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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10139285 No.10139285 [Reply] [Original]

>Getting too fat
>Start dieting
>Eat two meal shakes
>One delicious unhealthy meal
>All equal to about 1800 cals
>Already lost 20 lbs

Have I out smarted /fit/, /ck/?

>> No.10139294

you might be deficient in micronutrients but otherwise nah that's a good way of hitting your macros. 2 shakes for me would amount to almost 100g protein and like, idk, 50g carbs. easy to make up the rest in a delicious breakfast.

>> No.10139312

That's because you don't work out.

>> No.10139430

I’m guessing I’d need more if I did?

>> No.10139741


... yeah?

i mean, have you not done physically exerting stuff before? you get tired and hungry for a reason.

go lift some weights. putting on muscle doesn't really make anybody look bad (maybe if you're a runway model), you'll feel better, and be more useful. and go run/some sort of cardio too, for heart health and general utility.

>> No.10139757

you can eat whatever you want but the secret is portion control. at 1800 cal per day it sounds like you're burning more than you eat, the secret to weight loss

>> No.10139775

>eat at a calorie deficit
>lose weight
>”have I outsmarted /fit/?”
No. It sounds like you’ve done exactly what you were supposed to do. You’ve actually followed instructions to the ‘T’.

>> No.10140039
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sadly he hasn't outsmarted /fit/ but he has outsmarted all the keto cult retards that think calories have nothing to do with weight loss.

>> No.10140057

Or you could get off your ass, start moving, and get your metabolism so high that you can eat whatever you want.

>> No.10140067

Not to mention the benefits to your mental state and longevity.
You don't even have to be a gym rat, just taking a brisk walk is good for you.

>> No.10140074

Exercising is a fun activity on top of dieting, and you’ll be lean and toned instead of flabby at the same weight.

>> No.10140078

I've been on that carniverous diet for a month now, lost 30 pounds and put some definition on my arms and chest

>being beta berry picker
>eat vegetables like a lesser evolved great ape

>> No.10140142

30 pounds in a month? God damn anon, how fat were you when you started?

>> No.10140151

Outsmarting /fit/ is like being the smartest retard in the special ed class. Losing weight and achieving goals, you're on the way to win anon.

>> No.10140179
File: 27 KB, 453x457, reaction_img (96).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1800 kcal/day
>calorie deficit

>> No.10140321
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>being such a stick-armed manlet soyboy that you need fewer than 1800 kcal a day

Loving every laugh.

>> No.10140432

>fewer than
It's less than. Also, not what I meant.
An average weight, average height man with a sedentary lifestyle needs around 1800-1900kcal a day.

>> No.10140654

This franch faggot doesn't count his calories individually.
So you're, what, 5'9"? LOL

>> No.10140718
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>getting fat
>go to doctor
>weigh in a lot more than I thought
>get prescribed lipitor

>> No.10140754

What type of meal shakes? I need to lose weight too.

>> No.10140790


It's fewer not less. Fewer refers to discrete units divisible into integers. Less refers to a nonspecific amount.

>> No.10140815

what exactly do you think /fit/ would recommend you?

>> No.10140817

keto also follows CICO. its just easier to follow and keeps hunger at bay for many.

>> No.10140825

>tfw gain weight literally only in my gut and chest, arms and legs stay vascular and emaciated
>week of binge eating has turned me into a trash bag full of sludge with pipe cleaners stuck into it

I pray to God I never have to take my shirt off ever for any reason

>> No.10142289

GNC lean shakes. I’m LI so i have to get the Vegan or Soy ones which are more expensive.

>> No.10142299

I think the OMAD fucks on /fast/ beat you to it.

>> No.10142300

Keto requires calorie deficit idiot. Combining the two is just much more effective

>> No.10142312

>people on /fit/
>working out

>> No.10142324

Yeah it burns SOME extra calories. Maybe 200-300 an hour of intense cardio, maybe 50 for an hour for that brisk walk, but don't fall into that trap of thinking you can eat all you want. You can't outrun a shitty diet.

>> No.10142341

I know that feel. My BMR is around 1780, probably will go down to 1500-1600 when I get to the weight I want. Get used to eating 1200 Cals a day. It sucks at first but if you eat a clean diet, you'll feel more satiated for a longer period.

>> No.10142356

No. It is not less than, you kike.

>> No.10142421

Calories in, calories out. Everything else is broscience.

>> No.10142433

>gain a lot of weight in a year
>worried my gf is disgusted by me
>gf has been increasingly hornier since the change
>keeps grabbing my stomach and commenting on it lustily
Wh-what the fuck is going on bros

>> No.10142449

She's a feeder, watch out.

>> No.10142453

Contrary to popular belief all women don't want skeleton beta men. Now don't go and be an unhealthy fatass though.

>> No.10143371

5'6" actually, and I bet I not only make more money than you, but I get much more pussy than your NEET permavirgin ass.

>> No.10143383

~2000 is average, OP also is just losing water weight too. water can be anywhere from 10-12 pounds

>> No.10143391

>Wh-what the fuck is going on bros
Because most women want someone around them who makes THEM look better, not the otherway around.

>> No.10143497


>> No.10143538
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>get into baking bread
>eat a loaf of bread almost every day
>already gained 20 pounds

>> No.10143545

Do lots of anons on /fit/ have epilepsy or something?

>> No.10143633


>> No.10143658

I only count calories for weight loss. I go to the gym three times a week for weights. But I'd been doing that for years and got fat while doing that. If you consume more calories than you burn, you'll gain weight no matter what else you do.

>> No.10144347

Im 6'1 with a very active job and i walk everywhere. I have to eat around 3300 cals to gain any weight

>> No.10144368


>> No.10144373

>OP also is just losing water weight too.
He didn't say he wasn't drinking water bruh

>> No.10145141

I'm not made of money sorry

>> No.10145160

im sick of being fat as fuck and want to do keto what are some meals that an incompetent cook can prepare

>> No.10145268

Its really not.

>> No.10145355

Then do body weights and pussyass cardio but always keep in mind you will never leave humanity behind.

>> No.10145376

el manleto

>> No.10145494

VLCD, losing half a stone in a week, master race reporting in

>> No.10145541

post pics trashman