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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 179 KB, 1080x1920, received_10160018536825176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10190091 No.10190091 [Reply] [Original]

What was your worst? What was your best? How did you cope?

Pic related was mine today, scooped like it was ice cream

>> No.10190109
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Asian chicken with lo mein noodles and diced carrots, with salad, bread and peaches. Top off with pitcher of iced tea.

>> No.10190111

Looks like shit, anon. Brussel sprouts are overcooked.

>> No.10190116
File: 1.98 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks for stomach problems. This was the only thing I was allowed to eat. Horrible.

>> No.10190120

You think? They were the squishiest and blandest Brussel sprouts I ever tasted, ran out of salt trying to give them some flavour

>> No.10190129

A bit poor taste to leave your samples on the table though anon.

>> No.10190133

Why is hospital food such shit? It's the one time when eating with vigor would actually save your life, but we just give people bland ugly garbage from a box. WHY??????????

>> No.10190221

>Catering: 1 dinner $500

>> No.10190304
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In a hospital cafeteria, I had spaghetti with condensed cream of mushroom soup as a sauce.

I liked it.

>> No.10190306

Best was in the suicide ward. Worst was in the phychiatric hospital.

In the suicide ward they gave restaurant tier menus to the patients, and carted the food out with pretty good plating. It was all amazing stuff too. I'm half convinced they outsourced for the food.

In the psychiatric hospital, it was kind of prison tier. You got a tray and went through a line. They gave you whatever the food was that day. It was never good, and half the time it was something like microwaved tater tots and a piece of plain undercooked chicken.

>> No.10190341

Imagine being suicidal and being forced to eat prison tier food.

>> No.10190342

When I was about 12 I was in the hospital with a broken leg and they gave me the most god awful breakfast burrito. It was seriously the worst thing I've ever tasted. My dad was yelling at me because I wouldn't eat it so I made him take a bite. After that he went and got me mcdonalds.

>> No.10190369

Gonna be honest: for hospital food, that doesn't look too bad. I like mushy hospital food.

That looks even better. Cream of mushroom is a guilty pleasure for me, and I have never thought about doing it over spaghetti.

I woke up once in the hospital after a suicide attempt that I had apparently done while blackout drunk. It was a Catholic hospital. Food was so-so. They only treated me for dehydration and let me get sober, made me interview with some social workers, then I was on my way. I would hate to be in a psych ward.

>> No.10190393

When I was staying at the hospital with my brother who was in ICU I almost killed myself because I thought he was dying and he was my only friend while I was a pathetic NEET but they had delicious rice pilaf and amazing seasoned fries. There was tons of other good shit too. I loved the hospital cafeteria so much and it was cheap as hell. I love that hospital so much

>> No.10190413

Why does this post make me feel warm and fuzzy? Anyway nice blog fag

>> No.10190420

used to work nutritional department at Central Washington Hospital. Patient meals were middling (pasta was terrible though) but the cafeteria food was goddamn ambrosia, fortunately I left before the cafeteria was neutered and it all went downhill.

>> No.10190464

i do this all the time with linguine pasta and drops of ghost pepper hot sauce.

>> No.10190530

why are you in hospital lad? hope you're well

>> No.10190565

I was once sent to a psych ward for dumb reasons. Was surrounded by anorexics. The food was shit, so I skipped most meals. The anorexics were furious.

>> No.10191084
File: 2.27 MB, 5312x2988, 20170115_094722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast of scrambled eggs, pancakes with syrup, mini muffin, apple slices, milk and juice box

>> No.10191217

Only been in once to have a camera stuck up my bum. Due to being anaesthetized I had to wait around after it. It's around noon and the last I'd eaten was honey on white bread the morning before. Got a chicken and mayo sandwich and it was awesome at the time.

>> No.10191234

>"Excuse me, nurse. What is for dinner?"
>"Oh hey anon! Glad to see you have your appetite back! Today's dinner is brown with a side of pink!

>> No.10191249

pretty good

>> No.10191325


When I was in the psych ward the food was better than expected. Not amazing, but way better than what I had before.

