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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 355x355, Tabasco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10187443 No.10187443 [Reply] [Original]

>Quintessential Americana.
>150 years old company and sauce recipe that has stayed American the whole time.
>Same recipe as 150 years ago, three ingredients.
>Aged in oak barrels for three years.
>Tastes great, goes on almost anything.
How is this not the best hot sauce made?

>> No.10187464

Is this supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.10187465

inb4 low IQ "enlightened" "real non-'pussy'" menchildren rage

>> No.10187466

>It's not from tabasco
you are wrong op.

>> No.10187478

Wow and here they come.

>> No.10187480

It really is food kino in its purest form. Too bad it tastes like shit

>> No.10187484

>He wants to eat Monsanto/Bayer/Dupont horseshit chemical food.

>> No.10187494


>> No.10187536

It's spicy vinegar. I'll put it on basically anything I'd put vinegar on.

>> No.10187552

>D-don't say mean things to me I can't refute =(

>> No.10187562
File: 10 KB, 296x300, Fuck you cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He unironically prefers GMO foods to what nature has been providing for eons.
It must suck to be retarded anon.

>> No.10187604

tabasco is the most vile "hot" sauce ever created.

check em

>> No.10187614


>> No.10187628

>nature has been providing for eons

Mankind has been genetically modifying plants since they first started domesticating them.

>> No.10187638

>providing anything we now eat

I'm going to let you remain ignorant. It's cute.

>> No.10187649

GMO foods taste better. It is literally genetically modified food made to enhance size, taste, color, healthiness. Organic food is a rip off. This is better living through chemistry. People like you are the reason we arent living on mars.





Please don't talk about things you don't know anything about. I would hope that if you're in the food industry you would do a little research into these things before spouting nonsense.

>> No.10187668

People like you need to die, how the fuck would we get to mars if everyone is cancerous and sterile? GMO is meant to slowly kill you.

>> No.10187669

The problem with GMO foods isn't that they're GMO; there's nothing inherently wrong with that at all. The problem is that often crops are genetically modified to withstand massive amounts of pesticides that probably cause cancer.

>> No.10187680

I don't understand that Tabasco hype. It's bascially just some fancy vinegar with a bland taste.

I make my own Habanero hot sauce, and not only it is really a hot sauce, but it has way more flavor. Plus, I know exactly what I put in: Habanero, coconut vinegar, sugar, salt.

>> No.10187777

Sounds like something someone with their brains fucked over by organic produce.

>> No.10187778

>crops are genetically modified to withstand massive amounts of pesticides that probably cause cancer.

how is that a bad thing?

Again, you're an idiot. please do some research before you spout nonsense.




You can't. Stop. Science.

>> No.10187786

Horsefuckers ruined the sauce for me.

>> No.10187795

Louisiana-style: Louisiana-style hot sauce contains red chili peppers (tabasco and/or cayenne are the most popular), vinegar and salt. Occasionally xanthan gum or other thickeners are used.

>> No.10187809
File: 54 KB, 660x800, Dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GMO plants can take more pesticides without dying.
>Fuckloads of cancer causing chemicals on GMO plants.
>Cancer is somehow good for you.

>> No.10187810

>hey guys here are some non-peer reviewed "studies" paid for by GMO corporations and written by their paid shills. See, your friendly neighborhood carcinogenic pesticide/herbicide chemical megacorporation, dindu nuffin'

>> No.10187812

Regular tabasco is shit but habanero and chipotle are top tier.

>> No.10187819

>how is that a bad thing
How is spraying massive amounts of easily absorbed and impossible to remove cancer causing chemicals onto our food a bad thing? Gee, I don't know.

>> No.10187820


>> No.10187825

>Implying family reserve is not the best Tabasco.

>> No.10187828

The Tobacco company told me smoking is healthy too.

>> No.10187829

Reminder we've been genetically modifying food and animals for millenia.

>> No.10187831

>tfw cannot find this in my stores.

