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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 625x625, chemexexpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10191992 No.10191992 [Reply] [Original]

>Spend $40
>Get best coffee maker on the market

If you're a coffee drinker and you don't have one of these, just...

>> No.10191997

this is not an aeropress you fucking plebian.

>> No.10192007

Chemex > Areopress

I only settle for the best. My aeropress has been collecting dust for years.

>> No.10192015

>he uses filters
I will stick to my French press, faggot

>> No.10192020

That's not an espro faggot

>> No.10192119
File: 1.21 MB, 3268x2107, 2018-02-23 13.30.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stick with my espresso setup.

Also Chemex sucks at getting an even extraction. As far as paper filter -steeped pourover devices go, V60>Wave>Chemex.

>> No.10192124

>>this level of autism.

Jesus Christ do you even like coffee or just like your unwarranted self importance?

>> No.10192133

What's the rocket blower for?

>> No.10192135

That's a nice set up, I must admit.

However, the V60 > Chemex? I don't think so, pal.

>> No.10192139

>ctrl f
>multiple results found
It all checks out, keep posting gaylord

>> No.10192140
File: 21 KB, 657x527, 1487048036235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much they pay coffee engineers?

>> No.10192162


>> No.10192165

Anal injections. Completely serious.

>> No.10192167

Agreed. I just bought a reusable filter too.

>> No.10192204

Nice. It's a beautiful piece of glass that makes fantastic coffee for a very fair price, as well as being made in the USA.

The AP is made in the US as well, but it looks like a cock pump and makes about as good coffee as that probably would.

>> No.10192210

I'll stick with my keurig, thank you very much

>> No.10192230

Didn't want to make a new thread but what's are some recommend coffee grinders?

>> No.10192257

Rancilio Rocky

If you don't want to spend hundreds but want a burr grinder, Mr. Coffee sells one at Target for $30. Gets jammed up pretty commonly with darker and oilier roasts, but did the job for some time until I got the Rancilio

>> No.10192273

If I wanted to feel important I'd just post in reddit coffeestation threads and bask in the "omg so jealous" bs instead of here.

Cleaning coffee off stuff. And flushing grinders.

It is. Chemex is prone to underextraction and uneven extraction. The device is poorly designed (massive heat loss and poor flow control) and the filters are shit (texture lets grounds stick too much and the three layers on one side one on the other is terrible). It's just a bad brewer that's popular because it looks pretty and has a party trick for showing off one aspect of coffees.

I will say it was a fine brewer back before I knew what I was doing. The low quality ceiling was no big deal when my ability was lower and my grinder was limiting extraction anyway. But between developing skill and getting a better grinder it's quickly outgrown and becomes a bottleneck to extraction.

If you want Chemex type filtration in a less horrid device maybe get something like a St. Anthony Phoenix. The filters are at least 2:2 instead of 3:1.

Wish they paid me to do this shit.

St. Louis.

Cheapest worthwhile grinder is Aergrind. If you're looking for higher end than that I can go into detail with more options.

>> No.10192295

>Cheapest worthwhile grinder is Aergrind. If you're looking for higher end than that I can go into detail with more options.
Anon here >>10192230

I just want something quality and wont break. As long it's not too expensive. Maybe $500 tops. Doesn't have to be a hand grinder. Unless those are better?

How are french presses? That's what I've been using.

>> No.10192374

Aergrind, Feldgrind, or Lido are great quality hand grinders on the cheaper end. On the more expensive end there's Kinu and Comandante. Debatable if they're any better. I think Comandante may be, but it's unsure.

Cheapest electric that's actually better than the hand grinders is Bunnzilla. $150-$250 for a used Bunn G1 and $350 for SSP burrs (or more for worse Ditting burrs).

If you have problems hand grinding, there are cheaper worthwhile electric grinders like the Encore and Virtuoso, but they're worse than the hand grinders.

>> No.10192434
File: 103 KB, 200x200, 1422217549001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I'm dying


>> No.10192441

It's a nice coffee. Picked up a batch of green Yemen mostly just in case it gets to be impossible to get in the future with all the instability.

>> No.10192452

french presses are shit

>> No.10192609


>> No.10192713

Thanks for the recommendations. Looks at the Knock Feld2 grinder. May buy a v60 v2 to try out and compare to my french press also.

>> No.10192981
File: 63 KB, 670x893, User-Completed-Image-Clean-a-Coffee-Maker-2015.06.11-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a mr coffee and stfu numale

>> No.10193102

this is the chads choice

>set for 4:45am
>wake up at 5am to the smell of fresh coffee

can any of your meme machines do that? no? then kill yourselves and get to work soyboys

>> No.10193108

Why do you have an enema bottle on there

>> No.10193118


>he doesn't have a hipster barista SO who wakes up before him to take out the dog, make the dog breakfast, burr grind some local roast, and chemex that shit for the two of you

>> No.10193123

d-delet this.....

>> No.10193136
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you all come across like jism eating filth?

Get a generic espresso machine and stop being a fucking human cunt.

>> No.10193158

What does one normally use an enema for. Think about this.

>> No.10193215

Looks like some kind of rube goldberg machine

>> No.10193225

Sounds heavenly desu

>> No.10193226

Putting liquid in one of 2 orifices. Im curious what its actually sold as though

>> No.10193427

It's for blowing air on stuff

>> No.10193665
File: 1023 KB, 4250x2390, hWyBPEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found your setup on reddit 6 months ago faggot.

>> No.10193684

only a redditor would care this much about coffee

>> No.10193702


>> No.10193721
File: 1.59 MB, 1456x970, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do americans actually use the crap in this thread?

