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10088019 No.10088019 [Reply] [Original]

>this triggers the coastie

>> No.10088077

I fucking hate Ohio, It should be nuked and paved over.

>> No.10088080

Cincinnati is the only place that could take the easiest dish to make, make it staggeringly mediocre, and then be proud of it. Even Buffalo has more culinary tradition.

>> No.10088083

Nah man you're good

>> No.10088086

This, wtf Ohio.

>> No.10088096

look like gabagool

>> No.10088168

why do coasties get triggered so easy

>> No.10088182 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to divide us, pseudo-jew.
United States, BOY.

>> No.10088189

>Tfw had some coneys for dinner last night

Was delicious. Fuck the haters. If nobody else wants to eat our delicious food it's no skin off my ass.

>> No.10088194

Except this is something that people from Cincinnati will always be hated for by the rest of the country, so there is literally no way to unite us.

>> No.10088202
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1500130657857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great a plate of various browns and yellow

>> No.10088694

absolutely based

>> No.10088712
File: 5 KB, 236x213, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is that much un melted shredded cheese appetizing to anybody? I dont get it. Everything else is fine, but all that un melted cheese ruins it.

>> No.10088724
File: 357 KB, 346x465, coastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this triggers the coastie
You are like a little baby. Watch this >>10084959

>> No.10088735

Smart people mix everything together so the cheese melts. Only fags cut their three ways into sections and eat it like that.

>> No.10088740

its angel hair pasta

>> No.10088746

What about those chili dogs? Do you mix up your dawgs before you eat them?

>> No.10088751
File: 184 KB, 508x384, ways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not

>> No.10088758

There's less shredded cheese involved with them so it melts pretty quickly by itself usually, three ways always have a fucking mountain of cold to lukewarm cheese that doesn't get to that point.

>> No.10088760

smart people don't eat shit chili.

>> No.10088771

So use different chili, baby boy. It's just a meat sauce anyways, who cares what it gets called it tastes great.

>> No.10088772

I'm ok with chilli on pasta. What I'm not ok with is that fucking absurd amount of cheese. I mean what the fuck? That's like half cheese. That's fucking insanity.

>> No.10088774

Fuck the usa

>> No.10088777

this looks like something a hungry stoner would make.

>> No.10088826

It's not even real chili.

>> No.10088834
File: 882 KB, 4250x2390, 1516580624920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088844

>Are you ready to order?
>Yes, I want some brown slop in a bun with yellow on top.

>> No.10088853

What's the point of chili cheese fries if the cheese isn't melted?

>> No.10088867

> Steal Detroit's thing
> put cheese on it
> look we're ~~uN1qU3**~~

>> No.10088884

hey can you take the juggalos back though

>> No.10088899

Looks like a slop of sh!t

>> No.10088902

lmao, I will never understand why people hate Ohio. It's honestly a nice place to live as long as you don't live downtown in a city. Cracks me up that you coastie fags get so buttmad over little old Ohio.

>> No.10088909

Looks awesome desu...I love chili cheese dogs...fucking love em...

>> No.10088919

That's spaghetti friend

>> No.10088930

KY fag here, completely agreed.

Add in the northern part of my state, though. Louisville is just Ohio lite, with all the shittiness that entails.

>> No.10088931

Went to an Ohio State game once. Ohio was cool. Hot chicks, fun parties, fun bars. Just wish the skyline I went to while drunk was open :/

>> No.10088934
File: 532 KB, 1200x951, fattest-states-2017-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088945

Dogs look good, not a pasta person though.

>> No.10088983
File: 3.09 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_3119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the surface, chili on spaghetti with cheese sounds good.

Provided both the chili and cheddar are good quality

>> No.10089029

This desu, I live in one of the cities and it's really quite nice as long as you're not downtown (and even then, there's some good food downtown). Don't get why people on the coasts dislike that we have a good standard of living, good cost of living, and actually get seasons that are nice.

>> No.10089032

I had high hopes that it would be good, but it's not. Tastes more like curry than chili. Like they dumped cinnamon and some other weird flavors that don't belong in chili.

>> No.10089085

Everybody in this photo is fat

>> No.10089131

All this "coastie" talk just makes you sound like a jealous faggot. Just go about your business and leave others to theirs.

>> No.10089142

>The one plate in the back with no cheese
Literally looks like human shit.

>> No.10089177

Pls dont tell me this is for one person

>> No.10089448

I didn't know the term "coastie" existed outside of Wisconsin.

>> No.10089485

Ohio is a shit tier midwestern state.

Boring landscape and boring people, home to shit football and shit food.

>> No.10089488

colorado has a city coke/rural meth problem while DC and ny are paved with crack, none of america is healthy lean.

>> No.10089492

Frito chili pie without the Fritos?

>> No.10089540

That soy boy is lactose free and full of shit...

>> No.10089583

Skyline has pretty good chili, but their ratio of chili and cheese to hot dog is way off. It’s just a sloppy goddamn mess with a huge pile of cheese.

>> No.10089643

No sir, I don't want a hotdog with my cheese. Can I also get some more cheese?

>> No.10089914

why do people hate on the 'nati?? its a pretty nifty city desu

>> No.10090827

I would eat the FUCK out of that, not gonna lie.

>> No.10090903

whys there so much cheese?

>> No.10090908

The battle for big slop of sh*t supremacy continues.

>> No.10090942

I live in michigan and this is digusting low income diner food. You're better off just eating plain salt.

>> No.10091000

>carbs on carbs on carbs with a slop of meat and a mountain load of cheese

>> No.10091297


>> No.10092604

Don't care, I still like it here.

>> No.10093224


>> No.10093552

It has its charms. We've got great Amish communities, Cleveland rocks, some pretty decent shit in Columbus, and if you seek out the non-hick non-retarded country folk in the rolling hills, you can have a pretty good time. Also rollercoasters.

>> No.10093880

The toilets in that place must be horrifying.

>> No.10094114

Most flyover restaurant toilets are god awful. The bowls are always stopped up since those fatasses shit solid bricks of meat, cheese and carbohydrates with nary a single vegetable to make them soft.

>> No.10094121

t. Colorado. Fatties keep out.

>> No.10094220

We can't. Californians keep putting poop in the ones that are supposed to be shipped to us.

>> No.10094358

they haven't been desensitized to shockingly bad food