>> No.10187833

This reminded me that I'm running low on Tabasco

>> No.10187834

Reminder that it's the chemicals that GMOs facilitate that intelligent people take issue with.

>> No.10187837

You have to go to their online country store.

>> No.10187845
File: 105 KB, 508x580, WOKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no anon, if this thread has taught us anything it's that cancer causing chemicals are actually good for you. Stay woke.

>> No.10187848

More resistance to Pests = Less pesticide needed.... How is that hard to understand lmfao

>> No.10187852

Amazon sells it too.

>> No.10187855


What did mlpfags do to Tabasco?

>> No.10187857

They don't modify the plants to be more resistant to pests; they modify them to be more resistant to pesticides, because the same people who design the GMO crops are the ones who sell the pesticides.

>> No.10187868
File: 6 KB, 207x243, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it has less resistance to pesticides means that everyone who grows GMOs will only use the necessary amount of pesticides every time.

>> No.10187879

At least I can see when I made a mistake or I am being stupid unlike some fuckers in this shit thread.

>> No.10187885

Organic food noticeably tastes better. This cannot be refuted.

>> No.10187899

But some shitty mainstream website that anon posted says GMOs taste better. Don't you trust MSM website # 2457? Organic is bad!

>> No.10187912

a GMO company has two objectives:
- create GMO crops that are resistant to their pesticide
- sell pesticides

The idea is to kill everything else but their GMO crops with their pesticides.

Side effects:
- Roundup and other glyphosate based pesticides cause cancer
- the spiral of being forced to buy GMO crops and matching pesticides forces farmers deeper into debt
- pesticides are sprayed onto crops too, and get absorbed

I'm not trying to convince you that I'm right. Evolution will just sort you out.

>> No.10187932

All food has been genetically modified at this point, so you are wrong.

>> No.10187949

What gibble brained fuck up told you children than GMO was bad for you? Are you chakra loving, emotional rejects ever going to read a scientific paper before you 'feel' that something is harming you?

>> No.10187955

t. brainlet who didn't read the thread

>> No.10187962


I read you fucking morons. You're fucking morons.

>> No.10187964

Impressive rhetorical skills there, champ.

>> No.10187966

Tastes like tangy gasoline. Fucking terrible

Tabasco shills are fucking pathetic

>> No.10187973


You really are an anti-gmo fuck up? I never really met any of you weirdos. All the science to the contrary, why do you fucking exist?

>> No.10187977

Stop drinking gas.

>> No.10187978


I call absolute fucking bullshit on this one. Store-bought tomatoes are flavorless compared to straight from the garden, non-gmo. The difference is night and day.

>> No.10187979

>pests dont build up resistance

>> No.10187983

Part of me culture m8

>> No.10187984


This is obvious if you've ever grown a tomato in your life. It doesn't mean that GMO is bad for you. Time to grow up.

>> No.10187992

He summed it up pretty well.

>> No.10187993



>> No.10188006


I know glyphosate(roundup) is terrible for bees but it hardly registers for a cancer causing agent in humans and it gives you massive yield per dollar for human food.

I love you fucking left coast idiots for your fervor, but not one of you knows a goddamn thing about creating bushel per dollar food and its costs on the human condition.

Go talk to a farmer. One of them is my closest friend and has traveled the globe dealing with this shit first hand. You want to starve a planet, be your stupid ass self.

>> No.10188011

>Brainlets:The thread.

>> No.10188015

>Chink farmers and poos are next leap in humanity.
Damn, never knew literal peasants would take us to mars.

>> No.10188018


you kids and your child words. Don't you ever feel embarrassed?

>> No.10188027

You're the one that started talking about kids and children.

>> No.10188034


This is a north american industrial farmer involved in developing the technology, you fucking gimp human being.

You're just not qualified to pretend to involve yourself in the first world.

