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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10141663 No.10141663 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a 12inch cast iron skillet

Did I do good /ck/?

>> No.10141665

they’ll find a reason to make you feel stupid but to me you did great op

>> No.10141673

Now if only I knew how to cook. topkek

how long do these things take to heat up? how do you wash them after cooking arent they ganna be hot af

>> No.10141709

>Did I do good /ck/?
Did you need a 12" cast iron skillet?
Then why did you buy one for fuck's sake?

>> No.10141720

Use a towel or a mitten or something
Dont use it till the pan is smoking thats when you know its hot

>> No.10141724

when not in use, store it on your back side for when someone behind you starts shooting

>> No.10141734

Add olive oil
Heat until it smokes
Add 2 cloves crushed garlic
Add fresh rosemary
Add pre-seasoned, room-temp, thick ribeye steak
Flip steak/mop up oils every 30 secs
Cook until 55 degrees internally
Remove from pan, add butter
Garnish with fresh rosemary

While that's sitting:
Add quartered button mushrooms to same pan
Add 5-per-person asparagus spears
Add more olive oil
Add 1/4 'herb infusion' Pierre pot
Fry until moisture begins to dissipate (5 mins ish)
Add 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic
Add a tablespoon of butter

Add to steak
Serve to gril
Accept infinite blowjobs.

>> No.10141745

because i dont have any high heat retaining cookware you fucker

not tryna spend $100 on a stainless steel

>> No.10141756
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>Flip every 30 seconds

>> No.10141757

Cast iron is better than stainless steel.
fuck the incoming shitstorm. yes you did well op. google "maillard reaction", and go cook some delicious meats.

>> No.10141765

Educate yourself, McPleb

>> No.10141766

woah thats cool

can I cook french fries in this thing

>> No.10141768

You? Doubt it

>> No.10141807

Takes about 10min to heat up because cast iron is so dense, it takes longer for the heat to distribute through the pan. It's worth it though

Just throw it into the dishwasher to clean it

>> No.10141839

Absolutely OP. Now all you need is a Dutch oven and you'll be cooking legit.

>> No.10142006

Sure, it's better

Until you try to add tomatoes, or citrus to anything.


>> No.10142022

>Not using a pan passed and seasoned though generations since the iron age, thereby immune to faggot acids
This casual

>> No.10142035

as long as its seasoned and not cooking tomato sauce (which you should use a saucepan hurr for) youre fine

>> No.10142044

>55 degrees
What the fuck, is your stove a refrigerator? That's not even room temp you retarded motherfucker

>> No.10142046

No, cast iron is a dumb meme for most cooking. A thin carbon steel wok is usually more useful. The only good thing about cast iron is it's cheap thermal mass.

>> No.10142050
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>start with room-temperature steak
>cook it until it's colder than it started

>> No.10142052

I like to sauté onions, garlic and ground beef in a pan then add the tomato sauce ingredients and simmer / reduce for a delicious meaty/tomato sauce to use with pasta dishes

Can't do that in a cast iron

>> No.10142057


>> No.10142058
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>> No.10142059

>10 minutes

Fuck that. Way too long

>> No.10142060

>Hurr America is the universe
Celcius you 'get a brain moran' hyperplebs.

>> No.10142063

>step 1. Burn olive oil

You retards kill me.

>> No.10142066

I wish they would

>> No.10142069

Why don't people spend 5 minutes making out an oil/smoke point chart? Heck, they can do it during the 1 hour it takes to heat up their cast meme pan

>> No.10142082

so no one here actually uses one?

>> No.10142084


>> No.10142085

Do you just cook everything on max heat then? Or do you turn it down to medium once it's heated up?

>> No.10142089

The temp plummets as soon as you add food

>> No.10142094

why did you link that second one?

>> No.10142097

Didn't mean to

>> No.10142154

It must be harder to quote posts with a dick in each hand

>> No.10142165

Is it?

