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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 753x502, beef burgundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10126907 No.10126907 [Reply] [Original]

Except that she refused to brown the meat beforehand, she used cream of mushroom soup to add body to it, and the "burgundy" she used had been sitting in a cabinet without refrigeration. That's right. She basically used grape vinegar.

It looks nothing like pic related. It's a grayish color with a bit of purple to it.

>> No.10126914


>> No.10126935

unfortunate. supposed to brown AND deglaze the pan. good dish otherwise.

>> No.10127046

Not with the wine that had turned to vinegar since it's last use and the cream of mushroom soup. Also, no aromatics or herbs. Just gray meat and grayish-pink goop.

>> No.10127065

working moms often suck at cooking. thats the way she goes.

>> No.10127092
File: 20 KB, 635x345, jjwLFx1.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choke it down, say it was good, give your mom a kiss on the cheek and fuck off. optionally, kys.

>> No.10127112

>being angry someone took the time out of their day to cook for you

Fucking do it yourself next time.

>> No.10127165

She's punching above her weight, so to speak. She'll realize if it's not great herself and make changes next time. Be glad you got to at least have a meal, boy.

>> No.10127168

That's the thing. I offered. She angrily turned me down. There's some serious psychology going on at our house caused by me getting into cooking.

>> No.10127171

fuck you, you should be cooking for yourself
let your mum eat whatever shit she wants, but take some responsibility for yourself anon

>> No.10127229

kys faggot.
you want to be chef supreme, move the fuck out of her basement you're a grown fucking man.

>> No.10127432

Lying to her by saying it was good is crueller in the long term.

>> No.10127441

If you do something, you do it well. You don't put in a mediocre effort and then cry that you aren't getting the adoration you think you deserve.

>> No.10127517

how about being a good son, faggot? kys.

>> No.10127523


OP, in the name of Julia Child, you must kill your mother. You know in your heart that is the only moral choice.

>> No.10127533

I agree. Mothers are always bitches. They think just because they squeezed you out of their hole they own your life. Well, I don't recall asking to be born. Nobody did. Mothers need to learn that they don't deserve anything. They need to simply accept the consequences of their actions. If her son can't get a job, that's her problem. If her son is better than her at everything, that's her problem. She can't just tell you what to do just because she made you. Her ownership ended after gestation.

>> No.10127538

this is the way to go, OP

you don't get to criticize or make the rules until you're in your own place. quit being a faggot, seriously.

>> No.10127542

no it's not

>> No.10127572

then default to the optionally part

>> No.10127599

Yes it is. She's a fucking adult, she's the last person who needs coddling.

>> No.10127601

i feel bad for your mom desu

>> No.10127612

I'm sure she needs the pity of a 19 year old goodboy NEET """desu""".

>> No.10127614

So move out and take your apple juice with you.

>> No.10127617

i feel bad for her for having such a shitty son.

>> No.10127624

>lying to my mother by telling her that her abysmal food is good is being a good son
No, she can use this opportunity to improve herself.

>> No.10127633

Like I said, no grown woman cares about your opinions. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.10127638

lol was that a burn? dude move out of your fuckin mom's house and you won't need to make these kinds of threads to vent your retarded feelings.

>> No.10127643

I'm not the one who's relationship with his mother is so fragile that anything short of simpering worship could derail the whole thing.

>> No.10127645

I can't stand people who will shame their own mother like this.
You don't have to love her shitty cooking just because you love her, but talking shit about her here makes you an asshole, plain and simple.
Why not cook with her instead?

Mine is far from a good cook so I join her in the kitchen when I'm visiting. Makes the food a little better and it helps her get better too. Plus it's nice to do things together with your mother. And I should know.

>> No.10127650

Why even make the thread if everything between your mother is neat and resolved thanks to your candor? Stop wasting our time.

>> No.10127658

Because this is a cooking board.

>> No.10127665

>Why not cook with her instead?

>> No.10127681

How's junior high going for you, you cancerous child?

>> No.10127682

go away you are a horrible person

>> No.10127684

then take a fucking hint you shit eater. stay out of her kitchen. move out of her basement. stop being such a fucking embarrassment to her. she doesn't need or want cooking advice from an ingrate manchild of a son who can't even get his own shit life in order.