>> No.10188046

I know you were talking about a north American industrial farmer but my point is that your point of HURR DUUR WE NEED TO SAVE DA WURLD POPULATION BY FEEDING THEM! While in the process giving them cancer and make them sterile. People like you are why humans are fucked.

>> No.10188050

>I know glyphosate(roundup) is terrible for bees
You will love to see the umemployment rates going downhill when farmers pay lots of money for people with brushes that do the bees' work
Of course that will not affect the price you pay for food

You being so short-sightened would be so amazingly funny if it wouldn't be so sad

>> No.10188054

>I know glyphosate(roundup) is terrible for bees but it hardly registers for a cancer causing agent in humans
Show me a single study that wasn't either paid for by Monsanto or conducted by the US government(which Monsanto has a great amount of influence on) that says glyphosate is anything but carcinogenic.
>left coast idiots
I grew up in rural Illinois, and I've never lived on a coast. My high school was situated between a cow pasture and a town of 900 people. I grew up around farms and farmers. Monsanto has a location an hour away from where I grew up. It's cute how you created a little strawman because you're a fucking retard who can't imagine that someone who isn't some far removed soyboy could ever be anything but a parody of a 50 year old man on Facebook like you are. Faggots like you are the absolute worst.

>> No.10188055


You're that crazy bitch in a track suit going to walgreens with her "theories". Keep telling people your shit with your PhD in chemistry and microbiology.

>> No.10188064

People like him unwittingly march to their deaths, work for it, promote it. It's like going around and selling fucking ricin as a cure all snake oil, except that ricin takes a few days, GMOs are years of slow kill.

>> No.10188075

Why do you want to suck giant chemical corporations dicks so much? Do Xing Ping Lao and Pajeet Sharma bring so nuch to the table they need saving?

>> No.10188076



Doesn’t just about everything cause cancer if you look hard enough?
The IARC classifies compounds on a scale of decreasing certainty: group 1 is for agents that are definitely carcinogenic to humans; 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans; 2B, possibly carcinogenic to humans; 3, not classifiable; and 4, probably not carcinogenic to humans.

Monsanto said in its statement, “IARC has classified numerous everyday items in Category 2 including coffee, cell phones, aloe vera extract and pickled vegetables, as well as professions such as a barber and fry cook.”

But the IARC classified most of these items at the less dangerous 2B level, whereas glyphosate is in the 'probably carcinogenic' 2A category. Of Monsanto's list, only emissions from high-temperature frying and the occupational exposure experienced as a barber are rated as 2A.

What is a carcinogen and what does the classification mean?

Carcinogens are things that cause cancer. As the American Cancer Society explains, there are four levels for classification according to IARC’s system. They look like this:

Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans
Group 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans
Group 3: Unclassifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans
Group 4: Probably not carcinogenic to humans

2A, Asshole. It's like taking an airplane flight as being an exposure to Cancer causing gamma rays.

>> No.10188082


I don't, in fact I hate them. I just hate idiot assholes that create their own realities worse.

>> No.10188083


>> No.10188086

Probably is enough for me.

>> No.10188087


You're just fucking wrong, and you need to own up to it.

>> No.10188089

>Cancer and sterile causing chemicals do not exist in reality.
This is some next level I was pretending to be retarded.

>> No.10188090
File: 113 KB, 440x220, spraying2-promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeds growing resistant to roundup leading to ever increasing quantities being used above and beyond even the dangerous levels deemed "safe" by a USDA and FDA owned by those chemical companies and the need to develop ever more virulent products.


According to their own internal documents, Monsanto engaged in a widespread coverup of the dangers of roundup, ghost wrote studies and paid academic shills to sign their name to it.


Human cells destroyed when exposed to roundup at levels far below those deemed "safe" by whore govt. agencies.


After finally reengineering roundup and testing the "inert" ingredients, which surprise, surprise, conveniently aren't required to be disclosed to regulatory agencies, studies show they cause a host of illnesses.


