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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 914 KB, 3024x4032, idwtlengftf01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10140451 No.10140451 [Reply] [Original]

Dear craft brewers of America

Do you guys mind not humiliating everybody in your industry by making beers named after a childish pseudo-intellectual soyboy numale cartoon that is known by the public for having autistic fans ambush McDonalds for corn syrup packets?


>> No.10140455

ok yeah well get right on that thanks for ur concern
t. craft brewer of america union prez

>> No.10140461
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This shit is BEYOND embarrassing.

There is nothing more degrading to a brewery's image and aesthetic than seeing grown men with cargo shorts, sandals, and a Rick and Morty t-shirt sitting at the bar bobbing their head to Modest Mouse and MGMT.

>> No.10140469

>oh no, microbreweries are giving their products names that align with current trends or distinguish them from other local microbreweries

Oh god, it's the collapse of western civilization...

>> No.10140475
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>you must reference an adult swim show in order to distinguish yourself from other local microbreweries

>the only current trend is the one associated with fedora-clad manchildren whose mommy showered them in IPA-bux this week so he can stroll on down to the bottleshop and fumigate it with BO and ass while he peruses the shelves for the memeiest label-art he can get his cheeto-dusted fingers on.

>> No.10140476

Dear brewers of America, would you mind not humiliating everybody in the industry by making the piss water you call bear. Kindly reform yourself into import companies and get real bear from Europe.

>> No.10140482


shitty bait

>> No.10140489

>popular show among college aged kids being used to label a product popular among college aged kids
How terrible... If were going to allow this we might as well just open our countries borders and let our wives get BLACKED.

>> No.10140490


No need for extremes. Howabout we all agree that memes have no place on beer labels, eh?

I like my memes like I like my beer labels - non-normietized

>> No.10140500

No, shit bear, I bet you think bear is meant to have sugar in it.

>> No.10140506

At least it isn't ponies?

>> No.10140507
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>> No.10140510


I don't even know if that would be worse than a Redditbeer at this point.

>> No.10140517

We are quickly reaching the singularity of autism.

>> No.10140595

>los angeles
This doesn't happen on the east coast outside of faggot infested cities like new york. I own a craft beer business in Florida. Mostly good beers and good people.

>> No.10140639
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>craft beer

>> No.10140658

Do you think Floridians can't mix water, yeast, hops, and barley together?

>> No.10140664

I have serious doubts

>> No.10140670
File: 120 KB, 678x799, Florida+man+miami+edition+httpworldnewsdailyreportcommanbreaksintoaburgerkinganddrinksgallonsofdeepfryingoili+bring+you+only+the_952b4d_6269455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair.

>> No.10140785

Hey paranoid, it looks stupid and the people who love it enough to care have terrible taste in media and design, simple as that. You're the only one coming in ironically bringing up /pol/, race, and civilization. Cut the shit and understand that some people think this drink looks stupid enough to say so.

>> No.10140791

You know, it is possible to criticize things for looking stupid without tossing out buzzwords like a 16 year old edgelord.

>> No.10140799

Hey what's wrong with cargo shorts and sandals? I like being comfortable

>> No.10140800

8% is a lot
and it appears to be marketed to kids.
alcohol is a dangerous poison...
the government needs to crack down on these poisoners.

>> No.10140819

Unfortunately with the rise of craft beer and it picking up a huge audience, about half that audience is hipsters and manchildren who have no taste and drink it ironically. Hence all these colorful, gimmicky cans with shit craft beer in them. If a can is pasted in neon colors you know their overcompensating for having shit beer but it doesn't matter since there tons of fake enthusiasts who just buy memes.

>> No.10140839

That's rich coming from the one who shouts /pol/ and cuck memes when he heads slang he doesn't like. These beers are the stuff of effeminate millennials, there's no reason to argue against that.

>> No.10140848

So is this thread to discuss the beer label or the "effeminate millennials" that drink it? My senses tell me that OP wanted the discussion to sway towards the latter and we have enough of it. If you don't think this cancer came from /pol/ you need to go back there.

>> No.10140903

I ain't from /pol/, and you can damn well easily discuss the memification and branding of a gimmick entry in the craft brew market. You're so stuck up your own ass that you haven't noticed this thread is almost entirely people talking about the quality of the drink and their experience with beverages like this. You just saw some words you didn't like and flared up thinking you were surrounded by enemies because people are trying to have a thread about how embarrassing and strange it is that people are using smartass cartoons to sell 'artisan beers' to people who don't have a taste for craft beer in the first place. Now quit playing victim while literally being the problem, you're the one who feels the need to declare shit /pol/ any time someone brings up a poser.

