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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10195495 No.10195495 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate vegetables so much? It has tons of nutrition, barely any calories, etc

>> No.10195504

If you mean 'why do Americans hate vegetables', because standard American restaurants are shit at preparing them properly.

>> No.10195531

If you mean 'why do Americans hate vegetables', because American vegetables are engineered to have a long shelf life and travel long distances in trucks without bruising, not taste good nor be nutritious.

>> No.10195536

If you mean "why do the people I know hate vegetables?" it does not apply to the general population and most adults really do enjoy eating them.

>> No.10195538

of course maybe OP is talking about amerimutts

>> No.10195541

Meat and bread tastes good and does vegetables taste like meat or bread? No it does not and because it doesn't taste good like meat and bread.

>> No.10195543

No you're just a fat piece of shit that can't eat vegetables unless they are deep fried, breaded, dunked in some kind of sauce, or simply a complimentary part of the dish e.g, the thin slice of lettuce on your burger

>> No.10195547


>> No.10195558


>> No.10195585
File: 204 KB, 843x2029, Ultimate-Aussie-Burger-by-TourRadar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carrot, cucumber, beetroot, fried onion, lettuce, tomato on a cheeseburger is best burger
why? because veges should enhance the flavor of a meal

>> No.10195612

Is there anything more pathetic-looking than a male eating salad? Women gather. Men hunt. If you have no meat to show, you are a failure.

>> No.10195641

>He enjoys tomatoes making his bread soggy


>> No.10195774

stop buying shit tomatoes

>> No.10195782

What if I show you my meat while you toss my salad?

>> No.10195810

Veggies don't taste as good as other foods. Why ask a question with such an obvious answer?

>> No.10195817

>merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.10195831

It's less about hating veggies, and more about being too lazy to cook and/or not knowing how to cook.

>> No.10195841
File: 292 KB, 480x596, 1517389362208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he buys watery/snotty grocery tomatoes
>he doesn't buy meaty heirloom tomatoes

>> No.10195842

way too much carbs in that

>> No.10195843

most veggies are ok raw tho, it should be the opposite if you cant cook

>> No.10195844
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>> No.10195847

A little bit this

A lot this

And also people who have never grown out of the mindset that vegetables are "yucky"

>> No.10195869

fuck dude, how often do you think people eat at restaurants?

>> No.10195888

>tons of nutrition
>barely any calories
pick exactly one

>> No.10195914

>eat this
>feel full but hungry in exactly 2 hours

>> No.10195933


You have a containment board

>> No.10195939

Your pants probably can't contain you, fatty.

>> No.10195946

literally cant be, there is fruit, vegetables, carbs and proteins
if you are still hungry, you are a disgusting ball of lard

>> No.10195965

>grapes (tiny sugar balls)

you're just praying that the fiber/fat content of the salad and fish is going to be enough to stop you from crashing.

>> No.10195994

>(((he))) uses the same type of tomatoes for any and all meals
The state of absolute plebs on /ck/ good lord

>> No.10196099

You have no idea how to use parenthesis like that.

>> No.10196136

"heirloom" is a category of tomato not a specific variety you double nigger.

>> No.10196144
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>> No.10196148

because there hardly any protein and 0 vitamin B12

>> No.10196159

My country exports 90% of it's veggies and the rest goes to us in the grocery shops. But as you can guess.. we get the shit-tier for a top-tier price. Cus muh capatalism..

>> No.10196180

Maybe if the people in your country could produce anything other than what grows in the right conditions you'd be able to keep more of those good veggies. If you ever get a space program but are still poor I'll then take you more seriously if you've still got to sell all of your heads of lettuce.

>> No.10196203

I love vegetables. they make up 3/4 of the meals i prepare. Delicious.

>> No.10196243

literally every second of every day and night.

>> No.10196247

>>grapes (tiny sugar balls)

Naturally occuring, unrefined sugar. Big difference.

>> No.10196402

not to your pancreas, it isnt. the only difference is the (low) fiber content slowing the release of the sugar into your bloodstream.

>> No.10196432

>Hamburgers came from Germany
Hamburgers are only called Hamburgers because they based off Steak Hamburg, the city of Hamburg (Germany) is completly unrelated to this.

>> No.10196447
File: 179 KB, 295x366, 1397601607534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone I've ever known outside of my family has said they hate tomatoes
>they shop at walmart for produce

>> No.10196453

This desu.
>Walmart produce is garbage
>Kroger produce isn't much better
>Farmer's Market only exists like 4 months out of the year
>"Whole Foods" and other non Walmart chains are 40 minutes away from home to go grocery shopping
Some of our neighborhood has started a backyard farming network just because it's easier to grow some things than it is to buy them from the store.

>> No.10196540

>the only difference

>> No.10197286
File: 33 KB, 550x366, 1_BDTbkk0gSB5nVZunJfCO5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grapes and grape juice are the same thing

>> No.10197730

At what point was that implied?

>> No.10197757


>> No.10197833

Because they eat over-processed shit food that the government mandated being fortified with vitamins they actually need. Without this artificially nutrified sugar-laced pablum, they would find vegetables to be delicious and deeply satisfying. It's an open secret conspiracy that big agra and food manufacturers are giving the gubbermint a reach around while they get rich off treating the masses like cattle.

>> No.10197851

>tons of nutrition
Yeah right asshole. I look at cans of vegatable or fruit, the stats are SHIT. 2% vitivmin c on a can. Makes me want to fuck myself in the ASS.

>> No.10198071

bait? bait.

>> No.10198082

I look at canned mandarin. 2% vitamin c. Any explanation?

>> No.10198128

not if you dont sit around all day.

>> No.10198156

hamburgers have been around longer than ww2 and were invented in america. they are not actually from hamburg germany.

>> No.10198177

I've just learned to eat vegetables. They do have lots of different flavours and textures.

>> No.10198246

I am a vegetable. Feel free to ask me anything.

>> No.10198407

This is almost accurate except remove pickles and replace with some grated carrot.
Pickles don't belong on a burger unless you're a fucking Seppo.

>> No.10198440

>does vegetables taste like meat or bread?
Thankfully not. Meat tastes like nothing more than the condiments you put on it - boring. Bread can taste pretty great, but I wouldn't want the vegetables I eat with the bread to taste like bread, that would be dumb.

>> No.10198450

Bread is literally made from vegetables (wheat and flowers)

>> No.10198459

Chicken breast maybe. Red meat and to a lesser extent fish are fucking delicious

>> No.10198479

>It has tons of nutrition, barely any calories, etc
Has it ever occurred to you that I need calories?

>> No.10198502


flour, idiot

>> No.10198551

has around 1200-1500 calories on that plate......how fat are you?

>> No.10198591
File: 371 KB, 1280x960, 2017-12-10-205053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you need more calories than this to make it from lunch to dinner then you're a blue collar flyover who doesn't deserve food as good as OP's pic.

>> No.10198866

yurocucks hate vegetables

>> No.10199394

as you phallus shaped

>> No.10199984

What is that and how do I get it inside my mouth?

>> No.10200057

>on a burger
Those two nukes to Japan should've went to Australia instead.

>> No.10200063

>1,200 calories on that plate
Fuck no, more like 500-600 you retard.

>> No.10200064

>grated carrot
This just keeps getting gayer and gayer

>> No.10200089
File: 102 KB, 400x400, 1129-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these vegetables aint bad

>> No.10200106

dont knock it unless you've tried it