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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 800x500, 217BC1FB-733D-4D13-B14B-A4D48AE4B548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10073057 No.10073057 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate a dozen hostess hoho cakes for second breakfast

>> No.10073068

ding dongs are better. Fat is unappealing on women. So are stretchmarks, so if that is you in the pic, your life is over.

>> No.10073072

>second breakfast
how many fuckin meals do you eat a day?

>> No.10073078


>> No.10073080

8 wby

>> No.10073114

would nurse

>> No.10073123

>not knowing who Roxy is.
Do you even internet?

>> No.10073131

>obsessing over fat Internet sluts
I thought my life was shit but at least it's better than yours

>> No.10073138

not for fat women. she looks like a parade balloon

>> No.10073284

>do you even internet?
Truly amazeballs

>> No.10073464

pic related I'm guessing?

>> No.10073475


>> No.10073483

Someone give me a quick waddledown on her?

>> No.10074207

gets naked for money
are you serious
what else could the story possibly be?

>> No.10074214

People pay money to have her take her clothes off? Why? There can't be anything good under there

>> No.10074231

I'd mount that, share a package of doughnuts with her, then feel guilty for a month.

>> No.10074252
File: 32 KB, 600x396, Alex Trebek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat is unappealing on women.
I'll take 'Tits to homosexuals for $600 Alex.'

>> No.10074260

You underestimate the independent mind of a cock, anon.
It's really the only thing that turns me on, shameful as all hell, but if the shoe fits wear it

>> No.10074330


>> No.10074339

>Fat is unappealing on women
that's right, i only like skinny blonde women in the missionary position

>> No.10074478

>i'd eat that hoho

>> No.10074490

Oh, I am sorry anon, you forgot to phrase that as a sane white man. Only darkies deal with whales,

>> No.10074503

>spelling Roxxie as "Roxy"
Do you even Internet?

>> No.10074511

she had to change her name when she ate the other vowels.

>> No.10074513

I wish she'd eat my vowel.

>> No.10074519

Too bad she is not a wishing whale.

>> No.10074678
File: 15 KB, 500x566, WHYTHEFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it wasn't like this. It's disheartening to me but in all honesty it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. Just... shameful.

>> No.10074835


>> No.10074921

Says the obvious closeted virgin

>> No.10074928

what the fuck is a closeted virgin?

You are an asshole and should bite your fingers off to save us your typing.

>> No.10074935

Dont... dont do that.

>> No.10074947

>Feel guilty for a *day*
>Do it again the next day.

>> No.10074961

She is a moped... might be fun to ride, but you wouldn't want anyone you know to see you doing it.

>> No.10074988
File: 1.49 MB, 337x254, BRO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got nothing else right now. Hell, I'd share.

>> No.10075020

The trick is to do it like you mean it. Moped? Do your best to channel your 60's style from it. Fat girl? Go as if you really mean to date her.
>tfw started cooking to impress girls and ended up with a really sweet but fat girl
I'm not even that mad.

>> No.10075041

I know what you mean anon. I let a midget sugar momma me for a few months once. It was a personal "low" point for me.

>> No.10075072

It's a virgin who hasn't come to terms with being a faggot is all

>> No.10075088

oh, so you just could have used your time to go fuck yourself instead of wasting everyone elses with your bullshit.

>> No.10075092


>> No.10075111

Yeah you're definitely a faggot hahaha

>> No.10075119

just because you want to suck my dick, that doesn't make me gay. It just makes you a wishful thinker. Take your beating and scoot princess.

>> No.10075128

Yeah, if life deals you metaphorical shit, you have to act it like you mean it. Else you will look pathetic.

>> No.10075135

Make that an autistic faggot hahaha jesus christ, I almost feel bad now

>> No.10075146

You should. Anon is wasting you.

>> No.10075158

Dude just stop trying lmfao stim to some gay deviantart or something

>> No.10075191

look at what you are recommending you mindless self abuser. You a glutton for punishment like that broad is a glutton for ho hos

>> No.10075231
File: 37 KB, 576x768, retard chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I project that I protect

You need to go back

>> No.10075247

>this far into the thread without a single brap post


>> No.10075250

You suck. Other anon is funny. Both are off topic.

>> No.10075260

>if I capitalize sometimes they can't tell I'm samefagging


>> No.10075264

Not funny again.