>> No.10140905

Whyre you obsessed with some fags hobby?

>> No.10140917

I'm not playing victim, I'm making a statement about this board in general. This shit didn't start happening until the past year or 2. Now it seems like every thread needs to be about "those damn millennial soyboys!" and it's grown to become obnoxious. Maybe I over reacted in this case, but I'm sure you're not dumb and can read between the lines. It was obviously OPs intention to make this another one of those threads.

>> No.10140919


American craft brewers make the best beer in the world. Who gives a shit if they sometimes come up with stupid names?

>> No.10140930

Is it good though?

>> No.10140953

I understand what you're saying too, I just don't see where this thread is supposed to suddenly decay and transform into some noxious and unacceptable thing just because someone used politically incorrect language to say a beer is for manchildren who lack taste. I understand people talk like this on /pol/, but where exactly does the term 'soyboy' make this so awful? I also don't think OP came in trying to start some racial or cultural right, rather he meant what he said, that the beer is for childish millenial cartoon followers, and it's embarrassing to what craft beer is supposed to be. Only difference is he used politically incorrect slang to do it.
Not that I think there's anything wrong with the word soyboy. The people who actually think normal amounts of soy will increase estrogen are probably wrong, but I do think the word 'soy' is a great way to describe someone lacking in authentic meat.

>> No.10140966


A five year old who's spent half his life on 4chan can spot a try hard /pol/tard from a mile away. Fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.10140969

>this didn’t start happening until the past year or 2
Gee anon it’s almost like the world can drastically change in 2 years, and people might begin talking about these changes. Fucking snob.
>maybe I over reacted
Absolutely autistic, my man

>> No.10140977

>if you disagree with me you are a Nazi
I’m not even that guy, but you’re retarded.

>> No.10140983

that's from los angeles, anything that's in la or san francisco isn't on us that place is like another damn planet

>> No.10141002
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You can't make this shit up sometimes

>> No.10141013

Dear OP,
Do you mind shutting the fuck up? If the name of a product bothers you, don't fucking buy it. Who cares. I see stupid wine names all the time, and if the product isn't good, I just pass it by. No need to sperg.

>> No.10141016

Everyone can spot overly offended disingenuous whiners too. The beer looks stupid and it's a cheap marketing trick that only appeals to people that like the cartoon more than they like craft beer. No need to go somewhere crazy with it man.

>> No.10141023
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OP here, enthralling discussion so far.

I made this thread because Rick and Morty fans proved to the world just how toxic and detrimental a fanbase can be to it's host. If they can single-handedly make people associate a decent cartoon show with the dredges of society (bronies, R&M raiding McD's for sauce, the list goes on), then they can do exactly that with craft beer. They already have to an extent, but they're crossing a line putting internet memes on cans.

>> No.10141041

>Dear craft brewers of America
>Do you guys mind not humiliating everybody in your industry
Impossible, you might as well ask them to brew an unbrewed beer.

>> No.10141048

Their marketing ploy appears to have worked because they got you to whine about it on a MS worm farming discussion board where you're bringing it to the attention of people who would have never heard of it otherwise. Thanks for being the pawn the marketers who developed it wanted you to be!

>> No.10141051
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Maybe this manly wine would be more to your taste.

>> No.10141062

Hopefully this brewery flops, but as far as ””””””craft beer”””””” being an embarrassment that horse left the barn LONG ago

>> No.10141066
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I 100% agree. I genuinely enjoy craft IPA's but usually just buy union made piss beer because it's several dollars cheaper and I don't look like a tryhard clown in front of the cute cashiers

But then again it makes me a tryhard for not just buying what I enjoy

>> No.10141078

Cargo shorts and sandals aren't numale. They're either neckbeard or based depending on how attractive you are. Numale is trendily fashionable because you're a sheep.

>> No.10141091
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>craft beer
>beer in general

>> No.10141107

>bringing up /pol/

Like clockwork you fucking reactionary idiot.

>how could someone make fun of Rick & Morty and IPAs it MUST be /pol/ because they're responsible for everything that I don't like

If you want to bring /pol/ into shit that it doesn't belong then just go over there

>> No.10141120
File: 2.00 MB, 1046x700, the free market provides.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make that shit because people buy it. You can't blame the businesses for meeting demand.

What happened with that McMeme sauce, by the way? Didn't they say they'd have it again in December? I was hoping for a second round of autistic manchildren crying about a dipping sauce for chicken tenders.

