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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 361 KB, 1269x833, 636042042631327676-1309428566_retail cashiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10208465 No.10208465 [Reply] [Original]

All that frozen food isn't too good for you, haha. Paper or plastic?

>> No.10208472

>Paper or plastic?
Oh, this store is definitely NOT in my town.

>> No.10208478

Is that Robert's father?

>> No.10208482

Yes. He marched with Dr. King.

>> No.10208484

First off, why is Bill Cosby bagging my groceries, second my city doesn't allow stores to provide single use bags, so you've got to bring your own.

>> No.10208489

>my city doesn't allow stores to provide single use bags

What sort of commie bs is this?

>> No.10208537

>you can buy the bags at the checkout for like $10 a piece
sounds more capitalist to me

>> No.10208546

plastic thanks dude

>> No.10208547

it all ends up frozen in the end, if you catch my drift (the sun will eventually burn out)

>> No.10208570

my usual grocery trip is nothing but fresh veg and whatever meat is on sale
some people will ask what I'm making, but college-age girls have literally laughed and asked "what's all this stuff for ;)" and been confused when i said it was my food for the week
cis bitches can't cook unless it's pinterest or tastemade

>> No.10208604

They might have been laughing because college age girls are known to use fresh veg to masturbate.

>> No.10208638

Only in porn m8

>> No.10208687

Bill Cosbys working at a grocery store now? How the mighty have fallen desu...

>> No.10208714

Hey better than jail

>> No.10208750

Haha yes Robert senior. I'll do better next time. By the way I have this cupon for falcon feed...

>> No.10208772
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>> No.10208800

Robert Sr.? I am acquainted with your son, he's a professional Kinoplex manager. Are the crab legs a family recipe?

>> No.10208807
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Tripple paper bag it wagie

>> No.10209023

>what are you making with this :)
>it's the food I'm eating all this week
>oh... I see :|

another day another autist

>> No.10209043

Nah, I'm getting food for my fatass roommates. The meat and produce is mine though.

>> No.10209218

It's not frozen, it's just thermally challeneged. I'll be writing to your HR department about this.

>> No.10209243

Commi "The bags are killing the environment! But ignore the fact the state is always on fire." fornia.

>> No.10209260

>Not making sure he triple bags every individual item.
>Not then taking out all the items he put in those bags and moving them.
>Not then whipping out your check book.

>> No.10209289

You're a black man working a shitty dead-end job. I guarantee you eat at least as much shitty frozen food as I do.

>> No.10209327

At least I'm not a nigger.

>> No.10209922

stole my reply

>> No.10210016

Im on a food run for a LAN party besides its my cheat day anyways
My usual store is an hour away.
*after checking out*
Btw the chasier is white too

>> No.10210021


Paper please

Thank your, Mr. Cosby

>> No.10210033

obviously i tell them what meals i planned retard not those exact words

>> No.10210075
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I don't speak the same language as my grocery store clerks so we don't have conversations, but I hope they are less grossed out now that I'm buying healthier stuff and losing weight steadily.

>> No.10210087

heh, no offense kiddo but maybe learn to tell stories better

>> No.10210122

>Prohibit people from distributing useless rubbish to everyone
>Wtf gommunism
Kys murripleb
This saves those customers who don't want the bags the cost of supplying the bags for others, which must be baked in to the cost of their goods. It's an anti-commy move

>> No.10210125

How does the state being on fire have anything to do with plastic bags?

>> No.10210134

ALDI does it. Ironic how a German company can be so greedy.

>> No.10210137

Oh how I envy you... I envy the simplicity of your mind

>> No.10210147

no you don't your just being mean to him so please stop.

>> No.10210154

>pollution raises global temperatures
>higher temperatures result in more frequent and more extreme weather activity, drier winters and more flammable forests
>what do you mean stop polluting, can't you see the state is on fire?!?

>> No.10210163

>"it's the worst drought in history, everyone stop taking showers and call the cops if your neighbor waters their lawn!"
>meanwhile politicians take bribes to drain water from the San Joaquin Delta Valley so farmers can grow almonds in the middle of the desert

>> No.10210167


>> No.10210182

They still charge the same whether they have to buy plastic bags or not. You think those savings get passed on to you? Fuck no bitch, bow down to your shekel-hungry Jew overlords.