Literally just get some milk, put in pick related, grind some coffee from Cairo Coffee in Manshiya, and then stick a pod of cardamom in there and you're done. You wanna get fancy, add a clove.

wtf is wrong with you coffee-niggers?

>> No.10193731

>its a fucking tripfag

>> No.10193736

>not just popping a no-doz

>> No.10193738

Yeah, that's how I know how people react to it in >>10192273

You could also "expose" me on HomeBarista, Instagram, like three different Slack groups, and an IRC from the setup.

>> No.10193750

Sorry man. Accidentally left it on from a thread on /fit/ where my identity was actually relevant to the posts I was making.

Don't big man Tyrone me, please.

>> No.10193762

we get it, you're a huge faggot

>> No.10193763

the very center of the autism spectrum

>> No.10193766

Don't apologize to my nigger, ask god for forgiveness

>> No.10193777

Goddamn, you have a nigger slave to make posts for you? That's some next level Old (as in old money) faggotry.

>> No.10193810

I massively prefer V60 to Chemex. Less unwieldy, easier to clean, metal version available that can't be broken. Also the Chemex's leather string ties are pretty stupid. Why use materials on a piece of food/beverage equipment that can't be sanitized?

>> No.10193817

Get an air compressor instead of using a literal enema to blow away grounds/debris. Otherwise sick setup.

>> No.10195068
File: 43 KB, 629x620, daiso_konos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference in getting a v60/wave over a cheap $2 plastic one from Daiso?

They're all pourover devices.

>> No.10195084

This is the best /coffee/ thread we've had in a while.

>> No.10195089

What is all the shit in this pic from left to right , please. I must know.

>> No.10195096

>french presses are shit

Dude, french presses are amazing

- Great cheap cold brewing device
- Can froth milk if you don't have a steam wand
- Can brew tea as well as coffee
- No need to constantly buy filter papers when you've run out, just the beans.

Every coffee lover should have at least an electric kettle, a grinder, a french press and one other coffee brewing device.

>> No.10195132

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.10195140

I'm not the one who posted it but I'll try

From the left:
At the back is a black bin (knock bin) to collect ground coffee that's used or fell on the table

The thing with the pump handle is a manual espresso machine, I think I see it plugged into the wall so I think it's capable of heating up water inside.

Next to the expresso machine is a kitchen scale, behind it a mirror on the wall

In the middle of the table you have the components of a portafilter, the device used for making espresso:
Left to right
Tamp (to level and press on the grounds in the basket)
Dunno what the other two are

Behind them are the beans, and on the wall is the handle for the portafilter

Next we have what looks like another scale? Behind it something with a button, and behind that a rocket-shaped douche (kidding, the OP says it's to blow air to clean up the area)

On the wall is the coffee scoop, looks about 1oz

Next we have a coffee grinder, which to me looks like a telescope

>> No.10195144

Agreed. It's the easiest way to a decent cuppa. Yeah, maybe you can do better, but to be honest, I'll take a damn good cuppa coffee over the most amazing cuppa, because how much difference is there, really?

>> No.10195150
File: 1.54 MB, 3268x2107, Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.10195170

>Great cheap cold brewing device
An ordinary bowl does as good a job.

>> No.10195176

The french press has the plunger to filter out your grounds.

For a regular bowl, you'll still need something else like filter paper or a cheesecloth.

>> No.10195181

Pretty sure "bench scraper" is a scale and "warming rack" is a 2-in-1 heat plate and magnetic stirrer.

"Butt plug" is a measuring scoop, but you knew that already. Also, "steam wand" is actually a vibrator.

>> No.10195191

Lol, "steam wand" is actually a black knock bin for used coffee grounds/grounds that get on the table.

>> No.10195211

Guess you don't travel much, or you wrap your chemex in bubble wrap.

Aeropresses are great for portability. No glass, so they're durable. A good alternative would be a metal french press

>> No.10195225
File: 59 KB, 630x420, pourovercoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to me why I should use anything else.

>> No.10195227
File: 100 KB, 700x981, How-to-make-Turkish-Coffee-2-11158-Edit-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into turkish coffee. Where do I start?

>> No.10195246

Go to a middle eastern or Mediterranean grocery store.

Ask for a coffee pot, choose the size you want

Get a stainless steel one, copper ones are the more traditional ones but they'll rust.

The coffee grounds you need to use are finer than espresso, almost powder-like.

Ask the person behind the counter any questions you may have:
E.g. How much coffee per person? Best brands? How to brew the coffee?

Go home, brew it on your stove


>> No.10195252
File: 4 KB, 111x107, 1314498319868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will rust

>> No.10195253

Buy a very good grinder. I recommend flat burr.

Experiment yourself with different cooking techniques. Everyone will give you a different answer when it comes to sugar timing, duration of boil, number of re-boils.

>> No.10195260

Enjoy your BPA you estronaut

>> No.10195310

Yeah, there are a lot of variations when making turkish coffee, most of which end up with similar results

- Adding coffee grounds at the beginning or when water has heated up
- Sugar at the beginning, or sugar cubes in your cup, bosnian style
- Stirring vs not agitating your coffee

There are also tips on how to preserve the crema-like foam on top:

- Not letting the coffee come to a rolling boil
- Scooping out the foam into each cup before pouring the coffee.

