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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10166960 No.10166960 [Reply] [Original]

Is he going to be okay?

>Last week, court documents emerged showing Jamie’s Italian had debts of £71.5m

>The crisis at Jamie’s Italian has followed a series of business setbacks for Oliver, who by his own admission has “fucked up” 40% of his ventures and lost £90m of his wealth since 2014.

>In 2015, Oliver shut the last branch of Recipease, his chain of cookery shops. In 2017, he closed the last of his four British-themed Union Jacks restaurants. And in October his food magazine, Jamie, stopped publishing after almost 10 years.


>> No.10166979

I can hardly care about a rich chef suddenly becoming less rich (poorer would just be inappropriate as he probably still rakes in millions)

>> No.10166998

I hope so. Live and learn. Best of luck to the guy and his family

>> No.10167048

How many million did he spend with michelle obama to fuck up U.S. school lunches

>> No.10167521

Daily reminder: Red states contracting out to the same corporations supplying prisons is why you get pig slop for school lunches.

>> No.10167526
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I guess you could say it was all that... Oliver Oil.

>> No.10167726

this isn't pukka
this isn't pukka at all

>> No.10167796
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and nothing of value was lost
assuming his surplus olive oil can be returned to the supplier

>> No.10167806

I liked his campaign to push healthy eating for kids. But he is still a cunt.

>> No.10169272


He seems like such a nice person. I legitimately don't understand all the hatred he gets

>> No.10169304

I feel bad for him. He had a simple message and an honorable passion early in his career. He blew up right at the nascence of social media marketing and I'm sure the shithole he's falling into now is the result of being pushed to do things he wasn't knowledgeable about or ready for.

In the end, while his finances are questionable and his business savvy is obviously not up to par, I think his message is a good one and he can recover from this. He's still young, entrepreneurial, and he has a fantastic reputation in the industry.

His YouTube channel sucks dick now, though. Shame. Genarro and Donal will have to pick up the pieces.

>> No.10169312

he's a bourgeoisie lefty like gary lineker.

>> No.10169317

Daily reminder: bleeding hearts demanding that school lunch be designed down to a price point so they can give it away for free to future criminals and drug addicts is why they contract to those corporations.

>> No.10169340

Why were court documents like this made public?

>> No.10169353

That's unironically, a good question.

>> No.10169359


Happens all the time. Some PA will get the documents during discovery and make some quick cash by leaking it.

>> No.10169366

Obviously there will be some arrangements regarding what his personal exposure is and that the company's debts largely go down with the company itself. Also his restaurants are trash.

Jamie's Italian is one of the few restaurants I've really not enjoyed.

>> No.10169409
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Could be worse.

Also can someone explain how Celebrity Chef-owned chains work? Do they just formulate the menu and recipes themselves and pay others to make them at different locations? Do the franchise branch heads all have to be personally trained by the Celebrity Chef? How much freedom do they have to customize anything?

>> No.10169922
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He comes across as a bit of a prick but his heart's in the right place.

>> No.10169931

Visited his restaurant in Amsterdam, 6 people in it, weird atmosphere, bad location, overpriced. Food was mediocre at best.

>> No.10169938

Petal Blossom Rainbow has got to be the worse one. At least the others have (almost) proper names,
>Maurice (tfw old man name)
And hers is just a mess of abstract nouns.

>> No.10169941
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>t. antifa

>> No.10169947

how many splashes of olive oil is this?

>> No.10169949


>> No.10170024

Mom gave me a cookbook of his for christmas, was pretty skeptical but it's suprisingly good.
Not really stuff you'd need a cookbook for tho, but I'm not really the creative type and it has some nice quick and easy recipes.

>> No.10170140
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>> No.10170149

Capitalism is the only reason you able to sit alone in your room being angry at people more successful than you. It's not the reason that you are.

