing better to do than dick around on the internet. Actually I knew Reddit before 4chan but I couldn't catch on because how shit the layout and system was so i completely just abandon reddit over 1 or 2 days of using it

>> No.10215438

there aren't cookies in lunches anymore for schools who accept subsidized lunches.
kids are allowed a desert on specific holidays I think.

>> No.10215447


Don't forget the fruit roll up

>> No.10215449

There is nothing wrong with this meal.

>> No.10215465

>talking shit about nuggers and tots


>> No.10215470

How about the severe lack of vegetables? Replace the cookie with steamed veggies and it's okay.

>> No.10215483

My mom always packed my lunch and I'll probably end up doing the same for my kids. I've been out of high school for a good six of seven years now, but everyone I saw getting school lunch had terribly disgusting looking food.

Those generic-ass spicy chicken sandwiches, and probably shitty mashed potatoes or some sort of vegetable, and a fruit cup. Fuck that shit.

>> No.10215485

nice blog

>> No.10215492
File: 71 KB, 925x583, 1510918798907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the vegetables given out by American schools have any nutrition in them
Let me guess, even if they did switch the cookies with vegetables it would still be a dried out peas, corn and carrot mix with fuck all nutrition

>> No.10215498
File: 1.11 MB, 852x815, Screenshot_20180219_172647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White parents pack healthy lunches for their children

Mommy will never love you this much.

>> No.10215504

Also, it doesn't matter how nutritious it is if the kids won't eat it and they never do anything with the veggies, they're always served plain.

>> No.10215508

i went to a 99.5% white school where most kids were on free school lunch. shut up. you're wrong. I accept your apology.

>> No.10215511

Not his fault you were home schooled you little faggot

>> No.10215512


>> No.10215513

>White parents pack healthy lunches for their children
Nah, most kids at my school went to the canteen or had more tasty but unhealthy packed meals from their parents.
I was an exception since my mum is vegetarian and gluten free also she works and studies in natural health so I always had really healthy lunches that I was forced to eat for most my childhood, could not even trade my lunch away, however I did end up enjoying my healthy packed lunches by highschool.

>> No.10215524

It's almost like schools and the teachers are so far out of touch with reality that they believe that kids these days actually want to eat vegetables for lunch (sad truth)
Best way to force vegetables into children is by disguising them in other foods. I hated broccoli growing up but my mum started chopping it up and throwing it into my spaghetti bolognese in which I would eat it.

>> No.10215530

Nah, it's more about the fact that no actual cooking goes on in school cafeterias. It's mostly heating up frozen food and opening industrial size cans.

>> No.10215542

lmao no white parents just bought their kids lunchables

>> No.10215554

Brit here, I'd love to eat that desu

>> No.10215663

lol spbp. "cold lunch" all the way, even though most people who brought their own lunches ate shit too.

>> No.10215669

on this board? i thought this was mostly 20s+ year olds and alcoholics on here.

>> No.10215675
File: 52 KB, 420x314, 2016-03-13-1457845495-1270437-FullSizeRender23-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks better than this shit I had to endure for TWELVE FUCKING YEARS.

>> No.10215681
File: 19 KB, 394x350, 1512583982894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing wrong with bland, freeze-dried balls of chemicals starch and fat because it's COMFY

Is this some le ironic epic troll? That's practically gourmet compared to the dogshit served in muttland schools.

>> No.10215688

You don't understand.

>> No.10215693


I would have looked forward to eating Korean food (only) once a week back in elementary school.

>> No.10215699

mmmm sodexo brand prison grade shredded chicken nachos. its 100% chicken, but only 30% meat.

>> No.10215702

Looks like shite

>> No.10215705

What, that you need to have extremely shit taste to prefer school "food" to what you posted?

>> No.10215714

You just don't understand.
Don't reply to me again.

>> No.10215715

>ants on a log
eur*peans truly are subhuman...

>> No.10215716

We had 4 lunch lines. Mostly self segregated.
>Line 1: Whites. Dominoes pizza
>Line 2: Whites. Wraps/subs/chicken sandwich
>Line 3: Niggers. Fried chicken.
>Line 4: Spics. Tamales, taco salad, burritos.
I'd go to the beaner line when I wanted to have something different but the niggers were pretty much off limits.

>> No.10215722
File: 89 KB, 600x444, C80C0C16-872A-42A9-B493-9F9B23967A25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone uses the term 'cuisine'

>> No.10215724
File: 85 KB, 800x850, 1519568968390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10215729
File: 6 KB, 369x369, australians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10215733
File: 24 KB, 600x403, pre-op-frontal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MaRuGo D@LtoRoK

>> No.10215736

I told you, you just don't understand.
Don't even think about replying to this post.

>> No.10215761

Well seems like you never stopped being a faggot rëdditor, so go back and piss off.

>> No.10215764
File: 60 KB, 649x563, 1513964205950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10215766

>Americans get free lunch and complain
My homemade lunches were much worse than this.

>> No.10215777

If you went to a 99.5% white school where most kids were on free lunch you lived in hick central. Are your mom and dad siblings?

>> No.10215779
File: 6 KB, 448x216, ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I TOLD you, you just DON'T understand.
If you reply to me ONE more time then I'll insist we fight in Grimsby.

>> No.10215782

uh, buddy, we call them Shartmarts now.
if you're going to mock america, do it right.

>> No.10215788
File: 240 KB, 480x415, 1510179027811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10215790


>> No.10215796
File: 36 KB, 650x488, 1519581089758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ey gringos, the pistolas, hand them over

>> No.10215807


>> No.10215813
File: 514 KB, 769x967, 1479269694084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok thread is boring me now and I need to hit the servo for more ciggies

Original soup pic wasn't actually mine I was just lonely and wanted attention, thank you anon

>> No.10215827


find me a food without chemicals

>> No.10215829




>> No.10217660

my high school used to cater us with mr. hero's roman burgers every other Friday and it was a big hit because nobody liked the cafeteria's food and would buy those burgers instead. students would get angry when they ran out since they were first come first serve and you waited in line for 20 minutes just to find out you weren't eating.

they stopped doing this because presumably people complained that it wasn't fair.

turned out later the local news busted the kitchen for having rats in it and overall being really filthy.

>> No.10217692

Yet another in a never ending string of things liberals ruined through overregulation. Then they will be the first to take your side bashing said American thing they caused.

>> No.10217895

Every school lunch thread is full of people complaining about black kids not being able to afford them. Now the story is "muh only niggers get the school lunch".
Is this all you have in life?

>> No.10217927

A shame, he seemed an honest man.

>> No.10217953

Cant risk it

>> No.10218027

>2 cookies
>Tots AND an orange
>More than 3 nuggets
Anon that image is like 10 years out of date