>> No.10195322

uh or you could just go to ebay and get a turkish coffee pot and then get directions via jewtube video. pretty hard to find a pure copper one but they have mixed copper/stainless, but copper is actually best because it gets hot the fastest. stainless steel takes much longer to heat up so you'll be waiting and stirring for like 8-10 mins each time you make coffee. i have a stainless steel one and it's sort of a hassle to make coffee with it but it does taste very good.

p.s. copper doesn't "rust" it just builds up a green patina over time due to oxygen, but you can wipe it off. the fact that air doesn't affect stainless steel is actually a bad thing. the best metals (copper and silver) are also great at killing bacteria and they get tarnished by air. stainless steel sucks because bacteria can survive on its surface.

>> No.10195324

You paid $40 for a beaker?

>> No.10195325

>not letting the coffee come to a rolling boil
I think this is the most important part. If it boils too vigorously the foam gets destroyed as soon as it forms. You want it boiling just enough for it to foam up.

Most recipes have this tip in common. But then they disagree about whether to let the foam rise and fall and, if so, how many times to repeat the cycle.

>> No.10195330

Tbh I'd just get pissed off at the espresso set up taking up room in my kitchen, when I just drink coffee out of my $15 drip machine to wake up.

>> No.10195331


I have a stainless steel coffee pot and it heats up the water in like 2-3 mins on low heat.

^This, are chemex filters a scam? Can't you just use a glass vase?

Sorry, that's what I meant, I meant don't go to the point where the water boils too vigourously that the foam gets destroyed.

Though some say let the coffee rise and fall, and not let it roll, some say let it roll but NEVER let the water boil vigourously

>> No.10195351

>Bacteria can survive on its surface

What is cleaning before and after using the pot?

Also, you're bringing the water to a near boil, most of the bacteria will die anyway.

Unless you're living in an area with something like ebola, I doubt you have much to worry when using a steel pot for cooking.

>> No.10195358

what is the device on the far right?

>> No.10195363

Well, you likely won't need another pourover filter/drip device

How about a turkish coffee pot?

Or a french press, see >>10195096 for why

>> No.10195365
File: 66 KB, 759x480, siphon_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever used a siphon coffee maker?

If so, what's it like?

>> No.10195375

A grinder, or if you mean the metal object off the table at the edge of the image, that's a kettle.

>> No.10195384

Which means that he's normal?

>> No.10195396
File: 33 KB, 618x420, bodum_pebo_vakuum_kaffeebereiter_1208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one like in the pic. I grind my coffee myself so you have to make sure it is not grinded to fine, regular store bought was for that reason not useable. The coffee is stronger in taste and caffeine content than drip coffee also a bit acidy. For heating i used the stove and only rarely open flame, the stove is just faster.

>> No.10195401

What beans do you normally use?

>> No.10195411

>leaving pre-grounded coffee to sit in your machine overnight
>having pre-grounded coffee at all and claiming to have "fresh" coffee

>> No.10195418
File: 1.97 MB, 1024x1024, 1024px-425_degrees_city_roast_coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% arabica medium dark roast, sometimes i use espresso roast beans when i dont have other beans at home for i as of late drink mostly espresso.

>> No.10195423
File: 950 KB, 970x1368, 81241E8F-4D28-4C72-BD18-A3822999932C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hand blown version is made in Germany, as is one of the cleaning brushes Chemex sells.
If you buy one, buy the glass handle version. The leather strap and wood collar version is annoying.

>> No.10195429

You don't know the origin of the arabica beans?

>> No.10195431


>> No.10195443

K, thanks. And you said it was strong and acidy?

I had a washed Honduras a while ago and I remember it tasting chocolaty and a little sweet, with a fruity-like aroma.

Is it worth forking out the cash for a siphon coffee maker in your opinion?

>> No.10195460

the only thing that comes close to an Aeropress is a Moka.
>inb4 my $500 espresso machine is better
we know.

>> No.10195461

>strong and acidy
compared with the same beans out of the drip machine
I prefer it noticeably over drip coffee, when buying one try to find a model which is easy to clean idealy with a broad opening carafe, the one i have is annoying to clean beacuse my hand dosent fit through the opening.

>> No.10195476

Hmm, I guess it's not worth it for me then.

I already have an aeropress, french press, turkish coffee pot, moka pot, pourover device, and vietnamese phin. Guess I don't think I'll need a siphon in my collection.

>> No.10195486

pourover device,aeropress and french press are similar enough it would be wasted money

>> No.10195496

The french press is for >>10195096 reasons
I got the aeropress after that for portability
I don't really like the pourover device, or maybe it's because I haven't gotten used to using the correct ratio/time for pouring. The pourover was actually this one >>10195068, so I only wasted $2 on it.

>> No.10195506

And I've yet to have gone overboard like the pic in >>10193665

He's got 5 pourover devices plus a metal french press and an aeropress, on top of his espresso machine and multiple grinders

>> No.10195517
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, black-brushed-chrome-cuisinart-coffee-makers-dgb-625bc-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my grind and brew. I drink a shit ton of coffee, aint nobody got time to clean grounds out of a French press 3 times a day.

>> No.10195533

Wait, hold on let me get the terms right:

Drip filter: pourover (v60/wave/chemex/etc)/batch brew/Vietnamese Phin

Other filter devices: french press/aeropress

>> No.10195539

french press is nothing like an aeropress.
the aeropress actually uses pressure to create a genuine espresso.
french press, better known as a cafetiere does not. the 'press' is only to filter out the grounds.

>> No.10195546

Mike is that you?
What did I tell you about posting on 4chan at 3 in the morning?