>> No.10142313 [DELETED] 
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haha 3D men getting coffee so gay lol

>> No.10142314

Don't listen to the trolls. It's a good and almost indestructible kitchen item that everyone should have. Especially great if you have roommates that just love to scratch the shit out of Teflon pans and then complain that stuff sticks to it. I have the cast iron basically to myself because I let them use it when it wasn't properly seasoned and now they are never using it. And everyone always complains that they are kind of high maintenance and difficult to clean. Not true at all. Just put it in the dish washer and vola clean pan.

>> No.10142331

>dish washer

>> No.10142543

Because /ck/ told him to, duh.

>> No.10144498

The hell is the matter with you? When you're done rinse with hot water and wipe dry with a paper towel. While it's still warm wipe it again with thin coat of oil/lard. Leave it out to cool.

>> No.10144527

>Did I do good /ck/?
Lmfao cast iron has to be the oldest meme on /ck/. They're just like other pans and DO require maintinence/cleaning. So no anon, no you did not.

>> No.10144549

Require? ehhh... more like suggested to. The main attraction is the heat retention and versatility (stovetop, campfire, oven, grill, broiler, etc)

>> No.10144593

You did. 10.5" is too small imo, you can only fit 2 or 3 slices of bacon in it without them touching.

>> No.10144599

Why the fuck would you care if the bacon touched? They shrink to like half their size at the end.

>> No.10144620

Because then they stick together. I guess I shouldn't say "touch", I mean more like overlap.
In any case, 10.5 is too small for a lot of shit. Good luck fitting two steaks into one pan.

>> No.10144640

While cooking take a tong, touch to both pieces, spread slightly.

Wa La!

>> No.10144807
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Im jelly OP

Im poor and live in a cramped space. It occurred to me the other day that I've only eaten about 4 steaks in two decades. I dont even have space to store cookware.

I finally cracked the other day and decided I was going to learn how to cook a steak because I cant afford to go to steak houses. It's $40 once the dessert and tip are done, and thats considered economical by most.

So I bought a $13 pan and a strip steak on sale with some mushrooms and onions. I think I prolly murdered the mushrooms and onions. On my second try, I got the steak rare by accident, since it was very thick and all I had is the wee pan, and didnt want to risk burning it.

I like rare, but it was still an accident. It was just a salt, pepper, garlic powder and olive oil rub.

I was proud though. I felt like Tom Hanks in Castaway when he creates fire, and held my pan up like the power sword of Greyskull in triumph.

So I wanted rare, but it was still more or less an accident. I have a fear of cooking as it is from knowing my incompetence.

Did I win, /ck/?

>> No.10146375

You did well for just attempting to cook, compared to all the fastfood neets here. if you worry about burning or overcooking stuff practice with cheaper ingredients first - eggs, hamburger patties, sausages or porkchops are pretty good for that. Burning steaks is pretty hard, just flip it a bit more frequently after having put a good sear on both sides, you can easily see when it gets too dark and turn down the heat.

>> No.10146921
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Thank you, I really appreciate that. I forget dumb things like turning down the heat until I sense alarm from seeing a little smoke. It turned out well, I just wish it had been more attributable to talent than a coincidental series of panic reactions. At least I did have the presence of mind to poke it with a knife to gauge the texture and peek inside. Things happen fast in the pan on high heat, and I have to sharpen my reflexes. I guess it just surprised me how fast a steak can cook. And I suppose that I have to learn to be able to distinguish heat for cooking and heat for searing.

In any event, Im just very grateful for a good meal. I missed steak so much. I look forward to seeing what else I can do. I need more cabinets for cookware, and they run about $115 minimum each, so thats my summer project, and then cookware and a freezer.

Many thanks again for the encouraging words.

>> No.10146928

Take it to a metal shop and have the interior mirror polished first, than season it.

>> No.10147218

It's an incredible item OP. I just made cornbread in mine last night. Buttered the pan, and the bread came off clean.

>> No.10147228

Where are these metal shops where I can just walk in and have a pan polished?

>> No.10147783

They don't exist except in the warped minds of renaissance festival /cosplay/ers who think we still live in the middle ages and we have village blacksmiths.

