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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10154017 No.10154017 [Reply] [Original]

Does eating onions really boost your testosterone levels?

>> No.10154029

sixteen onions a day made me into the literal hulk

>> No.10154208

What kind of onions are these

>> No.10154287

Black spaghetti-dog onions

>> No.10154551


Only if you suck dick afterwards

>> No.10154572

the left cannot meme

>> No.10154576

neither can the right. Politically motivated memes are generally pretty shitty

>> No.10154583


Squiggly onions, they look, taste, and squirm just like real worms.

>> No.10154618

professional onions yes

>> No.10154801
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ask /fit/

>> No.10154841

It's a Legitimate question. I've been drinking dairy milk my whole life without knowing it contained estrogen, and i drink a lot of milk, so I'm kinda worried. I heard onions boost testosterone so i feel like that'll help.

>> No.10154863

Stooooop. I was in that fucking thread trying to convince that crazy anon that he was wrong.

>> No.10154876

This. The right just thinks their memes are funny because they spend every waking hour caring too much about politics. For people who don't give a fuck like me, it's rather boring and predictable from both sides.

>> No.10154883

Don't worry too much about your testosterone levels, if you're a slightly weaker man it will have more to do with either genetics or your upbringing.

>> No.10154901

Fuck. I'm a trans girl and I eat a small/medium yellow onion every day. Not stopping though.

>> No.10154932
File: 47 KB, 399x400, 48238676-FF58-49E0-8346-87574108C591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans girl

>> No.10154942

I'm sorry, I forgot the site appropriate vernacular "girl (male)"

>> No.10154963

No, actually it's "mentally ill faggot".

>> No.10154971

Mtf transsexuals are just a sexual fetish that got out of hand. You get turned on by the idea of getting fucked because your low testosterone levels make you sexually submissive. You mistake this sexual desire as a general desire to be a female. You're going to find out when you fully go through with the process that ot was a huge mistake, and will very likely commit suicide.

>> No.10154975

>/pol/tards feel a desperate need to inject their politics into every single thread
can we not have the 50th thread this week where a /pol/fag drags a perfectly fine thread off course ranting about soyboys and trannies

>> No.10154992

I'll leave the mentally ill mutant alone, but you can suck a mile of fuck if you think i'm /pol/.

>> No.10154996
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>thinking every disagreement you encounter must be a /pol/ack in disguise


>> No.10154999

wrong the real reason is that the left wont get too offensive on subjects thats the reason their memes are boring while the far and i mean far right is offensive and doesent care about it

>> No.10155013
File: 148 KB, 1000x625, 12---Shenanigans[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But our memes are cheeky and fun, and your memes are cruel and tragic. Which... makes them not really memes at all.

Evil memes!

>> No.10155026
File: 40 KB, 837x249, senior citizen newfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far right is offensive and doesent care about it
The far left is the same way though, as long as you don't consider regular liberals to be far left. Politically correct Stalinists (SJWs) aren't liberals. Lots of people on the far left talk about how they want to kill capitalists, liberals, etc. without caring who they offend because they're just extremists too, and this happens on reddit (which mostly goes ignored for some reason). Most people get annoyed with right-wing /pol/ memes though, sometimes they're funny but mostly it just feels like newfags who don't know how to fit in and think that spamming memes in all situations is the best thing ever.

>>>/pol/ though, this is /ck/

>> No.10155039

Onions just interfere with the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. If you're on an AA, it shouldn't matter.

>> No.10155054

Shrek eats onions all the time and look how big his dick turned out to be.

>> No.10155066

>be a mentally unstable freak
>go out of your way to tell everyone on an anonymouse image board
>people call you out on it
>WOW can you not change the course of the thread away from the subject matter?

>> No.10155070

this anon as a good point.
I'm gonna eat more onions too op

>> No.10155098

>implying it wasn't relevant to the topic at hand of onions increasing testosterone
you're not too bright huh

>> No.10155137

i feel confused how did you think the last post was on the same side as the other and on what side do you even stand with this post

>> No.10155147
File: 95 KB, 678x960, ewqfrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you do realise you'll never ACTUALLY be female, right? I mean, you would tell a dude before he so much as hinted at being interested in what he thought was a girl, that you're actually just a dude in a dress? If not I think you should be locked up for sexual assault...