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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 803x434, nick banana split ben jerrys haagen dazs pint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10184029 No.10184029 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Ben Jerry's ice cream base feel gummy and creamy in the mouth like there's too much of some sort of binding ingredient while Haagen Dazs has crispness and more solidity to it?

Not finding the right words so sorry in advance but you probably know what I'm talking about.

>> No.10184074

Not a fucking clue m8 its icecream its all one consistancy unless its gelato

>> No.10184138

im pretty sure they use high fructose corn syrup, or at least they did for a long time. among other sugar alternatives

>> No.10184191

Ben from Ben & Jerry's had anosmia, which meant he had a complete lack of smell and almost a full lack of taste. When they were making the ice cream, they decided to make it so the texture was a big part of it. That's why the ice cream has an entirely different texture to anything else, because they designed it that way.

>> No.10184202

I know exactly what you mean. I refuse to eat Ben and Jerry's because when I try it, to me it tastes like they are higher quality and more creative toppings than the biggest, cheapest mass market brands but they don't really try as hard as Haagen Dazs and have ingredients they really shouldn't at a premium level. Also, Cherry Garcia tastes like bitter almond extract, not like cherries. I have yet to try a commercial cherry ice cream that was cherry-tasting enough.

>> No.10184235

Ben & Jerry's (and most other commercial ice cream brands actually) have gum thickeners, like guar gum, xanthan gum, etc.
Haagen-Daz does not, relying instead on the classic ice cream recipe (specifically, egg yolks).
This is also why Ben & Jerry's etc. keep solid at warmer temperatures, while Haagen-Daz will liquefy pretty quickly once out of the freezer.

>> No.10184265
File: 109 KB, 500x340, bjschwed06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also read a Ben and Jerry's ingredients label and you'll find that half of the product is soy.

>> No.10184274
File: 269 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, at HD:

Haagen Dazs is simply a higher-end product with higher fat content and less air.

>> No.10184277

Carrageenan gum leaves that "gummy" film after eating it. Can't say for B&J but it might be in the ingredients. That shit can't be good for you because the body can't break those down.

>> No.10184297

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Wonder how long it'll take for a John Oliver flavor.

>> No.10184375

>half the product
>it's low on the ingredient list
Nigga u dumb?

>> No.10184424

>Out of 20
Math is hard

>> No.10184443

9th out of 20 doesn't mean it makes up 50% of the volume. Shit nigga u retarded.

>> No.10184512

This is /ck/ my man, 95% of the people on this board are retarded.
>/ck/ knowing anything about anything let alone food and math.

>> No.10184906

I don't know if it has anything to do with the ice cream but maraschino cherries are flavored with almond

>> No.10184964

This is the best ice cream I have ever had.

>> No.10184979

Technically, it's only IMITATION maraschino cherries (though this is the the only kind you will easily find in the U.S.) that are flavored with almond. Real maraschino cherries are steeped in maraschino liqueur.

>> No.10185012

god i fucking hate living in canada or at least where i live because the grocery stores and gas stations all have the same like 5 flavours of ben and jerrys and it pisses me off. i love fucking chunky monkey and none of the stores carry it anymore. same thing with chips it's the same flavours every time you go into the store with the same brands (lays, old dutch, no name, pringles) the only chip that sometimes has new ones come out are ruffles but then it's some garbage like poutine flavour.

haagen dazs rum vanilla caramel blondie is fucking dope

>> No.10185058

>coconut oil
>corn syrup
>soybean oil
>soy lecithin
>guar gum

same shit you find in frozen pizza and ranch dressing, fucking disgusting processed food industry

>> No.10185148


Can Americans survive without these ingredients?

>> No.10185228

>liquid sugar (sugar, water), water, sugar

>> No.10185230

That white chocolate truffle with raspberries is amazing

>> No.10185343

>Less than
Less than what? 1kcal? If that's the case, why can't it just say <1kcal?

>> No.10185348

The 'less than' is for the weight of the nutrients

>> No.10185350

Of course it is. Now I just feel like an idiot.

>> No.10185356

>That shit can't be good for you because the body can't break those down.
Same thing with fiber and fiber's good for you. It's fucking ice cream though so of course it's not good for you.

>> No.10185374

No, it causes us to stop shitting ourselves in Walmarts, and as the world knows without this ability our watery shits accumulate in our bodies until we explode.

>> No.10185413

What's wrong with soy?