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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 873 KB, 3226x2419, NpcKUPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10078160 No.10078160 [Reply] [Original]

A breakfast fit for a king. Literally the perfect way to start your day.

>> No.10078186

Beans, tomatoes, black pudding, and mushrooms don't really strike me as breakfast foods. But I suppose it's not bad. Americans and Canadians are the best at breakfast though.

>> No.10078198
File: 224 KB, 900x1588, Ad_for__Vitamin_Donut__(FDA_168)_(8212305596).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a donut

>> No.10078211


A donut is a snack. Breakfast needs to have enough calories to carry you throughout the day until dinner time. It should also be high in protein and fat, with some carbs for immediate energy. By contrast to a proper breakfast, a donut only has simple carbohydrates, and no protein or useful vitamins/minerals.

>> No.10078230


>> No.10078254

I'd split it with someone.

>> No.10078272

>throw random shit in a pan and eat it for breakfast
ah yes very sophisticated

>> No.10078278

Pussy. I bet you'd also split your gf with someone.

>> No.10078290

That's about the response I expected.

>> No.10078293

>hurr muh arbitrary reductionism make me very smart

All cooking is just chopping up dead shit, mixing it together and burning it. Get over yourself.

>> No.10078300

>Donuts have no vitamins
>Pic is a VITAMIN donut
Eat fish for breakfast, it's supposed to be good for cognition.

>> No.10078301


I'm half awake and I need to go

>> No.10078316

>Full English
>I love scoffing down runny unseasoned baked beans and the overall taste of grease on all the other flavourless components mate

It might have some flavour if the individual ingredients are sourced outside of the UK. The produce and and cuts of meat are on par with flavour of pillow stuffing in the UK.

Isn't there a /brit/ general to contain all of this inedible crap now?

>> No.10078327

>eventually everything is random which makes my shitty choice of ingredients less embarrassing
yeah go ahead eat your shitty pride of your nation but stop acting like it's ingenious.

>> No.10078346

You've never had a full english have you? I'm not even a brit but you don't know what you're missing out on.

>> No.10078376
File: 101 KB, 1000x541, Yes+i+am+aware+that+we+have+a+new+pound+_b1bbbcc3717bc60523c77956133307d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jealousy ITT

>> No.10078390

prefer the fish and chips to be honest

>> No.10078400


Eggs and bacon are high in choline, which is pretty damn good for cognition.

>> No.10078413

Well it's not working, cause you a dumb nigger, nigger.

>> No.10078423


Says the idiot who thinks eating donuts is healthy just because they had Vitamin B added to them

>> No.10078465

thats a bagel mate

>> No.10078472

what pompous prick needs to season every thing they eat .

>> No.10078477

>I was wrong
>Better start insulting people
This is why your country produces shite all.

>> No.10078508

I find it rather diengenuous of my fellow amerilards when they disparage a full english like that in the pic. The only item they wouldn't wolf down and beg for more is blood sausage and that's just because most amerifats think that's icky poo poo eventhough their hardscrabble immigrant ancestors made it. Christ, even that style canned bean in tomato sauce, although drenched in HFCS in the US is eaten by the buttload here.

>> No.10078522

I don't get it either. Whether or not a full english is actually good for breakfast is debatable, personally I'd never eat that much if I have to be at work in about an hour, but almost everyone should be able to agree it tastes good.

>> No.10078532


>Implying I was wrong

>> No.10078699

>I love needing to shit in the middle of my shift

>> No.10078721

For me it's a bowl of rice, one sunny side up egg, and a couple shots of vodka.

>> No.10078726
File: 174 KB, 750x750, 1e7fc4fffbdc88efad615e1048f75c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aesthetic and hearty breakfast coming through

>> No.10078729

>1000 calories to start your day

Hello tubby

>> No.10078743

I only ever have this at weekends, as a rare treat and then eat it at about 11 and skip lunch. The only people who eat a full English regularly are builders and fat cunts.

>> No.10078754

>no hash browns
>no chips

>> No.10078759

>1000 break
>500 lunch
>1000 dinner
what's the problem skellefag?

>> No.10078763

What are those patties above the sausages?
Are they sliced bits of some giant blood sausage?

>> No.10078799

>hash in the top right
chips are not part of a traditional full english

>> No.10078817

black pudding you nonce

>> No.10078825

Yes, that's what I asked if they were.
That fantastic food is so hard to find where I live, it comes in tiny sausages, and god damned fucking hipsters have driven the price through the roof.

Why must hipsters ruin every single thing that I love?

>> No.10078858

breakfast like a king
lunch like a prince
dinner like a pauper
what's wrong with that, fatty? can't count calories? is your stomach faster than your brain?

>> No.10078953
File: 34 KB, 550x309, a-nice-full-english-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pass on the black pudding but everything else about a full English looks great.

t. American

>> No.10078997


I believe in breakfast like a king, dinner like a prince, and no lunch.

>> No.10079097

Do you prepare your own hashbrowns ? Which recipe is the best ?

>> No.10079129

If you ever try to recreate it buy our heinz imported beans or skip them entirely since they're different, I constantly see americans say it's good but the beans don't work

>> No.10079159
File: 162 KB, 1000x817, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks nice, but that single egg looks a bit lonely.
two eggs in a full breakfast or i flip out, not even joking, many a dorris has been utterly lambasted by my fury upon being presented with a single-egged breakfast platter. i would take the plate and press it tightly against her throat while she begged for forgiveness for the cardinal error of presenting me with only one paltry egg. i would take the lone egg and smother it on her terrified face, screaming obsenities whilst the veins in my forehead bulged to near aneurysm. then i would take the bottle of vinegared-down brown sauce, shove it down her throat and proceed to drown her in the foul brown spicy liquor, laughing my heart out whilst i inwardly continue to weep for my lack of two fried eggs

>> No.10079179

This is actually a good ratio

>> No.10079192

Where does one acquire a full English breakfast in the US?

