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File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20180213_223902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10144208 No.10144208 [Reply] [Original]

I've had a donut craving lately. Where are the best places to buy good fresh donuts? The only places I know near me that sell donuts are Dunkin donuts and 7 Eleven which are all shit. The local bakery in my area doesn't do donuts.

>> No.10144213

take a bagel, sprinkle some aspartame on it. there's your donut.

>> No.10144216

Well, request them to make donuts, maybe they are gathering enough tips by costumers so they are justified to make them.

>> No.10144225

they used to sell knudsen donuts at safeway but stopped carrying them. i still have krispy kreme and i will not hear any bad-mouthing about krispy kreme. it is a solid donut experience. not a mom and pop's dinette donut, not that good, but it's all i got.

>> No.10144233

how the fuck am i supposed to know where you should buy donuts you dirty dumb fat fly over fuck

>> No.10144249

Krispy Kreme is the only chain worth a shit when it comes to doughnuts, and even there its really only worth the calorie bomb if you get the hot doughnuts

>> No.10144250

Donut Pub, Chelsea, New York

>> No.10144326

don't see what your problem is, cunt. donuts deserve their own thread.

>> No.10144333

Hurts. Cake donuts are way better than the fried shit

>> No.10144341

man i'd love a good plain donut with my coffee in the morning. FUCK

>> No.10144366





>> No.10144371

>i like this one chain
>no youre wrong this other chain is better
>nuh uh youre wrong what i like is the best and im too much of a manchild to accept that other people have differing opinions
>no im more of a manchild

ok we can close this thread now

>> No.10144377

now that you mention it i don't think dunkins are complete garbage. they're not great, but they're a minor step up from grocery store donuts.

>> No.10144386

>Where are the best places to buy good fresh donuts?
How do you expect anyone to answer this question without knowing where you live?

Good donuts are not found at chains. You're looking for a local bakery.

>> No.10145225

half satan, cake dognuts are fried
they’re all fried

>> No.10145258
File: 163 KB, 995x1000, duckdonuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're on the east coast Duck donuts are the way to go

>> No.10145263

>Where do I get doughnuts?
>I don't like the obvious places I just listed, and the local business doesn't sell them.
>But where else can I get some?
This is you, being retarded.

>> No.10145266

>Top left; Strawberry cream with a bunch of pomegranite jam.
Looks awful
>top right: jjust nuts? not even the good ones
Looks mediocre as fuck
>bottom right: don't make fun of the retard
>bottom left: because they drew each other

15 dollars + tip

>> No.10145598

KKD is breddy gud.

>> No.10145658


Plain glazed when they're fresh are 10/10
Red velvet and birthday cake are bretty gud too

>> No.10145666

where to get healthy donuts?

>> No.10146065

is this a thing?

>> No.10146079

the perfect day:

fly to new york city, take a cab to manhattan, go to donut plant and get one of everything, walk to tompkins square park, get your dick sucked by a transient homeless man w/ a lot of facial tattoos while his pitbull watches 3 feet away.

>> No.10148130

never realized until I had my buddies from Texas come live with me but California donut culture is definitely a thing.

Pink box from a gook > anything

>> No.10148213
File: 54 KB, 360x311, 744A84C3-5820-491C-8EFE-A5042CFA6B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piping hot fresh glazed donuts and a black coffee for me.

>> No.10148249

Hi dad

>> No.10148638
File: 41 KB, 399x533, o.jpg.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Finally found a donut/pastry shop not too far thanks to Yelp.

I'm gonna go check them out early Saturday morning for some donutkino.

>> No.10148647

Are people who make costumes frequent customers of local bakeries?

>> No.10148700
File: 71 KB, 720x492, 1518368803883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never said this, and I'm only going to say it once. I might be the only fucker who ever will mention this here.
>Rolling Pin

Donuts are awesome OP. There's no shame in loving them. Donuts and pretzels might be a couple of the greatest flour-based items in the world with pancakes coming in third, and only because pancakes are best with all the wide range of ingredients and toppings you can add, like sausage and egg.

>> No.10148821

Not the guy you were replying to but I've never been able to get fresh donuts from the one near me. My local krispy kreme has that shit cooking 24/7 it seems, but everything from the dunkin's is just a tiny bit stale.

>> No.10148824

I still enjoy dunkin's though.

>> No.10148827

Has to be a chink run place.