>> No.10141131

Yeah it's called marketing, it's a fucking buisness.

>> No.10141137

>all publicity is good publicity meme
Cute, but you're nobody is going to buy one based on this thread (unless they fall for tryhard us vs them 'I'll buy it to spite the haters' weak-kneed bullshit), and you're only parroting that quote to try and stick it to people for using politically incorrect language in a way that triggers your schizophrenic internet turf war brain.

>> No.10141139


>> No.10141152

how about you just don't drink it then. let the market decide

>> No.10141166

>t-the free market will fix it!
>i-its not like this free market is filled with braindead amerimutts who need every product to be 20% sugar and covered with memes
the absolute state of ck

>> No.10141170

How about sometimes people will say when they don't like things, and you can't expect total radio silence on all non-positive talk just by assuming the only thing people care about is a line graph?

>> No.10141171

You want a planned economy?

>> No.10141180
File: 24 KB, 680x430, bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-if i dont get my daily intake of 1kg of sugar ill die!
>wtf no bongs are going to tell ME what brews i can consume!
>arm yourselves against the oppressors!
>freedumbs isnt free

>> No.10141185

Hey wiseguy, you're the one telling people not to speak in things they don't like because they should rely on the market to destroy the product. Nobody's proposing market reform, we're just saying this meme beer is pathetic shit.

>> No.10141209

Breaking Bud is a decent ipa with a media tie in with a popular television series.

Op is racist.

>> No.10141220
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do americans really drink this?

>> No.10141223

Subtle marketing thread is subtle

>> No.10141225


Breaking Bud is a good beer, but I remember the artwork making me retch in disgust the first time I saw it. They made it a year-round beer so I see the bottle everywhere now and I guess I'm desensitized to it.

Referencing TV shows on your beer is low hanging fruit and a form of plagiarism.

>> No.10141227

>uses same hand he grabbed money with to pick up food
>people eat it anyways

Americans truly are subhuman trash.

>> No.10141238

But it tastes like the production! The flavor of hops and cinematography...

>> No.10141243

When you bring it to the attention of people who would never have heard about it otherwise and a handful of them do the same, ad infinitum, it becomes a marketing success, you blithering lunatic.

>> No.10141248

Money is indeed filthy but when did you last hear of someone actually getting sick from doing something like the guy in that webm?

>> No.10141260

Nobody cares about manipulating the market, it's just shitting on a beer, man. I'm not afraid enough of the market to avoid saying when I have a problem with something.

>> No.10141282

nothing wrong with modest mouse, everything wrong with Rick and morty

>> No.10141283

Or sounding like a douche in doing so. Great opinions bro. This thread doesn't even read like another sour grapes blog by an [insert country WAY less important than America] asshole.

>> No.10141296

I like all these things but sandals and novelty shirts.

I don't advertise.
Sandals aren't practical.
And I usually only drink rum.
Leftists are mentally ill children.

>> No.10141298

At this point I'm way more concerned with arguing against people who feel the need to make a big political protest because someone posted they don't like a cheap cartoon beer tie-in.

>> No.10141304

No, I wouldn't associate with anyone who did

T. American

>> No.10141313

I find this whole situation fucking disgusting, that being said I think I'm in the minority for people in my age group.


>> No.10141315

The fact you concern yourself with how people feel about meme beer is sad as fuck, euro bro. Maybe just get on with your life and stop looking for things about America that make you mad (lol like you can do that).

>> No.10141324

thank you for your honesty anon, as far as amerimutts go you are a nice breed like a border collie or similar, compared to the normal bulldog cross pug

>> No.10141332


>> No.10141338

>this back and forth
>'bro relax its just a beer'
>'bro relax im just shitting on a beer'
>'lmao i cant believe youre triggered by people expressing themselves'
>'lmao i cant believe you feel the need to reply about how triggered people are for expressing themselves'
Just fuck already and get it over with.

>> No.10141343

I'm American and I'm trying to shit on people who thinks it's bad to shit in a bad beer. I don't mind if you like the beer or the cartoon, though it's not like I think you're cool or anything for doing so, but the people who are acting like it's an evil political statement to dislike a dumb cartoon beer tie-in act like they need to be slapped when they get triggered and start pretending it's forbidden to dislike a product. Certain people in this thread think they're protesting conservative bullying, but they're really just cartoon-based craft beers are not a meaningful political talking point.

>> No.10141347


>> No.10141356

Do YOU even know what you're saying in this post?

