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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10060637 No.10060637 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Shit normies say
>It's hard living on 5$ a day for food

>> No.10060640

You can get a lot of beans for five bucks.

>> No.10060865

sure if you want poverty tier eats

>> No.10060870
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>i cant start my day without my morning coffee water, 3tbsp of sugar and 30 calories of cream!

>> No.10060884

I could eat for a whole month with like 15 euros in worst case scenarios, it won't be fun but spaghetti and legumes are cheap as fuck.

>> No.10060885

Only retards tip

>> No.10060894

>starvation mode

>> No.10060896

>It's cheaper to go to McDonald's than to buy healthy food
Correct, this is something retarded normies say

>> No.10060897
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>> No.10061129
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>Man, I'm so broke
>Buys five dollar latte from Starbucks

>> No.10061215

Normies get out

>> No.10061307

>Intermittent fasting

>> No.10061387

"I can live on crackers and cheese."
"I love bacon."
"I love steak."
"I love hamburgers."
"Canned food is yummy."

>> No.10061507

Seriously, what the hell is it with Americans and tipping? Why do you tip?

>> No.10062098
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>tipping in the first place

>> No.10062185

How could you actually live and cook with 5 dollars a day without eating poverty tier food?

Or even $35-40 a week

>> No.10062195

its not hard its just exceedingly boring

>> No.10062200

its just fucking rice and beans. maybe eggs if youre feeling celebratory.

>> No.10062218


eggs are the light of my life and I need them, on 5$ a day you could eat a dozen a day and still have mucho beans and rice and buy more eggs

>> No.10062238

thats prison feed. toud go insane after 2 weeks.

>> No.10062244

most people's lives aren't so meaningless that the food they eat for 10 minutes a day is going to affect their mental fortitude

>> No.10062308

It's bullshit that nobody has decided to call out because people get afraid of being ostracized and singled out of their normie hug-boxes. If you don't tip you are seen as a cheap jew. Don't mind the fact that the restaurant owner is pretty much jewing the customer into paying their worker wages.

>> No.10062314

Seems like your life is so meaningless where you force yourself to eat the same slop day after day. Eating is one of the best aspects of human life, you dumb faggot.

>> No.10062316

right thats why spices were the global currency for centuries and caused exploration and colonization. food is an afterthought.

>> No.10062491

>eating is one of the best aspects of human life
yeah right up there with sex and drugs. imagine being this shallow
extreme pursuit of decadent novelty by the elite. as if the average person was ever gravely concerned if their next meal would have a sprinkle of black pepper on it

>> No.10062553

why do I gotta leave? you already got /r9k/ to sperg out on.

too bad pal, you're gonna have to listen to me talk about getting the 80$ omakase.

>> No.10062699

You dumb homosexual, you compare sex & drugs to eating food? Holy shit, you should have been drowned at birth, it is crucial a dipshit like you never spreads his stupidity on a meaningful level.

>> No.10062828


Man, I never expected Wigglytuff to say that. I would have expected it from that motherfucker Chatot though.

>> No.10063983


>> No.10064191

every time

>> No.10064213

Food unironically affects a person's mood.
Unless you grow up eating nutrient blocks and never encounter another food dish, (smelling/seeing, let alone tasting), you will become horribly depressed.

>> No.10065417



>> No.10065439

What is poverty tier food? On 35$ a week you don't need to eat rice and beans.

Chicken thighs, chuck, bananas, apples, eggs, cheese ... you can eat stuff like that every day with your vegs and carbs of choice.

>> No.10065475

>canned food is yummy
Never happened.

>> No.10065512

>"I love steak."
>"I love hamburgers."
Do robots not love steak and hamburgers?

>> No.10065572

>how come you don't eat that many carbs I just couldn't live without my bread

Why are normies slaves to bread? Did their mommy and daddy shove the old food pyramid down their throat?

>> No.10065960
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What the hell is wrong with you retards where you can't live on $5 a day? There's tons of variety you can get out of that if you're not a retard. Eggs, rice, beans, pasta, spam, canned tuna, peas, corn, potatoes, bread, etc, are all cheap as fuck. If you seriously can't live off $5 a day and still enjoy what you're eating you're probably a smooth brain.

>> No.10065996

Steaks and Burgers are associated with outside activities, such as a cook out or going out to eat. this naturally is a uninhabitable environment for losers and neets so they hate them by association

>> No.10066042

not him but what if I live in California
stuff is expensive but also cheap

>> No.10066204

>canned food
Other than canned fruit and tomatoes due to cheapness and canned cranberry sauce due to seasonality, nothing from a can is edible. Yet normies drop $40 a trip on canned garbage, even though it's unhealthy and tastes bad. I don't fucking get it.