>> No.10148831

What is it about asian donut places that make them so good? There are a couple donut places owned by white people near me that pale in comparison to the asian owned ones.

>> No.10148842

I have so many of these locally, I don't even get donuts but maybe once a month and I'm going to really miss them when I move out of Texas. The kolaches too, fuuuuuuuuuck.

>> No.10148843

>i still have krispy kreme and i will not hear any bad-mouthing about krispy kreme

Krispy Meme is shit, it's overly sweet garbage for people with the palate of a five year old. There's no touch of sour in the dough, no nuance or offset to the sweetness. just sweet ontop of sweet ontop of sweet. Jesus christ how can people like this shit? I feel like i'm taking crazy pills.

>> No.10148908
File: 310 KB, 531x800, 8694173981_0682a1d25a_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any place run by Asians, specifically Combodian or Vietnamese. Donut chains are all garbage save for maybe kripsy kreme


>> No.10149079

You aren't alone. Krispy Kreme is the most overrated donut I've ever had. No matter what you get, they all taste the same. I actually thought it was an upgrade when the store near me closed down and became a Dunkin instead.

>> No.10149186

Honestly I think Dunkin is blander compared to Krispy Kreme but I agree Krispy Kreme is like sugar cake with frosting. Between the two I would rather have bland with some sweet and maybe a bit of chocolate over diabetic coma.

>> No.10149292

>I actually thought it was an upgrade when the store near me closed down and became a Dunkin instead.
Dunkin Donuts is even fucking worse.

>> No.10149294

Most decent supermarket bakeries will sell donuts. They're usually better than you will find at the doughnut chains.

>> No.10149302

thanks for the happy ending op

rest of thread is screeching faggots.

Also make some doughnuts? theyre easy

>> No.10149306
File: 57 KB, 640x428, backdoordonuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and pic related are 10/10

>> No.10149326

those look fucking delicious, good find OP.

>> No.10149445

Redundant name.

>> No.10149841
File: 180 KB, 1200x900, donut_farm.0.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite donut came from Pepple's Donut Farm in Oakland. They're very dense cake donuts, a little crisp on the outside but soft and moist inside. Never found anything similar elsewhere.

>> No.10149871

>healthy donuts
ah, good kek, nice one anon

>> No.10149885

hey, nice OP, got your problem solved. try to get the ingredients to make your own next time, nothing better than something home cooked

>> No.10151365
File: 21 KB, 628x676, 1480602381122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10151706

Unironically Safeway in the morning. They cook em fresh everyday and theyre not too sweet.

>> No.10151724

Are they any better than the ones from Giant or Shoppers? Grocery store donuts tend to be shit, but I'm willing to give Safeway a shot.

>> No.10152191

Cant speak for Giant or Shoppers donuts (never had them) but if the Safeway has a bakery (which it usually does) their baked goods and breads tend to be really good and are generally fresh every morning.

>> No.10152483

krispy kreme if the hot light in their window is on
whatever other local bakeries are in your area

>> No.10152516

gotta say, for all the wonder in krispy kreme's donuts, their coffee is unmitigated shit

>> No.10153280
File: 2.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180215-182252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob's Donuts in San Francisco is the best donut you'll ever have

>> No.10153745

>crave donut
>buy donut

>crave sex
>buy sex

>crave chocolate
>buy kinder surprise

If two out three is illegal in your country then why you building a wall, bro?

>> No.10154486

Or wake N bake. But shit duck donuts is good

>> No.10154532

>go out to buy a sweet pastry with a sweet glaze on it
>"wtf why is this so sweet????????"

Retards in this place, jesus christ. If you don't want something sweet, why are eating a sweet food like a donut? Go eat something else instead of being an entitled cunt that thinks every food needs to suit your taste to a tee.

>> No.10154589
File: 84 KB, 640x473, Pioneer Woman's yeast glazed donuts3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started this thing where every 2 months i make a batch of homemade glazed and keep them in my fridge to eat on for a week. I'm constantly trying to improve on them, but i always have trouble moving them into the fryer while keeping them tall and light.

Also double rising is a thing, apparently. Pic not mine.

>> No.10154628

They know how to fry shit

>> No.10154636

was just there earlier today

>> No.10154648

>where are the best places to buy good fresh donuts
A (non-chain) bakery or patiserrie. you FUCK. why would this even be a question. what other options are there for good donuts?

>> No.10154986
