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10076511 No.10076511 [Reply] [Original]

I inherited 1.2 kilograms of chicken wings. Now, knowing that this board houses many of the finest conneseurs of fine cuisine, my question : how should I marinade them? Do I fondle them gently before? Should I praise the gods before cooking them?


>> No.10076575

Why do you talk like that? Holy fuck dude, just give them away wings are the worst part.

>> No.10076588

marinade is a noun, so are you asking how to turn raw meat into a marinade? you might try a blender

>> No.10076602

>wings are the worst part.
You need to leave.

>> No.10076607

He's right though. I used to buy them for making stock but then they got expensive for some reason. Now I have to specifically go out of my way for chicken backs and necks

Whoever tricked retards into thinking wings were good deserves an ig nobel

>> No.10076630

yogurt, lemon, garlic, black pepper, chili powder
marinate them overnight

>> No.10076646

>inherited chicken wings

Do americans really do this?

>> No.10076791

Just wing it

>> No.10076801

>inherited 1.2 kilograms of chicken wings

goddamn you know you were truly loved

>> No.10077011


>> No.10077034

soy sauce, minced green onion, minced garlic, cumin powder, lemon juice, jalapeno

>> No.10077182


Put the raw chicken wings in a blender and puree
Add spices/seasoning to puree
Add gelatin to puree
Pour into a mold and pressure-cook
Let cool, then cut off slices and sear them
Take seared slices, bread and deep-fry them
Take deep-fried slices and using melted cheese as a glue, build a house
Go inside the house and fuck yourself

>> No.10077220


>> No.10077241

Meh. Here's your (you)

>> No.10077311

Wings and legs have more flavour than the rest of the bird. I agree that they're too expensive now, though. I mostly buy whole chickens and cut them up myself. It takes a while to amass enough wings to do somehting with them but it's nice when it happens.
Personally I think the worst part is the breastmeat simply because it tastes of absolutely nothing.

>> No.10077312

>not having heirloom wings
What? Can't afford them? How quaint.

>> No.10077336

Due to the death of the middle class (fuck drumpf) most Americans have neither money nor health care. So when we drop dead of untreated diabetes and coronary artery disease we just pass off whatever we have in our fridge to our next of kin.

>> No.10077348


>> No.10077349

Seperate them, fry them in oil, and toss in buffalo sauce

>> No.10077356

>marinade them
You mean marinate, OP.
I feel chicken wings are a bit beyond you, culinary speaking.

>> No.10077364

Have you never had buffalo wings?

>> No.10077372

Buffalo wings are easy

>> No.10077375


>> No.10077378

>culinary speaking

Culinarily, you mean.

>> No.10077384

>they got expensive for some reason
uh, if you hadn’t noticed in the last decade literally every restaurant sells wings now and there’s a huge demand for them.

>> No.10077412

Weighing in on the wing debate:
wing meat is great, the trouble is basically every recipe out there is for deep fried shit and deep frying is expensive, unhealthy and kind of a ball ache(editors opinion).
The great thing is oven cooked wings are actually fucking great if you know how. Using Bicarb to blister and dry the little shits before you oven them is great.

>> No.10077495

How do we know OP is American?

>> No.10077511

Anyone in a first world country would just toss the trash parts of the chicken

>> No.10077514

Well, he's stupid and illiterate so the odds are heavily in favour.

>> No.10077523

Yeah, shitty dive bars used to sell them to people who were too drunk to say no. Due to stockholm syndrome, they became an obligatory part of self-destructive binge drinking sessions, and here we are today.

>> No.10077651

Marinating makes a little difference on the final product. Salt is enough

>> No.10077699

Epic, simply epic bro xD

>> No.10077945

Stupid maybe but his command over the English language is perfect.