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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10207794 No.10207794 [Reply] [Original]

guys... i just got a job at a fancy 5 star restaurant as a kitchen manager. the thing is, i lied on my resume and said i went to culinary school and had experience as a head chef. I've only ever worked at Denny's for about 2 years as a fry cook.. i've never even made a Roo in my life and i just learned what a mier poux is..

What am i getting myself into? Can i wing it? any youtube videos i can watch to teach myself some basics?

>> No.10207809

Why lie to is inside of this shit hole
we call 4chan?

>> No.10207815

You need experience in any field you're in to be a satisfactory manager. With the expectations they have at 5 star restaurants, you're probably gonna get sacked in a month.

>> No.10207816

You're fucked lol

Learn how to make everything on the menu...stat

>> No.10207818

Alex French Guy Cooking

>> No.10207822

i hope your five-star restaurant specializes in overcooked eggs and chicken tendies, otherwise you should put in your 2 weeks before you get fired for incompetence

>> No.10207828

Poor bait.

>> No.10207839

*mire poix
you're fucked, just give up right now.

>> No.10207852

why/how did you leave dennys

>> No.10207856
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>mier poux
Thanks for the laugh, anon.

>> No.10207886

i knocked a full can of cooking spray in the deep fryer during a dinner rush and we had to shut down for like 2 hours so i got fired

>> No.10207895

god i wish i could see this

>> No.10207906

I just realized we have a Dennys in my city. Should I go? American 24 hour diners seem comfy in movies and tv shows. Maybe I should take a book and go at 3am and order a massive breakfast? What is the best thing on the menu?

>> No.10207907


>> No.10207912

the only thing dennys are good for is wandering into late at night on the verge of blackout drunkeness

>> No.10207916

prime rib philly melt or pot roast melt

>> No.10207919

Also how common is fucking with peoples food in the food industry? I always get paranoid that someone will do something disgusting to my food, even though I go out of my way to be really polite and convenient with my orders.

>> No.10207920

seriously, denny's is only good if you are completely smashed.
and if you go there anytime between 8pm and 10am, assume every other customer there has a BAC of .30 or higher

>> No.10207928

Never. it never happens.

http://www.lawrysonline.com/tam-oshanter/ this is the restaurant, i start on wednesday. i never even cooked a steak before.

>> No.10207931

What about larping that I'm an American in a slow moving drama series set in a tired but comfy small midwest US town? I've never been to a Dennys but I feel like it could be good for that. I'm going to buy a cowboy hat just for this.

>> No.10207933

Its the kind of place where you can just order a coffee and they dont care.

>> No.10207940

that looks like a weird Cracker Barrel... i guess just keep the waitresses from shooting heroin during their shift and youll be GTG

nothing about it seems particularly french btw. Maybe its because I am from New Orleans where a ton of french-inspired restaurants and french chefs (cajun too) live.

>> No.10207943

actually upon further review this has to be a troll, the restaurant is very blatantly anglo

>> No.10207946

Listen man you gotta seize the opportunity. Hell maybe the owner will appreciate your drive. Not to mention you showing the willingness and capability to convincingly lie to him to further your own interests.

Honestly it seems like you are an opportunist who is good at getting himself in and out of awful situations. I suggest that if he calls out on your inability to cook, you tell him that you work for the US government and that your position within the restaurant is a matter of vital national security. Maybe hint that another employee is a deep cover soviet spy.

I dunno I'm just spitballing but your best bet is to keep lying until you get fired or promoted.

>> No.10207948

its oldest restaurant in LA

>> No.10207960

I think I'll get a stack of pancakes and a cracka jack breakfast with some hashbrowns and a black coffee

>> No.10207967


>> No.10207990

what does that mean? I know the owner of the oldest restaurant in new orleans, and it predates the civil war

>> No.10208001

Seems like a slightly fancy Applebee's so I don't think you have that much to be worried about. Fake it until you make it.
On the other hand I wish I could be there while you're working there to see how fucked it gets before you're fired. "Compliments to the chef"

>> No.10208009

Congratulations my dad works for nintendo

>> No.10208125

Find a local diner. Those are better.

