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File: 219 KB, 2000x2021, 2000px-Burger_King_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10064010 No.10064010 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong?

>> No.10064070

I went to burger king precisely once. I wanted a milkshake and the good milkshake place was on the other side of town so I decided to try one from the closest fast food joint, Burger King. Upon placing my order the cashier asked me if I wanted whipped cream on it. I asked if it was real whipped cream or edible oil product. The response I was given was "ummmm what do you mean?" Which I of course assumed meant it was edible oil product so I asked for no whipped cream. Lo and behold I was given a milkshake with whipped cream on it. Upon further inspection I determined that it was indeed cheap oil product which I promptly scooped into the garbage. I then took my first sip of the incredibly disgusting syrupy mess that was masquerading as a milkshake before proceeding to throw the rest of the unwholesome mess into the garbage and went home. Lucky I did because even that one sip was enough to make me start feeling ill. Never again will I allow any burger king "food" near my mouth.

>> No.10064081

Their low quality sandwiches and burgers (minus the fries) give me the shits.

People like to hate on McDonald's, but it's superior to BK.

>> No.10064110

I love BK. Fries suck, but the burgers are fuckin' awesome.

>> No.10064173

I like their burgers. The fries are better than McDonald's too.

>> No.10064179

BK > McD's

>> No.10064183

Now I don't know what to believe

>> No.10064185

Ive worked at 4+ fast food joints thorughout high school (had to move around alot) and Burger king is bu far the best quality
>flame broiled
>sliced in-house veggies
>usually have some deal going on
>more menu variety
>easy to modify orders to your liking
>most burgers come with veggies other than onion and pickle
Also, thier tendergrill salads are the fuckin bomb

>> No.10064187

Marketing, it's always marketing.

In the 90s I remember a brief period of time when Burger King was more popular among kids I knew because they offered the BIG KIDS Meal, which made you feel mature compared to the Happy Meal and offered more food and they got just as many advertisments on cable TV as McDonalds

Now? If you watch daytime kids TV, you will notice there is only ONE fast food place advertising, and it's McDonalds. In the 90s even Taco Bell and Wendy's were something of contenders for the kid's market, but somehow McDonalds has utterly become the dominant kids choice of burgers, and a lot of fast food success is kids

>> No.10064188

Some bks here are real shit but then some are suprisingly good. I don't know if it depends on ownership or what but our local one is pretty okay

>> No.10064203

It's all about the toys, my dude.
McD's always had the best toys, and back in the day they had the video game consoles and shit.
Taco Bell doesn't even have a kids meal anymore, and I remember back when they did the only thing you got was this gay cardboard robot thing that the kids would just throw on the floor and I'd have to clean them all up later.

>> No.10064261

>quality of a franchise depends on the franchisee

You don't say my man

>> No.10064275

explain a medium whopper meal costing me nearly 10 bucks. First and last time I went to my local BK. I can get a better burger at culvers/in n out for cheaper.

>> No.10064280 [DELETED] 

It's all just a slop of shit

>> No.10064321
File: 535 KB, 455x590, 1999BurgerKingPoster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger King I feel like tends to have as many popular things for promotions as McDs, my loyalty is more with McDs because they have always had Transformers at least in the US, but BK gets some big brands as well, and back in the day advertised just as much

>> No.10064324

got ride of the tenders, got rid of the stackers

>> No.10064339

>no Parasect


>> No.10064545

BK french toast sticks are a good way to get your recommended daily syrup

>> No.10064548

McDonalds actually got sort of halfway decent a few years ago to try and improve their horrible reputation, though they did eventually roll back some of the improvements.

>> No.10064649

That's a good thing for those of you in the US. They used Australia as their test market, the premium range, self service terminals, the bring it to your table style service has caused the prices to go through the roof as a result of them trying to be more fancy. They haven't hidden it either, even the TV ads use a slogan "it's a little bit fancy"

But that whole thing has bumped the prices up of a shitty quarter pounder to like $6 by itself without fries or sides.