>> No.10141359

That's not half as bad as what I routinely see at cash registers where they put the bills in their mouth while digging in their pockets for change. Amerilards are trully filthy barbarians.

t. Amerimutt

>> No.10141363

Not that anon but; you couldn't miss the joke any harder.

>> No.10141364

I like my boyfriends to have a job and actually leave the house so I can't fuck that anon. Plus I am American so I don't think I'm his type.

>> No.10141371

>ramble about nothing
>get called out
>"Oh you must have missed my super joke!"
This thread gets worse and worse.

>> No.10141375

Yeah, that it's a dumb cartoon tie-in beer and it's okay to say so, and the people who come out complaining about /pol/ and saying you shouldn't dislike something so long as it can survive the market are disingenuous, and are talking about something very seperate that the mere existence of this dumb beer, often while claiming to want to avoid those conversations.

>> No.10141383


>the "war on bacteria" meme

Eating with your money-hands improves your immune system. Keeps it on it's toes.

>> No.10141388

Alright, this actually makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying. I agree to an extent, but nothing about the OP or the trolls that followed is even close to "saying so". Dude wants to fight with people because he hates America, he's not trying to make some grand statement.

>> No.10141391

That wasn't me >>10141375 is my point.
Sorry about my grammar in the previous post, I hadn't reread it. I'm just saying that there's no reason to act like people shouldn't be mocking a dumb beer, and if you think it's /pol/ to do so then you've missed your mark.

>> No.10141392
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Again, not that anon. I'm >>10141338
>ramble about nothing
>get called out
Do you see the irony of the post now? it's what you've been doing.

Yo. East coast? I'm 8inches fit and a butcher. If you know what I mean.

>> No.10141398

Rick and Morty beer is not a symbol of America, it's something LA hipster socialites do when they hear craft beer is popular, but they don't actually know anything about beer, so they buy a can based on the recognizable cartoon on the can.

>> No.10141399

I got you senpai, and replied to your post here >>10141388

>> No.10141403

What do you have against modest mouse?

>> No.10141408

Of course they aren't, but please re-read the OP. He's conflating the two. Saying ALL America needs to be ashamed for this one hipster beer. He wants to fight America, not that small cadre of faggots.

>> No.10141410

That is not me, for the third time. I had assumed the post here >>10141343 was genuinely making fun of you.

>> No.10141417

huh, then I guess we're both wrong.

>> No.10141418

I like to think in context his babbling stupidity was directly equal to your own.

>> No.10141425

>I like to think
We know you do, Anon. We all know you do.

>> No.10141443

It was a grammatical error and a lack of proofreading. My point is awesome and basically everyone agrees with it.

>> No.10141453

Which point was that, that craft hipster beer is good or bad?

>> No.10141462

Who cares. The shit will start to tank in a couple of months once the novelty wears off, and the line will be changed to the next trendy thing.

>> No.10141467

That Rick and Morty beer is a cheap cartoon tie-in for people who dont like craft beer in the first place, and trying to shut up people who say so due to a misguided sense of political activism is loony shit.

>> No.10141486

see >>10141462
Literally who cares. Try not to loose any sleep over it.

>> No.10141522

>Literally who cares.
The OP does. He cares so much.

>> No.10141557

I'm a craft brewer. I loath the 'cool' side of the industry because I'm not cool. I'm a fat, nerdy detail orientated process control freak. I can't even stand the word craft. One of the biggest drawbacks to me in my professional career is my inability to fully swallow the bullshit required to network correctly. Like most 'creative' industries a lot relies on who you know and what you are seen to be doing. You add value by understanding trends, brands, art and design and having long hair, a beard, full sleeve tattoos etc. Then the cool kids want to hang out with you and work on collaborations because you look and act the part. I'm more into tearing them apart unnecessarily for being unoriginal stereotypes. It is not impossible to make great beer, but the brand development and the reputation is what gains and maintains relevance amongst hipster consumers in an otherwise saturated market. The rapidly growing part of the market is the fickle easily influenced and lead image conscious who need to be seen with the right brands before they 'sold out' (they all start off aiming to sell out crowing about breaking moulds).

>> No.10141560

Why are they always IPAs?

>> No.10141580

Because IPAs have a very high pretension/effort ratio, just like reddit and memety.

>> No.10141613

I agree sir bacon narwhal.

>> No.10141636


>> No.10141648

I love juicy IPAs and would gladly try that beer. I wouldn't have even noted the significance of the cartoon mouth on the label since I don't watch that show.