>> No.10208130

They aren't American styled and they don't stay open late though

>> No.10208136

>my dad works for nintendo
Guess he'll be looking for a new job soon then.....

>> No.10208141

I just realized that you aren’t in the States. My bad. Yeah go and experience. Try it after a night of heavy drinking, it’s the American way.

>> No.10208148
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fuck off fraud

>> No.10208153

I shall do this

>> No.10208157

I knew some no fun allowed nigger faggot would do this. Kill yourself.

>> No.10208161

I've been in the industry for years and I've only overheard employee's joking about fucking with rude customers food but they never actually do anything. I assume in fast food where you have more ignorant employees it's more likely that they might do something but ONLY if your an asshole or being very indecisive. I've read some rare cases of idiots fucking with food for no reason before.

>> No.10208162
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>central ulaanbaatarian chicken tender breading station

>> No.10208165

you aren't funny

>> No.10208166
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>dox your employer on 4chin
>what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.10208167

I know, I'm serious.

>> No.10208181

and you're a faggot

>> No.10208187

Can you flombay? if you can do that it will totally impress everyone

>> No.10208198
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>yfw OP is setting up someone he knows by doxxing guy's new employer and claiming to be him

>> No.10208223


>> No.10208229

No I'm not.

>> No.10208260


>> No.10208460

When I worked at Taco Bell I knocked an entire stamp gun into the deep fryer. I rushed frantically to wrap it up into a bunch of paper towels and then hid it in the trunk of my car for over two months before I made it into a plaque on my wall.

>> No.10208487

>i knocked a full can of cooking spray in the deep fryer during a dinner rush and we had to shut down for like 2 hours so i got fired
>Apply for a manager job in a 5 stars restaurant
>Lie on his resume

You're either retard or a genius, but you got nothing to lose, just promise me you will come back here in 1 month to tell us how it is at your new place.

Also how the fuck did you manage to put a cooking spray in a deep fryer?

>> No.10208495
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This... got greedy with the stars...

>> No.10208513

dude cooking is bullshit, anybody can do it. it's all about confidence. just when you taste your own food make this crazy face like it's the best shit you every had. then everyone else will too

>> No.10208519
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>>central ulaanbaatarian chicken tender breading station
Jesus, I seriously lost it here. Haha, Thanks. I had a shitty day.

>> No.10208685

Gand SLam $16.00
Whats the minimum wage there?

>> No.10208731

Kiwi dollarydoos are almost as worthless as maple syrup dollarydoos

>> No.10208774

I've done it to overly rude people before

>> No.10209626
File: 149 KB, 965x1200, DVWjuq-VQAEJUT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the threads fucked but instead of starting a new one...

I want to cook in a restaurant, sous, prep whatever. I just want to be in the back of one of any size. I just cook a lot at home and have probably 30 dishes I could do for a restaurant, more if you include shit like tendies and sandwiches.

Obviously its about theming with the restaurant but its just a way of saying Im not inept, certainly not like OP. Can I get hired just going in and saying what I said and handing them a resume(With previous retail/odd job experience)? Thanks.

>> No.10209651

What have you got to loose by trying?

>> No.10209663

Well nothing I suppose! There is a restaurant near me with really bad food, Id really like to help make the place better.

You know you could have deleted the thread right? I guess the guy maybe could have screen capped it and sent it, come on dude...

>> No.10209675
File: 33 KB, 475x498, Roo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mier poux
I wish this was real... If by some chance it is please start a YouTube channel of you trying to bs your way through that job before you get shit-canned.

>> No.10209734

last time I went to Denny's late at night I forgot it was friday night and the place was super-packed with teenagers and nogs literally shouting over one another
also later on after they cleared out a homeless guy ran in and started trying to eat table scraps, a security guy had to drag him out. they literally paid a security company to have a guy sit out in the parking lot because of shit like this.
not once did they ask to refill my drinks in the hour or so I was there. one soda, one glass of water, that was it. incredibly disappointed.

get one of the skillets or a sandwich though, moons over my hammy or the grand slamwich though, the food is good at least, imo

>> No.10209754

You understand this is what OP wanted you to do, right? Or at least the guy pretending to be OP that posted that specific restaurant. OP has been a line cook there for years and some new hotshot started working there recently that started banging the cute girl that OP never worked up the courage to ask out. You just played right into his hands.

