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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10146165 No.10146165 [Reply] [Original]

Got accepted into the Disney College Program to work the Food and Wine festival in Epcot this August.

Needless to say I'm scared shitless. Anyone here have experience in their culinary program that can give some tips?

>> No.10146186

not me personally, but one of my friends from way back did this after a few years of experience working in a regular kitchen while doing through some shitty culinary program at a local university. There was mention that it was basically just like any regular kitchen, but because it's ~disney~, some of the people there can have a bit of a bigger ego than normal

>> No.10146212
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>scared shitless

do drugs to ease the stress/cope like 70%+ of cooks do

>> No.10146223

That was my original plan, but I can't imagine it's super easy to find drugs in Disney World

>It was basically just like any regular kitchen
This is reassuring. I was worried I would get there and everything would be different because disney

>> No.10146236

Nigger you think those "cast members" are high on life?

>> No.10146242

You would never imagine how hyped up some people can get over Disney

>> No.10146248

It really is kinda sad thats how it is. I was bartending, and All three of the head chefs in the restaurant I worked under had drinking problems, but they managed it and didn't fuck up too badly, besides fucking up orders when they were leaning into the sauce and yelling at the maitr'd.

On the other hand of the sous chef got hit with a DUI and destroyed his car at 3PM in the afternoon, he was going to his car during breaks and was drinking rumplemintz all day. He managed to go full stop and hit up AA. Another one got hit with his third DUI and wasn't able to get to work anymore so he left to go work in a bar.

>> No.10146249

>willing going into slavery for The Mouse and their Zionist overlords
don't say i didnt warn you

>> No.10146250

Yeah, but then the harsh reality sets in, I was close to being put in the slave trade intern program they have. Glad I stayed Kunta.

>> No.10146255

But I'm being payed to live in Disney World. Thats been my dream ever since I was 6

>> No.10146263

You're fucked, RiP in peace OP.

>> No.10146271


t. Someone who has never done the college program

>> No.10146335
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Ah, the youth program

>> No.10146346


The goal of probably half the people I went to culinary school with was to get a job cooking at a Disney location.

>> No.10146370

Disney food is all trash without exception.

>> No.10146388

Which restaurants have you tried? I can't imagine you have gotten around if you think it's all trash with "no exceptions"

>> No.10146463

The house of mouse isn't supposed to be your anus.

>> No.10147019


>> No.10147907

Not being able to find drugs....IN FLORIDA. Top kek

>> No.10148169
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kinda weird but when I graduted from ag school disney was strongly recruiting horticulturalists aka glorified gardeners. Lot's of edible landscape and citrus shit.

>> No.10148200
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>3PM in the afternoon

>> No.10148275

Congrats. You'll be making shitty food loaded to the brim with fat, salt and sugar for morbidly obese retarded flyover tourists. LIVING THE DREAM

>> No.10148564

Idk, some of the white flyover wenches can be hot and borderline nympho, so there's that benefit for a one nighter.

>> No.10148583

Sounds like a memey scam.
Meaning even more than normal culinary school if that's even possible.

>> No.10148590

>Memey scam
Employers love that shit. Having the Disney program on your resume is a guerenteed job anywhere you apply.

Even if it's a "scam" (it's not), worst case scenario is you leave with a fat check and experience.

>> No.10148600

You sound like a high school senior before starting college

>> No.10148608

That's 75% of anons that think they know about college.

>> No.10148610

As long as your doing what you love.

>> No.10148693

I have been in college 2 years.

>> No.10148787
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I just finished my program a few months ago OP. I wasn't culinary but I can let you in on a few things
Firstly, bring a car. The buses they provide are absolute dogshit. If you can't bring a car, find roommates beforehand that have cars.
Second, save money now. With all the discounts they provide you with down there, its easy to blow a lot of money very quickly because you just think, "Its fine, its 40% off".
Third, you better hope and pray you get good roommates. Youre going to be surrounded by an entirely different breed of normies than what you may be used to. Working at Disney is almost a cult-like environment. Although, some of the workers are VERY burned out and will try their hardest to make the interns miserable and hate their lives just because they're 60 years old and have been working in a dead end minimum wage job for 30 years.
Lastly, take advantage of the free park admission. I tried to go almost every day off I had, and I still felt like I didn't use it enough. Seriously, even if you don't want to ride or watch anything, just go to the parks for a walk or to get some food.
And just pray they put you in a resort and not the parks

>> No.10148897

>Pray they don't put you in the parks
Why is that? I was looking forward to working in a park.

If I'm a culinary II worker they won't have me interact with guests, right?

>> No.10148914

It's way more of a workload to work in the parks, regardless of position. The resort cast members have it made.

>> No.10149221

Not long enough to not miss the point apparently.

>> No.10149319

Not being able to find drugs in Kissimmee is like not being able to find whores in a whorehouse dude

>> No.10149430

>I think I will watch a cartoon movie of a mouse that is a chef
>I'm sure that won't exasperate my loneliness
>first scene she is in entire movie is ruined because of obvious ensuing romance subplot

Are there an food related movies with no romance in them?

>> No.10149894

Is this a respected institution? It's got cartoons on it.

>> No.10149904

food is sex anon. trying to separate food and love destroys the whole notion of food itself. theres a reason cooking, for me at least, is one of the most sensual thing you can do for your partner.

>> No.10149914

Food is a science you shitbutt. A precise, cold field of study.

>> No.10149923

Documentaries maybe.

>> No.10150105

Baking is a science, cooking is an art.

>> No.10150150


Dude. You're going to be near Orlando, FL, an international city and massive drug hub. Seriously, just ask around and you'll find what you're looking for. Avoid the hard shit though (H, meth) and take it easy on the stimulants and you'll be alright

>> No.10150166

It's a craft at best, you supercilious postmodernist.

>> No.10151020

This. Even the costumed cast members only get paid minimum wage but they are willing to put on those smelly clothes because it's Disney.

>> No.10151249

>No drugs
I suppose next you're gonna tell me there's no fucking either.