>> No.10195551

>genuine espresso
No, aeropresses can only general 0.35-0.75 bars of pressure according to https://www.javapresse.com/blogs/brew-guides/can-aeropress-make-espresso

Well below the espresso's 9 bars of pressure, and even lower than a Moka pot's 1-2 bars of pressure

>> No.10195557

>When you buy your coffee beans based around whatever international conflict threatens the supply from the shitty underdeveloped country it is taking place in.
The world is a strange place.

>> No.10195559

fair enough, but it's still more than a french 'press'

>> No.10195561

>people with hobbies that are not based around hating other websites make me mad!

>> No.10195604

Well, depends on how refined your palate is.

And french presses use coarse ground beans, cause you don't want the particles to pass through or get stuck in the plunger, so it extracts different flavours than you would get from finer grinds.

Don't forget an amazing cuppa would also depend on freshness of the beans, and your preferred roast level and origin.

>> No.10195637
File: 43 KB, 741x568, brainlet_pepe_thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get crema with an aeropress/moka pot?

>> No.10195671

>moka pot
it helps when one uses a blend with robusta beans, other wise the fresher the beans the better and maybe try different grinds

>> No.10195678

Can you use a normal filter on a V60?

>> No.10195745


coffee retards like this are the snake cables audiophiles of /ck/
people who wastes money on this kind of retarded shit should be fucking hanged

>> No.10195755
File: 471 KB, 2000x2000, F5CEB234-4940-4714-9B96-726CAADA09D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a really nice French press from Ikea, and am know thinking of getting a pour over adapter, because the thing is a giant pain in the rectum to clean. I also didn’t like the coffee made compaired to a chemex.

>> No.10195767

Heh, I used a first press for the first time today and it was so acidic I felt sick, and cleaning it was a bitch. I'm aware I don't know how to use it properly, though.
I'm looking into getting pour over too. I made a cup using the cone in my coffee machine and it tasted pretty good.

>> No.10195770

You know you will still have to clean your Chemex after every use too, right?

Simply dump the coffee ground into your sink, has the added benefit of cleaning your pipes at the same time, run the filter through warm water from your tap a couple times, and quickly sweep out the carafe with warm water like you would with any other container.
I really don't see how it's hard or too much effort compared to other methods. Are people just way over complicating it and think they need to use soap and a cleaning cloth every single time? That's completely pointless, just a bit of water is all you need if you use it even semi frequently.

>> No.10195771

t. expert on other peoples money

>> No.10195773

>Simply dump the coffee ground into your sink

>> No.10195780

For every one of those articles there's a dozen that say it's good. It also depends on what kind of coffee ground it actually is. If you try and dump the clumped together dried out grounds from yesterday morning's pour over into it it's an entirely different story from the fresh ground of a French Press that was floating in liquid the entire time.

From my own experience it's helped quite a bit, we used to have tons of issues with our pipes clogging and had to flush down chemicals basically every other week. Ever since I started using a French Press and flushing down my ground that has become a complete nonissue.

>> No.10195783

>company that makes their money by cleaning peoples plumbing doesn't want you to use a highly effective and completely free pipe cleaner
no shit

>> No.10195790

You don't need to be an expert to realize how retarded that is.

>> No.10195848

I usually just rinse the chemex out. If It needs a more thorough cleaning, I have a Chemex brush the you swoosh around in the chemex with soap and then rinse, or for a quicker job, just spray in some vinegar from a spray bottle and then rinse.
The Chemex filters make dumping the grounds in the trash easy. With the french press the grounds need to be scooped out because they get stuck in the bottom of the carafe.
As this mentions, coffee grounds can majorly clog your plumbing waste pipes.

>> No.10195862

>With the french press the grounds need to be scooped out because they get stuck in the bottom of the carafe.
No? Do you just let it sit for hours and dry or something?
If you don't wait hours you can literally just hold your French Press under the sink for a second and then pour all the ground out together with the water. What kind of ghetto ass French Press construction do you have that anything can get stuck? It's literally just a beaker and wet coffee ground isn't particularly sticky.
If you have trouble cleaning your pump/filter then chances are your grind is way too fine and you aren't using it right in the first place.

>> No.10195938

What part? There's easily measurable performance gains with objective tools.

Audio cables are objectively identical.

>> No.10195949

Neither the aeropress or the moka pot make espresso

>> No.10195951

Moka Pot qualifies as Espresso in my opinion. Even if just barely.
The main thing is that it's steam that comes into contact with the beans and not water.

>> No.10195953
File: 206 KB, 1200x800, DSC_0008a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a Wave...

>> No.10195961

The defining factor of espresso is using pressure to brew, which the the aeromeme and moka pot do not make produce enough of

>> No.10195964

>this is the chads choice
>>set for 4:45am
>>wake up at 5am to the smell of fresh coffee
i have that one and it definitely doesnt have the timer

>> No.10195975
File: 140 KB, 1000x560, DN7B3910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these, it's more a gimmick than anything though. The fact that you need to grind the beans before you go to bed, they just sit in the air for hours and lose all their flavor, and then the actual machine just pours water down straight in the middle instead of raining it equally over the whole ground so some of the coffee ground gets way over-extracted while the rest is really barely touched at all, makes for anything but a nice cup of wake up coffee.
Looks cool though and makes for a nice conversation piece.

>> No.10196071

how can i make espresso without buying an expensive machine?

>> No.10196089

You can't. It's that simple.
What you are asking is on the same level as trying to make a souffle without an oven.

>> No.10196093

how did they make it before electricity

>> No.10196103

>spend $9.99 get the best and cheapest coffee maker china makes
>America fuck yeah

>> No.10196104

>Every coffee lover should have at least an electric kettle, a grinder, a french press and one other coffee brewing device.
literally my setup, the only time I break out the "other coffee brewing device" (12 cup drip maker) is when I have people over

>> No.10196108

You don't necessarily need electricity, just a way to shoot a high pressure water beam through very fine and highly condensed coffee ground. With enough engineering knowhow you could ghetto rig a steam engine to make espresso for you if you really wanted to do it without electricity.

