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10082360 No.10082360 [Reply] [Original]

Even Gordon Ramsay loathes pineapple on pizza

>> No.10082364

>tomato is a fruit
>it is ok to put it on pizza
>ananas is a fruit
>putting it on pizza is heresy
aren't americans the worst?

>> No.10082365

Gordon Ramsay is a knob who can't make a good burger.

>> No.10082381


>> No.10082385

Probably because he has easy access to the legit Italian thing, American swill sucks

>> No.10082393

british people can't cook

>> No.10082400

Probably because he's starting to look like a pineapple himself.

>> No.10082403

Did I fucking stutter?

>> No.10082415

No, but are you going to back that claim up?

>> No.10082423

Are we just gonna ignore how he took a bite out of the middle with a knife and fork?

>> No.10082426

he didn’t swallow the bite, that video is hilarious

>> No.10082440

This. He's a shitter.

>> No.10082448

Just watch the video, it's appalling.

>> No.10082452

>tomatoes are like other fruits
They taste like fucking vegetables. Pineapples are sweet as hell.

>> No.10082467

>I've never had a ripe tomato

>> No.10082484

>not a single link or video title in the thread

>> No.10082493

>he doesn't already know what video anon is talking about


>> No.10082503

Do you eat raw tomato on it's own on the regular?

>> No.10082512

Yes, it's delicious

>> No.10082530

Not him, but if it's a fresh picked vine ripened, preferably my own organic heirloom plants, I'll eat them for lunch and dinner every day. Your problem is you've only had the cardboard mush they sell in groceries.

>> No.10082535

>if I mock him without actually answering I'm right

>> No.10082643

A tomato is a good snack anon.
If it isn't as fresh I sprinkle some salt on it.

>> No.10082644

who doesn't?

>> No.10082664

He loathes what the executives tell him to loathe.
Pretending to be upset about what other people put on their pizza is for childish redditors.
"hurr, I consider it super important and grounds for a civil war if people eat pineapple pizza or not. I'm so quirky!"

>> No.10082671

why do you namefag, namefag?

>> No.10082673

To be fair, there are probably several videos of Ramsay making a burger. I can think of at least two off the top of my head.

>> No.10082674

youre typing...

>> No.10082676 [DELETED] 

drop the name vermin

>> No.10082678

he has pppppparkinsons.

>> No.10082685

Because it triggers people like you.

>> No.10082715

oh, so it is so everyone knows you are a cunt? We could tell that without you needing an identity that you lack in the walking world.

>> No.10082731


It's funny because his burger has some of the characteristics he complains about when other people make one. Almost as if he's just searching for something, anything, to complain about on Kitchen Nightmares.
I mean, the guy called sous vide "boiled in a bag" like he was talking about that really shitty rice you can buy. I don't doubt that he's a good chef but it doesn't come through on that particular show.

>> No.10082750

>putting tomato on pizza

Pizza bianca master race here, you're a faggot.

>> No.10082753

>pizza bianca
is this a thing or you are memeing me?

>> No.10082786

Yeah, he's no doubt become a sell out since making it big in America.

>> No.10082794

What the fuck, man. Raw tomato with some salt and pepper is fucking amazing.

>> No.10082936

Not a meme, garlic sauce is infinitely superior to tomato sauce.

>> No.10082955


Much more interesting episode

>> No.10082963

I liked it as a kid, but can't stand it as an adult. Sort of like how I hated swiss cheese as a kid but now I could literally eat a pound of the shit.

>> No.10083164

I seriously believe Gordon Ramsey has sold his soul to the devil

>> No.10083244

Raw tomato (a good ripe one), cut in half, sea salt on either side - put the two halves back together and rub against each other, then open again and sprinkle oregano. Eat it.

Perfect summer snack.

>> No.10083267
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>> No.10083269
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Let me know how that cream cheese pizza with strawberry jam tastes.

Wait a minute...

>> No.10083304

Call me a cunt all you want, faggot. Just know that you're the one shitting up the thread by being a little bitch while I'm trying to stay on topic.
Better yet; let's report one another's posts and see who gets banned first.
You're an obsessed little crybaby and your whining is making the board worse.

>> No.10083395

>"Y-you shouldn't eat pineapple on pizza because Gordon Ramsey thinks so!!"
>continues eating pineapple on pizza

>> No.10083435

>I don't doubt that he's a good chef but it doesn't come through on that particular show.
Kitchen Nightmares US isn't a cooking show, it's a family drama. In the US version, Ramsay is more of a family counselor than a restaurant owner or a professional chef. The UK version is a lot better.

>> No.10083442

you forgot
>while sipping soylent

>> No.10083539
File: 27 KB, 449x498, Lel+i+got+flagget+for+the+other+version+of+this+_0afa4fed7a8e23e232cc75af702d781c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would slices of hardboiled egg be good on pizza

>> No.10083576

gordan GAYZAY doesnt know the difference between a well done steak and an anus teryaki glazed in 13 year old soysause

>> No.10083765

The UK version is nicer and warmer but it still doesn't really portray Ramsay as a chef.
It's definitely more honest on than the American bullshit.

>> No.10083778

>Grilled chicken
>bbq sauce
Best pizza topings

>> No.10083804

>cucumber is a fruit
just replace tomato sauce with cucumber desu

>> No.10084882
File: 99 KB, 810x800, 1516931548268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these days complaining about ham & pineapple pizzas
>When it's the most basic pizza you order at any gathering in case someone doesn't like supreme or meat lovers

>> No.10084892

I dont take pizza advice from a british autist with turrets

>> No.10084893
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This motherfucker walks up and slaps you're girlfriend's ass, what do you do?

>> No.10084900
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>> No.10084911

Machine gun turrets British style.

>> No.10086910

That sounds vile, but knowing the Japs, I bet they are quite delicious actually.
I ate at McDonald's back there once, and even though they had combined shrimps and avocado in their burger, it was a billion times tastier than what I get in the US or France

>> No.10087425

I get white sauce

>> No.10087454

I never understood what's the big deal with this. Is this just an american thing(unronically)? They never had hawaiian pizza?

>> No.10087458

Ramsey is a Brit

>> No.10087519

Is chicken on pizza also considered weird? We only eat pizza with chicken capsicum and onions which is called chicken fajita here

>> No.10087525

chicken pizza is absolutely GOAT

>> No.10087536

All the pizzas in puctures like of people I see don't have meat on them, its either big leaves on it or circle red peices on them, what are they pizza from our country look completely different from cartoons and those pics