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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10106146 No.10106146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Foods adults don't eat.

>sugary breakfast cereals
>white bread
>candy of any kind
>apple juice
>well done steak
>dark meat from chicken

>> No.10106170

I used to think I liked well done steak but it was actually medium well I was eating the whole time.

>> No.10106180

dark chicken meat is delicious wtf

>> No.10106182

Child detected.

>> No.10106198


>> No.10106200

This is nice subtle bait desu.

>> No.10106207

>be me
>go to work
>boss sees me drinking apple juice
>"anon, you're up for a review"
>docks my salary for the next quarter
>now I only drink beer at work

>> No.10106213

The only ones I'm not guilty of are white bread and well-done steak...

>> No.10106222

Little baby want his bottle? Little baby pooped his diaper? Fucking manchild.

>> No.10106223

I like soda water when I'm out.
It tastes better than plain water and I don't have to put up with that "oh rly" look from the waitress that I'd get if just asked for a glass of plain water.

>> No.10106225

I eat whatever the fuck I want

>> No.10106232

Children eat for flavor. Adults eat for nutrition.

>> No.10106244

I will stab you over the dark meat from chicken

>> No.10106255

Another quality thread from the boys on /ck/

>> No.10106260

Baby detected.

>> No.10106264

Awesome, I can still eat chicken tenders

>> No.10106266

Foods adult do eat.

>deep dish 'za
>starbucks coffee

>> No.10106267

It's not subtle at all you idiot

>> No.10106276

What do you want to talk about?

>> No.10106280

>not eating children tenders

>> No.10106286

More foods adults don't consume:

>energy drinks
>non-citrus fruits
>anything deep fried
>ranch dressing
>grilled cheese
>asian foods, unless you're asian yourself

>> No.10106289
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>tfw can still eat chicken tendies with ketchup

>> No.10106339

>dark meat from chicken
You almost finished without sounding retarded

>> No.10106348

It is considered customary for adults to leave the dark meat to be consumed by the children who are growing and need the calories. Brittle adult bodies can't handle the cholesterol and calories of dark meat.

>> No.10106392

>It is considered customary for adults to leave the dark meat to be con

Nope, it's not.

>> No.10106406

i eat whatever the fuck i want because i can, life is short and only fags worry about doing anything for anyone but themselves, like eat shit that tastes bad to look attractive for 6 extra years of their life when we alll get old and ugly anyways

>> No.10106441

things adults don't do

post internet memes
fall for food trends
bask in their superiority
derive feelings of superiority from inferior children
bait newfags
browse children's cartoon based image boards

>> No.10106459

I bet you eat candy, little baby.

>> No.10106483

>well done steak
Holy shit, you're still mad she lost aren't you. Pathetic

>> No.10106487

Drumpf is a manchild who still eats fast food.

>> No.10106540

The only thing on that list that I still eat is pizza. Feels good

>> No.10106552

You’re retarded.

>> No.10106572

But at least he has small, umm...hands to saw through his dried and burned steak with ketchup, lol!

>> No.10106584


>dark meat from chicken

Should I just chuck half the chicken in the trash you fucking nitwit?

>> No.10106597

>dark meat from chicken


>> No.10106850
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>> No.10107008

NEWSFLASH: Adults are nothing more than OVERGROWN CHILDREN.
All this bullshit about "This what grown-ups do" "Real men do this" are just ego trips. For real. I'll bet that the people behind these baits are 20/30-somethings. Believe me, guys between 30-50 are shitheads in social-personal skills. Like the stereotyped "adolescent."

>> No.10107036

I beg to differ. If adults eat for nutrition only, then why are so many grown-ups judgmental about their dishes' flavors?

>> No.10107147

>>dark meat from chicken
this is literally the opposite of true. never in my life have I seen a child that liked the dark meat (except me)

>> No.10107193
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FUCK YOU I LOVE DARK MEAT CHICKEN. Enjoy your flavorless, brittle, dry chicken breast you piece of shit.

>> No.10107209
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>sugary breakfast cereals
Fuck you you'll never take my organic cinnamon squares away from me

>> No.10107256

>flavorless, brittle, dry chicken breast
Might as well just come right out and say "I am a terrible chef!"

>> No.10107274
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Filthy western hick detected.

>> No.10107315

>fucking Pepe

>> No.10108021

>dark meat from chicken
Tasty and massively more nutrient-rich.
>apple juice
Delicious, probably not enough corn syrup to satisfy your unquenchable need to shovel corn syrup down your hyper-obese pie hole.

