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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10196676 No.10196676 [Reply] [Original]

Why does "raw unfiltered honey" taste so much better than "regular honey"? In comparison, the regular honey just tastes like corn syrup. The raw honey actually has flavor it.

also post general honey-related discussions here

>> No.10196753 [DELETED] 

>the regular honey just tastes like corn syrup
because that's actually what it is.

Many producers cheat and add corn syrup to honey.

>> No.10196842

Is that legal? I know the really cheap honey will say something like "honey sauce" or "honey spread" meaning that it's not all honey.

>> No.10196848


if the ingredients say anything other than 100% it is not 100% honey. if it says 100% honey, it is 100% honey. in the USA, at least. FDA rules and all that prevent companies from lying to consumers on food labels

>> No.10196868

Most honey you buy at the store isnt real honey.
Its literally corn syrup with food coloring.

>> No.10196873 [DELETED] 

idk if it's legal but it's obviously done since bees are dying.

There are many ways to circumvent labellings, specially in the USA.

t. "honey" shill

>> No.10196878

literal lies

>> No.10196884

Because the cheap crap is corn syrup, I get my honey from local apiarists and it is god tier.

>> No.10196897 [DELETED] 

t. retard.

>> No.10196933

>There are many ways to circumvent labellings, specially in the USA.

tin hatter detected

>> No.10196960

It's likely to do what kind of fields are around the bees. The more industralized ones are likely placed in thr middle of monoculture land. I know rapeseed honey is pretty tasteless but common because the bees produce a lot of honey from it.

>> No.10196990

Legally, something labeled as honey is supposed to be pure honey. Imports from China are often cut with rice syrup though.

>> No.10197001

>tin hatter
Back to veddit, normalfagbook, 9gag or imgur or wherever the fuck you came from.

>> No.10197005

was meant for>>10196933

>> No.10197027

>impotent insults

>> No.10197051

A little local raw wildflower honey every day keeps my allergies away

>> No.10197060


>> No.10197064

I just checked my flavorless honey and it does say the only ingredient is honey. This is going to cause me to become a honey autist. I didn't know I'd been been missing out this whole time.

>> No.10197078

Talk to a local beekeeper, there should be a local beeneepers' club where you live, and get yourself some proper woodlands honey.

>> No.10197079

>tin hatter
This isn't normalfag I let the gubbermint and media tell me what to think like veddit or some shit the website. Fucking kill yourself because you clearly can't think for yourself at all.
>Huur duur no way people can lie and put corn syrup or shit in honey, it just doesn't happen!

>> No.10197095 [DELETED] 

Try some local bee honey and you'll see store bought is literal corn syrup.

>> No.10197101

>Food Safety News tested only for pollen
>this honey isn't real honey, wahh i'm a baby

>the video
tip #1: check the label. real honey has only one ingredient, honey
just like i said you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.10197111

The only time I bought low quality honey at a supermarket, it was indeed half honey half sugar/syrup, absolutely terrifying.
I'm French so I assume it's absolutely a thing in America too

>> No.10197115

The operational term here is "filtering". That's the problem. Chinese honey is filtered to the extreme, in order to remove as much pollen traces as possible. Origin of the honey can be determined by the type of flower pollen in it. With pollen removed, you can't trace where the honey came from, thus allowing packagers and sellers to claim it to be local. The problem is, like most heavily processed foods, the flavor of honey suffers the more it's filtered, until you have what is, in essence, nothing but sugar water, but can still be called honey. Sometimes it's mixed with local product, sometimes not. A few years ago, Sioux Bee honey got in trouble for doing this, selling product so filtered and diluted that it wasn't honey anymore. Just honey flavored syrup. Trust no big corporation. Buy local. Support your local beekeeper and farmers market.

>> No.10197120

>Muh labels, everything in text form is true cuz I said so!
I love this board, it has to have more retards than /v/ and /co/ combined.

>> No.10197127 [DELETED] 

Did you even read the article faglord?