>> No.10210199

Just like tobacco "allegedly" causes cancer and all the disputing science was funded by the tobacco industry and also the tobacco industry had proof of cancer for years but never released it and even obfuscated it internally by referring to cancer by codenames.

>> No.10210200

Stop being anti-semetic. If you are trying to be funny, that's tired and lazy humor. If you are trying to be offensive that's common old material.

Get something new.

>> No.10210201

>Hey we don't have water
>We should grow more avocados and almonds

>> No.10210228

what does tobacco have to do with the global warming meme?

>> No.10210968

Thats old man rondo, he will assist you with anything you need.

>> No.10210973

Tobacco does, but the dangers of it are overblown. People seem to think that even smelling it means secondhand smoke means guaranteed lung cancer. Hell, even thirdhand smoke is a thing. Meanwhile, actual smokers usually need to smoke tens of thousands of cigarettes before getting cancer

>> No.10210975

Shut up old man! You don't know anything about my life.

>> No.10210981

Shut up, Cosby. I'm glad your rapist apologist daughter is dead.

>> No.10211211

I'll have paper. Be sure to greet robert from me when you see him, thanks!

>> No.10211221

The bags cost them next to nothing, because the long term environmental costs are not factored into the cost of production. Everybody else has to pay for it later.

Not being able to supply them reduces the store's potential sales, because it becomes less convenient to buy more junk you don't need.

>> No.10211224


>> No.10211893

>Implying good food isnt as cheap as frozen meals

>> No.10213569

>this and the grocery jester thread and the questionable threads last night

>> No.10213597

Where do you think you are

>> No.10213602

who the fuck uses paper bags anymore?

>> No.10213610


>thinking a /pol/tard would ever listen to common sense or accepted science

>> No.10213617

People with fireplaces, smokers, grills, firepits, real lives, etc.

>> No.10213618


I like to get them so I can put my empty liquor bottles in them before putting them in the trash bag, so if anyone happens to look in my garbage can they wont just see a giant stack of empty vodka handles.

>> No.10213619

95 year olds

>> No.10213623

Here in Alameda County it's all you can really get. Occasionally stores will have the extra thicc plastic bags (that are "reusable"), but aside from that off chance paper is your only choice.

>> No.10213624

>bitching about /pol/
>in a /tv/ shitposting thread on /ck/
There's like three /tv/ shitposting threads on the first page and you're worried about da evil nazis.

>> No.10213633

This is why I don't recycle. It's easiest to hide the bottles and cans at the bottom of a garbage bag topped up with ordinary rubbish.

>> No.10213635

>I don't know how free market competition works
They better or they're out of business unless the industry is a defacto cartel from overregulation, which grocery stores aren't. Learn basic economics

>> No.10213652

>Not paying for everything with exact change which is randomly distributed in every pocket and every section of your three bags

>> No.10213660

Jew detected

>> No.10213665

>choosing inferior paper just so you have a bit of kindling

>> No.10213669

I've never got on /pol/ and saw someone interjecting food in a thread and someone tells them to fuck off to /ck/. It would makes 1000x more sense because /pol/ gets like 20x the traffic on top of it.

Don't like it don't fucking read it. Don't like it enough fuck off the site entirely then

>> No.10213675
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But what do you put in your small wastebasket around the house?

>> No.10213676


>> No.10213683

Biodegradable plastic bags appropriately sized

>> No.10213697

there's nothing wrong with frozen veg and fruit

>> No.10213725

Do these cost $$?

>> No.10213783

Yes. It's worth it to prevent the countryside from being clogged up with the free, non-biodegradable plastic bags of old by those who can't be trusted to dispose of them properly.

>> No.10213785

Probably quite a bit more and it's just a marketing sham to make bigger profit margins. Don't know this in particular but that's how 95% of the green industry works.

>> No.10213795

Ok so how about producing them? If it takes more industrial output to produce them then you're kinda spinning your wheels in your crusade. With it costing more I would either assume that's the case, or you're being taken to the cleaners by a company ripping you off

>> No.10213801

Meant for >>10213783

>> No.10213813
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whole foods

>> No.10213833

>not going shopping at 4 am and using a self-checkout

>> No.10213969
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Must be nice to have so much money to waste on where you put your trash and to feel smug about it too

>> No.10214876

if i had the choice i'd pick paper
i like scribbling sad faces on them and wear it
other times i place them on my coat rack and pretend someone is there

you can make sock puppets out of them too

>> No.10214918
File: 12 KB, 480x266, 1381041781448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my town we have to bring our own bags to grocery stores.

