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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 294 KB, 1423x848, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10085904 No.10085904 [Reply] [Original]

alright cu/ck/s, give me the best chili recipe you know

it doesn't have to be your own, just a link will suffice

>> No.10085929

Make a regular chili but put dark as fuck baking chocolate in it

>> No.10085936

when do you put the choco in? at the very end or?

>> No.10085942

I've always put it in at the beginning with the tomatoes and beans

>> No.10085945

Chili can just be winged and made with fresh or dry ingredients. It's survival food.

If using fresh beef then go ahead, if not then throw it in the fridge for a proper thawing; no microwave bullshit. I doubt you're using fresh beans so get those soaking overnight. If using dried chilies; break them up and soak them too. Cut your beef into thin strips the next day and saute them at high heat until nice and brown and kick in some onion; maybe some garlic. Cook until translucent before you kick in your peppers and simmer the fuck out of until your broth is red. Kick in the beans until it thickens a little and the beans are tender.

There we go, real chili.

>> No.10085966
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>> No.10085981

No ground beef, no beans
Not that hard snowflakes

>> No.10085986

I've always wanted to make this but I've never seen those types of chili powder before.

>> No.10086008
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>No ground beef

>> No.10086055

>the only RIGHT way to make this is the way I do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>t. thousands of people that do it different ways

>> No.10086254

>add water
>add spices


>> No.10086270

>spices in chili
fucking retard

>> No.10086275
File: 1.20 MB, 400x225, BAD HUMAN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chili itself not a spice
Stop creating a paradox.

>> No.10086430


>> No.10086524

>shilling chili threads

We get it, people like to argue like fuckwits about chili. Go away.

>> No.10086529

The only real way to make chili is with Scott Tenormans parents.

>> No.10086915
File: 1.34 MB, 952x4749, bdb6b9c65240ae86c30f89a5c6af090c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real chili coming thru

>> No.10086918

The stupid stick figure makes me want to die.

>> No.10086962
File: 711 KB, 804x811, shakeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong anon?`
don't tell me you don't like to S H A K E I T

>> No.10087036


>> No.10088703

I didn't know this was a cringe thread.

>> No.10088716


I use chunks of steak, chicken, and bacon instead of ground beef. I also keep my onions and peppers in very large chunks.

>> No.10088718

>throw packet of prepackaged spice away
Kill me.

>> No.10088970


>> No.10088984

Reminder that if your chili has the following I it
Then it is not real chili

>> No.10089230


sub 3 tablespoons of regular chilli powder

>> No.10089366

Gebhardt is just a brand of chili powder, McCormick's is probably similar. For the other types I'd just buy the whole dried peppers and grind them up myself. Another option is to rehydrate the peppers in hot water and then blend them.

>> No.10089416

Anaheim, Poblano, Hatch chilies. Add a Jalapeno or four for spice.
Roast the chilies, then dice finely. Set aside.

Finely dice some bacon. As much as you want.
Dice a large onion.
Bacon and onion in a large frypan, cook til onions are translucent, then add chilies.

Simmer to reduce fluid, then add ground beef, salt and pepper. Cook til beef is brown. Drain fat if you want.
In a separate pan, cook kidney and pinto beans. Add the fat from the bacon/beef mix if you want, otherwise just salt and pepper.

Spoon some of the bean mix in a bowl, and top with the chili/beef/bacon mix.
Serve with warm corn tortillas.