Strange how the GMO megacorporations paid millions to our whore congress in a lobbying effort to prevent labeling products as containing GMO's. Ironically it backfired and those labeled nonGMO are btfo of unlabeled, lol!

>> No.10188101


Some stupid cunt declares cancer and sterile and you believe him. Are you some Arkansas housewife who just 'believes'?

Go to fucking school, the go to highschool , then go to college, and then grow up.

>> No.10188110

>Some stupid cunt
You mean peer reviewed research that wasn't written or funded by the people that would be financially damaged depending on the results on the research? Fuck off, Monsanto shill.

>> No.10188115

>what nature has been providing
Stop using that computer and living inside an artificial building then, dumbass. Go on, your chimp friends are waiting for you in the superior innovation-free jungle.

>> No.10188127


You end stage people need something other than your own stupidity.


>> No.10188129

>Cancer and sterile causing chemicals do not cause cancer and do not make you sterile.

>> No.10188134

I hope for your own sake that you're trolling.

>> No.10188140

>1 bushel of corn has been deposited into your account

>> No.10188143

Already there cuck, I live off grid in the mountains.
>Inb4 phones, solar panels and batteries don't exist.

>> No.10188147


Are these articles pro vegan or anti vegan? Cause if they're anti-vegan then I don't even want to read that garbage. I'll only read it if it supports my pre-existing worldview.

>> No.10188150

Stop using that smartphone, it's not "natural."

>> No.10188152


keep it up, goober. Your home state vegetable will love you for it.

>> No.10188157

>>How is this not the best hot sauce made?
Ding-dong. It's Huy Fong Foods' sriracha at the door. Sriracha has superior flavor and heat.

>> No.10188161


>> No.10188162

I will keep it so I can steer people away from horrible "information" that people like you put out. Death cultist piece of shit.

>> No.10188167

>Ultimate soyboy, memesauce has superior flavor and heat.

>> No.10188172

Islam is not a death cult you fucking racist biggot.

>> No.10188173

Oh boi! Spicy vinegar is so good!

>> No.10188174

>GMOs are Islam.
Islam just keeps getting better doesn't it?

>> No.10188176

This but unironically.

>> No.10188181

>He doesn't like spicy vinegar.
Plebeian palate.

>> No.10188182

But it is.

>> No.10188189
File: 6 KB, 245x206, My nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10188192


Your mom is going to hate making you dinner. How homeschooled can one person sound?

>> No.10188201

"Spicy vinegar" describes condiments from cuisines all around the world, from Caribbean peppersauce to sambal to Eastern North Carolina bbq sauce. You're a cunt.

>> No.10188209 [DELETED] 

If you aren't a troll, you're more than likely growing your tomatoes in an arid fuckville region where your shit sucks. I've been growing tomatoes for the better part of 15 years now, and they taste absolutely 100% better than store bought shit. Only exception is Kumatos. Those are pretty good. Still not GMO though.

>> No.10188215

You have terrible reading comprehension. To elaborate on his point, homegrown tomatoes taste better than store bought because store bought tomatoes are picked when they're greened and artificially "ripened" through exposure to a gas that turns the skin red but doesn't change much else. It has nothing to do with GMOs.

>> No.10188216

To get back on topic sjnce the GMO corporate shills and sycophants have been btfo, on one hand it seems like tabasco sauce should be goat because they ferment it in oak barrels and are careful in the level of ripeness of the peppers. The problem, like much of american food, they dilute it with enormous quantities of vinegar to wring the most profit out of it so it ends up tasting like slightly spicy vinegar.

>> No.10188219

>Can't grow great tomatoes in arrid fuckville region.
I live in a place like you describe and my tomatoes are always fantastic, you can grow a lot of things in many places if you are not retarded about it.

>> No.10188221

The high vinegar content is what makes it perfect for high-fat foods like cheap pizza or friend cheese curds.

>> No.10188226


>> No.10188227

I agree tabasco could be far better but I still like for the flavor and the way it is made (despite the massive amounts of vinegar) but I like vinegar so it works out.