>> No.10196109

they used steam engines, but they were inferior to modern electric ones.

>> No.10196113

why aren't electric kettles the norm in the US?
they are ubiquitous in the UK.

>> No.10196117

because we have a perfectly good electric stove?

>> No.10196119

moka pot is as close as you can get

>> No.10196120

Because everyone has a coffee machine and tea isn't a staple

>> No.10196124

because we have microwaves

>> No.10196165

>electric stoves
we have those too, but it's never stopped us from using kettles.
unless you're talking induction hobs, nothing is faster at boiling water than a good kettle.

>> No.10196249

are you that impatient to wait 5-10 minutes for kettle to boil?

>> No.10196290

>are you that lazy that you can't go and collect some firewood, build a fire, collect water from the river and boil it that way?
you understand that impatience and laziness is a key factor in technological advancement, right?
while your water is still boiling, i'm already enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

>> No.10197604

Any explanation on how brewing methods create different coffee? I like my French press but want to know how I can expand.

>> No.10197676

I wouldn't consider anything else other than pour over. Pour over is exactly what the name details. Just goes through a filter that blocks some oil and the water spends far less time in contact with the beans. Basically a bitch or women's coffee. Bit of a pain in the ass to do right also.

Also aeropress or w/e it's called. Haven't tried it.

>> No.10197692

What makes it better than other devices/methods? Why won't you finish your sentence?

>> No.10197706

Moka pot.
Makes a stronger, fuller cup than presspot.
Other ways make lighter brews.

>> No.10197707

I've unironically been using Keurig and enjoy the result. Used to have a french press. espresso machine, and drip machine, but I ended up opting for the Keurig because it was quick, easy, and took zero effort to use. The quality of the k-cups (both the coffee and the shell) is solely reliant on the brand. Cleaning the machine is pretty easy since it comes apart like legos.

Now that I'm not working long early hours, I am tempted to switch back to a better method because grinding your beans makes for better coffee, and I'd prefer to get as much as I can out of quality coffee by using a good method.

>> No.10197712

Espresso pushes water at 9 bars of pressure through the coffee, and thus you get a concentrated shot of coffee that's extracted a lot of flavours. It also has a layer of foam on top known as crema, which helps in making latte art.

With Espresso, you can make a:
- Macchiato
- Piccolo Latte
- Cuban espresso
- Flat White
- Latte
- Cappuccino
- Long Black
- Mocha

The Aeropress is similar to your french press, it's more suitable for portability since it's not made of glass, and you can use a paper filter to catch the finer particles and oils from entering your cup. Pretty easy to clean as well.

Pour overs are similar as they use a paper filter to catch the oils and fine particles from reaching your cup. They require a bit of practice as they aren't like automatic drip machines. These ones allow you to have control over things like the temperature of the water, and method of pouring your water over the beans.

>> No.10197727

Forgive my idiocy but aren't oils good? Or are they bad?

>> No.10197736

Depends on what you feel like having.

Some days you want a clean cup, others you don't mind the oils from a french press brew.

Some people prefer one or the other entirely.

>> No.10197771

depends on your beans and what you're going for.

Darker roasts usually benefit from a coarser filter as the oils fill the gaps in flavour and body that might otherwise just taste like coal water.

Medium roasts in moderate oven humidity can usually stand up to even the worst paper-filter pourover and come out the other end tasting like coffee.

>> No.10197779

Some love them, some hate them.
It's just flavor, all of this shit depends pretty much entirely on your personal taste.

Experiment. Don't ask people how to make your coffee, just go and do it, fine tuning your recipe as you go along and trying more and more funky shit to see how it affects your flavor.

>> No.10197823

I think there are better ways to brew coffee.

There's a difference between good/bad brewing techniques, and preferences.

Having oils in your coffee falls on the preference side.

>> No.10197825

Is there a name for pouring boiling water on Turkish ground coffee in a mug? Is this just regular Turkish coffee?

>> No.10197845

You mean the grounds are in the cup? Turkish coffee isn't instant coffee.

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to minimise the amount of solid grounds that get into your cup.

Brew it in the pot, then pour MOST not ALL of the liquid into the demitasse cup, that way you leave most of the grounds in the pot and not in the serving cup.

You could also tap the pot on the kitchen bench/let it settle for a few seconds before pouring

>> No.10197848

2/2 And then while you're drinking your coffee, when you get to the bottom, don't swallow the sludge.

>> No.10197879

Okay, so there's a difference from what I do everyday then. I just put the grounds in the cup I'm drinking out of and pour the boiling water on it. I let the grounds settle for a bit, then stir the foamy kind of cooked bit that has a bit of grounds left in it and sip. I have almost never drank any grounds, they're pretty well stuck to the bottom.

>> No.10197886

I guess that might work.

>> No.10198061
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I too got ass cancer from reading that

>> No.10198069


Just cultural contact for me then, should have looked for this earlier.

>> No.10198116

I see, so you're technically making a similar coffee with the pulverised ground coffee, just without the pot.

>> No.10198144

What are some cheap coffee grinders that can grind from a french press coarseness to pulverised?

>> No.10198163
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Got you senpai.

Seriously though, you won't find anything cheap that will be fine enough for stuff like espresso.
If you want cheap your best bet is usually something like the Hario Skerton, just don't expect to get a grind comparable to 500$+ grinders. Main thing to really watch for are that it's a burr grinder with adjustable burrs so you can change the coarseness.