There was also this hospital back home that had a really good cafeteria, but it's the only one I've found that's legit.

>> No.10191336

The food in my psych ward was also a lot better than I expected. It was at least above school lunch tier. They had specials every day that we could choose from, but also offered a ton of other choices every day. You could order however much you wanted. This one guy would get five sandwiches for dinner and never eat them. The food for us was the highlight of the day.

>> No.10191392

>every response
>psych wards

Was inna hospital for a few days for a broken jaw. Dumb bitches kept bringing me skinless chicken breast. Telling me I got a eat sumthing. Last day I finally see the Dr again, tell him about about this he basically says those dumb bitches, I put you on a liquid diet. So I basically starved for four days in the hospital then only got ensure for a month or so after that.

>> No.10191430
File: 2.28 MB, 5312x2988, 20170115_123705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken salad on green salad, chicken rotini noodle soup, strawberries and cup of hot tea

>> No.10192567
File: 2.22 MB, 5312x2988, 20170115_175036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salmon with squash shaped coins & polenta triangles, side salad with ranch, bread, apple slices, and cookies

>> No.10192591

>tfw I've never even been to a hospital since my birth

>> No.10192664

I had to have some surgery in an unfortunate place :(

>> No.10192929

it was one in a million!

>> No.10192954

Had the best coleslaw of my life in a psych ward.

>> No.10193002

gotta love that liquid diet.

>> No.10193425

you get your semen pipe snipped?

>> No.10193482

When I was 7 I was at a hospital cafeteria eating the best square cafeteria pizza I have ever tasted. Then a guy with a open and exposed hole in his head sat down infront of me and ruined my appetite. I haven't been able to eat at a hospital since and I've had 4 stays plus multiple family visits in the last few years.

>> No.10193490

did you offer the poor guy some of your pizza

>> No.10193574

No they just needed to remove a pool of runny custard

>> No.10193610

it's all sysco food isnt it?

>> No.10193749

I'm kind of glad hospital food is such shit. It makes patients easy to bribe when you bring in good food.

>t. researcher

>> No.10193756

Cock research. What does that even mean?

>> No.10193951

My wife is a nurse, works the graveyard shift, 12 hours, Fri-Sat-Sun
Makes so much with night and weekend pay, I stopped working
All nurses (and spouses) get 75% off all food in the cafeteria
My wife hates the hospital food, not me, reminds me of the meals I ate during my 20 years active duty in the Navy.
So I drive her to and from work, I eat all my weekend dinners and breakfasts at the hospital
My breakfast is never more than $1.25 and a full dinner soup, salad, main course, dessert and a drink in never more than $3, can't go wrong
They even offer a boxed lunch at .75¢ is a great value, I pick it up on my way out of the hospital and enjoy a good meal while my wife sleeps
Had Christmas, Thanksgiving and New year's dinner there this year, they had a great spread, fantastic value
They have a separate area for employees to eat in, keeps you away from the sick people and the white trash/rif-raf that generally infest the emergency room, this is the local county hospital, so most of the patients are on some kind of assistance and Medicaid
Cafeteria workers are all black and on Friday night they do a great soul food dinner with some of the best pork ribs I have ever eaten, since I am a regular I am usually given an extra portion
Great food, nice setting, unbeatable value and always a ton of student nurses to flirt with

>> No.10194240

I make spaghetti with cream of mushroom soup and chicken all the time

>> No.10194254

I wish you guys would stay more healthy so you will not be in hospital. A good start is to not drink alcohol. A little bit of exercise sometimes is another thing you can do.

>> No.10194295


I feel you. That place was boring as shit; there were like no interesting activities and most items were completely banned. I couldn't even have a notebook to write stuff in. Meals were the best part of the day, mostly because they were tasty most of the time but also because I could talk with people without worrying if I'd have to break up a fight. Seriously, it sucks to unwittingly instigate a fight between two people just because you were present at the scene.

