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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10076887 No.10076887 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to reheat pizza?

>> No.10076891

Dressed as David Lee Roth from the Jump music video.

>> No.10076911

But who's better, Dave or Sammy?

>> No.10076915

>reheating pizza
no, eat that shit cold

>> No.10076934

Foil on a baking sheet. Put slices on it. Throw in an oven at 425 for 4-6 minutes.

>> No.10076951

Nuke it in a microwave for 3 minutes. Not only do you get quality "fresh-from-the-oven" pizza, but the bread becomes a really flavorful bachelor chew stick to savor with some nice marinara sauce.

>> No.10076959

Dave is better, Sammy is a more talented singer

>> No.10076973




Cold pizza is for disgusting animals

>> No.10076986

David lee Roth sings hot dog and a shake

>> No.10076987
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Yeah, I'm fine with that

>> No.10076991

Microwave for speed, toaster oven to finish. Quick and won't over cook toppings before warming through. No dishes.

>> No.10076997

>not washing your toaster oven

>> No.10077003

You just wash the crumb tray and grate like once a week. What the fuck are you cooking in there?

>> No.10077013

>bachelor chew stick

>> No.10077395

Ive had pizza in a box on the floor for about 4 days. will it still be good?

>> No.10077408

I microwave it for like 30 seconds, just enough to make the cheese melt.
Then I put it on a skillet so the bottom of the crust gets crunchy.

>> No.10077475

Put it in the oven.

>> No.10077494

I think I saw a webm here a while back that suggested frying it upside down in a pan.
I haven't tried it, though.

>> No.10077499

pizza hut is not made to be reheated. it is barely even food.

>> No.10078013

Toaster oven. Nice and crispy coming out.

>> No.10078034

in a skillet, low-med, with a layer of mootsadell on top.

>> No.10078038

oven is the only correct answer.

>> No.10078934


Best method. Well heated through with perfect crust.

Microwave-only gets everything hot but crust is limp and soggy. Oven-only crust is hard as a rock by the time the toppings are hot. People who fry it in a pan like OP are just retarded.

>> No.10079005

Heat it in a hot pan, covered, with a little bit of water. That way it'll steam the toppings so you don't have to cook it long enough to burn the crust.
This way is easier but the thing is you have to preheat the pan with the foil on it *before* you put the slices on so you get the crust nice and crispy.

>> No.10079016

Under the broiler on high until crispy. All other options are pretty good but wrong.

>> No.10079026

Rest it in your belly until finished

>> No.10079035

>he doesn't eat cold pizza covered in ranch and 'cha

>> No.10079070

1. Eat it cold
2. Pizza pizzaz or oven

>> No.10079088

Pizza hut is actually pretty good reheated, at least in Canada

>> No.10079090
File: 13 KB, 295x196, pizzazz_wbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I forgot pizza pizzaz was a thing

>> No.10079094

Put it in the microwave you stupid dumb fucking asshole

>> No.10079138

One of the greatest appliances for convenient cooking. Reason I survived college.

Tendies, pizza, toasted sammies, wings, fries, mozz sticks

>> No.10079148

Toaster oven is the only right answer. Well that or eating it cold.

>> No.10079735

What kind of loser leaves pizza to get cold?

Finish your food, bitch.

>> No.10079764


In a nonstick pan, cheese side down first. When sizzling, flip and cover with lid.

>> No.10079769

the way your doing it, with a lid

>> No.10081794

Nonstick pan at medium low for 2 min, add like literally 3 drops of water to the pan (not on the pizza) cover with lid or plate or whatever for about a minute.

Comes out with the cheese melty and the crust crispy

>> No.10081814

>put pizza pan in oven
>preheat to 400-425
>throw your slice in without any butter or spray or oil or water
>pull it out in 1-2 minutes

>> No.10081845

the stovetop method is overwhelmingly superior. i actually do it to warm pizza as well. as soon as the delivery guy leaves i slap the pizza right in the pan to get it crispy. anyone who doesn't vouch for the stovetop is either lazy or hasn't tried it

>> No.10081865

Nobody likes cold pizza, only lazy pieces of shit pretend to. Theres a reason that literally nowhere sells it like that

>> No.10081889

Stovetop is the lazy option. And have you considered asking for the pizza crispy? If it's cold by the time you order it maybe just stop ordering from places that are that slow or far away.