>> No.10188239

it's not even a sauce. it's just stupid vinegar with hot stuff in it. a stupid liquid that turns everything into a liquid. why would I use it? if I want vinegar e.g. on salad, I surely dont want my food hot. and if I want hot food, I dont want it sour the same time. it ruins everything.

>> No.10188244

>It's not a sauce because it has vinegar in it and it has some weird spicy stuff that hurts my tongue :(

>> No.10188250

OP is a faggot

>> No.10188257

You are a faggot.
>I only eat my 500,000 scoville unit $12 a bottle hot sauces.

>> No.10188263

I like it. There was a time when Tabasco was usually your only option. It's not the best sauce, but it's alright. It's just peppers, salt, and vinegar. Hard to go wrong with that. And it doesn't taste like ass like many boutique sauces with shitty homemade art on the label. No matter what other sauces I acquire, I will always have Tabasco on my rack.

>> No.10188268

Here is a man that has his wits about him. Variety is important.

>> No.10188280
File: 17 KB, 450x450, 81a86d76-fce8-4ac1-ad21-0e4f3da7f9ce_1.183cbf4a83e81506ad34bec0e26efe84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is delicious with beans, or collared greens, and this shit is also very good. I like to take the peppers out, and put them on food.

>> No.10188282

>Technology's bad except when I arbitrarily decide to use it for things I don't need
Hmm, it's almost like you're using baseless superstitious nonsense to inform your retarded "nature am good" shitposting.

>> No.10188283

>if I want hot food, I don't want it sour the same time
Kimchi, spicy bread and butter pickles, hot and sour soup, salsa, the entirety of Thai cuisine

>> No.10188298

I like stuff like this, ever had hot giardiniera?

>> No.10188304

>Cancer and sterility are superstitious nonsense.
Well done.

>> No.10188309

was meant for

>> No.10188325

Gardiniera is the GOAT sandwich spread, especially if it has olives in it. I recently make a baked macaroni casserole that used a tomato sauce with bacon and giardiniera (Potbelly's brand) and green olive tapenade as the flavor base, and it was fantastic. It tasted like pepperoni pizza.

>> No.10188328

I'm drunk.

>> No.10188341

im not familiar with that

>> No.10188365

Why are you confusing "a baseless pseudoscience claim about cancer" with "actual evidence of carcinogenesis?"
Those are two different things friend. People on /x/ aren't really sorcerers and aliens either FYI. What is claimed and what is true constitute a Venn diagram with a very small overlapping section.

>> No.10188392

This has nothing to do with /x/.
>Cancer and sterility are baseless pseudoscience.
Bravo sir, truly the apex of intelligence.

>> No.10188450

>"What I baselessly claim is causing cancer" is the same thing as actual cancer
Bravo sir, truly the apex of intelligence.

>> No.10188458

>This has nothing to do with /x/.
Then stop making /x/ posts and start using real evidence. The power is yours.

>> No.10188526

>Not the best
>Not the 'vark

>> No.10188595

Enjoy your cancer and sterility.

>> No.10188612

Name one food that isnt made up of chemicals and youll get a nobel you buzzword throwing retard.

>> No.10188634

He means the bad chemicals, not the good ones. Because of nothing at all since nobody here can bother to come up with actual evidence for their "natur gud teknolg bad ooga booga" bullshit.

>> No.10188646

>he thinks all chemicals are good
Drink bleach.

>> No.10188662

>all chemicals are good
Nobody made that argument anywhere you retard, learn how to read. If you say all books are bad and I tell you you're wrong that's not an argument that all books are good.

>> No.10188665

fuck off Whole Foods/Amazon shills

>> No.10188666

You know, there's no rule saying you have to respond to tripfags.

>> No.10188670

>replying to tripfags desperate for replies

You brought this on yourself

>> No.10188672

probably because being old, overly simple and avoiding great technology like GMOs are not good things
The stuff is fine, but why would the fact that it was first made a long time ago possibly mean it is better?

