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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1200x800, saltbae_salt1_index1a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10071336 No.10071336 [Reply] [Original]


Which is sadder? The fact that fucking rules are limiting a genus or the fact that this is fucking news.

>> No.10071343

>salting with bare hands
>health code violation
nyc should have more 9-11

>> No.10071345

>limiting a genus
Your existence is limiting the human genus, anon.

>> No.10071348

huh,i thought he was from Istanbul or something?

>> No.10071349

idk but fuck you for posting this and making me angry

>> No.10071350

But he's a muslim, make up your mind is that bad or good

>> No.10071358


>Not just posting a highly visible notice that salting in the establishment could potentially maybe be a hypothetical health risk like how sushi restaurants warn about raw fish

C'mon son

>> No.10071361

Who cares? It's a stupid gimmick.

>> No.10071366

as long as nyc dies. i don't care.

>> No.10071369

immunelets, am i right?

>> No.10071370

have you ever been?

>> No.10071373

what do people want him to do? put on gloves before salting his dishes? sad

>> No.10071384

those fuckers eat pork and drink alcohol more than me, lmao
they are the black sheep of the muzzies

>> No.10071386

>it's not a muslim unless it fits my agenda
you're like those people who say you can't be a jew unless you dress up like an amish hitman, force your women to work their knuckles off like pack animals, and have the men stand around all day doing nothing and collecitng welfare benefits because muh ancient scrolls

>> No.10071387

They are SINNER Muslims!

>> No.10071397

of course.

>> No.10071399

i have no idea what you are rambling about my dudester and i dont really care about your /pol/eddit identity politic memes, im just saying that form my experience with turks, they were more or less not much different than a non-muzzie, while arabs and other cunts go full durka durka

>> No.10071406



>> No.10071413

Do people think cooks season food with gloves routinely? What bullshit is this?
You wash your hands, it's not that hard, seriously germophobes all need to die and let those of us who don't have mental illness enjoy eating out.

>> No.10071414
File: 144 KB, 960x640, jakarta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a ridiculously dumb generalization about 2 billion people
>someone replies
>waah why are you making this identity politics
> im just saying that form my experience with turks, they were more or less not much different than a non-muzzie
I guess I'm not allowed to tell you you're dumb because that means I came from /pol/

>> No.10071450

well, my bad then, im European and i have no contact with asian muzzies, so i was "generalizing" turk/arab muzzies, the ones that i meet here.I know that Asian muds are pretty secular and normal, so i should've noted that, im sorry

>> No.10071460

I don't really care that you don't know all muslims everywhere on planet earth, I'm just telling you that if you bring up "identity politics" you don't get to act all high and mighty and indignant when someone continues the conversation in the same direction you were taking it

>> No.10071474
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1486232439257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handle food with plastic gloves that have been sitting in an unsealed box under the sink for god knows how long and likely have various particles coating them
>perfectly hygienic

>handle food with bare hands that you've recently washed with soap and water and rubbed with hand sanitizer and know are basically sterile
>literally poisonous

Why are health codes always written by people who have no understanding of practical hygiene?

>> No.10071479

They made a generalization about Turkish Muslims, not all Muslims. What's up your ass today?

>> No.10071492

actually they contrasted turkish muslims with "real muslims", by implication that means that "all real muslims" are one way and turkish muslims are another way
>What's up your ass today?
I don't understand the question. I made what I thought was a perfectly reasonable observation >>10071386
about religious extremists (you can't be a REAL ____ unless you {list of batshit crazy things})

and then anon came along and started complaining that I was in the wrong because you can only talk about religion if it's supporting a very specific agenda, otherwise it's "identity politics"

>> No.10071528

Well we can safely say statistically that the majority of Muslims in the world ARE traditionalists and don't drink or eat pork so his point is fairly valid. Over half support sharia law, but Turkey is one of the least traditional Muslim countries in the world