They've lost the plot. But a lot of the public here has bought into it, so don't buy into it and it will remain cheap and shitty. If I had the choice of mcdonalds when it was cheap and shitty 6 years ago and mcdonalds now, I'd want them to go back.

>> No.10064773

They didn't really get more expensive or introduce service or anything drastic like that. They just started advertising that they were using better ingredients and added some better quality, for fast food, items to the menu like the chicken selects. It was pretty good while it lasted but I guess it just got too expensive for them or the profits didn't rise and they scrapped most of it, though they did keep some of the faux-coffeehouse-style advertising and aesthetic that came with the initiative.

Never really mattered too much to me anyways since I mostly only get fast food for breakfast but it pissed some people I know off that the new stuff was taken off the menu.

>> No.10064800

Their food sucks ass. So instead of trying to improve it they wasted all their money on retarded ad campaigns, aimed at stoners, I guess? It didn't work.

>> No.10064874
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My local BK closed down.

>> No.10065037

>they didn't really get more expensive
No, but I'd you let them continue, they will. They used us as a test market and have already started rolling out some stuff in the US like self service terminals.

Once those are in your local, expect the level of staff to go down and the prices to go up. It's inevitable.

>> No.10065045
File: 102 KB, 640x480, whopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing. I went to burger king on friday and got my classic whopper combo(heavy onion & heavy mayo).

>> No.10065064

I remember in high school I went to the local Burger King and got one of those meat stackers they had at the time. I was served the burger with a bite taken out of it. Pretty much suns up what happened to Burger King in the mid-late 2000's.

Fun fact: it was also the Burger King Benjamin Kyle was found behind.

>> No.10065071

Get rid of the artificial "flame-broiled" taste. I like smoke and char flavors, but whatever they use tastes acrid.

And get better buns. They remind me of styrofoam.

>> No.10065073

I've always liked the Whopper, but eventually I realized that it was because of the toppings. The tomato, raw onion, actually crispy lettuce and tons of mayo cover up the monumentally terrible beef patty and cheese. I discovered this when they had regular cheeseburgers on sale for some really low price and I got them. That's when I realized that the Whopper is the fucking toppings. It's not a cheeseburger. They're banking on you never realizing that.

>> No.10065091

There's no market for that shit in the US. We don't want to get served out $2 shitburgers. We just want it fast and cheap. The reason McDonalds has that weird fast casual deal going on in most of the rest of the world is that they're catering to a different market out there. Like you said, they try to be a trendy and hip hangout for cool kids. That doesn't fly here. Fast food is neither trendy nor hip. It's trash that you eat when you have no time or no money. It's only interesting to foreigners because it's foreign to them.

>> No.10065094

the toppings are dogshit though

the lettuce is 70% the white part
onions cut into rings for inexplicable reasons
big and tasteless tomato slices
and then ketchup and mayo?

>> No.10065102

I had BK for the first time for a long time recently, and it was really nice, actually tasted like food unlike McDs, so I went again and it wasn't as good... Then again it had cooled down a bit and I reheated it in the oven. Also there fries vary a lot here in England, they've had the best and the worst fast food fries from my experiences with different stores.

>> No.10065107

>goes to cheap fast food place
>expects quality
>being this autistic
Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.10065115

I hate the fake smoke taste of their burgers, but i love their ckicken sandwiches, and their Big Fish is surprisingly fucking delicious (probably because my local BK makes them fresh to order, idk if all the franchises do that, though).

>> No.10065120

It's mainly texture. I don't like soggy or wilted lettuce on a burger, I like raw onions, although they could cut them into smaller than rings (though don't dice them like McDonald's), the tomatoes don't really bother me, and yeah, I like ketchup and mayo together on a shitty fast food burger. I'm not saying it's a great burger, I'm just saying that the toppings distract you from how shitty the meat and cheese are.