>> No.10188673

Are my posts somehow worse now that, after 12 years of posting on 4chan, I decide to use a trip? Are all of them retroactively terrible?

>> No.10188675

I know most places on the internet are places where people should essentially just jump in a well. But you people are probably the dumbest most trailer trash fuck ups I've ever read to date. You don't belong in a society at all. You wouldn't belong in a society that cropped up in the 70s when Jim Jones was looking for people. You're just screwed up, sad and not safe for anyone to be around.

Stop talking to anyone.

>> No.10188679

Satanic trips

>> No.10188681

it's great on turnip greens, but tabasco is pretty boring otherwise

>> No.10188682

Nobody said that all chemicals are bad, and anyone who does is a fucking retard. Chemicals designed to kill things are generally not good for the body, though.

>> No.10188711

eh, different types of things have certain biochemical pathways that don't exist in other classes of things, so there are many chemicals that are very harmful to one class of things but rather inert to another class of things

Remember, GMOs have lead to a dramatic reduction of pesticide usage relative to organic farming and pre GMO farming, and the animals these pesticides kill are much more closely related to humans chemically than any plant

>> No.10188715

>T. Monsanto nigger.

>> No.10188719

i always thought it was mexican. didn't realize until very recently its from louisianna

>> No.10188726

>fighting scientific progress in the name of the largest company in the world

>> No.10188727


Oh you communist. Talking to farmers then? These fucking assholes don't know a goddamn thing about farming. I love watching the odd person who actually has a cent of knowledge.

>> No.10188728

GMOs reduced the use of insecticides, but herbicide usage is higher in GMO plants than non. http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/2/8/e1600850

>> No.10188731

>He cares about fitting into society.
You need approval because you have a master, I am a free man.

>> No.10188747

>Monsanto dindu nuffin, he was going to go to college and stop trying to take over the world via agriculture!

>> No.10188751


Are you a sovereign citizen? The fuck kinda mind do you have?

>> No.10188760

I have a mind that doesn't allow me to be willingly cucked.

>> No.10188769


Someone who uses the word "cucked". Why are you that childish? Don't say cucked, ever. It makes you look like a fucking kid. Every single time. A child, ever single time.

>> No.10188780

You like to keep using these child and kid words. Why are you so fixated on children? Get back to telling me that cancer and sterility is good for people and shit.

>> No.10188794

what does anything I said possibly have to do with communism? Science, technology and progress are the exact opposite of communism

>> No.10188803

>GMOs reduced the use of insecticides, but herbicide usage is higher
Exactly my point. It has reduced the use of chemicals that kill animals, ones that might actually matter, meanwhile it has increased the use of plant killing chemicals that are rather inert to higher animals, a trivial thing

>> No.10188805

Dense, it was a sly joke.

>> No.10188808


Most likely its Zoroastrianism in the long run.

You didn't get that I was fucking with you. That's ok. You're probably a fascist totalitarianist in the form of Marshal Tito.

>> No.10188818

>I like to take the peppers out, and put them on food.

Imagine being so retarded that you actually make a post like this.

>> No.10188819

>You're probably a fascist totalitarianist
basically the same thing as a communist

>> No.10188829


When you consider the political circle, you're not entirely wrong. Bravo for that.

>> No.10188835

Retards can't imagine what it's like to be retarded because they are already retarded. Are you retarded anon?

>> No.10188841

>People with knowledge on /ck/.
This is some rare shit right here.

>> No.10188865

>You like to keep using these child and kid words. Why are you so fixated on children?

That's the narrative as of Thursday, Feb 22. "muh kids, muh children, muh guns, muh metal detectors, muh GMO's." It's all connected via the manufactured zeitgeist.

>> No.10188872


it's not that great. too hot, too watery, too vinegary. cholula is better. cholula chipotle is amazing.