>> No.10197132
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>>Huur duur no way people can lie and put corn syrup or shit in honey, it just doesn't happen!
do you really think a USA branded, nationally distributed food item is fucking lying about its ingredients? the FDA would shut them the fuck down.

shitbags in this country want non-dairy milk to be labeled drink
>almond drink
>soy drink
>coconut drink

if it were anything other than 100% it would not be called honey you nong

>> No.10197139

i'm clearly illiterate, please summarize for it for me.

>> No.10197142
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>He actually trusts huge government agencies like the FDA.
>He trusts the FDA.
Wew lad.

>> No.10197167

honey is chemically indistinguishable from HFCS. stop putting honey in your mouth

>> No.10197173

go to literally any SE asian country and report back about their unsanitary food handling please

>> No.10197183

>One of natures finest sweeteners is chemically indistinguishable from GMO Monsanto/DuPont/Bayer/Synerga/Bill Gates garbage sweetener.

>> No.10197190

You don't have to tell me about how unsanitary and garbage brown people are. I already know this and it doesn't change the fact that you like government cock in your asshole.

>> No.10197840

t. person being paid by the honey jews

>> No.10197854

>>One of natures finest sweeteners
that would be stevia

>> No.10197857
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You know what else ryhmes with honey

>> No.10197861

Anyone here brew their own mead? Planning on doing a 5 gallon bochet next week.

Caramelized the honey fully with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cardamom, and vanilla, and then use organic Apple juice instead of water.

Shooting for an apple pie flavor. Hopefully if my starting gravity is 1.140 or greater, it'll come out sweet or semi-sweet.

Afaik the caramelized sugars are unfermentable, so that should be left behind too.

>> No.10197982

Hare is quite tasty

>> No.10198048

>not getting your honey from the local bee man

>> No.10198074

fucking this, a pint of honey is like $15 in the store, but i can go to the apiary only about 30 miles away and get a GALLON for $20

>> No.10198094

I didn't type most fine, I typed one of the finest. Is English difficult for you?

>> No.10198102

Brewed my own herbal and kings beer but never mead, it is something I would like to do though.

>> No.10198107

>one of the finest
honey is not a good thing. do you shovel spoonfuls of sugar in your mouth? that's what honey is.

>> No.10198142

I hate cane sugar with a passion but honey is great sugar.
>Hurr durr honey is the same as bleached cane sugar!

>> No.10198275


>> No.10198337

Easier than beer. The fermentable sugars are already available so you don't need to make a must. Honey is nutrient deficient for yeast tho, so you'll either need to give it a ton of time, or use nutrient additives. Check out the Brays One Month Mead for the easiest intro recipe.

>> No.10198344

i have sick fantasies

>> No.10198424

you must not be american
the federal government and FDA benefit a lot more by restricting things than they would letting a bunch of people consume fake products

>> No.10198460

I am an American and your post is wrong. The FDA cares about lining their own pockets and shilling for agricultural, pharmaceutical, chemical and livestock companies. Just because they don't tell you they let you eat shit doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

>> No.10198480

>Wanting your fucking bee barf to be unfiltered


>> No.10198487

>why does sex feel better without a condom?
Because it's unfiltered, dummy.

>> No.10198577

>a local beeneepers

I'm already a human bean, thanks

>> No.10198580

>raw milk
>pasteurized eggs
>pasteurized cheese
>non-dairy milk not being labeled as milk
I could keep going

>> No.10198583

I'll try to find some local bees and see if they can lead me to their honey trees. It's nearly spring so they should be out soon

>> No.10198587

Cool, that makes sense. The raw honey I bought is listed as unfiltered so that might be why it tastes good

>> No.10198595

I have before but I think I used shit honey because it didn't taste like much.

>> No.10198598

The pasteurization process destroys the flavor of the honey. I buy raw honey from a local bee keeper and it's amazing. He sometimes loans out his bees to help pollinate the apple orchards in eastern Washington and you can tell there's a big difference between the honey made from pollen at the orchard, and the standard clover/wild flower honey he normally has.