>> No.10079191

The hell is that charcoal in the corner?

>> No.10079226

Trying to get into this
Fry up a sausage Bushes baked beans toast egg and diced potatoes

>> No.10079423

Yeah, sure. Even as an amerilard I eat fruit for breakfast during the week and save big ass breakfasts like that full english for a weekend hangover lunch. Being southern whitetrash, I throw in biscuits and gravy in place of the blood sausage, up the bacon quantity and it'll be streaky unless I go ham steak, drop the tomato and beans, and I'm with ya.

>> No.10080489

That's more than a recommended full day's worth of calories. Either you work a really demanding job, or you're a fatass.

>> No.10081515

No it isn't you bumblefuck, add it up and check.

>> No.10082901

Don't bother, this board is overrun with 89iq's who need to prove something to the world.

>> No.10082909

You mean shart in the middle of your mart

>> No.10082989

>high amounts of cholesterol
>no fruits, vegetables, or any type of healthy side besides beans and mushrooms, but most of it looks pan fried
>implying that eating mass amounts of meat in general on average for any meal daily is healthy

>> No.10083064

>beans arent breakfast food

>> No.10083078

Theres literally tomatoes right there.

>> No.10083086

>when British Heinz beans come vegetarian standard

>> No.10083098

>orange juice
>no fruits or vegetables
It's almost like you should look at the photo and think before type.

>> No.10083126
File: 25 KB, 240x179, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mushrooms are vegetables

>> No.10083445

t.soyboy who does no manual labor or exercise

>> No.10083468

>eat british beans
>think I'm eating american beans all of a sudden
For some reason, brits used a staple food to be the one thing they out-sugar the US with

>> No.10083984

What the hell are you going to do with all that energy anon? I just have toast and a coffee. Having that for a week would give you a heart attack

>> No.10084003
File: 52 KB, 658x295, 1512936243968[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the way you look is probably because of your diet, or maybe it's just the inbreeding.

>> No.10084019

>for a king
Ironically eating huge breakfasts isn't a sign of nobility, but that you're working class and you're going to spend the energy through the day.

>> No.10084053



What did you mean by this?

>> No.10084087

You guys know your Queen and future king are fucking Germans, right?

>> No.10084360

And where are you from that has no immigration?

>> No.10084393

They did not immigrate. They usurped.

>> No.10084403

STOP eating beans for breakfast and get some bread. the fish can stay.

>> No.10084422

i got to have this red herring. i keep hearing so much about it. i got to taste this shit. sorry, listen to the news a lot.

>> No.10084428

It’s definitely an Aussie breakfast

>> No.10086264
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, 1512376943526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chips

>> No.10086301

>Americans and Canadians are the best at breakfast though.


>> No.10086303


u wot

>> No.10086315
File: 2.70 MB, 426x240, Full English.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a "full american breakfast" in Majorca. It was a full english but with chips and yank bacon

>> No.10086340
File: 2.84 MB, 480x270, Gayest Full English Breakfast Ever.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fry up

lol plebs

>> No.10086346

He also listed orange juice, so I don't think he was declaring everything in his list a vegetable.

>> No.10086356

What's he doing that for? It's more time, effort and household energy cost for worse results.

>> No.10086357

Baking is healthier than frying

>> No.10086372

Marginally. I don't use more oil in my frying than he does coating everything with oil. And oil isn't really unhealthy if you're not consuming too many calories overall.

>> No.10086389

i fucking hate his face

>> No.10086451

Was this supposed to be a shocking revelation? It's common knowledge

>> No.10086476

This fucking meme pan again

>hash brown

fuck right off

>> No.10086478

i disagree with frying tomatoes

>> No.10086527

English breakfast is the best. Then steak and eggs with home fries/hashbrowns, and then bacon and eggs with pancakes. Open to other suggestions but frenchtoastfags need not apply

>> No.10086589

The optimal way is skipping breakfast. Having a late lunch and an early dinner and fasting for the remaining 16 hours of the day on nothing but water.

>> No.10086605

It's black pudding, basically pig blood and oats.

It tastes like scabs and oats.

>> No.10086610

But then you'll lose size

>> No.10086616

Thanks for reminding me to take my vitamins anon

>> No.10086617

how do you eat or preare your black pudding/ blood sausage?

>> No.10086619

Slice it into discs and fry it.

>> No.10086627

some of you co/ck/s could could do with being smaller.

>> No.10086687

You’re gonna be late to school/work by the time you finish that

>> No.10086859
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1536, 20180203_124618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What yall thinking about my delicious breakfast

>> No.10086898


>frying the beans

You see how they went all dry and coagulated and soft, you should gently heat the beans in a sauce pan, they should be the same consistency as they come out of the tin.

Also ladbible is cultural marxist psyop.

>> No.10086920

>not getting a stomach ache after eating all these different foods together

>> No.10086931

Just fuck my blood pressure up, senpai.

>> No.10087400

What is the seasoning on those eggs?

>> No.10087509

I like a full english breakfast on the weeends, maybe adding pancakes or croissants if you want something sweet. On workdays I usually just eat a bowl of porridge, eggs and some fruit.

>> No.10087534

>having the digestive system of a frail 90 year old