That reminds me, I forgot, but I got sent to this one crisis center for like 12 hours because of suicidal shit. They served us two meals there but they were absolute garbage. I remember the tomato soup was about the only thing I could stomach, but it had this gross-ass film on it that made it difficult to eat. Everything else was complete garbage, worse than anything I'd ever had in school.

>> No.10194313

I have Kaiser permanente healthcare as well. Sometimes I take my parents to their appointments and while waiting I'll grab something from their cafeteria. The food isn't bad at all.
Wishing you a fast recovery.

>> No.10194352

>I spy something sub-human

>> No.10194419


I recruit hospitalized patients for research studies. If I go in there with nothing but "their interest in contributing to scientific progress," 99% of them tell me to fuck off. If, however, I chat them up and learn that they miss good food, I have something to bring the next day and bribe them with.

>lady in ICU recovering from open heart surgery
>really wants some Diet Coke but all they allow in this shithole is Pepsi because of service monopoly
>bring her a 6 pack of Diet Coke next day and start talking about study

>see new patient without NG tube
>chat him up with his family visitors
>he's hungry but not eating because the food tastes like shit
>him and his family are from Louisiana
>that afternoon I bring him a bowl of gumbo with a bottle of hot sauce
>while he's eating, I mention a new study

It's like taking candy from a baby...uh...but I'm giving the baby candy. And helping them recover. And contributing to science.

>> No.10194425

I actually go to my local hospital for lunch sometimes because its pretty good, cheap, and across the street from where I work.

>> No.10194564

Do the patients agree beforehand to let you come in? Because if some random fucko came into my room when my family was visiting and tried to sign me up for some study (do I get paid for it?) I'd tell him to fuck off as well.

>> No.10194577


I knock before entering, if that's what you mean. It's a university hospital and I work there. It's pretty much a given that some kid with a clipboard is gonna ask you to join a study if you come here. At least I'm feeding them good food.

>> No.10194595

woodberry my fork into

>> No.10194611

you getting gender reassignment surgery?

>> No.10194898

No I like my co/ck/ thanks

>> No.10194910

kek. so your asshole is ruined.

>> No.10194919
File: 661 KB, 859x622, MYGALLBLADDER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the hospital on Thanksgiving day and I got clear broth, jello, and jellied cranberries. And a card with a turkey on it. I wish I had a picture but I don't so here's a picture of my gallbladder being evicted instead.

>> No.10194973

>sugarfree cookies
Diabetic or all that was available? otherwise, stellar meal.

>> No.10194985

that chicken noodle soup looks like its from a can.

>> No.10194992
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>Went to the hospital to have my appendix removed
>it was killing me basically
>was so bad had to flush my insides with sterilized water
>couldnt eat or drink or use the bathroom
>when i finally could drink, I could only drink sterilized water
>everytime i tried to drink i vomited it all back up moments later
>wasnt allowed to eat till I went home

That shit is the nastiest shit I have ever tasted in my life and I hope to god I never have to taste it ever again

>> No.10194995

When I was visiting my dad in the hospital, the cafeteria staff cut me off because I kept coming back for cheeseburgers. They were great. Like fast-food "great", but still. they were one of the best things I ever tasted.

>> No.10195023

>here's a picture of my gallbladder being evicted instead.
Now that's a Christmas card right there.

>> No.10195062

My dad used to take me to the hospital to eat when I was little all the time. The cafeteria had amazing food and cheaper than any restaurant. I haven't been there in years. The burgers were out of this world.

>> No.10195077
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, 1746554E-98D8-49F4-8E8F-0A99FE1DA763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year. Went in with alcohol withdrawal, came out with malnourishment.

>> No.10195080

He meant America

>> No.10195119

>scooped like it was ice cream

They do this on purpose so they can tell the doctors exactly what a patient consumed. The scoop is them measuring it precisely.