>> No.10108030

What a utilitarian name

>> No.10108105

A clever ruse. I give (you) this reply.

>> No.10108243

if adults don't bait newfags, who does?

>> No.10108250

>dark meat from chicken
Fuck off this is completely backwards.

>> No.10108270
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Delet this

>> No.10108279

My dad used to do that

>> No.10108312

Apple juice is good
White bread is good
Pizza when made right is good

>> No.10108326

what exactly is wrong with white bread? i'm not talking about 100% wheat bread.

>> No.10108346

a childs view of the adult life

go back to bed moron mommy's gonna walk in on you jerking off again and take your internet away for a week

>> No.10108354

my favorite dish is a nice deep dish 'za filled with bacon eggs avocado and with sriracha instead of the recular plebian tomato sauce.

pairs great with a nice hearty coffee from starbucks

>> No.10108360

That's because the restaurant you're eating at doesn't want you to think they butchered your meal

>> No.10108365

>soy isn't on the list
makes ya think

>> No.10108866

>white bread
I'm on a low oxalate diet, white bread is better for my kidneys than wheat bread.

>> No.10108880

He is a true American who eats McD burgs.

>> No.10109070

being adult sounds lame as fuck m8

>> No.10109078
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>heh, look at all these UNDERAGE SOYBOyz eating child foods lol how I pity them

>> No.10109094
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>> No.10109097

>cock sauce
>heart disease with a side of fat
>healthy fat gainz

>> No.10109099

I agree with all of these except dark meat from chicken, chicken thighs are the best part of the chicken for curries and stews.

I do think that eating drumsticks is for kids.

>> No.10109184

If you're eating shit like that every day, yeah, you're not an adult, but some child-like wonder and innocence every once and a while is good for morale and a sign of character.

Also, if I can't have soda, what the hell will I mix with my vodka?

>> No.10109206

>he needs to mix vodka
want to know how I know you are a child?

>> No.10109223

Want to know how I know you have daddy issues?

>> No.10109226

I want to be able to nurse my drink and I certainly don't want to get drunk. A mixed beverage is harder to get drunk on.

Buzzed is best, not drunk. Being drunk is for emotionally stunted fuck-ups.

>> No.10109261

Other newfags so they can feel better about how new they are since at least they're not THAT new.

>> No.10109530

That's because all the cool people died doing cool shit before they get to that age.

the exception

>> No.10109665

Maybe where you live there's only shitty fake pizza for babies, a well done pizza can be one of the best delecacies in this world

>> No.10109996

I think he's just trailer trash
only thing you listed that isn't a total fucking meme is eggs. kys nu male

>> No.10110082

I’m just gonna post an actual list of things adults don’t eat.
Oven ready chicken nuggets
Smuckers uncrustables
Velveda cheese
Plain cheeseburgers without vegetables when otherwise offered
Pop rocks
Pixie dust
Dip n’ dots
Plain cheese pizza or Just pepperoni
And that’s it
As for things only adults eat I’m going to go with.
All offal cuts
Vegan food
Deviled eggs, not curried deviled eggs or bacon whatever just straight up deviled eggs
That crappy whole wheat that they mass produce for super markets.
Hard liquor with little respite like scotch

>> No.10110091

>any kind of meat or animal product
>non-organic foods
>(((cooked))) foods

>> No.10110124

Adults don't eat.

>> No.10110128

>sugary breakfast cereals
Fuck you.

>> No.10110136

American food.

>> No.10110146

t. soyboy

>> No.10110154


>> No.10110161

>t. SoyBoyGoy

>> No.10110210

kek noice

I would've done the same thing

>> No.10110251

What happens if I eat any of these?

>> No.10110257

How many vaginas do you have?

>> No.10110278

The only people I've ever known to drink vodka straight were teenagers.

>> No.10110292

This doesn't mean much if all you've ever known is teenagers

>> No.10110300

You're only right about ketchup, white bread and sugary cereals.

>> No.10110335

Damn. That was smooth. I can't even be mad.

>> No.10110364

I don't eat any of those things, and I"m an adult

>> No.10110401

>Brittle adult bodies

>> No.10110409
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>> No.10110412


>> No.10110426

if they give you that oh really attitude tell them to mind their own fucking business if they want to be tipped

>> No.10110463
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It's the kind that little faggot kids eat and tear off the excess border to eat the white part that usually goes with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

that's why it's on the manchild list