>> No.10198166

most grinders can go that fine... A ten dollar blade grinder can give you powdered coffee if you let it run long enough.

>> No.10198204

Arigatou, kouhai. Any tips on how to get an even grind with a m&p?

>> No.10198206

You aren't going to get a fine and even ground that keeps your coffee flavors intact by just torturing your beans in a shitty blade grinder for 5 hours.

>> No.10198214

You'd just have to grind until everything is a fine dust.
It would be better than a blade grinder, but still a far cry from a good burr one since you'd just spend incomparably longer and give your ground so much more time to oxidize. You simply can't get the needed consistency with it if you are in a hurry.

>> No.10198226

Copper poisoning also occurs at brewing temperatures.

>> No.10198229

I know you are probably memeing, but mortar and pestle are legit great if you are making specialty coffee out of unroasted beans.
I'd never use one as a grinder replacement for conventional coffee though, that's ridiculous.

>> No.10198251

So that's for pulverised coffee.

What about a french press coarseness or moka/pourover/aeropress/etc?

>> No.10198258

Moka should be as fine as possible, same with the Aeropress.
For Pourover and French Press a cheapo burr grinder like the Skerton is perfectly adequate for someone just testing the waters that doesn't know whether he wants to invest into better gear yet.

>> No.10198274

So fine as possible without going into pulverised territory?

>> No.10198282

Fine as possible as in ideally you'd really want it to be dust, so m&p would be fine.
Again though, doing it that way would simply give the ground way too much time on the open air so I wouldn't really recommend it.

>> No.10198355

That doesn't sound right, by that point wouldn't it be pulverised by then for Turkish/Greek coffee?

It'll clog the filter.

>> No.10198384

You should do some reading up about what all these different brewing methods actually entail.

Both Moka and Aeropress, same as conventional Espresso, have a tightly pressed very fine coffee ground that you then force pressurized hot water or straight up steam through.
It being an extremely fine ground that lets the water extract as much as possible in the split second it's in contact with it is the whole idea behind those brewing methods.

>> No.10198427

Yes I know that, but when you say as fine as possible, that to me sounds like finer than espresso to the point where it's suitable for turkish/greek coffee.

>> No.10198447

Because USA has 120v mains power compared to 240v mains power (at least in Australia, and I think UK too), so the kettles take forever to boil water over there due to electrickery.

>> No.10198453

the best coffee maker on the market is a mason jar to cold brew in and a tea towel to strain with.

>> No.10198472

Watts, kiddo. USA kettles are just as fast. Often faster since there's less restrictions.

They aren't popular because microwaves.

>> No.10198483

>the 120v vs. 240 meme, again

it's like you were never taught basic electrical principles.

>> No.10198520

>Not a french press
>Having to wash the grounds out of a tea towel instead of quickly flushing the coffee plunger

>> No.10198543

I make coffee once a week, cold brew can be stored in the refrigerator and thus made in large batches. It takes all of 20 seconds a week to dump the bulk of the grounds in the trash and wash the rest out in the sink.

>> No.10198546

Fair enough, I'd still prefer my french press for cold brewing.

>> No.10198752
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What does Coffee and Chicory taste like?

>> No.10198764

roastier, very earthy. would recommend if you find it

>> No.10198777

All I see with regards to chicory is a chicory + coffee syrup/essence at the supermarket.

Anyone here know where to get a chicory + coffee blend in Sydney?

>> No.10198779

It's very fucking good if you can make it right.
Tastes like a bland hazelnut, but it gets complimented really well

>> No.10198783

shit. it tastes like shit

>> No.10198796
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Who...who do I trust...?

>> No.10198958

>If I wanted to feel important I'd just post in reddit coffeestation threads and bask in the "omg so jealous" bs instead of here.
look at this dude
>I found your setup on reddit 6 months ago faggot.


>> No.10199232


I actually just use the Turkish setting on the grinder at Sprouts, turns out good for me. I only get less than 1lb of bean at a time. I'll try the mortar style in a few months.

>> No.10199244
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How embarrassing.

>> No.10199299

>added benefit of cleaning your pipes at the same time

literally fucking laughed

>> No.10199308

I put it under the faucet and let water run in for a couple seconds, swish it around a little bit, then dump the grounds into a fine metal strainer, dump them in the garbage, rinse everything off, done. Super easy.

>> No.10199322

American here and I have a 1500 Watt monster of an electric kettle that gets my water up to 200 F in 1.5-2 minutes from refrigerated filter/pitcher.

>> No.10199649

And do you prefer it to a stove-top kettle?

>> No.10199702

Can you still brew coffee in a $10 glass vase instead of a $40 chemex?

>> No.10199733

r*dditoids need to be gunned down

>> No.10199770

Not everyone likes Turkish coffee. Some of us want a cleaner cup that doesn't have sludge at the bottom.

>> No.10199779

The whole point of coffee is to have bits in it. This is like that period of tea snobbery in the 90s when retards were using filters to make sure no pieces of leaf got in the cup. Now it's considered high quality to have the pieces floating around.

>> No.10199782

Sometimes I use the sludge to exfoliate my hands after I do the dishes. feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.10199786

Why waste time making coffee just to have bits in it? It's quicker and cheaper to sprinkle some dirt in your water.

>> No.10199875

I normally have some instant coffee that I use to get rid of any odours on my hands from foods/rubber gloves/etc that can't go away with just warm water and soap

It's okay to have a few particles, like sometimes when I have an espresso based drink or french press there's a minuscule amount of sediment at the bottom.