>cheese and crackers
I have a housemate who "can't eat dairy" but pigs out on cheese constantly. Then acts like some cream in a recipe or a bit of yogurt sauce will kill her.

By knowing how to cook, you massive retard.

They don't even buy bread worth eating. Sliced shit is like obesity in a bag. And again, it doesn't even taste good.

Always hear this shit

>> No.10066213

Beans and chickpeas are fine canned, takes way too much effort otherwise. Canned fruit is utterly disgusting.

>> No.10066218
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stop holding your cat wrong

>> No.10066285

in my cunt, you can live for a week on 5$ if you try hard enough, or for a few days if there are some nice treats and meat.
i spend 5$ on food in 1-3days when i'm alone, jfc

>> No.10066305

Spam is pretty good.

>> No.10066342

Can I borrow your old fashioned hat?

>> No.10066487

Used to be a method of tying your satisfaction to money to make your experience not suck.
Then somehow restaurants started to get away with paying below the minimum wage, making waiters basically work on commission. Now not tipping is fucking somebody out of their paycheck

>> No.10066505

I know it's bait but I'll call out "waiters make below minimum wage" every time I see it. It's against federal law for employers to pay below minimum wage if your tips don't put you above minimum wage on their own, and if that's a shitty system, waiters (the least important job in the restaurant's front of house desu) should unionize against the restaurants or go find other jobs, not bitch to customers.

>> No.10066532

thank you hungary skellingtonne

>> No.10066559

You do know if a waiter or waitress actually tries to get that money they're fired right?

>> No.10066566

>unskilled labor usually performed by teenagers as a part time job or housewives needing extra money

>> No.10066571

Then file a wrongful termination lawsuit or go get a different gig, but don't (collectively) act like toddlers when people don't gib monees after they already bought their food and the average wait service could just be done by the customers themselves and a pick-up window.

I know/seen way too many career waiters in their 40's+

>> No.10066611

You think a recently fired waiter has the resources to file a lawsuit?

>> No.10066636

>Then file a wrongful termination lawsuit
Holy fuck you really are retarded. They'll give you the $30 and then in a week or two fire you over something random or just tell you not to come back. You cannot fight this, no lawyer will even humour it and a waitress can't afford one to begin with.

>> No.10066681

If you're earning poverty tier money why are you entitled to high class food? Eat within your means. Theres no difficulty in it, and cheap food can actually taste good.

>> No.10066692

Every time this thread shows up theres always someone moving the goalpost.

>You can't possibly survive on $5 a day
>Well okay but you can't make it taste good
>Well okay but you can't make it a diverse range of foods that meet every single one of your macro and micro needs
>Well okay but you'll be depressed because its not fancy or expensive food that you can show off to people and feel better about yourself

>> No.10066700

>poverty tier meals
Yet normies believe $5 is a bargain for a slice of greasy pizza and a tall glass of sugar water.

>> No.10066725

>good practice is a bad meme
I bet you're really fat

>> No.10066759

>I Love Hamburgers
>burnt meat disc on wonderbread and processed cheese
Americans can't do anything right.

>> No.10066796 [DELETED] 
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No they tip pretty decently in my experience. Only time blacks don't tip is if they look obviously low income (AKA they simply can't afford tipping).

East Asians tip considerably less (especially FOB's). Indians/Pakistanis tip even less, and then Jews usually tip $1-3 every time. Even those that get out of shiny white and silver Mercedes SUV's. I've seen some friendly Jews once in a while but $1-3 is usually the consistent amount.

>> No.10066856

>I have a housemate who "can't eat dairy" but pigs out on cheese constantly.

Hard cheeses are mostly lactose free.

>> No.10066960

>hurr durr just sue/go to court
>there are retards that say this shit without even knowing a tiny bit of the shit you have to go through to even try
i think tipping is dumb but come on

>> No.10067122

Thus it sounds like the superior options are:
Stop waiting tables
Be cool with getting skimped on tips (which are optional for customers regardless of how fucked up the restaurant industry is) and keep doing your job.

>> No.10067136

>mcdonalds insinuating that black people don't tip

>> No.10067143

You are like little baby
If you buy chicken breasts in bulk you can get them for a good 1.00-1.80 a pound (and chicken breast tastes fucking amazing if brined for two days)
Cheap butter and eggs are similarly cheap and can get you to your fat requirements quickly
Oats/Potatos/Rice/Pasta/el cheapo milk can fill out the rest of your caloric requirements
If you're clever and you buy in bulk you can fucking bulk on 5$ a day or less, it's not that difficult or expensive.