>> No.10170155
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>> No.10170163

His restaurant chain are all franchises.
He has no personal financial exposure to them, he’s simply endorsing the franchises with his name/ brand.
If you wanted to start one you need a minimum of one million GBP in available funds so the 71.5 million is actually secure debt.
A bit of a non story really considering it’s a relatively young brand, all startups incurr debt early on.

>> No.10170171

I'm still a fan, but I think he bit off way more than he could chew. Expanded too much, lost focus, etc. And old story, but it's more or less what happened. He is stretched so thin the last couple of books wasnt even written by him.

>> No.10170174

same >>10170171
Oops, pressed submit too early.
Anyway, about the latest cookbooks, they don't really have any "soul", or rather, passion, and feel more like obligations.
I really hope he comes around, heck there is a reason why Ramsay haven't expanded his business as Jamie Oliver has.

>> No.10170201
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better stock up on wooden paddles before they're all gone.

>> No.10170207


>> No.10170213

look at that absolute dismal attempt at smiling

>> No.10170239

>shit chain restaurants are closing

Nothing of value is lost. Also his Recipease shops were absolutely atrocious, dunno what he was thinking when it was mostly really basic ingredients but massively overpriced.

>> No.10170244

Ramsay also almost went bankrupt several years ago but managed to dig himself out of it and is doing fine now. It was during the recession though so don't know what Oliver's excuse is.

>> No.10170263

daily reminder the recession never ended

>> No.10170281

Based. Nobody is going to give them shit for it since they're rich and semi famous.

>> No.10170309


Ramsay fucked around on his wife and paid a hefty fine for doing so later

>> No.10170321

>Petal Blossom Rainbow

I have a female cousin called rainbow as her first name, she's 28 now, at least she could blame her parents being hippies, no excuse for oliver fucking his kids up now though

>> No.10170335

didn't he go to some hooker? I think it should be perfectly legal practice for the man to visit a hooker once in a while.
Can't stick it to the same chick forever, doesn't work.

>> No.10170353

>didn't he go to some hooker?

yep, a male. supposedly going on for years.

>> No.10170364

fudge, nice and packed

>> No.10170375

was he the top? Or at least powerbottom?

>> No.10170386

It's called karma for getting rid of turkey twizzlers REEEEEE

>> No.10170410
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Well that's what happens when your monthly expenses for olive oil exceed your yearly income

>> No.10170411

>just a drizzle

>> No.10170440

I lol'd

>> No.10170450


no idea, bet he gave him a real beef wellington

>> No.10170485

I'm chinese.

>> No.10170500

sorry to hear that

>> No.10170598

his point still stands since it was Capitalism that pulled china out of the disaster Comrade Mao caused with the great leap forward.

If you think China is actual communism your off the plot

>> No.10170613

Oliver won't "leak" a full frontal nudity image of his self.

>> No.10170618

He has very little invested in it besides his name, maybe 3 million. His fortune will be fine

>> No.10170626
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>> No.10170630
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>"Wet Floor"

>> No.10170672

I bet that it smelled amazing in that store. I can't imagine how they cleaned that up. They'd need to call BP oil for those absorbent thingies by a truckload.

>> No.10170681

China is literally
>it's not real capitalism, hehe ;)

>> No.10171087

>muh tendies
God forbid you lards actually eat something healthy.

>> No.10171093

Foodbusker and Akis are my favorites.

>> No.10171094
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His ideal woman.

>> No.10171731
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>> No.10171832

His other chain just went into administration:


>> No.10171893

Fuck Jamie Oliver. I'll never forgive him for his interference in other people's diets and the withdrawal of turkey twizzlers.

Thanks to him we now have food treated the same way as cocaine. 2l coke bottles have been reduced to 1.75l. Lucozade and Irn Bru no longer contain as much sugar. And what's his problem with forced meat (ie pate)?

I hope the fucktard kills himself, his wife dies of grief and his children are taken into care where they're force fed chicken nuggets day in, day out for the next decade.

