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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10183846 No.10183846 [Reply] [Original]

I've realized I eat fucking horribly and will probably get beetus within a year if I keep this shit up. I don't wanna go full soyboy and lose all my test on some vegan/vegetarian diet, but I do want to eat healthy. What is the cheapest, easiest diet plan I can use to ward off the beetus?

>> No.10183849

Meat and potatoes

>> No.10183865

Just stop eating sugar you dumb fuck

>> No.10183871


>> No.10183895

Kale and lentils.
One onion a day

>> No.10184189

Lean meats and other lean animal protein: chicken breast, fish, eggs
Lots of veggies and fruits
Lentils are a great bean to eat

>> No.10184268

Stop eating oils.

>> No.10184312

This desu

>> No.10184770

You’re a fucking retard op.

>> No.10184775

rei a shit

>> No.10184818

No meme diets. Whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fish (canned kippers are delicious), lean meats, fruit, and plain yogurt are all your friends. Consider baking your own sweets when you want a treat.

>> No.10184846


>> No.10185369

Seconding this.

Also dramatically reduce your calories, studies show you can beat diabetes into remission by following low calorie diets and regular excercise.

I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago and I cut the crap out of my diet, bought smaller plates to reduce my portions and alotted myself around 900 calories a day (you'd be surprised what you can still eat, it's not rabbit food). I've lost 7lbs and I haven't even joined the gym yet.

If you think you might be beetus bound you really need to go to your doctor and get a proper test done to determine if you are diabetic or pre diabetic, they'll be able to advise you better then.

>> No.10186030


>> No.10186214

Meta-analysis of every study into the impact of soy on men's hormones:

It found soy has..... no impact whatsoever.

Because it's a fucking bean.

>> No.10186221

Just cut out the sugar from everything and add at least one extra vegetable to every meal, that's all you need to do to get healthier.

>> No.10186332
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Asuka a shit

>> No.10186339

Why do you think you're diabetic? I eat candy like a motherfucker all day everyday and have no symptoms or anything.

>> No.10186362

Anything you actually cook yourself with whole food ingredients... Don't use sugar

>> No.10186377

All you need to do to not break your pancreas is not have a high fat high carb diet, which you can only get if you live on nothing but fast food and soda.

>> No.10186843

Eat more lean proteins, eat fewer carbs, and cut out the sugar. A little bit of fat (say, 2 egg yolks worth) per day is fine.

>> No.10186860

Go keto and eat meat instead of sugar and get cancer instead of the beetus

OR become a vegan

and die of malnutrition. Dam, Darwin. Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.10187096


>> No.10187307
File: 573 KB, 2724x2213, diet properly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these dumb retarded ketofags
Holy shit this thread is cancer.

go to >>>/fit/ and read the sticky. Go to >>>/fit/fat and read the OP.

A quick rundown:
1) eat a lot of chicken
2) eat a lot of veggies
3) eat your oats
4) drink a lot of water
5) exercise
6) log what you eat on myfitnesspal or a similar site since most people are retarded when it comes to estimating calories

It's as easy as that. It just takes awhile.
Bonus: eating this way is pretty cheap. I spend like $30/week on food as opposed to $75-$100 when I was a fat as fatass eating fast food all the time.

>> No.10187505
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>problem is lots of insulin from carbohydrates
>solution is to eat lots of carbohydrates


>> No.10187608
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>> No.10187620
File: 57 KB, 645x588, e02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread is cancer

>go to /fit/ guyz we know wat we talkin bout!!!!

>> No.10187792

test isn't important, soy doesn't acually affect anything and you can diet without eating any soy whatsoever
go shitpost on /fit/ instead

>> No.10188165

Oats and most veggies dont have high carbs. Potatoes arent the only veggie you know.

>> No.10188242

you gotta cook

>> No.10188557

Oats are high in carbohydrates. They just digest more slowly than simpler carbohydrates, which reduces insulin resistance.

>> No.10188659

They're both shit. Misato tha best

>> No.10188891

Find good deals on meat and eat veggies. Greens are best. Produce is fairly cheap in most of the US.
If you want to eat healthier spend an extra couple bucks on higher quality meat and healthier cooking oils.

>> No.10188905

Honestly pretty much this. Eat some fruit now and then because you fo need a little sugar.

>> No.10188926

>Lean meats and other lean animal protein: chicken breast, fish, eggs
Aside from fish i have to disagree. Red meat has more micronutrients and a lot of the fattier cuts like liver are even more nutrient dense.
It isnt always the best idea to take a lack of fat over nutritional needs. Nutrition isnt about avoiding fat.

>> No.10189310

/fit/ is filled with autists who are obsessed with health. There are some retards that buy into memes like keto or (even worse) fasting/water fasting, but there is generally some good general advice there.

Oatmeal and veggies are actually really good for people with the beetus, you unironic brainlet. The American Diabetes Association actually recommends it http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/food-tips/quick-meal-ideas/quick-breakfast-ideas.html

>> No.10190914

There should be a mirror next to that garbage can you disgusting failure of a human being

>> No.10192548
File: 82 KB, 464x656, More accurate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10192551

worrying about some small effect on your testosterone when you're about to get beetus is retarded.

>> No.10193401

Diabetes is not caused by overeating sugar, and is not significantly impacted by eating sugar when compared with other carbohydrates.

Ward off diabetes by keeping your weight low. Control diabetes by losing weight and eating carbs with lower glycemic indexes.