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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10149652 No.10149652 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10149671


>itt: we pretend like it's 2005 /ck/

>> No.10149744

epic win!

>> No.10149748

Epic for the win my dude

>> No.10149759
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>> No.10149784

toasting in epic bread!

>> No.10149819
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monitoring this thread

>> No.10149837
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>there are both FBF and whatever this meme format is on the front page of /ck/ at the same time
what a time to be alive

>> No.10149992
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have you guys seen epic meal time? They use ALL THE BACON xD

>> No.10150023


that's a reference to a funny video on YouTube I saw but instead of foam I replaced it with bacon lmao

>> No.10150026
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I can't help but see the wheels from the r/c truck every time I see the duckroll

>> No.10150048
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You can make fun of the past and the memes all you want, it was a better time then, 4chan and the Internet were actually fun, there wasn't political and corporate shitting 24/7, you could actually talk about a topic without it devolving into the twitter level dialogue and screaming about jews or niggers or cucks or soyboys. You could also post shit online without idpol dicks coming around and shitting on you, you could also post anything here that wasn't CP without getting a DMCA complaint. The Internet sucks now and 4chan is a shell at best of its former self

>> No.10150053

Is there any difference between Weetabix and Weetabix Gold?

>> No.10150074
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Cheer up, emo duck! Take it for what it was. The past is gone now, and all we have is our memories.

You sound like a scientology fuck though.

>> No.10150181

At least we have our memories

>> No.10150183

>implying there was a time 4chan didn’t hate Jews and niggers

>> No.10150184

Ah yes, back in the good old days when 4chan was most popular for its occasional CP.

>> No.10150197

Before it was just for laughs, then people started actually believing it and actual fucking racists came along

>> No.10150199

Just because you started finding joke arguments convinving doesn't mean they ever started being in earnest.

>> No.10150207

You cannot be that new to not see that there is a clear difference between now and then. It went from laughing at other races to just pure fucking hate. It's impossible to have conversations anymore without off topic "joke arguments" derailing the entire thing. There's not even a joke anymore, just people attempting to piss everyone else off.

>> No.10150225

you know the rules and so do I

>> No.10150233

thats because the internet is super prevalent now and 18 and under kids that have grown up to be real haters have found out about 4chan. but i agree with all yours points, it was a different and better time back then. even from 2013 and before was way better than now

>> No.10151410

Spotted the newfag. It was for the most part just pretend. But the inevitable happened whenever a community pretends to be something; the actual racists came thinking they're in good company.

>> No.10151509
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>> No.10151629
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> tfw you were happy then
you can never go back

>> No.10151718
File: 68 KB, 499x666, blacklivesmattering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure man, I fucking love blacks! Their lives totally matter! Not just to me, but their own kind too! YAY OBAMA!!!

>> No.10151732


whoah what a blast from the past

>> No.10151753

I agree, it's great to see so many Redditors here with their stale memes that everyone else discarded over a decade ago.

>> No.10152134

>inferior mostly fat streaky bacon
Brain spiders are to blame!

>> No.10153461

fuck off with your ham

>> No.10153470

I miss early 2000s /b/ so god damn much

>> No.10153482
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>you will never relive the 2005-2007 era of /b/

If time travel was real I'd do it just so I could go back and shitpost there all over again

>> No.10153497


Hold me /ck/

>> No.10153536
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>> No.10153762

Kill yourself kike.

>> No.10153812
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>> No.10153847

I miss the days when 4chan was just nerds having fun by being the biggest shitheads possible and being offensive just for the sake of being offensive. Now it feels like a highschool gossip forum, but instead of chicks it's all dude-bros trying to prove that they're manlier than the rest of the world and taking things way too seriously. Not even the nazi shit is fun anymore because it all feels like it's a result of the dude-bros being angry at the world.

>> No.10153920

It's amazing how suddenly that stopped being a thing.

>> No.10153926

Trust me you couldn't do it. You'd see their optimistic completely straight use of the word "epic" and you just wouldn't have the heart.

>> No.10153935

Spending any time on the flash archive is just sad. You just know 90% of the site these days doesn't know about it and couldn't tell you what any of the references are anymore.

>> No.10153944

The use of "epic" wasn't as cringy back then because it wasn't taken and beaten to death by the media. Once it started showing up on G4 shows and other programs it started to become cringy and over used. Now that people have the newfag social media association with that word it's trash.

>> No.10153954
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>it will never be 2010 ever again
I remember when I ran into the epic meal time guy on the street in Montreal and thought it was the coolest thing ever

>> No.10153961

No, back then all the terminology we used was actually cool and edgy in a good way. Now though, you can't read a 2006-7 era post without all the baggage that's been attached to that kind of language, and it's really kind of tragic.

>> No.10153966


>tfw I wasn't even happy then, but now it's even worse
kill me, /ck/

>> No.10154771

i always hated jews and niggers and didnt post about it been here since 2006

>> No.10154785
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>> No.10154793

And you know what? thats fine, you're not being a huge faggot about it

>> No.10155708
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>for the most part just pretend

>> No.10157471

What is epic about bacon?