>> No.10071541

>Over half support sharia law
that's like asking christians "do you believe in the bible", of course they're going to say yes, it's literally in the definition of the religion, but what that means in practice depends on the person. some think it means the end times are coming any day now and we should all literally fuck our kids, some just think it means "be nice to people"
>Turkey is one of the least traditional Muslim countries in the world
salafism is actually less traditional than the turkish "version" of islam, it happens to be the most visible and seemingly "most islamic" because like all extremist sects, it's their habit to claim to be the true guardians of the faith

>> No.10071545

shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.10071547

look, a gray wolf piece of shit, the more he is limited the better

>> No.10071550

>Not Musslim
Those fuckers are taking it to the extreme, you are thinking of Kurds

>> No.10071555

I bet you don't know who is an Arab and who is Persian, and the worst Muslims are from Africa.

>> No.10071564

>sharia law means be nice to people
That's actually hilarious

>> No.10071568

To be honest persians have been fucked so much that the difference is hard to tell for christ sake their genetic make up 50-60% arab.

>> No.10071571

Most are inbred so who really cares

>> No.10071572

know how they say not all muslims?
they are talking about this guy, and only this guy

>> No.10071603
File: 73 KB, 620x463, 23769362-mmmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christianity = sharia law
it's fun when reading comprehension problems lead to inadvertently correct results

>> No.10071772

There's always that one fuckface that wipes his forehead with his bare hands

>> No.10071819

What about the idiot that does that wearing gloves instead?

>> No.10071830

>wash hands in accordance to health regulations (60 seconds) literally every time you handle food
>wear gloves that don't naturally produce bacteria and waste byproduct
i dunno man what's harder, washing your hands to the point that you're actually more likely to infect people and yourself, or keeping a box of gloves with a lid on it

>> No.10071856

As a fuckfaced idiot, I've done both.

>> No.10071859

they ar rook the same

>> No.10071877

>Which is sadder?
What's sad is that people are paying those prices for very mediocre steaks just because the guy cutting and salting them is a meme.
This is only because the guy is doing it in such a high profile manner. There are plenty of low profile places in NYC that take a more wild west approach to health codes, and plenty of folks eat at them.

>> No.10071883

>mad cos hes shit as networking and cant make millions while being a meme

>> No.10071895

Not mad at all. Just not one to pay those prices for a gimmick when there are plenty of places in this town to get much better food for much less $$.

>> No.10071906
File: 411 KB, 528x960, Mystics of trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with a far western Turkish dad, can say no to this. My grandpa was a polygamist arse who left , and my grandma became a successful Architect. My dad is a christian now. Those guys definitely don't follow the same doctrines, as the ones you are thinking of.

>> No.10071910

I do like that tableside service is still a thing, and I can appreciate what the dude's doing, but I rather agree.

>> No.10071911

Is he really a GW? Another reason to hate him, I guess

>> No.10071970

Seriously, if I want to eat a cut to order wet aged steak in a novelty setting I can get one Ikinari for less than the price of the burger at Salt Bae's joint, which the Post called Public Ripoff #1.

>> No.10072118

Except Christianity isnt required to be part of our actual government and accepts other faiths and non believers all the same where sharia law doesnt. So no they aren't similar at all. One has been revamped to fit western society and the other is still stuck in the pedophilia era

>> No.10072253

regular gloves aren't clean. They are sold to protect your skin from the exterior, and not the opposite. It's latext, and since the box isn't sealed or kept in a special case, it just gather the same dust and mites as a cleaning rag once opened.

>> No.10072259

>they are the black sheep of the muzzies
Well no, because black "muslims" are even worse. Those fucking faggots keep praying to fucking spirits and witchcraft. They drive muslims so mad, I've heard one arab guy telling those heretics were even worse than atheists in lack of faith.

>> No.10072628

overregulation kills every industry
it's not even possible to comply with every law concerning your industry when there's so goddamn many

>> No.10072642

Well, it IS NY...

>> No.10072673

This ha nothing to do with overregulation. This is a guy who decided to make a big shtick out of something weird and a little gross. And he's made a killing with it, but someone was bound to ask whether or not it was entirely sanitary sooner or later.

>> No.10072685

The fact that it's fucking news of course.