>> No.10195198

> Was in the loonie bin because I was gonna off myself
Food was actually really fucking good. Had proper cooks and shit and everything. They had tilapia and shit from time to time and it was actually pretty good.
My gf at the time was in the same bin I got sent to and first thing she told me when I called her from the bin was "The food their is really good" I was not disappointed ..
Other than that I don't have any hospital food stories.
> I guess they had good food so we didn't feel like killing ourselves more so that usual

>> No.10195883

Been in there for 5 days last time and the food was definitely not good, but not awful to the point of being inedible, the bigest problem was that it was super bland and also I got almost the same shit every day, so I got sick of it really quickly. Dinner was always something made of the same kind of minced meat or fish with potatoes and rice in vegetable sauce. That plus vegetable soup which was made out of the same vegetables. There was so much carrot in everything every single time I almost started disliking it.
Well, overall I'd say I'd rather eat MREs

>> No.10195896

Fuck that, I'd speak out if I were fed that

>> No.10195906

I've never been in hospital.

>> No.10196023
File: 2.56 MB, 5312x2988, 20170116_084522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese omelette with hashbrown potatoes, wheat toast with buttery spread and jam, fruit salad, and blood orange slices

>> No.10196045

did you have a choice or was it all pre planned?

>> No.10196131

Not sure, just got it.
Choice and other was being pancake and scrambled eggs as shown in previous posts

>> No.10196134

Probably as good as it gets

>> No.10196147

To be fair, I had like 5 of them before the staff cut me off.

>> No.10196154

is hospital cafeteria food a free buffet?

>> No.10196161

>tfw didnt eat the hospital food at all for the 3 days i was there
>just before i left i took a bite
>it was the best thing ive ever tasted
What the fuck even happened

>> No.10196192

Not where I am, at least. I had to pay for those 5 cheeseburgers. It was rather cheap, though.

My guess is that your hunger tricked you into thinking that it tasted better than it actually did, but I very well could be wrong.

>> No.10196197

>my wife makes so much I stopped working

yeah... or maybe it is that you're a lazy cuck

>> No.10196282

I'm sure the IRB would love to hear about this

>> No.10196294

hey if getting a bitch some diet coke ain't feeding her right then ethics be damned

>> No.10196379


I always check with the nurse before I get them food and it's not like I take the food away if they refuse to participate. It's more of a foot-in-the-door tactic. Food is just high-level communication. When you bring someone something they like, it's like "I get you, I know where you come from, let's share this."

Way easier than "sign this paper and let me poke you" up front.

>> No.10196947

Lazy, I most certainly am.
Cuck? Not quite.
Who is the stupid man, the one who breaks his back for the gain of another?
Or the man who sends another to toil under the whip of the taskmaster while he relaxes enjoying the fruits of their labor.

She makes an excellent living, full time is 3 nights a week, I did my 20 on aircraft carriers and another 10 in the reserves.
She is much younger and needs to earn her own way.
I gave my blood, now she can give hers.

The hospital I eat at even uses the same style of trays that the Navy used.

Some things change, some things remain the same.

>> No.10197030


Not entirely sure if it's ok, but I don't see it as any more coercive than offering cash for participating. Unless you're doing something really invasive or dangerous like testing drugs or something, it should be fine. I'm assuming it's something like a questionnaire or some shit.

>> No.10197133
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I've been to hospital overnight only once in my life(weird right? and I'm already 30) but that one time all I got was tea, some buns, and cheese slices.

I couldn't sleep all night both because of the pain and the hunger.

>> No.10197191

when my granny was in the hospital the cafeteria food seemed pretty good. they had a salad buffet, $1.99/lb with really good ingredients, like sliced mushroom and hardboiled eggs.

there was also a very wonderful smoothie cart.

>> No.10197229

The only upside of my dad dying of cancer was eating the hospital food. The cancer hospital had good food.

>> No.10197250

Hospital here does a special meal for parents who just had a baby. Got a ribeye, baked potato , steamed veggies, a salad, and a molten chocolate cake which were all fantastic. Wife said the regular meals werent bad just bland but they gave salt and pepper packets

>> No.10197298

What’s it like being a complete fucking mess?

>> No.10197463

This can't be real
Why is she married to you then? Your dick that good?

>> No.10197537

2 SCOOPS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.10197572
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>> No.10198946

I was in the hospital at the age of 20 for a heart issue and they put me on a low salt diet.