>> No.10171905

It's clear from this post that the general population needs to be kept in check, turkey twizlers are part of that

>> No.10171927


If I want to gorge myself on mechanically recovered turkey I will and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. This is why we the ordinary people voted for Brexit. We've had enough of being told what to do.

>> No.10171938

How the hell do you go into that much debt?

>> No.10172037

I'd say kill yourself, but youre already well on your way in doing that already.

>> No.10172050

£71m debt is huge debt for a franchise business with a simple and stable supply chain. The business is fucked.

>> No.10172117

>Jamie Oliver restaurant group
>stable supply chain


>> No.10172226

oh fuck my sides

>> No.10172260

In all honesty that's an incredible book

>> No.10172282

>not written by him
That isn’t true. Cookbooks are generally collaborative efforts. He has dyslexia & ADHD, and so has and editorial team to help him condense his words properly and actually write out a recipe. He has a good testing team to make sure all the recipes are tested at least three times. He has a nutritional team to make sure everything is as balanced and nutritious as it can be. But at the end of the day, every single recipe is his call.

>> No.10172295

What do you think is incredible about it? To me is just seems less like cooking and more like assembling.

>> No.10172300

It's a limited you morons.
He'll be fine privately.


>> No.10172360
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What the fuck are you looking at you doss cunt?!

>> No.10172366

>a great book for students, due to the low level of skill and costs involved
>you can make a dish that looks fancier than it actually is in order to impress on a date
>provides a good introduction to the processes of cooking and flavour interaction

Sure the recipes aren't all ground-breaking, but it's found a niche that appeals to a wide audience. Plus, it shows people just how easy cooking is

>> No.10172424

Not the anon you're replying to but this basically his schtick. He's annoying but his books and recipes are alright. Overall a positive influence imo.

Been to a few of his restaurants. They're never excellent and at best they're variable. As awful as they sound, the "italian nachos" are actually alright.

>> No.10173320


>> No.10173355

This dogging is RAW!

>> No.10173935

i hate his teenage haircut. he always looked better with the shaggy mess he started with. he looks anemic with too little hair.

>> No.10173948

jamie is such a fucking soyfaggot cuck, just look at OP's pic for example. holy shit i'm glad this guy is getting btfo but he'll still be rich privately. in a few years some muzzies are gonna culturally enrich his daughters. fucking shitlib piece of trash.

>> No.10173960
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his wife is aging badly

>> No.10174153

why does a company supplying food to large quantities of people in an institution bother you if they supply another large quantities of people in an institution? Sysco must blow your mind.

>> No.10174181

>having less oily shits and eating basic amount of vegetables and fruits is supposed to be “fuck up”
5 6

>> No.10174627

>White lady
>White BRITISH lady
>Aging badly


>> No.10174670

>not sympathizing with every rich faggot ever makes you a commie

>> No.10174695
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>Using your position of power as first lady to bully fat children and show disgust and contempt to them
There is a reason the classiest first lady since Jackie decided to make bullying her focus

>> No.10175000

>dude olive oil lmao

>> No.10175029

"Pizza is a vegetable - t. Queen Nigger

>> No.10175050

All named thusly due to the fact that his wife is a neurotic narcissist

>> No.10175232

You seem angry

>> No.10175308

This kind of shit is something that really lowers a man in my esteem. Dont take out your attention seeking and personal problems on your kids.

>> No.10175595

For a business worth 50-100m he should be constantly doing due diligence on the supply chain. There are service companies in the UK who do exactly this specifically for restaurant supply chains.

>> No.10175650

Spotted the fatty

>> No.10175682

i love that old fag

>> No.10175929


>> No.10175946

Beady brown mutt eyes

>> No.10175973
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>this is what people actually believe so put up with the race to the bottom, crabs in a bucket mentality

Oh sweetie...

>> No.10177262

He's a mediocre chef, his restaurants were worse than that, he got exorbitantly wealthy off his horrible forced 'cockney' speech.