>> No.10127710

hey ck guess what my mom tried to do something special for once but instead of helping I waited until she fucked it up so I could go online and make fun of her to a bunch of strangers

>> No.10127711

>"getting into cooking"

>> No.10127737

OP's mum sounds like a precious cunt who can't stand the idea that one of her children could have surpassed her at the only thing she was adequate at in life. Anyone defending that sort of immature behaviour obviously has issues of their own.

>> No.10127745

you didn't want to talk about cooking, you wanted to talk shit about your mom because your tastes are so superior. Offering to take over clearly implies that you don't think her ability is up to snuff, which is why she rebuffed your insolent ass.

>> No.10127756

It's true though and I've proven it. Her ability is far below snuff. It's up to her to improve herself. I would have been happy to teach her some things. Not my problem that she isn't enough of an adult to accept help when she clearly needs it.

>> No.10127791

also kys

>> No.10127809

You "offered" like you were doing her a favour?
How about asking like she's doing you one? Be a little diplomatic for fuck's sake. Does /ck/ really have to tell you how to talk to your mother?
Why did you make this thread? What was the purpose?

>> No.10127811

So what you come here to bitch about it like we care? Either go tell her or let it slide.

>> No.10127820

If someone isn't willing to take feedback then they shouldn't ask in the first place. It doesn't matter if its a friend or relative. Constructive feedback and honesty mean more than lying to someone so they fuck up later on. A lot of mothers get upset when their kids start questioning their cooking methods and surpassing them in some cases.

>> No.10127836

You're projecting your own biases onto this, "Chop". I was perfectly polite, I don't have to trip over myself and pussy-foot around when talking to my own mother. Is that what you do, "Chop"? Maybe we have that in common; both of our mothers are deeply insecure people who see an offer to help them as a vicious personal attack on their ability. Thanks all the same "Chop". Cool screen name by the way.

>> No.10127848

>refrigerating red wine

u wot

>> No.10127853

-t. OP

>> No.10127857

You seem a bit upset "childish little shit who actually made a fucking thread on 4chan to bitch about his mother"
It's no skin off my nose how you get along with her, though. Have a nice day.

>> No.10127886

>i don't recall asking to be born

kys you neet faggot.

>> No.10128098

Are u daft? His mother didn’t ask for his opinion. The dipshit was interjecting and got buttmad when she shot down his uninvited input

>> No.10128100

kys you faggot ingrate

>> No.10128295

Why is it that whenever women in general are mentioned anons here rush to condemn them, yet when mothers are mentioned anons rush to defend them?

It's not necessarily the same people doing both, but if not you'd think the mommy boys would put a little more effort into defending other women as well.

>> No.10129549

If something is objectively shit or made wrong you have a duty to inform them. Plus you don't know that she didn't ask.

>> No.10129569

>tfw my parents and grandma who lives with us are all pretty great at cooking
>completely open to cooking food from other cultures
>have inside jokes about certain dishes they cook
>always banter them about not using enough salt

I’m super lucky to be able to learn from all three while also being able to develop my own style.

>> No.10129573

Need less edge on that

>> No.10129614

Because everyone here has a mother but 90% have never interacted with a non related female irl.

>> No.10129648

What >>10129614 said plus I think a lot of people here at at least 30 years old so their mothers are of a very different generation from the "millennial" women that are so universally despised on 4chan.
That is to say; they don't hate women, they just hate women who act like entitled children. They hate the men who do that too.

>> No.10129657

look at this guy trying to get with OP's mom, tryna be OP's dad

how lonely are you mister

Have you never fucked up? And if she "refused" to brown the meat beforehand you are implying she had instructions. Maybe she'll follow them next time. Now disconnect your computer and go mow the lawn.

>> No.10129661

>OP gets a free meal
>complains about it


>> No.10131062

>Bourguignon is a deceptively difficult dish to cook correctly, if you think of it as "beef stew with wine in it", it isn't going to work.

>> No.10131307

Women don't want real advice, anon. They just want to be told they're right.

>> No.10131445

Are you retarded? If you seriously think you need to but in on everything that triggers your sensibilities you shouldn't be shocked you're a friendless, social reject. And the sheer reaction and attitude OP has to her reaction tells you right there his input was 100% unsolicited.

>> No.10131662

>Do something wrong
>Be told that you're wrong
>Throw autistic tantrum
Why would you defend someone like that?

