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10087195 No.10087195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much do you tip at the grocery store?

After your cashier bags your groceries, how much do you tip? Is it a percentage of your bill, or do you use a flat rate? Or some sort of per bag system? Typically I use some sort of total bill + how friendly they were + how efficient they were system. Usually 10 percent plus my own little algorithm, and it is also dependent upon what store I'm in. Example Wal Mart gets tipped less than Publix

>> No.10087211

3 to 5 bucks depending on quantity of bags. Its not like they shopped for you...

>> No.10087212

>be me
>shop at aldi
>bag my own groceries
>tipping not required

>> No.10087219

5 pence a bag, right to the state

>> No.10087220

who the fuck tips the bagger? Never heard of that.

>> No.10087221

I think it's still rude to not tip at least a little.

>> No.10087223

You don't tip them? They're doing you a service, anon. You need to tip.

>> No.10087230

I'm german and i have NEVER ever heard of people tipping at the grocery store before.

>> No.10087232

dude, I'm 51 years old, I have never seen or heard of anyone tipping baggers.

I am certainly not going to tip the retarded people they use at my grocery store. Literally retarded. they drop stuff and freak out.

Nope, no tipping, hell half the time I have to bag my own groceries because el retardo is having a freak out at the next lane over.

>> No.10087235

When I was a kid (and they hired normal people) they used to take your groceries out to your car, even then no one got tipped.

>> No.10087236

If both the bagger and clerk both clap when my card goes through, 5 dollars apiece.

>> No.10087240

The grocery stores I go to, its looked down upon for not tipping the baggers, because they do it for only tips. They don't get paid at all. It's usually why I avoid the non self-checkout lanes. The baggers would run to your shit to bag em quicker than you can get to them and stare into your soul for the tips

>> No.10087247

in the army i used to tip the baggers at the commissary, because i know they're probably not getting paid much and they were usually teenagers.

back home in texas now, shopping at HEB, i don't tip cashiers who bag.

>> No.10087252

Maybe you've just lived in cheap areas all your lives. It's just common courtesy.

>> No.10087257

no it's not "common courtesy" I know people in many parts of the US, and tipping a bagger is not done, hell they make $10+ an hour here. minimum wage.

You're just stupid, for giving away money un-neccesarily.

>> No.10087262

also I like how you insinuate that I am poor, and mean. But it's just not done, because there is no reason to.

>> No.10087267

Instead of trying this hard to convince me, maybe you should put the effort into looking inside yourself and deciding whether you're really comfortable treating service workers the way you do.

>> No.10087278


I am not doing anything wrong, and they are being very well paid, even if they are retarded.

You on the other hand are an conniving person. You have convinced me to NEVER tip a bagger ever.

>> No.10087289
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I shop at 2 'kets.

>self bagging
>you use their boxes and clean the store shelves for them
>employee to shopper interface has crashed
>They would likely rather slit their wrists and bleed out then take your groceries anywhere
Here's the thing
>you put 25cents in shopping cart to use it, which is returned to you at end.
>I tip the shopping cart by leaving it whole carrots
Shopping carts love carrots.

Publix: Where shopping is a pleasure island
>Full mega service
>employees suck and fuck 4 free
>Drink entire gallon of milk, return no questions asked
>Cashiers mostly white college age ring'em up whores
>baggers either retarded, autistic, or barely breathing
Publix's shopping experience has established me as KING ALPHA

I will occasionally tip the cars passing by at front of store when they let me pass. I also tip the salvation army lady for having a cool bucket and shaking it just right.

>> No.10087299

I also don't tip:
the guy at discount tires that fills my tires.
The people who dry my car at the car wash.
servers at any fast food restaurant.
Starbucks employees
any place that has a tip jar.

>> No.10087302

oh thanks for reminding me, I also don't give money to:
anyone begging in the parking lot.
bell ringers
anyone holding a boot
anyone selling cookies.