>> No.10065141

they're owned by fucking leafs now

>> No.10065146

Holy shit I got blown the fuck out how could I fucking forget about BK's Pokemon promotions?
I very distinctly remember a new report from the time about a guy who tried to order 50 BK meals just for the toys and got turned away.

>> No.10065147

Why would you ever go to McDonald's or Burger King when Wendy's exists? Everything on the menu trumps both combined.

>> No.10065154

You should go to Jack in the Box and get a Jumbo Jack with cheese. It's like everything that's good about the whopper, but better. And, they're on the value menu, the regular Jumbo Jack is $1.89, I think, and with cheese it's like $.50 more.

>> No.10065177


Why would you got to Wendy's when Popeyes exists?

>> No.10065187

McDonalds fries: limp, lukewarm, soggy, yellowish sticks drenched in salt.
Burger King fries: crisp, hot, fluffy, brown fries.

It's hardly even a contest. Anybody who likes McDonalds fries, in any context, are fucking retarded and can be ignored on all subjects.

>> No.10065213

No Jack in the Box locations where I live. ;_;

>> No.10065225

Aww, that's too bad. Because if you like Whoppers, Jumbo Jacks are like their ultimate form, same build and condiments, but better.

>> No.10066078
File: 39 KB, 800x450, Screen_Shot_2018-01-29_at_11.29.03_AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.

But that's even worse.

The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. 5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forum. The foot photo, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attached. Cleveland Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fired." Mystery solved, by 4chan. Now we can all go back to eating our fast food in peace.

>> No.10066097

Idk how BK is in the US, and like, everything but their chicken sandwiches are good, sure, but in Canada, at least, their chicken sandwiches are god awful and I don't know how they get away with it. Literally tastes worse than frozen supermarket patties.

>> No.10066099

The Whopper is the only burger I have ever had that falls apart so fucking easily. I don't know if it's how they stack their topping or what, but jesus christ.

>> No.10066107

When you eat the Whopper you gotta have a big bite, if you're gonna peck at it you may as well get utensils, cause its a burger for big heavy chomps

>> No.10066113

Maybe that's why McDonalds is doing better, assuming that story is true. McDonalds would never turn down any order, no matter how fucking horrible it would be for their employees or the other customers who have to wait.

>> No.10066235

get a nigger fired never cease to amaze me

>> No.10066652
File: 422 KB, 714x535, 1284581187769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't even matter though, that's not the point. Everything just falls the fuck out no matter how you hold it. Maybe the BK here just fucking sucks, who knows, but they seem okay other than the way they build their burgs.

>> No.10066673


>> No.10066820

shameful... dont forget the spicy chicken sandwiches and nuggets as well

>> No.10066836

i know this suffering too well

>> No.10066900

>what went wrong?
Hiring niggers

>> No.10067104

Their burgers are fucking cold

>> No.10067378

They're supposed to be luke warm, it's the BK taste, you don't drive fast enough

>> No.10067455

I'm confused, is it my fault or is it intentional?

>> No.10067480
File: 234 KB, 1000x1000, 1517347559403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't get a rodeo burger without driving 20 miles

>> No.10067522
File: 139 KB, 306x392, 1517187693625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you hit up BK and your excrement smells like onion rings for the next two days.

>> No.10067584

Same anon, but i'm sure you can go ahead and get yourself a double cheeseburger and mcchiken from your local McDonalds

>> No.10067608

all the Burger Kings around me are owned and run by shitty pajeets. that's why. you want crappy food? have a pajeet make it for you. dirty stingy brown faggots.

>> No.10067733

like most fast food joints it all comes down to who's working that night. i'll go to the bk around the block get a burger and fries and it's great, if I go another time of day I get a soggy piece of flattened shit with an overripe tomato, too much condiments, and fries that should have been in the trash an hour before they were put in my bag.

>> No.10067764

The meat doesn't taste like anything. It's like you're eating air. Wtf?

