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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10152220 No.10152220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this guy pulls up to your drive thru window
What do?

>> No.10152225

server him the shoe lettuce

>> No.10152231

fast food must be banned

>> No.10152237


>so autistic that he has to buy his sugar water from a different fast food restaurant than his food

/pol/tards are literally the scum of the earth.

>> No.10152244

I buy Fuze tea from subway at the mall food court and eat food someplace else.

>> No.10152245

>prefers subway soda to mcdonalds
Say what you want but mcdonalds has the best cokes, mainly because of the volume and extreme detail on soda serving equipment

>> No.10152250

No it’s because mcd’s runs out of coke more often than their competitors due to their popularity and that leads to fresh supplies of coke shipments every day

>> No.10152263

>mainly because of the volume
Yeah, that's what I said. But if you look at the equipment everything is measured and managed.
temps/co2 pressures/line lengths..etc.

>> No.10152271

Coca Cola has some kind of jewish deal with McShittys where they give them better syrup for their soda fountains so people both go to mcshittys more and order coke more

>> No.10152274
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>be American
>shoot up a school
>get caught because you couldn't resist getting a burger during your getaway

>> No.10152282

>better syrup
To be Jewish it would have to be the same syrup but cheaper cost.

>> No.10152283
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>> No.10152287

make fun of his ears

>> No.10152308

Fucking piece of shit. I hope his fellow inmates shove jail burritos up his ass every chance they get. (If they let him make it that long).

>> No.10152316

Odds are the little bitch kills himself first. But if he makes it to jail, he will have a very unpleasant time there.

>> No.10152320


>media falls for mah white power /pol/ me.e and even uses 4chan post as source

Please dont be stupid.

>> No.10152339

Take off your tin foil hat, guy.

>> No.10152345

didn't the militia group say he was a member?

>> No.10152358

Not really, I am too far away to give a fuck about some dead kidz in america, but they should be concerned abot their news.

That was the /pol/ trolling I think, so far the sherif cant find any hard evidence to conecting him, and the news page deleted the part where they tried to sell this.
Anyway I am going to bed, sleep tight and dont let the bullets bite you.

>> No.10152368

hi lefty/pol/
is it not going to your liking over on /pol/?

>> No.10152567

Not just volume.They get their syrup in large vats, not boxes like literally every single other distributor. They also filter their water

>> No.10152574

What a handsome fellow.
Do you think it was those creatura memes that have been going around that drove him to it?

>> No.10152578

>shoot up school
>running is for poosies
>feel a bit hungry
>go get something to eat and drink
>at separate places because why the fuck not

Alpha as fuck

>> No.10152601

Typical alt-right wierdo hypocrite bitching abot muh violent shitskins when every one of these incidents is a 56%er.

>> No.10152628

>I hope his fellow inmates shove jail burritos up his ass
Aren't jail burritos made out of crushed up doritos with ramen noodles in the middle??

Seems like one of those would crumble and fall to pieces if you tried to shove it up your ass

>> No.10152693

no matter what he orders or where I work, give him a mcchicken (the best fast food sandwich) with some of my "special" sauce ;)

>> No.10152748

The ADL literally linked a 4chan post written by a guy claiming to be him.

>> No.10152753

>De Jesus Cruz
Yeah, totally a white nationalist. Just like Zimmerman was a KKK Nazi.

>> No.10152757

Does McDonald's have a deal with mass shooters or something? Didn't the cops give the Roof kid McDs after he shot up that church?

>> No.10152770

note to innocent fag. jailhouse burritos means nikker dick in yer anus.

>> No.10152776

This is the second or 3rd autistic shooter now. What does it all mean

>> No.10152806

I wonder what it’s like to be his defense attorney. I wonder if they’re fucking? I mean, that happened in the critically acclaimed HBO series The Night Of

>> No.10152813

The Beta uprising will not be televised

>> No.10152815

It means that it's time for a gun ban :^)

>> No.10152818

I see the media is bleaching his skin again

>> No.10152914

Fuck that

>> No.10152918

White Hispanic Nationalists are the worst kind of nationalists.

>> No.10152923

youre on the side of the shooter?

>> No.10152933

I think a way to make gun control better is by punishing the seller when they sell firearms to mentally unstable people.

>> No.10152937

No one is on the side of the shooter

>> No.10152940

Welcome to 4Chan

>> No.10152974

Just like they do, Ted "evangelical" Cruz who demands prayer as the solution, lol. Christ, the evangelical "muh guns" cuckservatives must know they're a joke except to COPD oxygen tank alzheimers boomers.

>> No.10152984

>muh liberty
>my constitushun

lol how old and sad
when will people accept communism amirite comrade XDDD
who needs freedom when the state gives you everything you need for freeeeee

>> No.10152986

How could you be on the side of a guy who only got halfway to Cho's High Score?

>> No.10152987


the usual