The only meal I remember being served was some spaghetti on it that had been cooked in water completely devoid of salt.

One night my parents snuck in a hamburger and fries from a fast food place. That was my only decent meal there.

On the other hand, I used to do some work for a really big time lawyer (he was Chairman of the Board and Majority Stockholder in two companies on the New York Stock Exchange). His wife told me that when she was in the hospital for something relatively minor, they served her lobster.

>> No.10198961

I know of one hospital that is worth going to the cafeteria for lunch. For things like a hamburger and fries, fish sandwich, ..., the food is as good as just about anywhere else, but they give better servings and the prices are about 2/3 of what the fast food joints cost.

>> No.10199053

That purple shit looks good

>> No.10199076

The only good hospital food I've ever had, was when I was 16 and could stay in a children's hospital. They had a 4 page menu, and would make you whatever you wanted, at any time. Other visits, see OPs picture.

>> No.10199082

>I was in the hospital at the age of 20 for a heart issue and they put me on a low salt diet.
>One night my parents snuck in a hamburger and fries from a fast food place. That was my only decent meal there.

lol Amerilards

>> No.10199091


It was a congenital issue. Not something due to bad diet or anything.

>> No.10199110

>squash shaped coins
you mean squash medallions?

>> No.10199150

>squash shaped coins
>you mean squash medallions?

>> No.10199224

Worst was a fucking microwave pudding in my local hospital. Slimy and bland, gross as hell.
Best was a proper home made roast dinner, on a real plate. I'd been starving because of surgery and I was given this gorgeous plate of fucking beef and veg.

>> No.10199441

>They gave you whatever the food was that day

As opposed to

>> No.10200085
File: 2.22 MB, 5312x2988, 20170116_130441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese tortellini in tomato sauce & topped with parmesan cheese, vegetable soup, bread with buttery spread, and strawberries

>> No.10200227

MD Anderson had amazing food. And a guest menu too

>> No.10200282

>You gon' eat all dem eggs?

>> No.10200291

>undercooked chicken

>> No.10200433

They had the best flan. The containers said Hormel, but I can't find any flan made by that brand.

>> No.10200458

Pilondinal cyst?

>> No.10200467

>sugar free syrup
what in the name of all that is holy

>> No.10200491

The IRB doesn't actually give a shit so long as you don't go full Mengele.

>> No.10200498

>What was your worst?
I broke my spine and literally couldn't bend at the waist at all. The first meal I got was spaghetti. I don't know if you've ever tried to eat spaghetti laying flat on your back, but you just have to sort of try and drop it into your mouth.
The spaghetti also fucking sucked.

>> No.10200719

Close. Neighbouring area though

>> No.10200973

When I was in the hospital for an asthma attack I remember getting a hamburger that was not very good, but I was playing Zelda in bed on an NES they brought it and the addition of a hamburger made it pretty comfy.

When my mom was in the hospital the cafeteria food was clearly better than that burger, but trading in Zelda for my mom dying sucked all the flavor out of the food.

>> No.10200984

T. Dave Chapelle

>> No.10201006
File: 479 KB, 772x804, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hospital 'food' in the UK is a fucking joke.
I recently spent a few days there because I had a Transient ischaemic attack or 'Mini Stroke' and they wanted to observe me.
I am on a Ketogenic diet and told them I needed less than 20g of carbs. They refused and forced me to eat fucking fruit and vegetable soup, I dropped out of ketosis and have since gained 40lbs eating sugar.
I am suing the hospital for this. I hope to make at least 1 million pounds because I feel the value of life they have stolen is worth that much.
Fuck the NHS. fuck socialised health'care'

>> No.10201010

Why shitpost on what is essentially a totally different topic?

This is fascinating.

>> No.10201024

Is it the /anglo/ food general? I thought it might be from the thumbnail

>> No.10201032

>literally has a stroke from the mountains of cholesterol consumed
>hospital puts him off mountains of cholesterol
>sues hospital

>> No.10201055

Awwww shit, had to spend 18 days in observation at a neuro clinic for TIAs this summer. Only cost me 5k (Thanks Obama). Healthcare in the US is a goddamn joke and thank sunny Jesus I had insurance otherwise I'd likely be dead.