>> No.10075271

I don't fag anything. No means no. Stop trying to rape everyone with your stupidity.

>> No.10075274

Keep eating. I love fat bitches.

>> No.10075310


>> No.10075322

/trv/ here, 12 pumps n done.

>> No.10075409

Second breakfast? Are you a hobbit?

>> No.10075428

I'd like to know at what age her father left the her, the first time her mom's boyfriend starts diddling her cooties, and when did she move out from the trailer park. Stuffs like that.

>> No.10075432

She also likes to take her clothes of because she sweats when she takes her giant shits.

>> No.10075503

Are you black or attractive, anon?

>> No.10075516

God, I'd love to watch her jiggle like a water bed as I smash that ass all night long.

>> No.10075529

why? just because he is super interested in shoes?

>> No.10075623

Fat chicks are the best, it's almost impossible to find a big ass without a big girl attached

>> No.10075742

No, I've said I look intensely Italian or Spanish. Attractive... eh, not really special?

>> No.10075756
File: 80 KB, 1000x1195, 9e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10076323
File: 29 KB, 313x470, 87FE62B2-FBE8-4FD9-BCC8-D8BE70F50243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10076781

Well I don't usually come to /ck/ to fap, but ok.

>> No.10076793

Yeah all women no matter what live life on easy mode.
I found a woman guys and she's mad people hate fat fuckers like her.

>> No.10076799

Shut the fuck up Joe really no one fucking cares Who you fuck holy hell.
Drive it like a moped he said how but I don't ride a shitty bike and fuck a fat chick.

>> No.10076809

Why do four Chan posters have nothing of value.

>> No.10078693

Why am I not entirely surprised that /ck/ attracts this sort of people?

>> No.10078857

I once dated a fat chick, never again. Not only do they look bad(and look like every other fat bitch), but their personalities aren't much better

>> No.10078906

I bought a six pint jug of whole milk last night and drank it in one sitting.

>> No.10078930

The only thing bad about fat people is they eat an unfair amount of the pizza... and the smell because they cannot wash or wipe properly... and how they break down your couch fast... and cost more in gas to drive around... and how they need gocarts to shop... Shit. There is more... TONS actually. Eat less fat people, and no, you don't just have enormous bones and bad genes,

Another one; their jeans cost the same but require an acre more denem. Where do you think that is balanced out? Not on your perpetually grounded side of the seesaw, thats for sure.

>> No.10080031

damn I wanna cuddle with her

>> No.10080102
File: 111 KB, 500x750, 211a21c56c687c15b896de73feb8f37d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 300 lb Roxxie. She used to post on bbw Chan making fun of landwhales for not being able to wipe her own ass... Now look at her 10 years later, she is around 500 and can barely walk.

It just makes me sad as someone who has tried to date girls around the same size and age, her body is going to start it's decline. Her knees will start to give out, diabetes, being confined to her home more and more due to mobility issues.

I've seen it all before, and the sex isn't worth dealing with the weight problems. It's sad such a gorgeous girl gave in to her addictions and that her profession enables her. I can't even fap to her anymore because I just get sad.

Pic related, this is her around the same time as OPs image. Curves in all the right places and can still climb a flight of stairs. Perfection.

>> No.10080154
File: 37 KB, 443x431, 1512107188960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No kidding

>> No.10080181

This, fucking this. Now BBWchan just enables SSBBWs and it's just so unattractive. No mod has the balls to put the super fatties in their corner. SSBBWs look like rotten cottage cheese in a flesh colored garbage bag.

>> No.10080720

Good taste, anon. me too.

>> No.10080747

I want to get so lost in those titties they have to send in a search and rescue team

>> No.10080760

Who gives a fuck anon it's nothing to be ashamed of. If you like fat bitches you like fat bitches. Get your nut senpai.

>> No.10080770

oh, sorry. Those are for white guys.

>> No.10080838

Whiter than you, Muhammad.

>> No.10080843

why go whale hunting? you tiny or ugly or just a fucking weirdo?

>> No.10080868

You don't seem to understand brap posting.

>> No.10081171

Nope. It's just what gets my dick hard. Blame God, I guess.

>> No.10081191

you look like you cheat on your military husband while he's on deployment.

>> No.10081199

to each his own, captain Ahab,

>> No.10081784

I used to like ssbbws until I tried dating them. You need to shower them off before going down on them because they have trouble wiping due to their size. That's all I can think of now when they are posted