>> No.10067168

>He needs to live on $5 a day

>> No.10067176

None of those points have been made in this thread, friend

>> No.10067185
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I'm a sucker for canned yams, every once and awhile I can't help myself

>> No.10067221

This is actually really easy and have been doing it unintentionally for a while. Being married requires only a slight increase in meal price, but double the budget.

>> No.10067417

You can recognize that people don't have to leave tips and still be upset if they don't. Similarly, your waiter doesn't HAVE to give you particularly attentive service if he doesn't want to. He could be much more lazy than he probably is. But, because he wants to get a tip, he's likely to work harder. When that extra work is not rewarded, people get frustrated. I don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.10067449

The only people I've ever known to say that are single bypass level fat. If you want to fast, go a few days without eating. If you want to skip a meal, don't make up for it on the other meals. Intermittent fasting is like being a little bit pregnant.

>> No.10068240
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>> No.10069009

I use my pressure cooker to quickly cook dried beans. superior to canned in every way.

enjoy your preservatives and leaching metal canfag

>> No.10069609

I'm not a very creative cook but 5 dollars a day isn't a lot but seems doable if you eat really bland shitty food. I live in Canada and food is a lot more here.

What meals for you guys recommend? Can I do it without eating rice beans pasta and oatmeal for every meal?

>> No.10069613

>And here's your tip

>> No.10069621

Try posting in one of the 3000 threads dedicated to the very topic!

>> No.10069624

They line the cans with plastic.

>> No.10069628


But I'm a total shut in and I love burgers and steaks.

>> No.10069696

5 dollars a day is... about 150 dollars a month. I could cook French food every day for lunch and dinner and I'd still have more money.

>> No.10071283

>"i don't have money" "my salary is so small" "my boss is an asshole for not paying me more" "i live paycheck to paycheck"

>buys takeout more than once a week
>eats out for lunch
>drinks at least once every weekend
>has cable tv
>buys meme food and pre-made food from stores
>has N amount of kids
>works at starbucks or any other shit lowpaying customer service job

>> No.10071291

Eurgh, niggers

>> No.10071299

you had me up until the part with kids and the part with just magically having a better job

>> No.10071308

>dot your is, cross your ts, keep paperwork and any evidence you can, keep pay stubs, timecard records, etc, etc
>report them to state department of labor and give them all your proof
>DOL investigates and files litigation, issues fines, etc on your behalf
Fucking retard.
If you really had to you could take them to small claims yourself for a pittance.

>> No.10071309

I think it's fair because with tips these waiters generally make good bank as long as they aren't retarded assholes. Why should an employer have to pay you minimum wage if you make $100 every damn shift just because of a social norm? Fuck that. Wish it was like that in Canada but waiters get minimum wage AND tips.

>> No.10071339

working at a shit job is fine if you're good with your money but all that shit combined is literally one person i know

>> No.10071402

sorry i meant, enjoy your estrogen-promoting plastics AND metal leaching into your food.

>> No.10073536

>>It's cheaper to go to McDonald's than to buy healthy food
This one makes me anger.

>> No.10073550

>40$ a week
>meat family pack 10-20$
>veggies/bread < 5 per thing
>water pennies a day

>> No.10073556

>30 calories of cream
but that's a fine amount of cream

>> No.10075690

$1.94 for a 12 pack of ramen
feeds me for more than a week

>> No.10075699

In the UK this would actually be very hard, $5 is about £2 or £3, and a pack of potatoes would be £2. A bag of rice, easily £3. 6 eggs, £2.

Shit's expensive in bongland.

>> No.10075704

Your tax situation is out of control.

>> No.10075709

Maybe, but our government doesn't shoot us when we break a leg.

>> No.10075713

Yeah, it's fucked. It's genuinely hard for poor people in this country to eat well, because vegetables and meat are insanely overpriced. Stuffing with carbs is the best way to keep costs down.

>500g beef mince - £3.99 ($9)
Literally not worth buying for the price.

>> No.10075716

You do know that your nutrient intake influences every aspect of your health, including mental, right?

>> No.10075728

Maybe you would not have brittle bones if you could afford to eat.

No one is refused emergency medical care in the US. We also do not jail debtors, You have the wrong idea.

>> No.10075737


Kill me, Pete

srsly though, don't worry, the normies will take each other out. Come back in 3 hrs and they will have worn themselves out

>> No.10075740

I don't want attentive service. Just give me my food when it's ready and fuck off. Better yet, tell me it's ready and I'll go get it myself. I'm not a fucking cripple.