>> No.10188877
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>horseshoe meme

>> No.10188884

Roundup isn't inert to humans.

>> No.10188889

Communism and fascism are very close politically you moron. No retarded ass drawing with text is going to change that.

>> No.10188900

The rise of fascism was heavily tied to trade unionism. Read a fucking book.

>> No.10188902

not entirely so, but its rather inert. Any chemical will kill you in high enough amounts, its even considerably less dangerous to people than most "organic" approved herbicides (of which the only qualification is they are "natural" as though that is a qualification that matters)

>> No.10188901

I know these fuckers are shills, I have been dealing with them for a decade. They are so hopelessly stupid, it's quite sad.

>> No.10188910

statism is bad, fascism and communism are just slightly different strains of it

>> No.10188912

I think this one is a bot.

>> No.10188923

>Retards can't imagine what it's like to be retarded because they are already retarded

We're approaching levels of conscious and willing retardation that I'd never anticipated. Pro-tip: most retards know that they're retarded, or they at least understand that they're defective in some way.

>> No.10188927

Because Cholula exists you faggot

>> No.10188948

That's too bad anon, I hope your disorder doesn't affect your daily life too much. #it'sokaytoberetarded

>> No.10188971

Your outlook is very offensive towards retards. I hope one of them maims you someday.

>> No.10188980

One of my greatest friends is a retard, he wouldn't approve of savage violence like you are promoting. He would use his words like you should.

>> No.10189002

>One of my greatest friends is a retard

I believe it.

>> No.10189010

>He believes things.
>He believes things on 4chan,
Do you put salt in your ass as well?

>> No.10190455

Too watery. It slides off everything.

>> No.10190462
File: 1.50 MB, 3724x2096, 23CFF69E-FA99-44EC-8CC4-2D023B69EE06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its top tier but it gets boring after a while

>> No.10190480

wish they made a slightly hotter variant in between this and habanero. It would be the perfect hotsauce

>> No.10190511

That's not genetic modification. That's just plain selective breeding

>> No.10191131

Roundup has a half life of two weeks in the environment. Within gmo plants, it is metabolised. Roundup isn't so much an issue for consumers as it is the people who apply it or live near it's application.

>> No.10191142

I grew up next to cornfields and our water came from a well. Am I kill?

>> No.10191191

They are required to reveal inert ingredients to the EPA during pesticide registration.

>> No.10191374

it's not a sauce because it's as liquid as water

>> No.10191813

You ever had italian beef? One of the only things I like about Chicago

>> No.10191911


>> No.10191949

Quintessentially racist like anything else I amerikkka

>> No.10192163

Ever heard of crossbreeding? Kinda like when we took a crab apple tree and a pear tree and spliced the two together to make what you know as an "apple"

>> No.10192405

too late

>> No.10192420

Tabasco is "hot" sauce for white people

>> No.10193107
File: 993 KB, 500x353, 150476091279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys please don't fight.

>> No.10193112
File: 35 KB, 900x900, 330225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*
heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.10193789

Yes, I too love lightly chili flavored vinegar.

>> No.10193811

>Liquid as water.
All food liquids contain water.

>> No.10193816

>White people have better taste than shitskins.
Makes sense pablo.

>> No.10194033

The reason I like Tabasco is because of how vinegary it is. What are some similar brands with a strong vinegar flavor?

>> No.10194074

one time I helped Mrs. Mcilhenny to her car and she tipped me with a bottle of hot sauce. I laughed desu

>> No.10194190

All it needs is a wooden lid and it could be the master of all hot sauces

>> No.10194193


frank's shitsauce is very vinegary. it's salt and vinegar.

>> No.10194196

Im allergic to the vinegar in Tabasco sauce, I get hives and my face blows up

>> No.10194223


>> No.10194365

I agree.

>> No.10194420
File: 196 KB, 511x428, 1517447459179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, niggers and single mothers are why we are not living on mars fuck face.