>> No.10198601

>do you really think a USA branded, nationally distributed food item is fucking lying about its ingredients? the FDA would shut them the fuck down.
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft oh you poor sweet naive thing. Governments and corporations could not possibly lie to you, could they? You are in for a very rude awakening, sweet child. You should look up the term "lobbyists" and go from there.

>> No.10198613
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Anyone live in Georgia? Is this company any good? It's a bit expensive but I could go buy it from the store because it's close to where I work.


>> No.10198619

>look up the term "lobbyists"
>doesn't list a honey lobbyist

>> No.10198640

A "honey" lobbyist? You mean, a corporate lobbyist who represents a company that processes a honey-like product?

>> No.10198666
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kek as if "orange blossom", "wildflower" and "gallberry" honey don't all taste the same. They're probably made like pic related

>> No.10198685

i cackled

>> No.10198690

I'm setting up 2 hives this year (I ordered my colonies in January). I planted a shitload of clover in the fall and it's coming in nicely. We're sowing bunch of wildflowers too. I can't wait, this shit is exciting af! God save the bees!

>> No.10198700

did you sow wildflowers native to your region?

>> No.10198717

They don't taste the same. If you think blueberry honey tastes like buckwheat honey you should get your tastebuds checked. The flower clearly makes the honey.

>> No.10198728

Can you give a quick rundown of how the different flowers' honey tastes. Like orange blossom vs clover vs wildflower? I want to buy it but I'm not convinced I should spend $15 for specialty honey that I haven't tried

>> No.10198731

I can imagine it now: somebody, somewhere, thinks your local apiary hires lobbysits to force those pure innocent conglomerates such as Nestle to shamefully label their processed corn syrup as such instead of being called honey. I'm starting to think bootlickers aren't assholes so much as they are just extremely sheltered and biased.

>> No.10198739

The US imports tons of honey from China, about twice as much as is produced in the US. There are tests that detect corn syrup in honey, but they use rice syrup that beats the tests.

>> No.10198853

I guess so, fuck idk? They're wildflowers that we've been growing and collecting seed from for several years. I also bought a big bag of wildflower seed specifically labelled "for bees".

>> No.10199520

You said you wanted honey, what if the bees just eat the flowers??

>> No.10199573

The unfiltered honey still has the pollen in it it's the main reason why I always buy orange blossom honey or mountain honey mother fucking berries everywhere

>> No.10199596

What is special about orange blossom honey?

>> No.10199605

The only time there's corn syrup in honey is when you get "honey sauce" from fast food places

>> No.10199619

Of course, because China started adding rice syrup because they don’t test for that yet. Once they do they’ll add something new.

>> No.10199662

>rice syrup

rice doesn't have any sugar in it idiot

>> No.10199675

yes it does

>> No.10199677

It tastes like orange blossom.

>> No.10199934

Which means what? Orange blossom sounds tasty, but does it taste like an orange? I've eaten flowers before and they taste like nothing

>> No.10200000


>> No.10200012

>and it does say the only ingredient is honey

>> No.10200065

love it

>> No.10200327
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>> No.10200344

does, as in duz

>> No.10200427

Probably didn't have enough honey, if the yeast converts all of the sugars there won't be much taste.

>> No.10200908 [DELETED] 

>there unironicall "honey" shills in this board

>> No.10200994

A small quints for men, a giant leap for peadosexuality.

>> No.10201011

You are actually a retard. Stop posting and get help.

>> No.10201014

You are a dipshit if you think any company is getting away with labeling corn syrup as honey. The FDA would fine them out the ass.

>> No.10201019

Only has to be 20% actual honey honey to be sold as honey in the UK.
Sucks trying to find legit stuff.

>> No.10201907

>Why does "raw unfiltered honey" taste so much better than "regular honey"?
Newsflash. 'Raw unfiltered honey' is on the fucking comb, mixed with wax. They have to process it just to get the honey off the comb.
Just get it before they fill it full of HFCS, and from anywhere away from cornfields. Rapeseed and wild flowers make the best honey.

