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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 390 KB, 1800x1252, Greggs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10171102 No.10171102 [Reply] [Original]

i love greggs

>> No.10171106

greggs more like gaggs haha

>> No.10171110


Fuck bongs are disgusting.

>> No.10171116
File: 68 KB, 540x540, IDShot_540x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been to gregg's since I discovered these beauties desu

>> No.10171120
File: 116 KB, 1244x698, 4221396001_5328358754001_5328348146001-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hard to choose one, but for me it might just be the steak bake

>> No.10171132
File: 170 KB, 1300x956, labour-leader-jeremy-corbyn-meets-staff-in-greggs-bakery-during-a-KGXB4J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think he ordered?

>> No.10171141

why is there so much lint on that woman's shirt

>> No.10171142

What species are these strange creatures?

>> No.10171156

Just coffee, the rest looks like a big slip of shot

>> No.10171164

>how do you do, fellow proletariat
>one pastry, please

>> No.10171184

look at the admiring stare on the oompa loompa's face because a politician goes into a fucking greggs.

>> No.10171215

If I had to bet, I reckon Jeremy would be a sausage and bean melt boy

>> No.10171221
File: 240 KB, 1605x1227, JS71611853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more greggs girls

>> No.10171246

Sausage n bean bake for me lads

>> No.10171272

It's funny how out of place these guys look in a prole joint.

>> No.10171285
File: 58 KB, 453x539, 1512368986881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10171299
File: 75 KB, 600x441, 1327259404001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take a liquified caffeinated cake with my assorted refined starches and fats, thank you.

>> No.10171363

So this is the full potential of the pure bred Briton...

>> No.10171367

this image isnt jpg-y enough

>> No.10171372

>White people are the most attractive race

>> No.10171383

Do we have to restart from the beginning?

>> No.10171407

Don't go there often but I like their sausage rolls

>> No.10171429

Its dandruff

>> No.10171470

Gregg's looks like a comfy place to eat. We don't have an american equivalent.

Do they just sell meat pastries?

>> No.10171512

Nah they do hot and cold sandwiches and cake and sweet pastries too. Oh and coffee and tea.

>> No.10171592

Is it good? It looks pretty tasty.

>> No.10171721
File: 224 KB, 1014x1024, Bj7KnRVIIAAVliq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, OP

>> No.10171738

big fan of the butter chicken bake for some reason even though i reckon most people would find it horrible

>> No.10171763

Got called a racist in Greggs earlier, lads.

>> No.10171771

>comfy place to eat
It isn't, believe me anon.
It's we're all the dregs and council estate vermin go for a cheap carb and fat fix.

>> No.10171815

How do these compare?

>> No.10171848

never trust someone who cant even grow hair
nothing but rotten thoughts in their heads

>> No.10171912

U wot?

>> No.10172290

Am I a snob if I boycott Greggs in favor of local coffee shops?

>> No.10172301

>tfw you remember the bakes being 50p

>> No.10172306
File: 29 KB, 615x409, IMAG3517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the chicken chorizo baguette

>> No.10172357

I got mugged at knifepoint by a group of pakis at the Greggs in Bristol, the one on Nelson street. They all cornered me and started throwing rubbish from the bin at me and calling me names in Arabic until I handed over my phone, wallet, watch, 3DS, and MP3 player. I had never been more frightened in my entire life. I mustered up the courage to go back 2 weeks later and they were waiting for me when I walked back out and they threw my broken 3DS at me and called me poofy boy. I tried to walk away but they made me bend down and pick up my 3DS which fell in half when I picked it up. Then they made me do the '1' Muslim hand gesture while they took a photo. I wish I never would've gone back to that Greggs, but I still love their food.

>> No.10172364
File: 454 KB, 1348x1494, 1519059774929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn receive a rimjob from jackie as she delicately feeds you a delicious flaky steak bake.

why live

>> No.10172373
File: 164 KB, 1800x1080, Kaya Scodelario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poast your women then
pic related will be the waifu i claim when i make my first muslim pilgrimage to Londonistan

>> No.10172374

Jesus Christ, anon.

>> No.10172375
File: 69 KB, 567x500, 18FC08F9-0DA6-4A1B-8403-9F18D7DF12C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing pork, it's haram and offensive to his mates in Hamas and Hezbollah.

He probably walked out without buying anything in solidarity with his fellow proles in Venezuela/the Communist bloc/IRA hunger strikers.

>> No.10172377

Moved abroad from the UK, not been back in years! do they still do the cheese and bean melt?

>> No.10172378

lads today i got called a racist at greggs

>> No.10172379


Is she wearing a diaper?

>> No.10172380

los creaturas...

>> No.10172382

that's a babie bump, she's carrying my shitskin babie. i impregnated her through the power of allah

>> No.10172402

Depends what your local is.

Yes. Solid choice too.

>> No.10172413

as a cornishman im laughing at all of you

>> No.10172425

Thank anon. Will have to visit the motherland soon for a parmo, bean & cheese melt and some good beers to bring back to the northern lands.

>> No.10172879

Have you looked at what's in this shit?

>> No.10173028
File: 6 KB, 218x232, 1486844119267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really are grotesque

>> No.10173034

As a Devonian I'm laughing at Cornwalls poverty.