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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10190956 No.10190956 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite things to eat/drink after you've gotten drunk or done drugs?

>> No.10190962

I eat 80% of my foods drunk or high, so pretty much anything.

>> No.10190964

a bullet

>> No.10190965


>> No.10190976

almost anything homemade when drunk, fruits when high, and red meat when under the effect of LSD

>> No.10191000

>and red meat when under the effect of LSD
I don't know, the only time I did LSD it took me an entire day to eat a single durum kebab. It had melded to my hand and looked like a kebab king.

>> No.10191011

Best diet ever.

>> No.10191127
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super greasy things tends to disguts me when i'm high on LSD. But lean meat is another thing. And that's the only thing i can eat when on LSD. The thing is, i'm vegetarian. But fuck me i can't resist meat when i'm high on trippy drugs.

>> No.10191258

I feel too nauseous when I'm tripping to eat anything.

>> No.10191264

When I'm high, just copious amounts of shit id normally eat.

>> No.10191307
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Sparkling water with citrus flavor

And plenty of juice

>> No.10191312

Ketchup leather.

>> No.10191322

shirley temples and mcdonalds

fresh fruit

>> No.10191327

Pretty much anything. I really like chocolate when I’m high.

>> No.10191328
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>eating on acid

>> No.10191338


>> No.10191347

Same, food i'd usually find delicious sober or high off something else tastes really off and feels like a chore to eat, seem to only eat stuff like carrots, apples, almonds and oranges when tripping

>> No.10191577

Pineapple is orgasm inducing on shrooms, and any kind of fresh sweet tropical juices like mango or pineapple juice

>> No.10192497
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I was scared as fuck deciding what to eat on acid so I just ate a nutella sandwich

>> No.10192510

I'm not a miserable degenerate.

>> No.10192535

Sour patch kids are the only acceptable tripping food also pretzel sticks because they are the most non-violent food.

>> No.10192539
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Don't be such a square.

>> No.10192682
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Go be miserable somewhere else

>> No.10192695

Weed makes everything taste the same to me

>> No.10192716

Dark chocolate after smoking weed is amazing
The smokey but herbal flavor goes extremely well with bittery creaminess of dark chocolate

>> No.10192743
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I don't know what you guys are on about, I could never eat while trippin.

>> No.10192749

All drug addicted people are miserable, this is a fact.

>> No.10192771
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Who said anything about an addiction?
LSD, for example, is non-addictive.

>> No.10192814

grapes because it's like popping tasty eyes

>> No.10192823

i have an unrelenting need for microwaved hot dogs. usually without a bun.

i am a sick man.

>> No.10192827

When I’m high I like fast food more than I usually would. When I’m tripping I almost never eat but one time I hadn’t eaten anything in a day and I took 2 tabs and ate flyers pizza when I was peaking and it was fucking orgasmic

>> No.10192838
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>mfw dat grow

Shrooms are the fucking best in the world, but they (and other psys) kneecap my appetite. I just eat fruit or ices on a trip, and have a sandwich prepared for when I come down.

>> No.10193410

They kneecap my appetite too, even after skipping 2 meals before consumption. But the most delicious thing in the world to me after tripping is cup noodles. It's become sort of a ritual to me to have them after a trip.

>> No.10193632

Drunk? Fast food.
High? I only smoke weed, but I love coffee, pale ales, and stouts for drinks, and ice cream or a moist dessert like brownies or fresh baked cookies are fucking heaven to eat. I hate sweets normally too so that's the one time every few weeks I'll indulge.
If it's an edible though I usually fall asleep before I even get hungry

>> No.10193642

get mcks after rollling all night

usuually wo8uld get double cheeseburgers but somtimes breakfast

>> No.10193659

You ever have them straight out the fridge with sour cream?

>> No.10193871

Kebab (from one particular stand in my hometown) at 2 am when finishing drinking.

Egg banjo in the morning for it's hangover-inhibiting goodnes.

>> No.10193963

Tried lsd for the first time a couple weeks ago and made a nice breakfast for my boyfriend and his nephew. Cooking was a lot of fun but for whatever reason all I ate that day was some brownie batter.

>> No.10193984

I try to avoid eating if I can unless I smoke weed. I always feel vaguely nauseous on psychedelics and MDMA, anything solid makes me feel like I'm gonna puke. I never actually vomit, but the nauseous feeling persists for the majority of the trip if I eat. I mostly drink water or fruit juices.

>> No.10193987
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When im drunk I love cheesy bread stuff.

Only drug Ive ever done that i liked was LSD. And you dont really have an appetite on LSD.

What I do is preprepare lime juice and vodka because getting a bit drunk mellows out your trip and once Im tripping I cant be trusted to mix a drink. I just leave 2 or 3 glasses out and about. I find my way to them as needed. Its also easy to drink so it doesnt cause any issues.

>> No.10193992

I can barely stomach fruit on LSD, let alone meat.

>> No.10194025

I love any greasy, fried shit when I'm drunk, or really meaty and savory sandwiches. Unfortunately, I can't eat shit when I'm hungover.

>> No.10194343

When I'm high (weed), I love to eat pineapple, mango, and various raw vegetables.

While drunk I like tater tots. I don't get drunk often as I get really fat when I start drinking.

>> No.10194348


>> No.10194686

cheese burgers, mexican food, lo mien noodles are solid when you're drunk

pho and/or pasole is fantastic for hangovers but heed this warning: after consumption you will have about 5-10 minutes until a torrent of liquid shit worms its way into your colon.

>> No.10194795
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I second this. Might seem like a odd mix but LSD and Cum go really well.

>> No.10194797
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Is there anything more appetizing than crispy fried food after a night of drinking?

>> No.10194806


>> No.10194809

Something on or with crackers

>> No.10194849


if there is a chinese place nearby and i'm drunk as fuck, I will get lo mien noodles, orange chicken, a large egg drop soup and 2-4 crab wontons. rangoons/wantons are dope

back in college I remember getting big fat greasy sandwiches a few local joints. Things like philly cheesesteaks, hot italian beef, french dip etc, or, some of those massive menu sandwich shops were really good. This was before the whole 'sandwiches must be healthy' healthfood hippie shit

pizza is questionable now because its either dominos teir garbage or soyboy brickoven shit, but greasy, local pizza places have fantastic weed/drunk food. all of these goes with weed too if you're a degenerate

I've never taken shrooms or LSD but i'd imagine it would be scary

>> No.10194922

When I'm drunk I love Taco Bell or cheap Italian food. I'll eat pretty much anything though when I'm drunk and thoroughly enjoy it.

>> No.10194936


>> No.10196253

you mean not dependency inducing
lsd can without a doubt be psychologically addictive

>> No.10196489

Weak people can get addicted to anything. That doesn’t make “anything” addictive. We’re specifically talking about chemical dependence, here.

>> No.10196498
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coconut water and ghetto chinese food (combo fried rice and chicken wings)

>> No.10198099

When I’m drunk I want greasy shit like pizza or chicken fingers. When I’m high I’ll eat anything basically. When I’m tripping I don’t have an apetite at all I have to force myself to have small snacks.

>> No.10198104

Red meat would without a doubt make me vomit on lsd

>> No.10198110


>> No.10198136

Every time I tried eating on lsd I would grind my teeth really hard.
I settled for eating soup and would have my mind blown thinking about chemistry while I watched it come to simmer

>> No.10198184

$12 worth of McDonalds $1 menu

>> No.10198465

most people would probably choke on food while on acid or at least not like it