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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 696x464, bellpeppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10066400 No.10066400 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that cheap restaurants only have green peppers? I go to Subway, it's green pepper. Pizza places? Green Pepper. My favorite Mongolian grill? Green fucking pepper. All I want is some red pepper added to the menu god dammit. This is starting to make me very upset.

>> No.10066411

>This is starting to make me very upset.
Grab your AR 15 and few mags and make it very clear to those restarants you aint going to stand for that shit.

>> No.10066414

Because red peppers cost more?

>> No.10066422

This. But they cost more because they have to sit on the vine longer.

>> No.10066447


>> No.10066616

Have you ever bought bell peppers? I see the ones that aren't green usually go on sale 2/$3. The green are almost always $1 or less a pepper.

>> No.10066632

This dumb fucker thinks peppers are grapes.

>> No.10066651

>trying this hard

>> No.10066685

Dude doesn't go to the grocery store, he just eats pizza bro, why would he know that

>> No.10066708

Just pointing out facts, Snowflake

>> No.10066738

I actually have to correct myself a bit. I went and checked my local ads a few stores have them at 99 cents a pepper this week. Even at the expensive grocery store. The ad rolls over tomorrow.

I stand by what I said though. They're quite a bit more than I feel they're worth.

>> No.10066741

You've really never heard people calling peppers and tomato plants "vines"?

>> No.10066762

Bush is a bushy plant.
Cordon is an upright plant.
Vine is a climbing/sprawling plant.

t. Gardener

>> No.10066779

>says he's a gardener
>doesn't know what vine ripening is

>> No.10066808

Tomatoes can be cut whilst still on the branch. These are called vine tomatoes as they resemble a bunch of grapes. Peppers grow in this way. Peppers and tomatoes are closely related to potato plants. Next you will be announcing that potatoes are plucked from a vine.

>> No.10066817

* Peppers DON'T grow in this way.

>> No.10066832

>vine ripened potato
the only potato here is you.

>> No.10066872

How very grown up of you. Get to bed kiddo.

>> No.10066882

it's almost 3pm retard.
You're the salty geriatric that needs his pudding and a nappy.

>> No.10066892

Never knew people could get this angry about bell peppers. This applies to all of you.

p.s. I don't own a television

>> No.10066899

You have no clue how plants grow and have to defend yourself with the usual Snowflake insults. Either educate yourself on the topic matter or else keep quiet. You just make yourself look stupid.

t. 27 year old gardener.

>> No.10066907

green peppers are the cheapest. duh.

go to a real restaurant or better yet go to the grocery store and cook them yourself. red bell peppers are amazing for you.

>> No.10066919
File: 3 KB, 280x272, star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pepper was ripened on the vine :)
it wasn't ripened off the vine.

Totally clear to me bro! But thats ok, you got a certification from your local university extension and you want to show it off! Here's your star.

>> No.10066937

The pepper is ripened on the "BUSH". They grow on bushy plants. As I said, get some education on the subject matter if you are going to comment.
I just forgot. Nobody is aloud to have a differing opinion to Snowflakes, are they? Go to your Safe Room and chill.

>> No.10066944

green peppers are the best. shut up.
red are disgusting. yellow and orange are alright, but green are the best.

>> No.10067051

I get it, you got your extension cert for being a gardener and you didn't receive enough attention for it even though you put it on your wall like a four year degree.

I'm sorry, I said i was proud for you, anon.
I know those extension certs aren't free.

>> No.10067081

Orange and yellow peppers are usually hothouse grown, and often imported from Canada.
Sometimes red as well, but not always. We also get cheaper ones grown outdoors in places like Texas and Louisiana.
>t. grocery producefag

>> No.10067109

I put that spelling in on purpose to evaluate your level of education. Nearly 30 minutes it took you. Learning is the way in life son. Learn. Learn. Learn. Then you can actually give correct opinions/advice on things. 30 minutes is a long time to spot a spelling error. Take up English first, and then try and expand your knowledge.

>> No.10067114

>I put that spelling in on purpose
Sure you did champ. I can see why you're so proud of that cert having never earned anything else in your life. I can't wait till you scratch that GED off your list.

>> No.10067129

Do any of my other posts have such obvious spelling errors? No. It's how you work out who is lacking education and those that are properly schooled.

>> No.10067139

tick tock tick tock. Times a wastin' on the GED.
27 and not getting any younger.

>> No.10067180

Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb. Still thinking peppers grow 15 feet in the air on vines. Whoever is educating you are ripping you off. Demand your money back.

>> No.10067209

>melons are potatos
Gardener logic, everyone.

>> No.10067227

I haven't got a clue what you are going on about now.
By the way, you missed my purposely placed grammatical error in my last post and didn't spot it due to your poor education.

>> No.10067236

I didn't read your post, I'm just a rando making fun of you. Peppers grow on vines, dude.

>> No.10067241

Is this bait? I laughed anyway.

>> No.10067265

Shameful samefagging

>> No.10067272

Baiting people with gramatical mistakes as an attempt to attack their intelligence only proves that you don't really understand the purpose of higher education.

>> No.10067280

I didn't think that bell peppers of different colors tasted different.

>> No.10067284
File: 386 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180130-162552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10067293

No. I’m the second one.

Anyway, read and fuck off, underaged retard: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/bell-peppers-ready-harvest-63724.html

Green are more bitter, red more sweet.

>> No.10067300
File: 320 KB, 1242x2208, ED3F2080-DB38-4741-968A-2C34C3B1833F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Fuck off boring cunt.

>> No.10067301

Although technically correct, he's too much of a shut-in to understand colloquial meanings to words. I feel sorry for him.

>> No.10067308

No, he not correct at all. He’s a fucking mong and needs to ends himself and stop wasting oxygen.

>> No.10067316

That's just a dumb American website that calls them vines. They grow on a bush.

>> No.10067325

>That's just a dumb American website
165 year old newspaper. But learn English.

>> No.10067329


>> No.10067332

local mexican joint serves green and red with fajitas
I don't usually eat food cooked by foreigners but their American flag on the wall is bigger than the mexican one so I give them a pass

>> No.10067333


>> No.10067336

he slender stem of a trailing or climbing plant.
Pepper plants trail.

>> No.10067337


>> No.10067342


>> No.10067348

You really need to learn what climbing and trailing and bush plants are. Just making some stupid statement does not make your argument correct. Pepper plants are not climbing or trailing.

>> No.10067353


>> No.10067364

>calling peppers a pepper when they are capsicums

You people need to get educamicated.

(i spelled that wrong on purpose)

>> No.10067373

Reddit spacing. By the way, you made two mistakes.

>> No.10067376

>made two mistakes.
On PURPOSE loser!!!

>> No.10067382

Just found a third.

>> No.10067387

And a 4th.

>> No.10067391

I just found a big slop of shit.

>> No.10067394

And a fifth and a sixth. So many mistakes with so little words.

>> No.10067459

Evrey sentence at that post was spelIed incorect.

>> No.10067466

Go away child.

>> No.10067476

>not wanting pepper grapes

>> No.10067477

Fuck off back to /b/, moron.