>> No.10067916

i went to mcdonalds once and i got unsalted potato cracker sticks. literally anywhere else is better than mcdonalds

>> No.10068075

>they haven't updated their looks since the late 90s
>they're always located in the ghetto or the most white trash area
>they're employees don't even pretend they wanna be there
>can't "have it your way" since employees are incapable of even making the most simple of customized order
>even the simplest of orders befuddles most BK employees
>employees can never get an order right
>smallest fries box (of every size, small, medium, and large) out of all the fast food joints
>a better fast food chain is never too far away from a bk
honestly if it weren't for all the coupons i always get
I wouldn't even go

>> No.10068306

Jack in the box is the reason e coli is a household name. I'll pass.

>> No.10068345

there's e coli in your stomach RIGHT NOW

>> No.10068403

Why would you go to Popeye's when dumpsters are free?

>> No.10068406

I'm aware of that, anon. I'm referring to the little gril in the early 90s that damn near died from it after eating jack in the box. Haven't been there since the story made 20/20 or some shit.

>> No.10068476

Responding to pasta, but bk shakes give me a weird dry feeling in the throat, anyone else? No one fast food shake does this

>> No.10068671

They got rid of crown-shaped tendies

>> No.10068680

The BK in my neighborhood has been doing the 2 Whoppers for $6 special for so long (literally months) I don't understand why they don't just make Whoppers $3 regular price.

>> No.10068699

They haven't been good since they ended the 2 for 2 croissan'wich deal.

>> No.10069818

they cant do anything good aside from their burgers, and even then are overpriced for a fast food joint. Literally everything else is either far inferior from other fast foods or too expensive to be worthwhile.

>> No.10069933

I bought a one dollar cheeseburger and the 10 pc nuggets(they were out of spicy nuggets) today just to eat something before work. They were both disappointingly luke warm. I would've just told them to throw the shit back in the microwave if I didn't have to catch a bus.

>> No.10069954

i always forget they have milkshake, good too keep in mind

>> No.10070293

They literally broil them under flames

>> No.10070543

No sequel to Sneak King

>> No.10070568

Wendy's had an employee that got caught shitting in the chili.

>> No.10071734

wendys is expensive

>> No.10071741


>> No.10072396

The BK in my neighborhood is directly across the street from the In-N-Out.

Sure, the BK was there first, but you can't compete against a better product at a lower price point.

>> No.10072412

lucky you

>> No.10072433

Can confirm this, I recently had a whopper since I had a coupon for it, and it was decent, until I got to the last bite with all the toppings gone, just meat and bread, and it was so bland and dry I spat it out.

>> No.10072439

I dunno, I had one in Wales and it was somewhat ok, and here in baguette country one opened recently in my city and it's surprisingly decent, had a double bacon cheeseburger extra or something like that with fries and onion rings, maybe it's just American BKs that are really awful.

>> No.10072454
File: 871 KB, 800x578, OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. You just happen to be high on cock again, OP.

>> No.10072482

Wrong. A jumbo jack has always been sub-whopper tier. Its literally a ripoff of the whopper with lesser ingredients (i.e. one giant, thick, fat slice of tomato that pulls out of your burger when you withdraw from a bite vs. two smaller thinner tomato slices that stay firmly nestled between lettuce and pickle) plus, the jumbo jack is always ice cold whereas a whopper is 9 times out of 10 warm and perfect

>> No.10074074
File: 2 KB, 125x125, HeWorksAtWendys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10074135
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, Apucuisinier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iz gud burgr

>> No.10075520

How can In Out be cheaper than BK? BK has dollar burgers, you can get a Whopper Jr for a buck and change, I know In Out charges like 10 dollars for a burger

>> No.10075746

They need a top to bottom overhaul like what arby's did. Burger king is the only fast food joint near me and i'd rather eat my own vomit

>> No.10075751

How did Arby rehaul?

>> No.10075753


>> No.10075764

5 or so years ago when they started the whole obnoxious WE HAVE THE MEATS thing

Their food is actually much better now

>> No.10075770

>onions cut into rings for inexplicable reasons

Yes. Inexplicable.