Or I've spent way too much time on the internet, I dunno. But that's what I would have done if I was doing some easy reverse trolling.

>> No.10210778

People don't "go" to Denny's, they "wind up" at Denny's

>> No.10210833

B R U um H.
good for you
When they fire you, ask if you can be oreo prep bitch for a minute first...good experience

>> No.10211881

They're probably gonna call you out on your bullshit in the first weeks.

>> No.10211888

Its extremely rare and even more rare in actual restaurants. Often kitchens are too busy to fuck with anything so it only happens in shitty fast food places in the middle of nowhere to people who were frequently assholes.

>> No.10212091

>implying OP wasn't just trying to reverse-psychology you into doing this all along
You're a retard, fella

>> No.10213638

The next step of your master plan should be to sabotage every aspect of the restaurant so Gordon Ramsey gets invited to sort your shit out and you get tv shekels for life.

>> No.10213684

Just make things how you want and say that it is your way and cooking is art. You faked your way there, might as well keep going as long as possible. What have you got to lose? I bet the pay is fantastic

>> No.10213702

I've worked various jobs and it can go one of two ways when someone obviously lies on their resume. They could just say fuck it and do on the job training because they don't feel like hiring another person, or fire your ass within the first day.

But I'd imagine a five star restaurant wouldn't tolerate that shit lol. It's not like you lied and said you knew how to drive a forklift and wing it. It's more like you say you're an expert welder and have no fucking clue what's going on.

>> No.10213708

>mier poux
This is bait. Quite poor bait. You’re a cunt but not as much of a cunt as those taking your bait. Saged.

>> No.10213709

hope you can deconstruct a bunch of standard dishes for no benefit

>> No.10213726

You never know though. Sixty years from now people could be reading about this on a "did you know" fact site.

>By now everyone is aware of the American staple called Mier Poux de Roo, it's an undercooked piece of beef topped with blackened and burnt mushrooms and a bunch of onion powder and a side of deep fried onion rings. Usually this plate will go for $100 in some of the more fancy restaurants, so it's reserved for the elite. But did you know this dish was actually created over a half century ago in 2018 by a man who got a job at a five star restaurant that had zero cooking experience aside from being a short order cook. The dish was thought to be a total disaster by the owner and he was almost fired until the customers starting giving their complements to the chef. A new cultural revolution was underway. This man went on to open a chain of fancy hotels.

>> No.10214303

>Well nothing I suppose! There is a restaurant near me with really bad food, Id really like to help make the place better.

Good luck anon.

>> No.10214324

Agreed. But don't announce sage faggot.

>> No.10214394

No one should believe this post is real

>> No.10214759

This. It's like the plot of a shitty Mr bean ep

>> No.10215746

You cannot find Denny's when you want it, only when you need it.

>> No.10216117

I’ll announce what I fucking like, you worthless phlegm bucket. Go fuck your mother.

>> No.10216124

What a fucking new fag.

>> No.10216163
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>so many people responding to such a shit-tier bait

>> No.10216218

took the bait hook line and.....singer

>> No.10218362
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>> No.10218449


If this weren't obvious bait, you'd be rumbled in under a minute.

>> No.10218543

Lol fuckin loser

>> No.10218556
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They are but not unless they are in NJ or some parts of NY State and southern CT, find a small local one. Denny's isn't good and they serve dessert for breakfast like how Starbucks serves milkshakes as coffee

>> No.10219476

I live on a farm just outside of such a town. It's got a Denny's, some great coffee shops, and it's starting to get some commerce. We're only 20 minutes from a major city, so I can go there whenever if I want to (usually don't). It's so damn comfy senpai. 10/10 recommend.

>> No.10220788

Samefag. Also, you seem like the real newfag, up in every thread telling everyone the rules when people have always announced sage. Again, go fuck your mother. Saged again.