That being said, it was a really nice clinic and they had me room with the rehab people (alcohol, meth, heroin, etc) who were all around my age and despite the fact I had an embolism at the base of my brain stem, it was overall pretty chill. Food was solid and we had a personal chef come in twice a week to teach some of them how to cook, gave me a really good quinoa, apple, pomegranate vinegar recipe that is now a staple of mine.

This obviously is not indicative of an average hospital stay, because it was a private clinic. When I had a seizure 2 months ago, all I got was some jello and a $1k bill =/

>> No.10201061

lol get mad fatty

>> No.10201312
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, hue hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I can't stop eating sugar after hospital"
>"I can't get hold of my life"

>> No.10201443

How was the treatment for the withdrawls? Did it help you get off the drink?

>> No.10201453

My wife gave birth and was too tired to eat. So I ate the breakfast. Then the Nurse came in as I was finishing. So I told her sorry I ate it. She said that's what happens 90% of the time, the dad always eats the breakfast the morning after.

>> No.10201454

T~T he was too good for this sinful earth

>> No.10201461

>In the hospital at the age of 20 for a heart issue
>"Mom get me Macdoggals"

Fuck dude

>> No.10202900

i didnt eat. i got shots of morphine every so often and slept for a few days.

>> No.10203351

maple syrup is literally 99% sugar lmao wut

>> No.10203359

looks like a kids meal but breakfast

>> No.10203365

Carrots looks nice at least.

>> No.10203380

>get stroke because of gay keto diet
>forced off of keto diet as a result
>over indulges self once out
completely your fault

>> No.10203409

My favorite thing in the hospital was the french toast. Everything else, like lunch and dinner things, were bland as shit.

>> No.10203426

...What are those?

>> No.10204506

Nah, this is in down under
You're honestly suing a hospital for doing their job? They did not commit medical negligence, nor fail to abide by any medically necessary or religious dietary needs. Just your lame ass diet was probably doing more harm than good, and put your health first.
Reverse cucking eh

>> No.10204726

I worked at a couple of hospitals and the food court was always freaking delicious. The best was this breakfast burrito that was stuffed with delicious stuff inside and was only like 3 dollars. The other was a Philly chicken sandwich, most delicious sub I've ever had, and super cheap too.

>> No.10204753

This looks like something out of a low budget sci-fi show.

>> No.10205736


When my oldest brother was in the hospital in a coma for about two months, they still brought his food. His wife ate it.

>> No.10205742


I think it was Whataburger.

>> No.10206109

What was your stomach problem and how does one avoid it?

>> No.10206139

No, but if it happened today I think I'd get a boner.

>> No.10206152

>I hope to make at least 1 million pounds
I don't understand I thought you gained only 40?

>> No.10206430

where abouts lad? my old man was in a hospital in brissy and the food he got there was fantastic. salmon and steamed veggies, roast lamb with veggies, sausages and mashed potato, steak and veggies all really high quality stuff

>> No.10206907

>sugar prostitute kek

>> No.10207079

when I was in the hospital for one night and the next day after surgery, I only ate toast. everything else was gross.

>> No.10207225

Brought her to the US
Married me and got her citizenship
Sponsored her parents, they live here now too, free babysitters
There are a lot of fantastic women who live in desperately impoverished countries
They are extremely grateful to live in a land of plenty
Hard working, down to earth, resourceful people

>> No.10207238

You can avoid it by not drinking alcohol

>> No.10207274

How often do you guys stay in the hospital?

>> No.10207310


Be thankful, I was once allowed literally nothing but ice chips to melt in my mouth for weeks on end. x_x

>> No.10209192

Got diagnosed as T1 diabetic after almost going into a coma with 800+ BG. Ordering off of a hospital menu is one thing, being forced to order off of the low-carb menu at a hospital is another level of hell.