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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10152239 No.10152239 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the gooks still insist on using these things? I've used them on and off pretty much all my life whenever eating asian food and while I've become pretty proficient at them, I also recognize how ineffective they are at basically every task. Noodles or rice? Shit slips between the two sticks.

And on top of that they simply cannot do certain things a regular fork can, like stabilize a piece of food for cutting with a knife. Are you supposed to cut everything into tiny pieces prior to serving like you need to do with a toddler or something? Like what the fuck, asia?

>> No.10152265

It was uncouth to pierce or slice food, and was seen as barbaric within Daoism? or maybe Confucianism. Personally, I think they're fucking amazing for most tasks and well suited to nearly every dish in basically the whole of Asia, although the SEA chopstick + spoon is GOAT

>> No.10152275


They're more precise, and can do everything you listed.

>> No.10152281

>can't even cut food with chopsticks
chopsticks are the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.10152436

Should've known better than to criticize grorious nippon culture on a website filled with overweight NEET otakus

>> No.10152442

The big cooking ones are fantastic for stir frys, deep frying, dumplings, and cooking smaller pieces of food imho

>> No.10152446

Here's what I don't get. Asian cuisine is full of rice. But it's so hard to eat rice with chopsticks. Not at first, mind you, but when you're just about done and there are few grains, it's almost impossible to pick them all up because they aren't all clumped together, and it's hard to clump the remaining grains together because they're so small.

When I'm eating Asian food though, I prefer to use chopsticks. For starters, I don't like the taste of metal. But in general, I like to eat different dishes the way they were meant to be enjoyed.

>> No.10152456

Eating rice is easy with sticks you scrubs.

>> No.10152459
File: 8 KB, 259x194, Nigger eating Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. We can't all be as evolved as Niggers and eat with our hands.

>> No.10152462
File: 52 KB, 600x449, Now_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be proficient with chopsticks
>can't even eat noodles with them
Chopsticks are god tier for eating noodle dishes with. It's not Asia's fault that you're retarded.

>> No.10152465

yeah at first, but when you're at the end of the meal you have a bunch of scattered grains that just get left on your plate because you're too lazy to pick up each one, one by one.

>> No.10152471
File: 117 KB, 800x533, Savages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry. We can't all be as evolved as Niggers and eat with our hands.

Well, considering niggers still live in mud huts and shit in holes, eating with their hands is all you can expect of them.

What's your excuse?

>> No.10152482

>Sorry. We can't all be as evolved as Niggers and eat with our hands.

Ethiopian food is the fucking worst. You literally pick up dishes with the texture of diarrhea with your fucking fingers.

You're probably eating pieces of shit that fell off other niggers hands when they wipe their ass.

>> No.10152491
File: 76 KB, 529x318, Chopsticks-difference[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Japanese chopsticks are easier to use when picking up individual grains of rice

>> No.10152509
File: 15 KB, 400x343, jerry_seinfeld065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152522


Japanese > Vietnamese > Chinese > I'll just use my fingers like an animal > Korean

>> No.10152663

Like steel forceps are any different silly dog face

>> No.10152808

Rice should be served in a hand bowl that you can lift to your face.

>> No.10152817

>Noodles or rice? Shit slips between the two sticks.
Git gud, fag. I've even started to cook with cooking chopsticks and I'm not even a weeb.

>> No.10152823

Holy shit, this. Korean chopsticks are like some sort of sick twisted joke to test your dexterity.

>> No.10152825

git gud

>> No.10152842
File: 61 KB, 300x200, Downssyndromeboy300x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. i can't get my fingers to do right

>> No.10152865

t. Joo-won

>> No.10152991

if you've ever seen gooks eat rice, they tilt the bowl and use the chopsticks kinda like a shovel to fling it at their mouth. as far as why: I guess asian people like to ritualize certain parts of their culture because it makes them feel fancy

>> No.10152997

They're good for certain things, like sushi or spring rolls.

>> No.10153100
File: 3 KB, 173x149, thinking chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've become pretty proficient at them
>Shit slips between the two sticks
>they simply cannot do certain things a regular fork can, like stabilize a piece of food

>> No.10153189

You sweep the straggler rice together with chopsticks, and eat them together at the end in one bite

>> No.10153281

All in one multi-purpose tool that's piss easy to make or improvise.

>> No.10153297

Depends on the type of chopsticks. China, Korea and Japan so use differently shaped chopsticks and eat different varieties of rice.
Japanese rice is sticky and clumps together, so you can pick up huge chunks of it really easily. Japanese chopsticks have very thin tips for manipulating fish, cutting food and removing bones. In Korea they use spoons as well as chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks have broader tips and they just shovel shit into their face because they have no manners.

>> No.10153303

This. Once you eat spaghetti with chopsticks you realise it's the true patrician way to do it.

>> No.10153307

Chopped sticks are dainty, feminine, frail

I eat with utensils when I'm out to avoid others troubling me, but at home I eat with my hands and a single big knife.

I slice and eat right off the knife

>> No.10153880

Not being good at something doesn't make it dumb.

>> No.10153894

They're useful for cooking. Also chopsticks + spoon are best for eating noodle soups.

>> No.10154328

>Shit slips between the two sticks.
Get gud.
>useful to cook with, mix with
>wood so won't bust your teeth, transfer heat/cold to teeth, or melt in a hot pan
Easy to clean, no nooks for bacteria to hide in
>god tier to eat chips with
>packable, good for camping
>disposable, plentiful and cheap
>more elegant than shoveling food in your maw with a giant western utensil

I never use the spoon. Too slow. I just pick the bowl up and sip it straight. Is that improper?

>> No.10154729

Confucius say "Bringing a knife to the dinner table is bad manners. Cut your food before you serve it, so no one goes to the hospital when the relatives start talking politics."