>> No.10215783

He was trying to be honest.
Kikes are gay.

>> No.10216194

It's definitely better than subsidising everyone else's plastic bags when I go shopping and then having my taxes wasted on restoring the condition of the environment after said bags are wantonly disposed of. So yeah, it's very nice.

>> No.10216199

Why not just put your trash in the bin without a liner and hose it out after emptying, though?

>> No.10216203

That sounds like a lot more work. I prefer to minimise the potential to be splashed with garbage juice in my day to day activities too.

>> No.10216233


I always bring my own bag, Stevie. We've been over this.

>> No.10216276

From what I've heard in germany stores are now forced to sell paper bags because muh enviroment.

>> No.10216282

I know, I want to die

>> No.10216299

Hi there!

I'm Stevie, and I totally remember you from the seven million other customers whom I've served this week.

Because you're special!

>> No.10216323

Actually, I live in Little California, aka Central TX

They really are parasites.

>> No.10216394

Why did you raise the price of Falcon food so much Robert Sr? I can't afford any fresh food because of it.

>> No.10216620

Secondhand smoking is 100% admitted as a fact.
Kids with smoker parents have more respiratory diseases with everything else took on account. That's something that's been verified dozens of times by dozens of different scientific teams everywhere in the world.
And duh, of course cancer takes decades to develop. The disease is like that, and it's the same with basically every substance that can cause cancer (like asbestos), outside of people getting leukemia a few months after being exposed to a shitload of radiation.
And the fact that around half of smokers die of smoking related diseases earlier than the rest of the population with a quality of life that massively decreases compared to non-smokers has also been accepted by literally everyone dealing with smokers for decades now.
Some people can smoke and end up relatively healthy. But they're extremely rare. Those people are the one overblown by smokers, who meanwhile ignore the cancer wards filled with thousands of smokers dying slowly and painfully.

>> No.10216626

lol my thought exactly

>> No.10216632

lmfao. I get the same shit man. I'll get some canned stuff like tomatoes cause poorfag. But literally the same thing, they try to guess what I'm making or think I'm a private shopper or something

>> No.10216635

you guys are making me cringe

>dumping all change on the counter when the line up is 10 deep and the total its $47.78

>> No.10217393

Not my fault you didn't study hard in school.

>> No.10217473

I don't have any time to eat at work usually, so when I get home i'm exhausted and starving and don't really want to spend more than a few minutes on a meal. Plus, having lactose intolerance removes a lot of the quick eat options I used to cook. I would just tell him I have plenty of things to cook at home, but I don't have the time, and to fuck off out of my business.

>> No.10217624

Sho' thang white boy.

>> No.10217639

I'm a pretentious douche nozzle that think's it's low class to be seen carrying groceries in plastic so paper, please.

>> No.10217705

wild fires are a natural processs that many plant and animals rely on, however due to climate change California is the dryest it's been in decades :^)

I think most environmentalist would agree with you on that one

>> No.10217726
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>work as cashier
>never charge for bags

Done this for a year and no one has said shit

>> No.10217755
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I only charge minorities and coalburners for bags

>> No.10217764

hey good shit, i also only ask minorities for their ID when they’re making a gift card purchase with a credit card.

>> No.10217785

> however due to climate change California is the dryest it's been in decades :^)
I thought it was because 85% of the water in your state went towards almond farming

>> No.10218438

listen here, nigger. keep your eyes to yourself

>> No.10218456


>> No.10218458

>>pollution raises global temperatures
It's true, I once littered a cigarette butt and suddenly the temperature went up an extra 10 degrees

>> No.10218464

thank-you both
there's a cashier at the food basics near where i live that i know doesn't charge me for bags and i always go through their lane
i always smile at them and they smile back and i hope they know it's because of that

>> No.10218478

>workers don't recognice him at the local store

How's it feel having the personality of a card board?

>> No.10218496

Sorry, but I don't want a rapist touching my goods. I'm going to the next lane.

>> No.10218683

Sir, I’m not really sure if I would call 5 bags of ice frozen “food”, I just need it for a party tonight. But if you have plastic, that should be fine.

>> No.10218749
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Gotta have my tots

>> No.10219821
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No it cuz California doesn't do control burns