>> No.10087305

Are you the same person continuing to rant? You really need to address your issues if you are. A person who is satisfied with his own behavior does not respond like this.

>> No.10087313

yes they do.

>> No.10087318

I worked in a grocery store in high school. There are two types of stores: one where baggers get paid and don't expect tips (this is even a company policy at some - do not accept tips) and one where baggers don't get paid and work for tips (this is common at on-base commissries).

I worked at the former and never expected a tip. However, sometimes assisting people outside in the snow could get you a few bucks. However the big ticket was helping guys stocking up for yachts/ fishing boats / boat races with their $500 - $2000 orders always got you a tip that could range from ten to sixty bucks. These are the folks you wanted to do everything for.

>> No.10087323

basically you or OP or whoever comes here post bullshit about tipping, and then acts all righteous about it.

You are wrong and tipping of baggers is not common. The holier than thou attitude is not helping your cause.

>> No.10087326
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Contrary to anon, I also tip:
>zamboni machine operators
>crossing guards at local schools
>taco truck drivers (not cooks)
>foreign exchange students (in foreign exchange)
>Grandmas and Grandpas everywhere for beating the allies in WW2
>Deepweb drug dealing sources
>Skywriters (from my plane)
>Ideas (existentially)

>> No.10087328

I am 52 years old, senpai and I have never heard of anyone not tipping the bagger. It's common courtesy/decency

>> No.10087329

the simple fact is it sucks to be you. Tipping of baggers in the part of the country I live in just does not happen. There are no stores here that do not pay baggers full minimum wages which is over $10 per hour.

$10 is about half of what I make doing IT work.

>> No.10087332

liar. it is not common.

>> No.10087338
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>> No.10087375

cool, $20 is about 2/3rds of what I make as a grocery store worker

>> No.10087378

How do I tip the stocker for providing the things I buy?

>> No.10087518

Lmao, who the fuck tips at the grocery store? You give tips at restaurants or barbershops but not to cashiers you fucking neckbeards.

>> No.10087587
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you fucking degenerates TIPPING AT THE GROCERY STORE!?

>> No.10087605

I tip about 20% on the total bill and split it 25/75% for the cashier and bagger. I'll throw in an extra 5 dollars if they carry it to my car.

>> No.10087607

>be cashier at grocery chain
>$9.30/hr, before minimum wage was raised to $10
>”don’t FUCKING accept tips or we’ll fire your retarded unskilled ass”
>literally have to insist that people don’t give me money
>quit the day before Christmas Eve because fuck you grocery retail

>> No.10087929

Are americans too lazy to pack their own shit?

>> No.10088244
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>Americans are so conditioned to give away their money they even "tip" cashiers

I can't tell whether this is funny or sad.

>> No.10088287

I've never worked in any retail environment, besides food/drink, that expected tips. You are not supposed to get tips working at a supermarket. You are not supposed to accept them or solicit them. Old ladies might give you some money for helping them unload groceries into their car. I always treasured the money I got from people that tipped me when I was cashier. If you're getting tipped on the regular as a cashier or courtesy clerk; you're either doing something very right or something very wrong.

I know this defeats the purpose of your joke. But, I don't want any non-Americans getting twisted.

>> No.10088307
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>> No.10088309

people tip at grocery store?

>> No.10088468

Retarded shitposting: the thread.

>> No.10088650

Everyone in America tips at the store.

>> No.10088665
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I worked as a supermarket bagger for 2 years. I was literally never tipped once. WTF are you people talking about?

>> No.10088670

No. OP is either a tard or a troll.

>> No.10088673

I tip the bagging kid of course, not the cashier. They're two different people.

>> No.10088693

0. I use the self-check lanes.

>> No.10088719

>cartoon shit
That's what's funny.

>> No.10089456

It's funny you think this is real. The only time I've seen grocery employees get a tip is if the bag boy helps an old lady carry her stuff to the car and she gives him a dollar .

>> No.10089490

tipping threads are not really about food or cooking