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10114238 No.10114238 [Reply] [Original]

>muh crumb

eat shit,crumbfags. my bread was delicious.

>> No.10114251

looks like a slop. of shit

>> No.10114252

I'm sure it was. It was still over-proved though.

>> No.10114257

Looks better than any bread I've ever made. Good job anon

>> No.10114258
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>> No.10114261


It still needs crumb.

>> No.10114289

I'm hitting up a fancy spice store today, but I mostly bake, so all I really can think to get is cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. Hit me up with some breads that need spices.

>> No.10114338

I'm no baker but get caraway seeds too

they can make delicious bread

>> No.10114426

This, use them with a rye bread.

>> No.10114513

Rye bread best bread

>> No.10114531

hey it's this thread again
haven't seen it in a while

>> No.10114623

Thanks, will do. I'll just clear out the C spices to be safe.

>> No.10114770

What does caroway taste like?

>> No.10114777

Like every rye bread youve ever had

>> No.10114779

10/10 would eat

>> No.10115212

rye doesn't have a flavor really, when you think of rye you are actually thinking of caraway

>> No.10115278

those disgusting air pockets make me want to puke

>> No.10115293
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Post more homemade bread

>> No.10115309

Well at least you're aware that it has shitty crumb.

>> No.10116297
File: 517 KB, 1536x2048, 2.6 spelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baked with spelt for the first time earlier this week. 37.5% spelt, the rest was bread flour, ~80% hydration. i tossed in some soaked flax seeds and some caraway, because caraway is delicious.

>> No.10116328

looks like a fucking sponge cake

>> No.10116349
File: 369 KB, 960x1280, 2.6 spelt crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crumb wasn't as open as i'm used to, but it tasted great.

>> No.10117348

I'm still a bit of a beginner, but I do know that adding a baking dish of water underneath your bread when you're baking it helps with crust. But, can that be done with all breads, and will you need to adjust recipes at all if the recipe you have doesn't call for it?

>> No.10117402

do you own an oven-safe dutch oven with a lid? if so, you don't need the steaming tray underneath.

if you don't have a dutch oven, then using a steaming tray is the best way to ensure you get the steam required for the best oven spring and texture of your bread. you don't need to alter the recipe in any other way, just put a cast iron skillet on a rack underneath the baking rack and throw some water or ice in when you put your dough in.

>> No.10117487


You're gluten development wasn't strong enough for the proof. The crumb should be consistent throughout, but it tore the dough in places during the proof instead of simply stretching it. Dial back your yeast/water temp or work more strength into the dough.

>> No.10117502




>> No.10117534

whaddup baker, can you weigh in on my spelt? >>10116349

>> No.10117538

No dutch oven, but I have an old oven safe casserole dish that would be perfect. Thanks. Gonna try and make some nice, crusty rye bread tomorrow along with some meat hand pies and maybe some cheese for a fun almost medieval dinner.

>> No.10117545

to clarify, you should preheat the tray in the oven and toss ice/water into it once it's piping hot. good luck, let us know how it turns out!

>> No.10117559


Looks pretty spot on, imo. That's actually about my ideal crumb. It's open but it doesn't have big gaping holes in it that anything you try to out on the bread falls through.

I use spelt in my breads but usually only as a component of the poolish. I'm going to start doing a lot of experimental bakes here soon so I'd be interested in doing some bread with higher spelt content.

>> No.10117564


Just make sure not to get any water on the glass of your oven door if you do this. It's not completely unheard of them to shatter.

>> No.10117575

thanks, dude! the flavor was incredible. i'm 100% sourdough these days so i haven't made a poolish or biga in a while, but it's good to know the spelt would be good for that if i'm in a pinch. makes sense for getting optimal flavor without degrading the gluten % of the final dough.

yeah true should have mentioned that, just put the ice/water straight into the pan and don't splash it at all.

>> No.10117582

clarifying further, if you're using a pyrex type dish, USE BOILING OR VERY HOT WATER NOT ICE. ice might crack the dish!!!

>> No.10117587
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>eats 1 1/2 loafs of bread in one sitting with jam
What the fuck am I doing with my life.

>> No.10117619

making chibatta bread for the first time. I also ordered a bread knife off of amazon! hope the bread turns out ok. I'll try and post pictures tomorrow if the thread is still alive.

>> No.10117627


Letting yourself enjoy things? I dunno, there have been days at the bakery where I've straight up eaten a two foot baguette over the course of a shift. Doesn't feel *great* but hey, sometimes you just gotta do that.

>> No.10117643
File: 35 KB, 400x348, pepe loses shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eaten a two foot baguette over the course of a shift
That is not even close to what I have done. Holy shit, it's nap time. Actual loafs, jam, so much milk. This is not good.

>> No.10117651


If it makes you feel any better I ate 2600 calories of Domino's pizza in one sitting yesterday. Sleep it off, anon. Tomorrow's a new day.

>> No.10117655

rest in peace

>> No.10117695
File: 2.78 MB, 2996x3701, IMG_20180208_214535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic. I'll probably go to bed before cutting into this.

>> No.10117699

post a crumb shot in the morning if this thread is still up!

>> No.10118078
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Couldn't resist cutting into it for a midnight snack.