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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10068173 No.10068173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


“Cue my freak-out,” PhiPhi recounts. “Apparently the moment I left the table the husband stormed to the host stand and loudly demanded a non-flamboyantly-gay server because ’he’s a man of God and can’t be around that.'”

PhiPhi told his manager immediately about the incident, in hopes the du would be asked to leave.

“Did that happen? Nope. My manager initially gave them a stern talking to but I guess they were so polite in response [that] my manager saw fit to not only give them full service but leave them in my section in plain sight of me despite my protests.”

While he had to watch them enjoy their meal, PhiPhi says a regular in the section witnessed the whole encounter and “gave me a hug with so much enthusiasm while she glared down the homophobes.”

“I spent the next hour in the back mostly in shock,” he added. “Safe to say it ruined my night.”

While it doesn’t undo the damage, PhiPhi said he got a call from his boss the following day.

“[They] called my manager, my general manager, AND the district manager to tell them how absolutely infuriated she was over it,” he explained. “I got to listen to the manager who allowed their stay to apologize over and over again. It felt great to hear him so panicked over it all.” He was informed that if it happens again ” the guests will be removed immediately when they make prejudiced remarks (like they should have been from the beginning!)”

>> No.10068182


What did he mean by this?

>> No.10068183


>> No.10068194


>> No.10068206

dude on the right is so gay he got pregnant

>> No.10068214

Kill all niggers. And also the Dutch.

>> No.10068228

Those poor children will never know what it's like to be raised by a father.

>> No.10068250

>While it doesn’t undo the damage
Did I miss the part in the story where the horrible drumpf supporter punched this guy in the face or something?

>> No.10068253
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>“I spent the next hour in the back mostly in shock,”
As someone who has been stabbed at work; boo fucking hoo.
Yeah, that old asshole was being an old asshole but how the fuck does this deserve an article? Was it really the first time this guy had to deal with a rude person?

>> No.10068258

Usually disruptive customers are declined service. There is no law saying you have to serve customers who are intentionally rude.

>> No.10068261

Fuck that. As a guest in a restaurant i can and have asked for a different server if im not comfortable with the one i have. The guest fucked up by specifying why he wanted a new server and playing the god card but still...he has the right to do it. Of course the restaurant has the right to refuse service but since they didnt...shut the fuck up refill my drink.

>> No.10068263

so is he gonna need his "Emotional Support Animal" to be able to work now?

>> No.10068267

Tiny hands, smell like cabbage?

>> No.10068275

If sude doesnt want to be picked on for being queer maybe he should stop introducing himself as PhiPhi.

>> No.10068281

>hi could you please bake a cake for our gay wedding we want a big dick cake with a bunch of dicks all over it
>no? bigot! nobody has the right to refuse anyone service because of their lifestyle!

>hi, could you please give us a different server? i'm not comfortable with this one
>bigot! wtf why didn't they deny him service?!

>> No.10068286

So how to we handle this /ck/.
I'm sure you are like minded individuals who do not want their kids and family exposed to this.
Should we just ask the hostess to reseat us in another section? If they ask why do we have to give the reason or just say we'd like another seat?

>> No.10068290

Hey! My parents named me Strawberrychampagne and I turned out fine.

>> No.10068295

Restaurants in the near future will be required to provide a safeplace for employees to retreat after emotional embattlement.

>> No.10068299

I think there's one that says you have to bake them a gay cake, though.

Again; why did this turn into an article? Are these people so fucking sheltered that an old man saying he's not comfortable with his gay waiter is Big News?
This kid needs to find a different job because he's in for a very rude awakening if he thinks that's newsworthy.

>> No.10068305

Fucking old people. I swear I am glad shingles isn't cured so those old fucks continue to suffer.

>> No.10068310

>resturaunt manager treats a waiter like dogshit
>someone is surprised

>> No.10068311

I'm glad AID's prevented gay people from getting old.

>> No.10068313

Because people should know better than to be dicks in public and if they don't they should be refused service. Being an asshole is not a protected class, sexual orientation is in the state of Colorado, Oregon, and some others.

>> No.10068341

>Fucking gay people. I swear I am glad aids isn't cured so those faggot fucks continue to suffer.

>> No.10068348

I'm not defending the old fart. I'm saying that if this was enough to cause the waiter distress and make him sulk in a backroom for an hour he is a pathetic child.
I don't know exactly how rude the geezer was either. Simply asking for a different waiter because the one you got is flamboyant, and the guy is named Phiphi, doesn't seem all that hateful to me. Certainly not to the point of throwing him out of the restaurant.

>“Your hostess’ and manager’s actions make the business liable,” one wrote. “You need more than an apology. You need cash. And I’d also insist on training for the whole staff.”

And there we have it.

>> No.10068360


Piggu kawaii desu OINK~ OINK~ PERRUUUU!!!~

>> No.10068362

I honestly don't see the contradiction. Both are cases where homos are denied service, or right to serve. I don't like gays any more than you do, but don't try to paint this as a contradiction.

>> No.10068366

How come muslims dont have to bake gay cakes but christians do?

>> No.10068367
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He wasn't named PhiPhi, that is part of his reddit account that he posted the story from that clearly you didn't bother to read but felt entitled to make judgement about nonetheless.

So when these situations occur, substitute "black" for "gay" and see if it adds up. "Excuse me can I get a non Black waiter!". No, but you can leave and never come back. See how that works?

It isn't ok to be dicks to people in a public business setting on account of their race or their sexual orientation, no matter how you personally feel about it. On the plus side, when people keep acting like kids about this shit, it means more laws passed against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. But keep victim blaming and see how that works out for you.

>> No.10068368

But theyre not...its a privately-owned business and a business supported by guests who spend money not employees who cost money. The old man in OP wasnt upset because the server was gay he was upset because the server was a 'swisher'. No one wants to be around swishers accept fag hags and other swishers. This is a fact.

>> No.10068377
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The laws are applied neutrally. If a gay customer was denied service, filed a complaint, and the complaint was ignored because the business owner was Muslim, you would have a point. But you don't, you just have a straw man to try to justify Christians abusing their hateful ancient Roman garbage propaganda to shit on people they don't like while, of course, being fully federally protected by discrimination laws themselves.

>> No.10068378

>But theyre not..
yes they are since they are open to the public for business.

>> No.10068381

because they actually stand up for God so He doesn't denies them. No one forces mormons, quakers, amishes, catholics, etc to bake gay cakes. But you can't skip church and have premarital sex, and then play the religion card when you find it convenient.

>> No.10068383

not food or cooking. go to >>>/lgbt/ where the mentally ill can cry about trivial shit. I mean seriously omg a rude customer, let's write him a fucking article

>> No.10068385

Businesses open to the public must serve the general public.


The distinction is not based on private ownership but rather whether the business serves the general public or solely a members-only enterprise. The state has a compelling interest to make sure all taxpayer dollars go equally far in businesses intended to serve the general public.

>> No.10068388

fucking faggot using common sense and reason, denying me of a good shitpost chance