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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 1002x690, mcdonalds-hashbrowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10176316 No.10176316 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make a good imitation of Mcdonald's hashbrowns?

>> No.10176338

thats the most innocent burn i've ever seen

>> No.10176344

Spend 17 billion dollars on chemical and market research, kill trillions of species that no one has ever even heard of, then squirt your super jizz on a potato and deep fry it.

>> No.10176351


>> No.10176360


Reference to some fat lesbian lib reporter who photoshopped a 4chan thread to prove some kind of point. It involved tater tots.

>> No.10176396

if he was trying to imitate that why didn't he make his post number the same

>> No.10176403

You make a good point

>> No.10176421
File: 25 KB, 500x386, 451a7335e423a75abf9f5b2ab54f4023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is capitalism.

>> No.10176425

Freeze your hash browns into patties

>> No.10176450

Wait, what? What're you talking about? I'm interested.

>> No.10176471
File: 128 KB, 460x400, potato-patties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why waste time and money to make imitation of McDonald's hashbrowns when pic related are exactly like that and cheaper?

>> No.10176700

Why are they so uniquely yummy. It's just potato isn't it?

>> No.10177015

Steamed some fries and mashed and diced them up just right before, then deep-fried them afterwards- texture was pretty similar.

Ikr? Kinda weird business there.

>> No.10177020


Get a proper hash brown and wipe your ass on it.

>> No.10178967

They're two for a dollar just get McDonald's hasbbroens

>> No.10179003

Grate your potatos
Squeeze water out of them
Microwave for 2 mins
Make a cookie cutter shape using foil
Fry them for a couple mins and flip

>> No.10179009

Pretty sure there is some onion in em too.

>> No.10179051

>He buys frozen foods that aren't vegtables

>> No.10179145

>hash browns
>made of potato
>not a fucking vegetable

>> No.10179156
File: 37 KB, 586x578, A54FB319-38A2-4061-A7C6-50B3B9346B10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually enjoying eating literally anything from McDonald’s

>> No.10179163

What kind of point about 4chan can you make with tater tots?

>> No.10179720

They're technically a froot

>> No.10179743

>he buys frozen vegetables

>> No.10179754


>> No.10179854

can you show me where a potato contains seeds

>> No.10179859

They don't have that special McDs taste, you know the one

>> No.10179861

Everything below the skin.

>> No.10179870

>not enjoying a sausage and egg McMuffin

>> No.10179911
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, 1519011207364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a show called Homeland. Shame how mainstream this place is becoming

>> No.10179938

>apples from the ground
French is such a stupid language

>> No.10179960

Terre doesn’t translate to ground you fucking retard.

>> No.10180044

You’re really ashamed of 4chan becoming “mainstream.” Like this site is something you’re proud to be a part of

How new are you?

>> No.10180063

It's a place to hide from mainstream people and I don't know where else to to hide if everyone comes here.

>> No.10180199

everyone has been here since 2003. 4chan hasnt been a secret club in a long time. The only thing that's changed is that people have stopped caring about looking 'nu' by not adhering religiously to the hivemind that goes on here

>> No.10180206

Remove as much liquid as possible.
Spread onto sheet pan.
Cut into shape.
Deep fry.

>> No.10181315


For the longest time, "apple" was used to refer to any fruit.

>> No.10183285

>apples of the earth


>> No.10183330


>> No.10183558


Kek. Bump for cocaine

>> No.10183734
File: 970 KB, 300x225, wtfbananas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to?
Grate potatoes, wring out excess moisture with a clean dish towel, cook in BACON GREASE like your grandmammy intended hashed browns to be.
for flavor add onions, garlic and rosemary to the pan before the potato bits. all chopped finely
serve with a fried egg. bacon itself is optional but good too.
Hash browns are one of the few things I bother saving bacon grease to cook with.

>> No.10183739

That bag should be translucent with grease . I’m calling false advertising

>> No.10183823

You can buy fuckoff huge packs of these at the store frozen for like 3 dollars, just do that

>> No.10183864
File: 140 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180221-195854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly certain McDonald's preps all their potatoes in one go. To me this makes sense from a production stand point. Now I know McDonald's brines their fries. The hash browns are kinda like their fries. Try doing a sweet brine on your potatoes prior to making them.

>> No.10185816

why is the greentext not

>> No.10187060

No they aren't.

Don't lie. Lying is Jews.