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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10174055 No.10174055 [Reply] [Original]

How do i cook a steak without setting off the fire alarm?

>> No.10174063

Deactivate the fire alarm

>> No.10174073

I can't at my new apartment. that's why I'm asking

>> No.10174078

little plastic sandwich baggie over the fire sensor.

>> No.10174092

Would plastic wrap work? I can remove mine but I'm just wondering.

>> No.10174110

Use a high smoke point oil.

Castrol GTX2 works

>> No.10174121

If youre in an apartment there is a hood over the stove. Use it. Also open a window and place a fan so as to draw air out that window.

>> No.10174125


Turn on the hood vent.

>> No.10174135

Ask your neighbors. If youre in an apartment you have black neighbors and they are always frying stuff or smoking blunts so they will know

>> No.10174145

take the batteries out of the fire alarm

>> No.10174150

I have a fan thing on the microwave above the stove but I've turned it on and tried to get a feel for how much pull it has, and I'm worried it's not quite enough, and there isn't an easy way to test that without potentially setting off the fire alarm.
I'll try the window thing though
I've yet to see a black person in my building, thankfully. I live in san francisco so just cause I live in an apartment doesn't mean I'm poor. I pay $2400/mo.

>> No.10174151

Seriously OP. The smoke will most likely be from the oil that you're using. So try a different, high-smoke-point oil.
Use Google for more info.

>> No.10174156

but everything I read says olive oil is the best thing to use to cook steaks...

>> No.10174198

As long as it isn't virgin, or extra virgin.
But if you're producing enough smoke to set off an alarm the you must be doing something wrong.
Make sure your using a clean pan. Oh, wait. You're using a dirty cast iron meme aren't you.


>> No.10174220

yeh I am, I guess that's probably the problem. but I didn't fall for the meme, cast iron is just cheaper and I didn't want to spend tons of money on quality cookware till I knew more about cooking. I have a 9.5" demeyere industry5 skillet now. Good to know that if I'm creating that much smoke, I'm doing something wrong, though. Will try to not fuck up, senpai.

>> No.10174223


>> No.10174245

Not necessarily wrong, but if your goal is not to set off a smoke detector in an apartment with a little filter fan, then yeah, a high-temp sear is off limits.

>> No.10174303

I just short the battery out. If you can't, insert a piece of wax paper between the electrical connections. If you can't get to the electrical connections, put duct-tape over the little grid in front that receives and detects smoke or heat.

Don't be outsmarted by a fucking alarm.

>> No.10174336

somewhat irrelevant seeing as OP is in the US, but hardwired smoke alarms are now legally required in AUS, and some even call back to base if they're disconnected, shit's retarded

>> No.10174395
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Sealing the vents that tell it whether there's smoke or not isn't a disconnect and shouldn't be obvious on inspection? I don't know if I can't see it. Seems like a layer of Murray's Pure Australian Beeswax or some other fine stiff wax product would shut it the fuck up without alerting them.

>> No.10174554

Does your alarm have a button to silence it temporarily? A lot of them do nowadays.

>> No.10174603

>but hardwired smoke alarms are now legally required in AUS, and some even call back to base if they're disconnected
Jesus fucking christ does daddy government fuck your wife for you too in that commie hell hole.

>> No.10174608

Get an outdoor grill & cook outside

>> No.10174629

I got the same problem OP, my ceiling is vaulted and I'm not buying a 10 foot ladder just for a smoke alarm. I just open both of my doors and windows and place a box fan in the window sill facing inward (blow in fresh air, dilute the smoke).

>> No.10174669

Nothing like a government killing a whole town, blaming it a retard that struggles to make a sandwich, just to ban firearms. I'd buy it too if they didn't have the meatwagons waiting there before the shooting started. You'd be surprised what the general public will want to believe when they're on the fence about shit.

But yeah fire alarms are a fucking nuisance in apartments. By far my favorite fire alarm story comes from living in a luxury place. Some moron decided to poorly mount his own wall-TV. Drilled into a water-line and dropped the pressure enough to set off the sprinklers for two buildings and the alarms for three. What line in drilled into and how is beyond me. Thank god I was in the dry building.

>> No.10174678

>mfw my apartment's fire alarm isn't hardwired and is too shitty to have an alarm when it's disconnected
>mfw whenever I cook something that might smoke the apartment up a bit I just take it down and put it in a drawer in my bedroom for a while

>> No.10174725

He means in apartment towers. Responsible building regulations are required to prevent disasters. See Grenfell.

>> No.10174729

These fucking knuckledraggers would be happy to die in an apartment fire as long as the fire was unregulated by the government and caused by the free market

>> No.10174864

It's just that every time I hear a siren my reflex action is to start running and I keep running into the fridge and that fucking hurts

>> No.10174867

I know that there are ways i can break the fire alarm but in the off chance that a fire actually breaks out while I'm sleeping it would be kinda nice for the alarm to work...
it does but I'm a manlet (6'2") and can't reach it as my ceilings are pretty high.
did this at my old apt, actually I just permanently took down all the fire alarms that weren't in my bedroom. new place I am pretty sure the alarm is hardwired, and the manager mentioned something that made me think it might call the fire dept automatically when it goes off... that's the part that really has me spooked.

>> No.10174878
File: 67 KB, 520x520, 14773969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10174884

won't that just keep the smoke in tho

>> No.10174887

>did this at my old apt, actually I just permanently took down all the fire alarms that weren't in my bedroom. new place I am pretty sure the alarm is hardwired, and the manager mentioned something that made me think it might call the fire dept automatically when it goes off... that's the part that really has me spooked.

If all else fails, you can just duck tape a garbage bag over it.

>> No.10174917

I'm not tall enough to reach the ceiling tho

>> No.10174925

Get all the herbs and garlic that you like to put in the pan with the steak and throw them in a pot with some butter. Let all that good stuff steep as the water in the butter simmers off. Use a coffee filter to separate all the butter and plant solids from the now clarified garlic herb butter. When you use it, just keep the heat on medium if you're using cast iron, that's all you need to get a good sear. With just the steak and clarified butter in the pan there will be significantly fewer things to burn and start smoking. I've gone from turning my apartment into Auschwitz to keeping it all under the control of my shitty microwave venting thing.

>> No.10174927

you seal the fire alarm off with it, not the window. jfc fuckin tard

>> No.10174947

go back to /co/

>> No.10174988

You sound like a stuck up faggot.

>> No.10175061

Searing steaks is one of the few things cast iron actually does a better job of than any other material. The real meme in iron cookware is paying too much for name brand enameled iron. Do not do this if you're not a conspicuous consumption faggot. Find it on sale or go with a less expensive brand.

>> No.10175132

Disable your fire alarm

Open all windows and put fans everywhere

Get a grill and cook outside

Reverse sear

Cook it on lower heat (But it will end up medium rare and not as good as if you did>>10174925)

>> No.10175187

>either learn to cook or disable your fire alarm
>ok, tell me how to disable my fire alarm.

>> No.10175380

>I pay $2400/mo.

>> No.10175394

nice studio, use the hood and you'll be fine

>> No.10175460


>> No.10175465

>San Francisco
Faggot detected

>> No.10175558

>He means in apartment towers.
No, I mean any residential building having electrical work done has to, by law, have hardwired fire alarms installed.

>> No.10175903

This nigga doesn't own a stepladder