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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10076098 No.10076098 [Reply] [Original]

>I order my coffee black
>everyone now thinks I'm some edgy try hard or fedora enthusiast

I can't help it, sugar gives me worse heartburn, and I like bitter drinks, is this so wrong?

>> No.10076103

If you were not a fat fuck they would’ve thought that in the first place

>> No.10076110

I'd tip that fedora all night long.

>> No.10076132

nobody actually thinks this

>> No.10076213

Only people that drink coffee are people who can't manage time and women who drink it to try to look busy. Just get more sleep and you won't be wasting 4 bucks on the caffeinated jew every day.

>> No.10076241

Nice pasta, bro, I'll save it for future use.

>> No.10076262

I like vanilla roast black coffee. Been drinking that every morning now

>> No.10076313

How’s life as a faggit?

>> No.10076319

>wasting time
I don't have a job. I drink coffee because no matter what time I get up or how much sleep I've had, I still feel groggy and my mind is only half working. I drink the coffee because it snaps me out of that, so I can immediately start watching youtube videos

>> No.10076322
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I drink my coffee with 2% milk and everybody calls me Lord Edgy McEdgelord.

>> No.10076331

coffee isnt bitter if it's made right. americans are really stupid sometimes

>> No.10076336

All beans are bitter.

>> No.10076338

Good coffee is not bitter. I have about a hundred trees and it is more like cocoa. A rich dark flavor.

>> No.10076340

do americans really think that certain drinks are fedora?
do americans really think that certain drinks are girly?
do americans really think that certain drinks are manly?

>> No.10076341


>> No.10076367

Maybe you have a problem. Sleep apnea will cause the symptoms you describe. Could be something else.

>> No.10076369

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.10076372

Those Americans... they do it all!

>> No.10076788

Food and drink are inextricably linked with race, culture, class and creed among other things. This is why /ck/ is one of the more hostile boards on balance.

>> No.10076838
File: 220 KB, 720x540, A110C299-8BD4-4EA3-B493-CBE0B8917B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in reality

No one gives a flying fuck about how you drink your coffee

>> No.10076943
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>stop at small coffee shop near my house for the first time
>just order a $2 pourover
>lady behind counter asks if I want cream and sugar
>I say I prefer black
>she looks surprised and comments on how I actually like the taste of coffee
I didn't think it was so uncommon to drink coffee without 59 pumps of caramel syrup and a pound of whipped cream on top.

>> No.10076954

>I order my espresso
>Since my country is not retarded I get my small cup of black espresso, and if I want I can add sugar
>No one cares about my coffee tastes because my country is again not retarded

>> No.10077073

Sounds like bait, but if people really jump to conclusions about you from your coffee preference, you need new friends.

>> No.10077094

Subtle, OP.

>> No.10077152

>Don't drink
>Don't smoke weed or tabacco
>Don't take drugs or pills
>No reason behind it, i just don't want to

Is that supposed to make me straight edge?

>> No.10077157

yes, that is the definition of a straight edge
live a little

>> No.10077163

i order my coffee black and make a subtle bbc joke
wa la
new friends

>> No.10077191

No one thinks you're an edgelord for drinking black coffee. They probably think you're an edgelord because you're an edgelord and you make big deal about drinking your coffee black.

>> No.10077214
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What this guy said. Op probably runs around complaining to work acquaintances about the feminazis and then bitches and moans that someone called him sexist just because he's a straight white male.

>> No.10077298

No sugar is fine but if you add milk or cream it cools down enough to drink immediately and tastes a lot better. Black is still fine if it's good coffee but if anyone honestly claims to like the taste of Folgers or some other bargain brand black they're outing themselves as a lying piece of shit

>> No.10077303

milk tastes like ass pus though

>> No.10077315

t. nonwhite or wasn't breastfed ergo t. low iq pleb

>> No.10077322

white, green eyes, breastfed
smarter than u

>> No.10077324

Land's sake 'bloom, ain't no-one cares what colour yer drink is.
It's all in yer head sugarcube.

>> No.10077331

This. You could be getting booze instead. I cut out most drinks other than water. Now I can afford v8 and booze

>> No.10077334

>his coffee is bitter

>> No.10077340
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Try out caffeine + L-theanine pills. I drink coffee socially, but these are better for daily morning routine.

>> No.10077351

>paying for coffee

>> No.10077354

>order ice coffee black no ice
>they look at me like I'm their aborted kid walking
I just want a drink. I'm already paying for watered down coffee and I know that cup will be 90% ice and 9.99% cream. Sorry you don't know how fucking drugs works. I just want that caffeine in me

>> No.10077368
File: 1.55 MB, 400x225, 224b3353fe63514b107d0ca0e37e618b07237d12_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Land's sake 'bloom, ain't no-one cares what colour yer drink is.
>It's all in yer head sugarcube.

>> No.10077371

>order what you want
>disregard other's opinions
>do not judge them either

>> No.10077441

I'm not saying do drugs. There's something to hallucinogens though

>> No.10077738

caring about what other people think is wrong yes

>> No.10077960


I can't handle sugar, a single slice of store bought cake with any kind of icing will make me feel sick to my stomach.

I've gotten the "LOL WTF how do you drink that!!!11!" from girls so many times it makes me want to sperg out.

>> No.10078020

yes this is the case, i can drink vodka straight and be called girly while guys take shots of fireball and drink beer.

>> No.10078080

>>do not judge them either
i was with you until this
the weak should fear the strong