>> No.10131678

OP you're the one throwing the autistic tantrum. His mom was correct in reacting negatively. I would too if my son was a useless, ingrate, piece of shit who still lived in my basement.

>> No.10131894

I'm not OP, I just think you're wrong in defending shitty behavior. If you're doing something wrong and you get corrected, it doesn't matter who it's coming from, you should accept the advice.

Say you start a new job and someone tells you that you're doing something wrong, do you throw an autistic fit and just keep doing it wrong? No, you don't, you fix what you're doing wrong. How any adult can still have the mentality that OP's mom has, is absolutely astounding.

>> No.10132064

co-workers are equals. a child, a grown fucking man, living in his parents home, leaching off food & shelter, has NO SAY in how his parents choose to live their life. if you say otherwise you are a piece of shit. also implying ops mom wasn't intentionally spiting her son to make him get the hint that he wasn't wanted or needed in their household and that not only did she disapprove of his way of life but was deeply saddened and angered by it (to the point of borderline neurosis).

>> No.10132079

Same problem with my mother bro. The loves there always will be but I tell her that her cooking sucks. She has 1 decent meal the rest is just premade sauce this no seasoning on that. Doesn't even season roast chicken. Just bangs it in the oven. The fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.10132172

There's no right or wrong way to do something OP. Its personal choice and opinion, and since your mom was the one doing the cooking, it was entirely up to her. Sure, you might think your way would result in a better dish, but maybe she likes the taste of vinegar? Maybe it just wasn't a big deal to her, and maybe she'd rather do something else, who knows?

My suggestion would be to cook for yourself, and make the dish the way you prefer and maybe offer some to your mom. Maybe she'll be impressed and ask for the recipe.

You're clearly autistic OP. Which isn't a bad thing necessarily, it might even be a positive, but you have to understand that you can't control other people, and not everyone will see things the way you do. Instead focus on yourself, do things the way you think they should be done, and let others do the same.

>> No.10132418

>There's no right or wrong way to do something OP. Its personal choice and opinion

Oh fuck off, there absolutely is a right and wrong way to cook food. It's the reason culinary schools exist. You're basically saying I can make grilled cheese and call it spaghetti because "everything's just like an opinion, man".

>> No.10132462

>I can make grilled cheese and call it spaghetti
You could. It's only a social construct, it's not named by reality itself. And yes, it is all opinions, even culinary school. Sure, objectively you can argue that certain methods and ways are 'better' than others, but you can't argue that they're 'correct', or 'right'. Because in reality they're not.

>> No.10132463

neck yourself. your mom doesn't give two shits about your "opinion". move out of her basement and get on with your worthless life so your mom can enjoy her retirement in peace.

>> No.10132604

>a child, a grown fucking man, living in his parents home, leaching off food & shelter, has NO SAY in how his parents choose to live their life

You keep trying to make this personal. Lets say for example OP moved out and is living on his own, but was invited to come over for some holiday or event. Would the situation change in your eyes?

>> No.10132636
File: 394 KB, 682x746, 1505496686815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of guest has the audacity to criticize a cook in their own home? An autistic piece of shit obviously. (You) no doubt. Complain about a meal when you fucking pay for it. Every other time, shut the fuck up and be polite. You piece of human garbage.

>Also, creates a thread to belittle his own mother in front of Internet strangers
>is surprised when he's called out for being a piece of shit
>complains that his argument is being turned personal


>> No.10132662

Have you seen OPs mum!!!

>> No.10133043

>Anime picture
I knew you were an autistic manchild. As an adult, it's acceptable to offer constructive criticism to other people.

>> No.10133055

I'm not OP, you fucking mouth breather. I bet all you eat is fast food and frozen garbage. Why are you even on a cooking board if you don't cook?

>> No.10133095

If you and your parents aren't treating each other as equals, you're underage, come from a retarded culture or just have a terrible relationship with your parents.

>> No.10133111
File: 13 KB, 225x225, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mum made it for the last family dinner.

But used pic related

>> No.10133341

Autism sounds pretty great right now if its a requirement for accepting and giving criticism in order to improve.

>> No.10133381
File: 351 KB, 1105x622, JuliaChild-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beef bourguignon
>without browning the beef

Just tell me where you live OP