>> No.10081893

>reheating pizza
The pizza has gone cold. You need to accept that and learn to enjoy cold pizza. It will never be like it was. No matter how you try to recreate the old times, you will never get closer than a soggy, papery imitation. When the pizza came, when it was hot and melty and the oil sat in rich pools in the tiny, crispy-edged pepperoni cups, you didn't appreciate it as you should have, and now that regret gnaws at you. But you can't go back, /ck/. Let the pizza retain its purity, let it be consumed in accordance with its natural path, because all things grow cold in time and in trying to warm them back up you will only taint them with your desperation.

>> No.10081901

Uh oh, I've upset the pizza police

>> No.10081902

toaster oven

>> No.10081905
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Microwave for 45-60 seconds to nuke any nasties then on the sandwich press for 3-5 minutes propping the top so it sits 5cm from the top of your pizza.
Thank me later...

>> No.10081907

imagin being this fat

>> No.10081921

>microwave then press
What the literal fuck are you talking about what is fucking wrong with you.

>> No.10081939

Hey buddy go fuck yourself. Cold pizza is breakfast in NY

>> No.10081947

Fresh pizza > cold pizza > reheated pizza. Also there are places that sell cold pizza even my old college dorm had a convenience store with cold delivery pizzas

>> No.10081965

oven or in the microwave with about a centimeter of water

>> No.10082017

If I left pizza dough in freezer, when I get ready to make pizza with frozen dough... what is best way to warm it up? It is still in a ball form, should I have flattened the dough out before freezing it?

>> No.10082081

Letting it thaw in the fridg is prolly best.
In ball form is best.

>> No.10082100

Either in a skillet or in the oven. I personally like the skillet because I can throw in an egg or two and some salsa for huevos rancheros along with muh 'za.
I really love skillets in general.

>> No.10082115
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>> No.10082124

>being this mad over pizza.
The press crisps the base perfectly whilst the heat from the top toast the topping to perfection.
Get on my level cunt

>> No.10082191


I just laughed out loud in a meeting haha.

>> No.10082198

Toaster oven and then microwave 25 sec

>> No.10082199
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Non-stick skillet, a little bit of oil, crisp on both sides.

It's not hard, people.

>> No.10082212

>Stovetop is the lazy option.
>And have you considered asking for the pizza crispy? If it's cold by the time you order it maybe just stop ordering from places that are that slow or far away.
i don't see why i need to do either of those things when crisping it up at home is easy and guarantees a satisfactory outcome.

>> No.10082251

Cold pizza is only acceptable as breakfast

>> No.10082256

Oven preheated to almost max, 2-3mins.

>> No.10082533

I always get my pizza cold, just tell them to throw a couple of slices in a bag. Before I leave the house I preheat my oven to 425F and have a Cast Iron Reversible Grill/Griddle heating up. I leave it on the uppermost rack. Usually no more than 6min on the griddle crisps up the crust and gets the cheese melty and browns it a little. Usually 7-8min for a Sicilian and 8-10min for a beef Patty. But we're talking room temp on the beef patty. I dislike the steam that builds up in a box or the bag from being hot. That method has worked the best and I've tried a bunch of the suggestions that people left here.

>> No.10082553

I like this method cause you can still achieve a crispy blonde crust which is my favorite.

>> No.10082559

usually thaws if left in the fridge for a couple of days.

>> No.10082594

only animals like soggy bread, foil on the stove is the superior master race

>> No.10082618

Ok, how do I reheat my taco pizza?

>> No.10082724

Toaster oven that shit on 500 degrees turbo

>> No.10082739

>heating up pizza in a pan

What a fuuuuucking meme. Excellent way to burn the bottom and heat the top to a sweaty and gross room temperature.

>> No.10082749

pan fried with butter

also turn it onto the cheese side for a bit

>> No.10082868

lower the heat you nignog

>> No.10082882


You don't reheat pizza. You eat it at room temperature the next morning for breakfast.