>> No.10147965
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Sounds like a great plot for a Jackie Treehorn production

EXT: A small wooden shack in a medieval town. Smoke wafts from a chimney. A shingle hangs over the door that reads: "Ye Olde Blacksmith"

A hunched wench stumbles towards the door, reads the sign and enters, carrying a pan

INT: The wench calls the Blacksmith, a rough looking man with a giant mustache:

Blacksmith: 'Aye lassie, what can me do fer ya, mi'lady?'

Wench: 'I need my pan polished. I need ye to rub it as hard as ye can, what that I can cook the guvna's meaty shanks for a bit'a supper tis evenin'.

Blacksmith: 'Aye, lassie, I'd love to polish your pan just as hard as ye can take it. But to have it done by tis evenin' I be needin' two schillings and a tuppence.'

Wench: 'But I only have one shilling and a half-farthing. I really need it so bad. Is there nothin' ye can do for a common woman in need?'

Blacksmith: 'Aye, mi'lady, sure I can. But I need something that needs polishing too'


CUE MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhTVSatyN90

>> No.10148062

Just do it yourself, use a corded electric drill and flap wheels in 40, 80, 120, and 220 grit. It'll cost you maybe $20 for all of them and it'll be less than what you'd pay the body shop guys to do it.

>> No.10148615


>> No.10149088

Should have started off with a 10inch and add on a 12inch later if you need a bigger pan for a large family.

>> No.10149116

>Can't do that in a cast iron
nor should you
>i like to make big batches of stir fry. can't do that in a saucepan!

>> No.10149137

Fuck all the haters.
Unless you are extremely low on space, there is no reason not to own a cast iron pan.
Yes, you can easily do without one but they can be great for searing and shallow frying.
A thorough cleaning is as simple as wiping it down with salt and a paper towel (and water)

>> No.10149177

Assuming you intend to use it, cast iron is great. I wouldn't want it as my only pan, but I love it when I need a good sear on large cuts of meat, or when I need to go from burner to oven. Maintenance is easy., just don't be a mong and leave it sitting in water for days on end. I still think everyone should also have a good non-stick pan and a stainless saute pan as well.

>> No.10149477

set the seen very well anon

>> No.10149985




>> No.10150017

just use a non-stick copper plated pan like a normal person

>> No.10150035 [DELETED] 
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Hmm. That sounds interesting for a novice like me whose head has been awash in curiosity with what I might can do. Its gonna be a while before I can mentally break shopping habits and think like a cook. I just dont think you can go wrong with ground beef, veggies and tomato sauce.

There is something about directly applying heat to food that chemically alters it in ways that the tongue definitely notices that can be done nuking the same thing. Caramelization, I imagine, and much more.

Since I dont eat beef so often, I know for a fact that fried ground beef has a pronounced effect on me mentally in a good way that I dont get from beef prepared any other way. A fried chesseburger with a bit of char gets me just a wee bit high *if* I haven't had it in a month or so.

By high, I just mean a sense of well being and relaxation, and later I will sleep and feel much. much more rested than usual. I assume it has something to do with specific missing fats or proteins unique to ground beef being fried.

>> No.10150040
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Hmm. That sounds interesting for a novice like me whose head has been awash in curiosity with what I might can do. Its gonna be a while before I can mentally break shopping habits and think like a cook. I just dont think you can go wrong with ground beef, veggies and tomato sauce.

There is something about directly applying heat to food that chemically alters it in ways that the tongue definitely notices that can't be done nuking the same thing. Carmelization, I imagine, and much more.

Since I dont eat beef so often, I know for a fact that fried ground beef has a pronounced effect on me mentally in a good way that I dont get from beef prepared any other way. A fried chesseburger with a bit of char gets me just a wee bit high *if* I haven't had it in a month or so.

By high, I just mean a sense of well being and relaxation, and later I will sleep and feel much. much more rested than usual. I assume it has something to do with specific missing fats or proteins unique to ground beef being fried.

>> No.10150056


Yes now you can make castiron pan meme pizza

>it's actually really good

>> No.10150101

I wonder if I can make pancakes now.


>> No.10150109


Thank you for posting this