>> No.10141658

If you drink beer you're already a soyboy.
Enjoy your estrogen and mantits.

>> No.10141696


Nothing against Modest Mouse. I like them. They have become essential brewery-core, alongside MGMT and Bon Iver.

>> No.10141716


Estrogen and mantits are a small price to pay to be drunk all the time and freely enjoy a wide variety of malt-based beverages.

Also I homebrew so I can make 5 gallons of delicious booze for 15 bucks.

>> No.10141744

I too am buttflustered over your comments about modest mouse and mgmt.

>> No.10141797

>These people are doing things I don't like, AND THAT NEEDS TO STOP
Why do you even care? It's not like you can buy that beer, it's probably not even local to your region, fucking autistic

>> No.10141831
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>coastie beer

I'm sure they all taste like Corona.

>> No.10141837

>I love juicy IPA's
I bet you like juicy cock too, you fucking faggot.

>> No.10141838


California makes the best beer. I hate this new trend of everyone making NE style IPA's.

>> No.10141840


>> No.10141844


>t. never left my village before

>> No.10141854


>criticizes west coast beer
>posts an image of a macro-brewery IPA

>> No.10141874

>You're not allowed to criticize things
I'm not even OP but fuck off

>> No.10141879

Criticizing=/=telling people to not do things you don't like
Op didn't make a critical post, he was autistically sperging out over them selling it, and demanding they stop

>> No.10141924

And it's unironically better than any West coast ipa I've ever tried

>> No.10142195

Lets not go insulting R&M faggots by comparing them to horsefuckers.

>> No.10142248


Flyover beer is the absolute worst in the country.

>> No.10142573


You're right. Doing so would be an insult to horsefuckers

>> No.10142592

michigan here, there's a microbrewery near me with a rick and morty beer. they have a really tasty stout though so it's okay
midwest tho

>> No.10142608

>this post formatting

we know where you're from. lurk more

>> No.10142660
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>> No.10142684
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>Dear people who produce things please stop producing things for people who like things that I don't like or I might just explode in buzzwords
Honestly just spend your GBP on something else.

>> No.10142875

Thank you for kindly bringing attention to our unique and whimsical culturally relevant beer, craft brewed for the discerning palates of the /ck/ responsible beer drinking audience.

t. AAA Craft Brewery Marketing Consortium

>> No.10142920


>the /ck/ responsible beer drinking audience

I need to get out of bed, take a shower for the first time since Friday, and drive to work in a couple of hours. I've been throwing back vodka for the past 6 hours trying to get myself motivated.

>> No.10142947

Because it makes craft beer a little bit more retarded. OP explained that.

>> No.10142956

>some people like stuff that I don’t like and that makes me FUCKING FURIOUS

>> No.10142958

I do stuff like that more than often. Tell me about that, as you get ready for your day? How much have you drank? How do you conceal your drunkeness from your coworkers?

>> No.10142987


I've probably had around a third of a handle since I woke up. I'm a line cook so there's lot's going on all the time and I'm never really face to face with people for extended periods of time, and I can do the job just fine shitfaced. I'd assume I reek of alcohol, but there's lots of other smells going on in the restaurant, so I don't really know if anyone ever really noticed. Even so, the place would have to shut down without me unless they find another competent cook; so maybe they just let it slide since I get the job done, and am probably more fun when I show up drunk.

>> No.10143013

>line cook
You've got it backwards dingus, you need cocaine. If you need a connection ask literally anyone else in the kitchen.

>> No.10143027


Pretty sure I know what I'm doing.

>> No.10143053

>Famous last words.

>> No.10143105
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Dear OP,
Thank you for your letter. We will take this under consideration.

Craft brewers of America

>> No.10143425

buddy, if you don't like it, don't fucking buy it

No need to get all upset because you're so goddamn sure what each and every fan of R&M and IPAs looks like

>> No.10143434

Have u ever actually encountered anyone like that or are you basing all of this purely on stereotypes youve encountered right here? It might be time to get some fresh air

>> No.10143448
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>effeminte millennials

I'm sure you're a picture perfect specimen of strength, industry, and masculinity.

>> No.10143520

This. If you go inside a microbrewery with a bar during the week, the majority of the customers are 40-60 yo. People forget the craft brew industry began in the 70's as a reaction against the flavorless, corporate, feminine pablum passed off as beer and those people still patronize it.

>> No.10143741

This is fucking stupid. Of course it has to be an IPA too. Well, I'm not gonna buy that bullshit. Simple enough.