>> No.10082884

you got to have on cold piece and on in the microwave. stacked on top of each other for maximum experience.

>> No.10082889

Oven and baking sheet pre-heated to 350. Pizza slices on heated baking sheet. 5 minutes, done. Microwaves will just sog the crust out. You'd have to be from Chicago to think soggy, floppy crust is in any way good.

>> No.10082890


>> No.10082980

So, the two worst forms of leftover pizza is "maximum experience" then?

>> No.10083186

>Tendies, pizza, toasted sammies, wings, fries, mozz sticks
you just convinced me to buy one

>> No.10083281

i want you to treat me like your disgusting animal, daddy >:3

>> No.10084327

Mine after being in fridge was hard to roll out into a pizza. Can I microwave it next time?

>> No.10084423

Toaster oven for 30 min at 300

>> No.10084483

roll it up and fry it should kill anything, post after u did it

>> No.10086690

microwaving is the smart man's way to cook anything ever

i don't get why people waste their time with primitive tools such as fire heating

>> No.10086764

I legitimately like them both and don't understand why everyone has to pick favorites.

>> No.10086965

glass water

>> No.10087093
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>Theres a reason that literally nowhere sells it like that
Pizza has to be cooked you fucking retard

>> No.10087241

1. Cold, the shittier the better. Somehow the best cold pizza is the worst pizza, like Little C's, heating it up does it no favors, just eat it cold it's better

2. Microwaved pizza is nice sometimes, it becomes a soft kinda chewy form that is shit but every once in a while comforting

3. Toaster oven, 350 and bake for like 15 minutes, this will make it tastes as good and sometimes better than it was fresh, added crispiness and toastyness

>> No.10087260

you shouldn't have survived, gene pool polluter

>> No.10087546
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Eating it cold is degenerate pleb tier, only fat tumblr girls and redditors act like it's "THE BEST THING EVER!!!!!".

>Heat it in a hot pan, covered, with a little bit of water. That way it'll steam the toppings so you don't have to cook it long enough to burn the crust.
I also do it in a pan but without water. Turn on to max heat, put the pizza in when the pan is hot, then turn of the heat completely.
The bottom only gets slightly brown and the remaining heat is enough to melt the cheese and heat the toppings.

This and oven are the only ways you're allowed to reheat pizza. Putting it in the microwave will make it dry and tasteless, with all the fat swimming on top.

>> No.10087554

>pizza in a pan with water

Neck yourself

>> No.10087585

Learn to read you literal retard. I said do it without water

>> No.10087596

Shame on you still for not calling out the other poster

>> No.10087649

Not that anon but-
>how is stovetop the lazy option?

>turn on stovetop
>put pizza in cold pan
>sit on your phone until you hear it sizzle
>put down your phone and pick up pizza
How is it not.

>> No.10087674

The odium i feel for you at this moment. please find a way to die. you are either a pussy or a faggot for thinking that shaming someone on 4chins would ever work.

>> No.10087685

Not that anon but wow. You're a literal retard.

>> No.10087769

Why the fuck would you cover pizza in water?

>> No.10087822

Please for the love of god, STOP overcomplicating simple shit!

>> No.10087942

Because it requires monitoring and usually doing it in batches, unlike the oven.

>> No.10087962

For me? It's oven re-heated pizza, the best form of reheated pizza.

>> No.10087974

you're not covering the pizza in water, you just put a few drops on the pan and then cover the pan

>> No.10088030


Fuck Van Hagar

>> No.10088052

Wrap in tin foil and reheat in the oven

>> No.10088270

with your spit as you eat it

>> No.10088288

wrap in foil and reheat in the microwave

>> No.10088443

not microwave
broiler or convection oven/air fryer have been superior

>> No.10088566


Gary Cherone

>> No.10088604

this my dude

>> No.10088614


>> No.10088829

I cooked pizza rolls on a stove top pan when I lived alone

>> No.10089273

dick sex

>> No.10090127

I think its actually better (asame applies for most greasy chain takeout).

The pizza has soaked up all its grease, and reheating makes it slightly crispier.

>> No.10091230
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