*I know he's from Essex

He's still worth >£100m so he can still fuck off

>> No.10177480

I'm pretty right wing m8, but he's a posh cunt and I've never liked him.

>> No.10177492

Wow it's almost like they're a giant cost efficient supplier of food or something. fucking rethuglicans!

>> No.10177512

>the alpha mario cinnamon bun
>the virgin oliver chicken nugget

>> No.10177518


>> No.10177525

>I'm still a fan
Since when did middle aged soccer moms start browsing /ck/?

>> No.10177538

Nah he's right, off yourself m8.

>> No.10177544

Extreme retardation coupled with a pill popping addiction.

>> No.10177562

I lived in Southend-on-Sea which is where he had one of his restaurants. The local council decided to slap it at the end of our already shitty "pleasure" pier which has nothing else but a lifeboat station on it and It was only open when he was shooting there and you would have to book months in advance to get a table. It was total shit.

>> No.10177571
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>He has a nutritional team to make sure everything is as balanced and nutritious as it can be
maybe a little too nutritious if you know what I mean ;^)))

>> No.10177575

What a shame.

>> No.10177600
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Fuck this shit man. My parents are like this as well.
My name is fucking 'CLAP...CLAP...CLAP JAMES!'. With the punctuation, the idea is that people will clap when they are announcing my fucking arrival. They call me it in full everytime with enthusiasm, and when they are mad they call me fucking CLAP. fucking hate this shit

>> No.10177657

Explain, pls anon.

>> No.10177673

wasnt even funny or clever in the slightest

>> No.10177722

My name is supposed to be 'CLAP...CLAP...CLAP JAMES!' and you pronounce the CLAPS and clap at the same time, it is supposed to be entertaining I guess

>> No.10177728


>> No.10177761
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>> No.10177777

Birth certificate now!!!! Or ID. PLEASE

>> No.10177820

>prisoners treated like garbage = children treated like garbage
You're absolutely right, I fail to see anything wrong with this

>> No.10177930


Your funeral is going to be entertaining

>> No.10177944

He's one of the most generic and mediocre celebrity chefs out there.

Many of his restaurants have been hemorrhaging money for years and instead of doing anything else they just kept doing the same thing over and over. It's a shame this won't personally impact him like it will the countless employees he fucked over due to incompetence.

>> No.10179133

Should he mourn the consequences of a man's bad business practice? Capitalism is what allows other businesses to out-compete Jamie and put him out of business, and that anon is right that he probably still has money so meh

>> No.10179174

Please be real

>> No.10179214

Please get a name change

>> No.10179278

We do the same in NY
Sodexo outright owns their own prisons

>> No.10179282

You're just upset that you didn't think of it first, faggot.

>> No.10179296

Will his next son be Rock, Squall, or Cloud, place your bets

>> No.10179308

>t. Fatfuck
Why can't Americans handle the banter?

>> No.10179312
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best post I've seen in a while

>> No.10180162

Yeah it's impossible to sell more than one product, how silly of anyone to think otherwise

>> No.10180480

He’s worth $200 Million. He’ll be fine.

>> No.10180514
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>> No.10180646

This. He’s not lost anything himself. He makes a fortune just from his cookbooks and tv shows. He has a net worth of over $400 million.

>> No.10180842

Celebrity chef restaurants are a meme anyways

>> No.10180855

Recommend some good spirit based drinks

Have access to most mainstream spritis and mixers

>> No.10180988

actually im glad i didnt think of it first, i was able to save myself from being an embarrassment

>> No.10181631

>Is he going to be okay?
Does anyone care?

>> No.10181663

>but it's found a niche that appeals to a wide audience
Yeah, people who's idea of eating out is taking the kids to McDonalds.

>> No.10181854

You should get it legally changed to a name with more "claps" in it, 3 sounds a bit stingy.

>> No.10182314

> He seems like such a nice person.
That's his talent and he knows it. personally I hate him and hipe he goes bankrupt

>> No.10182487

this especially that he stays in shape all the time