But I don't want to always have a thick layer of sludge at the bottom of my cup like in turkish coffee, so I'm sorry but not everyone likes to only have coffee the one way you like it.

If we were stuck with the mentality that "coffee is to have bits in it" and never experimented beyond turkish coffee, we'd never have all these kinds of coffee drinks and brewing devices we're now discussing. More choices/options = the better

>> No.10199879

All I'm saying is the same shit happened with tea. Beer also.

>> No.10200069

How would I know how they react if I hadnt posted there before mate?

>> No.10200072
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I own pic related, but i wonder if a metal pourover would be better, such as pic related. It seems counterintuitive but would the metal one be better for heat retention because there isn't half a pound of ceramic soaking up the heat, despite prewarming?

>> No.10200117

I'd like to know as well.

Metal vs Ceramic vs Plastic vs Glass/Chemex

Maybe this guy >>10192119 can tell us

>> No.10200516
File: 9 KB, 293x143, french_press.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I use a french press for cold brew coffee? Seems convenient.

>> No.10200535

Yes, but the coffee brewing device, not the barbell technique

>> No.10200537

This changes everything.

>> No.10200550

Indeed it does.

>> No.10200612

Could the energy used to lift the weight, or the acceleration of the weight due to gravity be harnessed to brew the coffee?

French press powered French press

>> No.10200670

Something that takes longer to heat up would ideally be better - you're actually losing less heat to it. Ceramics are a pretty wide range of materials, but some insulate quite well.

Mind you, if your metal is pre-heated, you shouldn't really lose much more heat to it than you would to the room. The heat it's losing during the time you're pouring hot coffee through it should be close to negligible.

It might be worth A-B'ing it. Maybe the flavour of coffee that is filtering at a slightly lower temperature is more to your liking. I'd imagine it would be less tannic.

>> No.10200683

Yes, theoretically you can build up your strength, and that should help you press down the coffee plunger when your cold brew is ready to be poured out.

Though bench pressing may not be that functional, look for an exercise that involves pushing down with your arm to mimic the motion of plunging a french press.

I hope you can overcome your muscular dystrophy.

>> No.10200704

I've got large hands. If my skinny arms can lift my gigantic mitts above the plunger, the weight of them is usually enough to plunge. I don't think I have the strength or stamina to stir water to a boil, but I could probably do a few bench presses with the weights hooked up to a dynamo powering an electric kettle.

Or I could just drink it cold with soy milk and stevia syrup.

>> No.10200764
File: 1.91 MB, 2560x1920, 2016-05-17-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout you do some cardio, instead?

>> No.10200772

Honestly? Because I want to increase the size of my pecs, shoulders, and biceps to be "proportionate" with my triceps and traps... without being run down by needlessly angry motorists.

>> No.10200787
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>without being run down by needlessly angry motorists

Boy, have I got a product for you.

>> No.10200792

I have a Moccamaster. Am I in the cool guys gang?

>> No.10200828

As long as you use fresh beans, use the grounds as soon as you grind them, and brew it correctly, you're good.

>> No.10200860

Oh, and of course, rinse the paper filter to get rid of the papery taste

>> No.10201068

Can I half fill my large moka pot's water chamber and coffee basket if I only want to brew a small batch?

>> No.10201071

Not really. You're going to have to get a smaller pot for those situations.

>> No.10201153
File: 58 KB, 768x1024, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is easily the best coffee setup.

>Chuck some fucken coffee in it.
>Pour in some water.
>Stick it on something hot.
>Boil the absolute shit out of it for a few minutes.
>Take it off the heat.
>Pour about a half cup of cold water in it so the grounds settle to the bottom.
>Pour yourself a cup.
>Bam. Coffee.

Your overpriced hipster shit can't even begin to compare.

>> No.10201161

>The best part of waking up

>> No.10201170

Funny thing is, boiling coffee grounds kills the acidity and makes it taste pretty decent. And if you're desperate enough, you can do it in just about any metal container.
All these people spending heaps of money on equipment will likely be raging right about now.

>> No.10201182
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>> No.10201187


Nah sorry mate. Don't do any of that. I just brew a liter of cheap pre ground coffee, pour it in a thermos and drink it while at work.

>> No.10201304
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That's not a V60...

>> No.10201326
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>> No.10201383

I'm extremely biased against plastic for paranoia reasons. I like glass v60 best, but they're all fine. Metal is still shit for heat retention in particular though. Use glass or plastic (if you're less afraid of it) and certainly use a lid after pouring is done.

>> No.10201849

A Mac? I'm not going to turn down a free computer, even if it is second hand, and most likely full of illegal content.

>> No.10201858
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>> No.10201893

Percolator coffee is patrician taste. I prefer it over pour over coffee, but sometimes I don't get the choice when I'm running late.

>> No.10201919

V60 + Java Presse is all you need to advance to an upper echelon.

>> No.10202483

>implying bpa is the only problem with plastic

Everything coming from petroleum is toxic. The oil economy based Middle Eastern states like Saudi Arabia see the writing on the wall for electric vehicles, and pay huge sums of money to surpress studies around the dangers of plastic, knowing that if all oil products are banned they'll fall into civil war.

Look at the unethical actions of the petroleum industry with leaded gasoline and try to tell me honestly they wouldn't lie about plastic too.

>> No.10202523
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>Everything coming from petroleum is toxic.

>> No.10202551

plastic isn't bad it's plasticizers.
BPA got a bad rap, but many other additives that are added to adjust color or rigidity are toxic too.