>> No.10077542 [DELETED] 

By being smart with your money. I understand Americans have been dumb down by their education system, so it's a shock to be told that the 5£ they spend on a 'value' meal at McDonalds could have bought them a days worth of meats and vegetables.

>> No.10077938

>Similarly, your waiter doesn't HAVE to give you particularly attentive service if he doesn't want to.

I don't want attentive service, I just want decent service without the attitude. If you won't provide that service I will gladly speak with your manager, voice my dissatisfaction with your performance, and since you're working a no-skill job that any retard can do you're easily replaceable by the next teenager, single mother or fag. I've had plenty of waiters with an entitlement complex fired.

>> No.10078162

>500g beef mince
It's £1.56 or something like that for full fat mince from Aldi. £2 from other stores.

>> No.10078456

>We also do not jail debtors
This is a lie. Men who can't pay their child support are routinely jailed.

>> No.10078501
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>> No.10078509
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>Why would you ever get black coffee

>> No.10078597

Nigga i don't make up for it with other meals. I just eat less meals thanks to it.

>> No.10078785

Glad to hear it man, keep up the good work.

>> No.10079147

It’s not because of debt, though, it’s for failing as a man.

>> No.10079788

>I buy combos from McDonald's instead of cheesing the McApp

>> No.10079805

make it quick, pete

>> No.10079806
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>Canned food is yummy
I bet you never tried this godlike meal.

>> No.10079843

I mean its probably hard on your mind to eat plain boring shit like beans and rice everyday because its all you can afford

>> No.10079951
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>> No.10079974

This was back before the black community was destroyed by Democrats and welfare.

>> No.10079976

Kill me Pete

>> No.10079979

>Or even $35-40 a week
Is this serious?

My wife and I have roasted chicken and veg damn near every night, maybe with pasta/rice dishes one or two nights a week, for about $30 a week.

Learn to shop/quit buying trash frozen food.

>> No.10080008

>My wife
You mean Jamels wife.

>> No.10080111
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>yeah don't talk to me.. don't talk to me until i get my coffee dude
Is there any /ck/ related phrase more obnoxious than this?

>> No.10080135

>I have a housemate who "can't eat dairy" but pigs out on cheese constantly. Then acts like some cream in a recipe or a bit of yogurt sauce will kill her.
I fucking hate those people

>> No.10080139

Yeah I'm such a baller that she left him for me.

>> No.10080156

>If you buy chicken breasts in bulk you can get them for a good 1.00-1.80 a pound
I can't find a place that consistently does this. Sometimes I'll luck out and get breasts at 1.50/lb, but that's like once a month. Otherwise it's usually 3+ /lb

>> No.10080177

>>500g beef mince - £3.99 ($9)
>Literally not worth buying for the price.
Tbh some places in the States you're lucky to get good mince for $7/lb.

Unless you're getting the 80/20 stuff in which case I'll pass and get a few pounds of chicken.

>> No.10080182

>buy a sack of potato
>make fries/mashed/baked/soup/etc
And it doesn't have to taste like shit. Even just buying rice and frozen veggies to make fried rice can last you for a week.

>> No.10080191

>Men who can't pay their child support are routinely jailed.
That's not for failure to pay, it's for contempt of court.

>Deadbeat drunk hasn't paid child support in 6 months
>Subpoenaed to explain to judge why he's defying a court order to pay
>Deadbeat drunk ignores subpoena
>Warrant for failure to appear
>Sees judge
>Release next day

Literally all they need to do is just show up to court and show they don't have adequate income, and they're either given extensions or the judge modifies the order. I routinely see people who haven't paid in years walking around no problem. But theyre even too retarded to just show up to court.

t.court clerk

>> No.10080193

That was very low effort, I'm honestly disappointed

>> No.10080218

/sip/fags come to mind

>> No.10080522

>it's for contempt of court.
And they can be in contempt of court because they're incapable of paying you fucking retard. They will put up with inability to pay for so long until jail time is given. I personally know someone like this, so don't bullshit me.

>> No.10081263

looks like someone doesn't know how to cook. if you aren't mentally handicapped you can make unique dishes with poverty tier food and make them taste good.

Source mexico

>> No.10081334

mathematically it's possible to live on $5 a day just by eating mcdonalds cheeseburgers
you'd just die from avitaminosis in a bit, but that's fine

>> No.10081777

Are you supposed to eat this one layer at a time or mix it all together into one Christmas slurry?