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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10091735 No.10091735 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ like poutine?

>> No.10091752

Pulled pork poutine is unreal.

>> No.10091764

never been to russia
he seems like an ok leader

>> No.10091766

looks like a slop o' shit on fries

>> No.10091774
File: 83 KB, 300x250, tchaikovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pee pee poo poo haha

>> No.10091786

Fuck yes, I can't get it locally but whenever I make it at home it's been delicious and sloppy

It's one of those things I only make once in a while but when I do I gorge on it

>> No.10091819

I do. Hard to find a place that does it properly in the states. Don't eat it very often, once a year maybe.

>> No.10091975

yes and i eat it with no hands like a piggy

>> No.10092426

Had it while in montreal, been trying to find cheese curds ever since.

>> No.10092445

You can make them very easily by boiling milk and adding a little bit of vinegar. Just buy a little cheese cloth.

>> No.10092517

Had poutine for the first time at Climate City Brewing in Grants Pass, Oregon. It was made with duck confirm, so naturally it was GOD TIER. So, yeah.

>> No.10092518

Good late night drunk food

>> No.10092519


Duck CONFIT, dammit.

>> No.10092528
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Smokes poutinerie double pork poutine will make you ejac.

Rich brown gravy with perfectly springy cheese curds on double fried french fries, topped with pulled pork and bacon.

>> No.10092556

Be easier just to grate cheese onto chips and dump Bisto on top, desu.

>> No.10092563

Non-Canadianfag, I want to make this at home. Is brown (beef) gravy or chicken gravy the standard?
I've read it's chicken.

>> No.10092597


Smoke's gravy is shit, instant stuff that tastes of nothing but dried herbs. It's only good when you're drunk and there's nothing better.

>> No.10092600


Dark poultry gravy, turkey or capon for preference. The real trick is getting fresh cheese curds.

>> No.10092614

I was gonna ask why not the triple, but then I remembered they use shitty sisco breakfast sausages.

>> No.10092620

This place near me does a southern style poutine with sausage gravy and a fried egg, it's great.

>> No.10093263
File: 1.01 MB, 2314x2161, 20180113_181919_HDR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best drunk food ever.

>> No.10093291

im canadian and that shit is overrated

>> No.10093310
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>> No.10093448

same here. Also they're adding so much garbage that i cant stand it anymore

>> No.10093672

I prefer just fries and gravy. Or if I'm getting a poutine I'd rather have shredded mozzarella than cheese curds since it melts better. Cheese curds are great, but if I'm paying full price I'd rather get the curds in a bowl on the side and eat them separate from the fries and gravy.

>> No.10093711
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I'm not poutine it in my mouth.

>> No.10093723

why do they use so much topping?

i can fucking stand this.

dishes need balance.
it's like when people make dishes with extra bacon because "restaurants never put enough" and the dish is a fucking salty, disproportionate mess



>> No.10093728

Canada is the 2nd biggest joke in the Western Hemisphere, right behind Haiti and their dirt cakes.

>> No.10093738

I frikkin love it as my #1 drunk food

Problem is: to get the actual GOOD cheese curds the real "squick squick" type there are only a few choice places in montreal or you have to go further up north.

If you guys ever happen to go to Saguenay Lac-St-Jean, you gotta try one with St-Laurent cheese or Boivin cheese I swear to god you will not be disapointed. All other are paler copies becomming increasingly disgusting as you move away from Québec, actually becomming a litteral parody in the few places they offer it in France or the states for example.

Rant over.
From an actual poutine conoisseur ;)

>> No.10093784

Also the fact you guys think its supposed to be eaten with gravy show how shit it is out of Québec. It's supposed to be eaten with either BBQ or hot-chicken sauce.

Or my favorite, a mix of both :)

The fact you think the cheese should be melted into a wet mess show how wrong yall get poutine. The right cheese curbs just get a bit softer but remain squishy and squick-squicky with the sauce.

>> No.10093946

>cheese curbs
You're a fucking moron. This is why the world hates a french Canadian

>> No.10093959 [DELETED] 

Kessé tu viens d'me dire là mon tabarnak d'anglois du calice? Tu devrais savouère que j'ai fait mon BAC en science po à l'UQAM pis qu'j'ai au d'su 300 game de hockey checké au centre Bell mon esti d'enculé. J'suis entrainé en guérilla des tuques pis j'suis l'meilleur lanceur de boule de neige de ma paroisse. T'es juste un autre osti d'gibier d'potence pour moué. J'va te péter la yeule en sang avec une précision au millième de pouce mon sacrament. Tu pense que ton esti de commentaire fif passe inaperçu? Ben j'ai des nouvelles pour toué mon tabarnak. En ce moment, des analystes de la SQ travaille pour te trouver mon p'tit calice avec ton adresse IP. La charrue va crisser sa neige dans ta voir drette après que t'aille fini de pelleté mon simonak. J'peux arriver de partout à n'importe quelle heure dans ton jaccuzi pour verser mon huile usée dedans. Tu pense que tu va t'en tirer facilement calice de fifure? J'ai toute l'arsenal du Front de Libération du Québec à ma disposition pis j'va crisser des shit dans ta boîte à mail. T'aurais pu effacer ton commentaire impertinent, mais là là yer trop tard. Tu doué t'morde la langue en tabarnak là là, hein? T'es mort ou joue pu mon tabarnak.

>> No.10094014

i don't speak faggot, retard.

>> No.10094127
File: 60 KB, 600x317, canadian-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


proof that Canadians will argue about anything


>> No.10094161


>> No.10094207

Do Canadians really eat this?

>> No.10094241

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.10094254

Why is it considered desirable for the cheese curds to squeak when you bite them? It feels strange to me, not bad but not good either.
t. clueless

>> No.10094261

It very clearly indicates the freshness and quality of the cheese.

>> No.10094334

The cheese and gravy are part of the dish.

You're evidently too ignorant to understand it, and should be refused service.

>> No.10094349

>country full of people pretending to be French
>national dish is fries, cheese and gravy

The absolute state of French Canadians.

>> No.10094350

Do americans actually eat this?!

>> No.10094497


that's not how you spell USA

>> No.10094503

redit you is hilarious

>> No.10094522

North Americans? AKA "Canadians"? Yes.

>> No.10094533

cheese fries are good, thats what we here in the USA call them because our culinary heritage isn't so shallow we need to name a dish as basic as that

>> No.10095940

>Not shallow cuisine culture
Yeah, your heritage is deep...deep fried like your brain.

>> No.10095953

umm no sweetie that would be a kebab or halal snack pack
>100% sweetie

>> No.10095955

>Boivin cheese curds
used to get bags of these same day that they were made when I lived in Montreal, can confirm they are amazing

>> No.10095963

Actually here in murica we have disco fries, which are poutine just using shredded cheese instead of curds.

>> No.10096009
File: 239 KB, 1500x1125, General_Tso_Poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese poutine is best poutine.

>> No.10096046
File: 98 KB, 720x960, canadian_cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poutine is damn tasty.

>> No.10097832

Problem is getting cheese cloth.
Where the fuck do you get it?
I want to make hummus but can't even fucking find chick peas around here without importing them.

>> No.10097837

t.Canadian (Chinese)

>> No.10099132

Fuck poutines, try crazy fries;
French fries.
Cheddar cheese.
Sloppy Joes.

>> No.10099143

where do you live kek

>> No.10100664

>umm no sweetie
This shit is so infuriating.
I'm not even part of the conversation and I'm mad.

>> No.10100753

I prefer texas cheese fries