>> No.10075789

BK manager here. I honestly wouldn't eat most of that shit if it wasn't free.
Crispy chicken juniors are surprisingly addicting though

>> No.10075803

What's the current Kids Meal toys, and do you get toys for free?

>> No.10077478

The food is OK for what it is. But when I tell them my order is For Here, more often than not it's packed To Go. Maybe they don't want me around?

>> No.10077490

bk needs to just learn how to make a decent fry for fuck sake.
>Cut potato
Why is it so hard for them

>> No.10077531

Their fries are the worst of all fast food fries. Long John Silver's has better fries, for fucks sake.

Some of the burgers are good but I won't go there unless I've got a coupon for like 2for5 or something.

It doesn't help that there's a Wendy's right next to the one closest to me and a Taco Bell and White Castle a little further away.

>> No.10077535

The best deal at BK is 2 double cheese burgers and the onion rings.

>> No.10078484

>Benjamin Kyle

>> No.10078493

e had no identity document and was recorded in hospital records as "Burger King Doe"


>> No.10078506

>burger “please censor the Internet” king

>> No.10078515

They need hexagonal patties to really stand out

>> No.10078520

holy nostalgia

>> No.10078536

The burger king in my town was run by niggers and the mcdonalds was run by spics
BK got shut down by the health department for obvious reasons and that Mcdonalds is still standing

>> No.10078855

The bk next to my old high school was run by nigs too. I was closed down for making, and dealing drugs.

It was replaced with a Sonic.

>> No.10078915
File: 125 KB, 997x431, bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BK has nothing to set it apart from the rest so they've decided their best bet for survival is to beat everyone at price. And it appears they have; I don't know anywhere else I can get 2 cheeseburgers, a side of fries and a drink for only $3.50. Or 10 nuggets for less than $2. It's crazy.

But the price war is a race to the bottom. Quality must suffer to keep turning a profit. There's just a little less meat and a little less cheese on every menu item to help pad those ultra-thin margins the tiniest bit more.

>> No.10079174


in your intestines*

having e coli in your stomach would be a big concern

>> No.10079284

i have been to burger king 5 times in my life
3 times i got diarhhea and my mom got too 2 other times my stomach ached really much
i remember i was 8 and i was eating in a bk and i couldn't stand up afterwards

>> No.10080150


>> No.10080213

The foot lettuce

>> No.10080306

They used to be the tastiest place
Recently its been actual garbage
Someone tell me what happened

>> No.10080355

only thing I like there is the Moca Joe and sausage croissan'wich. They used to be better though, and the bagel sandwich from 25 years ago or so was the best breakfast anything anywhere.

>> No.10080415

Nothing really. Well at least in my area. The burgers have always been pretty consistent and come out hot. The chicken nuggets sorta suck though.

>> No.10082278

Those aren't bad but I don't understand how they are 450 calories. Mcchicken tastes better and less calories...not even memeing

>> No.10082572

Burger King is shit but it's not completely bottom of the barrel tier.

Wendy's and White Castle is top tier. Burger King has better burgers than McDicks but is shittier in every other department. If you want perfection you'd want: Wendy's burgers, McDick's fries, chicken tenders from Popeye's and a drink.

>> No.10083052

>chicken tenders from Popeye's
Does everybody on this board live in New York or something? Popeye's is barely passable, but there are plenty of far better fast food chicken places.

>> No.10083457

Probably the mayo honestly. I haven't had a McChicken in years but they slather the top and bottom of the crispy chicken jr with mayo.

>> No.10083978

it used to be good but they seem to constantly be making shitty decisions downgrading different aspects of their food. I still remember the fries being so good and now theyre just like every other fast food place. The sandwiches got smaller too, i used to love the original chicken sandwich years ago

>> No.10083983


>> No.10085142

Yeah, that's the good stuff. I'm a fan of Church's and Bush's and Guthrie's too. Though of course if you live in an where there are multiple decent fast food chicken places it's likely you'll find some even better local stuff at roughly the same price.