>> No.10202655


Aeropress would be a good coffee brewer if it made more than 8.4 ounces of coffee. Who the fuck drinks only 8.4 ounces of coffee?

>> No.10202748

I've got a pretty refined palate, being a spirits guy, and I like to think I appreciate good coffee. I buy nice beans from a local roaster, treat them right, learn a little about origins to make it easier to find stuff I like... but that's the extent of it. The amount of time and money it takes to go from "pretty good" to "amazing" just isn't worth it to me. Not that guy, though, I use a moka pot

>> No.10202898
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Retards that believe they're drinking some form of espresso or "concentrate"

>> No.10202972

I only ever try to keep my coffee intake to at most one cup a day, so an aeropress is fine for me.

>> No.10203070
File: 158 KB, 2048x1362, Vietnamese-phin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as a pourover filter?

>> No.10203658

what's your roasting setup?
given the rest I doubt you're satisfied with an air/stovetop popper

>> No.10203724

I've seen setups that move a stream of water around, but I don't understand why you wouldn't set up a showerhead of sorts to diffuse/spray evenly, maybe with some rotation or something
also the next step is obviously to rig up a mahlkonig above your filter, and wire a timer to the controls
I want to taste my coffee, not milk and cardamom
unless you're a t*rk, I don't understand the geographical point either, coffee tism is most highly concentrated in northern europe
the pourover devices together are like 1/10 the cost of the eg1, and the grinders seem to be spread across espresso/coarse(?)/pourover use. I think the bottom left one is a fake tooth grinder or something like that, don't really know the distinction

>> No.10204142

how are you supposed to keep that warm if you make more than 2 cups worth?

>> No.10204345
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>> No.10204348


>> No.10204352

i know where you got this :)

>> No.10204609
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>> No.10205439
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>> No.10205448

lol look at this queer

>> No.10205633

how did you know he was on reddit anon?

>> No.10205656

300k starting

>> No.10206184

How do you guys have your coffee?

For me, it's Aeropress, Moka stovetop or cold brew at home. When I'm out, it's a long black or flat white if I want a milk coffee.

Don't think it's worth investing in a $200+ espresso machine for me.

>> No.10206270

I have LPE so most of the time espresso with that but sometimes I use a V60. When I'm out I rarely drink coffee but when I do it's probably some v60 thing

>> No.10206300

if you reverse image search it reddit pops up immediately ya dickhead

>> No.10206382

If you're still here I'd like to ask you if you could say anything about HG1/Pharos2/Helor102 comparison, I know that the pharos doesn't have gear reduction but I don't care about that. I'd like to hear about the build and grind quality and if the jump in price is justifiable in your opinion

>> No.10206448

I wondered the same thing a few months ago. It's disgusting. It taste like discount store instant coffee. Chicory just isnt good

I was told back then that it was awful and bought it anyway. I should have listened. Listen to me now, dont buy it. Save your time and money

>> No.10206464

>I wondered the same thing a few months ago. It's disgusting. It taste like discount store instant coffee. Chicory just isnt good
>I was told back then that it was awful and bought it anyway. I should have listened. Listen to me now, dont buy it. Save your time and money

It;s meant to be brewed DOUBLE strength and served with an entire mug of steamed milk, kind of like espresso and milk, or cafe con leche, where you combine it yourself. Coffee with chicory is amazing paired with french pastries and bakery items.

Any coffee you were to unknowingly brew using half the recommended grounds will taste like swill. No, it is not as good as 100% coffee.Yes, it was intended to replace some of the rarity of coffee imports during war times. But, fact, it truly became it's own beast, not just a cheap measure, and that floral flavor is as crave-able as jasmine or rose petals in tea. Get over your poor skills of comparison. Do things right. Train your palate.

>> No.10206510
File: 2.61 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20161201_085910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


French press is the best way to have coffee there is no argument against it. Water at your preferred 10 no disposable products variable brew time. Oh and decent French Press only cost like 20 bucks.

>> No.10206515

>Audio cables are objectively identical.

this is actually untrue, but the $$$$ audiophile cables are overkill nonetheless

>> No.10206532

i appreciate your OC and the two items in it individually. together, seems pretty rank. coffee and broccoli??

>> No.10206583

Yeah don't eat broccoli and coffee together I just had a weird craving cuz I think I was a bit High.

>> No.10207571

Hario Skerton or Hario Mini mill are good manual grinders, at the very entry level price point

>> No.10207747

Conical grinders are all shit. Don't get any of those.

Only unimodal flats produce an acceptable grind.

>> No.10207756

It's trash

>> No.10207865

It's does not rust it's just oxidizees, it's the same thing. Rust is just a preverbial name for metal oxidisation.
And the green oxide on coper is poison so don't drink form non zinked coper.

>> No.10207878
File: 23 KB, 468x312, Cup+of+Coffee+with+beans+and+Cup+of+Green+Tea+with+tea+bag+and+pot+Horizontal_d87821cf-118e-4c0e-af81-7a15865b0c2a-prv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried adding green tea to coffee

>> No.10207880

I have a chemex and don't find the coffee any better or worse than my aero or french press... I only use it when i'm pouring for 2 or more

>> No.10207893
File: 103 KB, 640x717, mixing-green-tea-and-coffee-togetner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems I'm not alone, I like the nutty flavor it give my tea

>> No.10208103

no idea m8, cafe du monde is from new orleans and even being an american i cant find it just in any random grocery i walk into. i'd recommend a specialty coffee store as i'm sure a place like syndey has that. have you tried online retailers?

>> No.10208108
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Step aside plebs