Assuming they'll talk to you. They hate hipsters, and don't want you to know about their production.

I get my honey from my grandmother, who keeps bees. And I know damn well the 'organic' label is a lie; she has hives in rapeseed fields, and takes tubs of chemical fertiliser as part payment for keeping them there, which she puts on her garden. Where more hives are.
Her garden is lovely, if the bees like you.

>> No.10201943

Wouldn’t those just be(e) bees?

>> No.10202009

What is "regular honey" ? I only have "raw unfiltered honey" here.
t. non american

>> No.10202071

My supermarket only had good honey and since I moved I buy honey from the productor each time I go visit my parents.

>> No.10202088

Usually when you buy from the bee man he let you taste.

>> No.10202098

Eating the flower raw doesn't give you enough taste, you need to drink orange flower sirup or patisseries with it.

>> No.10202783

From my experience they are happy to talk about their bees, not like it's a trade secret how to produce honey and the non-industrial ones are doing it at least as much as a hobby as it is for an income. I live in Sweden though and American beekeepers may be retarded assholes.

>> No.10202796

>the regular honey just tastes like corn syrup
probably because they are almost exactly the same thing

>> No.10202888

You really fucking retarded. The fda exist to shutdown competition to the biggest corporations. This is obvious when you look at what they restrict and from who. But I don’t care what you believe I hope you get cancer and die like a moron.

>> No.10202892

Fucking retard.

>> No.10202965
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>> No.10202974

>American beekeepers may be retarded assholes.
No that anon is completely full of shit. I've been buyjng 5 gallon buckets from a local bee keeper and he'll talk about it as much as you want. I'm starting a couple hives this spring and recently joined a bee club and been to a couple classes and they really want to help you succeed in raising bees. They assign mentors who you can rely on for assistance and will visit your hives if you have problems. They want more people understanding what's involved and the issues confronting apiiaries and they most definitely want more people raising bees, not fewer.

>> No.10202983

>American beekeepers may be retarded assholes.
Americans in general are retarded assholes.

However, I'm british. My grandfather kept bees until he died, and didn't like telling people how much he produced, because it'd get taxed or regulated.
My grandmother, who inherited the bees and the business, is also equally tight-lipped about the whole thing. What the tax man doesn't know, he can't take 20% of.

>> No.10203043

That sounds a lot like how it is here.

I guess it's the brits who are retarded assholes this time around.

>> No.10203114

No shit, but as bees can fly 3 miles to get nectar most of this shit is mixed as fuck anyway it is pretty much like the duff pic.

>> No.10203154

Dude, the US imports like 70% of their honey, and try to avoid getting it from China because of shit like this. It’s not the local US beekeepers doing this, it’s honey from China going to ports in South Korea and Russia to hide the fact that it originated in China. Like drug dealers cut their product with other shit, China cuts their honey with rice syrup because it’s hard to detect and then sneak it into the US via other Asian ports. I say the US because the US accounts for 50% of honey consumption worldwide. It’s a major problem because it’s undercutting American beekeepers who don’t cut their shit with syrups, they cannot compete with Chinese fake honey which is much cheaper. The Americans even put major tariffs on Chinese “honey” so that’s why they sneak it in.

>> No.10203156

I would watch the Netflix episode of Rotten on honey, it explains how the Chinese dilute the fuck out of honey exports and ship them through third party countries to undercut pure honey producers

Basically a bunch of the honey you get in stores is cut with things like inexpensive rice syrup which doesn't taste as good. Buy local, unfiltered, or honeycomb if you want to be more confident in your honey

>> No.10203252

They can but they wont if they don't need to, that's the trick.

>> No.10203341

Man, I have to agree.
The best honey I ever had was from a bee-farmer in the Finger Lakes region, unpasteurized, with comb.

>> No.10203449

What's the deal with Manuka honey, and why is it so fucking expensive?

>> No.10203473

Luckily I think there's a big shift towards buying local honey even though it's more expensive.

>> No.10203735


>> No.10203979
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How do I find a bee man?

>> No.10204126

will do