>> No.10143758

>buying into the reddit meme of not liking Rick and Morty
>also not realizing that there are 5 fucking thousand craft brewers, mostly making 10-25 different beers in a given year
Do you know how hard it is to come up with an unused name or concept for your beer? No matter what you choose to get mad at in life, or even things you like, you will probably be able to find a beer that references it

>> No.10143764

whenever I see a beer that is a tie-in with a tv show or something else like that I just assume it's shit

>> No.10143771

>f you go inside a microbrewery with a bar during the week, the majority of the customers are 40-60 yo
This is simply not true. While not unpopular with older people and quickly growing in popularity amongst them, most craft brewers rely on millennial as their largest demographic. Mostly the 22-35 crowd, many bringing young children on the weekends

>> No.10143780

This is disgusting I agree, but my buddy wants to know where I can get these? Are they available in Canada? Do you have a link to a website or something. My buddy thanks you

>> No.10143789
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>> No.10143790

*burp* hey *burp* hey mortyyy
i tur-*burp* i turned myself into an IPA mortyyyyyyy

>> No.10143797

Or even worse, anime fags

>> No.10143804

Everywhere but Manhattan is a flyover

>> No.10143809

I unironically agree with this. Everybody in my family is a germaphobe except for me, I'm like the opposite, and I get sick by far the least. Being a filthy subhumano has it's advantages

>> No.10143858

Two in the pink flamingo, one in the stink.

>> No.10143948

>He doesn't like MGMT
T. Beerlet

>> No.10144123

Pretty sure "I need cocaine" are famous last words as well.

>> No.10145447



>> No.10145450


Never said that lmao

>> No.10145679

>this post
You just know you have no point when you have to spread your words this thin. It's a dumb tie-in beer.

>> No.10146345
File: 54 KB, 479x464, op as a pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brewer gets the idea to cash in on a popular show knowing the fan base eats up anything related to the show

>Foreigner gets mad because he doesn't like said show and bitches about it on a Taiwanese shadow puppetry forum

Op is just pissed off he didn't think of this himself. I give props to the Brewer who made this beer, he will make more money off this then most of this board will in the next 10 years.

>> No.10146361

I've seen Rick and Morty before but never would have known that label was in some way a reference to the show if it weren't for this thread.

>> No.10147452


I'm going to equip said clothing and partake in said activities because fuck your shitty opinions OP.

>> No.10147557

only one country in europe makes good beer, and that's belgium. france is a close second, but only in the flemish regions.

>> No.10147563

Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention! I just ordered 5 cases and am going to hold onto it until it looks like the resale price is peaking on ebay and unload it. I'll make a fucking killing if the sauce was any indication, lol. Who says you can't find good info on /ck/?

>> No.10147569

I've never seen a single episode but the drooling mouth with round teeth is a dead giveaway, anyone who's seen a couple of pictures of the show would realize it

>> No.10147583

beer brewed with hate and disdain

what styles of beer do you make?

>> No.10147586


>cellaring ne ipas

Good luck with that.

>> No.10147596

even though the bell's children are all sellout shills, the brewery has yet to be bought out by inbev, or miller-coors.

though bells hasn't produced anything of note lately, theyre just coasting on their reputation.

>> No.10147611

debatable. unfortunately, i can't get a hold of anything from russian river brewing, so no pliny the elder/younger.

The Bruery/Breury Terreux is one of my personal favorite brewers, though.

t. Michigan

>> No.10147621
File: 919 KB, 720x1280, 1504820181166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha disgusting sight where are these sold so i can avoid them

>> No.10147644


You can literally look up where Pliny the younger has been and they basically only send half a dozen kegs outside of California every year. I'm in NorCal at the moment and while the beer scene is blowing up (well, the market is kind of getting over saturated with start-ups, so lots of sub par places closed last year), I honestly prefer SD style IPA's. The Bruery is pretty based, though. A place I go pretty often gets a lot of their stuff on cask.

>> No.10148195


I'm holding on to vintages of jjjjuuuullliiiiuuuussss and the oats REALLY mellow out after 3-4 years

>> No.10148891

how/why did you take the time to brag about such boring east coast beer?

>> No.10148937

Craft brewers know their target audience well (post-college, post-hipster, possibly suburban contemporary conformist twenty/thirtysomething millennials working tedious, unfulfilling white-collar jobs and watching "mature cartoons" at home while drinking craft beer and smoking weed).

>> No.10151103

You pussies get hilariously wound up about someone mentioning your country, one of the most amusing things left on this board, keep defending freedom there chuck.