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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 464 KB, 1069x1126, Screenshot_20180128-121739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10054920 No.10054920 [Reply] [Original]

who do the french think they are master minds of the culinary arts?


look we get it, you know how to make a pretty looking plate, and rip in piece to the dead, but its mostly just hipster shit.

>> No.10054930

>mother cuisine
>hipster shit
Damn son, you're uneducated.

>> No.10054956

>defining innovation as "mothering"
the absolute state of your soyhood

>> No.10054972

Were you in the "special education" classes in achool, or are you just white trash american? Either way, your ignorance is blatant.

>> No.10055002

did jiro attend? this is important

>> No.10055023
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I'm sure its nothing

>> No.10055029

I think theres an unwritten 4chan rule that for everything that occurs, at least one thread must support the contrarian view.

>> No.10055088

>plate is super pretty perfect tor hipstergram photography
>its just 1 crawdad 1 tomato and some fresh thousand island

damn op is actually spot on

>> No.10055338

Maybe because they pretty much set the standards for fine dining across much of Western culture. And the organizational model for restaurant kitchens, along with the techniques used in those kitchens. And most of the benchmarks for wine.

This is hardly a surprise. France was a rich country for a long time, and is equal parts Northern and Southern Europe. You have regions whose cuisines vary from Alpine to Germanic to Atlantic to Mediterranean to Basque. And pretty early on the greatest hits of these regions were codified into a court cuisine in which these dishes were paired with the wines of their region. They really had a jump on the rest of the world as far as cuisine goes - that codified, refined cuisine was established centuries before most nations and borders of the rest of the Western world were established. When the monarchy fell plenty of wealthy bourgeois took over the role of keeping that refined, codified cuisine alive as patrons or restaurants. Most other countries in the West did not have a tradition of high end restaurants - people generally ate at home, and wealthy people just hired cooks. In the 19th and 20th Centuries when demand for fine dining restaurants in major Western cities the French were WAY ahead of everybody else, so their model was copied. By the late 20th Century slavish devotion to classic French cuisine in fine dining gave way to local, international and trendy influences, but the organization of the kitchens and the techniques applied within them remained rooted in classic French.

That's a pretty huge influence.

>> No.10055350


That's 'cause it's fun to bitch about things.

>> No.10055354

stopped reading there

india has a bigger thumb print on the culinary scene than france

>> No.10055384

they arent

italian cuisine is the GOAT euro cuisine

asian cuisine is way more technical

new world cuisine(american, mexican)is dominating the modern world

hell, even modern ""gourmet"" cuisine is currently shifting to scandis(who have absolute vomit-tier cuisine otherwise)and even fucking brits

french are just a giant meme

>> No.10055412
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That's only because they eat with their hands.

>> No.10055433
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>> No.10055442

t. buttblasted pierre

>> No.10055532

>french are just a giant meme
You could say classic French cuisine is old meme, but its influence is still huge. Same way if we were talking about television I Love Lucy might me old meme, but the sit-com format based around a comedian and the three camera shoot developed there are very much alive.Duck confit might no longer be a menu staple, but most of what's going on in a high end restaurant kitchen is still recognizably French.

>> No.10055568

>French cuisine
>hipster shit
The absolute state of this board

>> No.10055662
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The only people getting buttblasted are the people getting the shits from eating Indian food.

>> No.10056467

What the fuck am I watching?

>> No.10056484

A self-cleaning toilet being fucked with.
This is exactly the kind of bullshit that will make the robots rise up one day.

>> No.10056485

It's supposed to be a self-cleaning toilet, but it obviously can't handle an entire turd on the seat.

>> No.10056494

looks like a big slop of shit

>> No.10056525

A self-cleaning toilet seat smear shit on the seat because some teenager thought it would be funny.

>> No.10057221

>amerishit goes to his local "joint" and orders *insert spiced meat with cheese and heavily salted side*
>mmm yeah damn bro this shit is so fucking good. real ass soul food,more cheese please!

I can't help but pity plebeians. And yes I mean plebeian in a 100% unironic term. These people are so beneath my people both intellectually and spiritually they are my inferior in every way. I sometimes think it would be fun just to see these husks of ham try cuisine of patrician origin and view their expression. They would probably pretend to like in an attempt to gain my approval since they have already subconsciously accepted themselves as my inferior or they would spit out and say "gross!" in defiance because of their binding stupidity of primal pride in their slop. Soul food is slop used to entertain the masses of obese amerigoblins. None of them know what they enjoy about the meal other than the salt,the cheese,the spices and so forth. None of them able to identify the key subtle yet simple flavours when once combined on the palate create a symphony of flavours each complementing each other before coupe de grace which takes place once these flavours combined. This is of course joined with the rituals behind the etiquette of the meal. It creates an experience that lifts the soul of the individual and brings meaning to the word "food". Masters of art spent centuries mastering these elements to create such an experience. Anything besides this standard is slop for the peasants so that they can continue working until their death. Unrefined slop with some cheap dusts of instant flavour to mask the barbarity which lies behind their "cuisine"

>> No.10057239

embarrassing lad

>> No.10057278

superpoower by 2020 everyone

>> No.10057284
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>tfw too American to understand this post

>> No.10057289
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>search a section
>it's not pasta
tldr tho

>> No.10057295

I'm no grammar nazi, but there's no fucking paragraphing and the punctuation is so random that I feel like I need to hire a cryptologist.

>> No.10057299

This pasta will not gain traction I assure you.

>> No.10057408

FRANCE: we're fancy
FRANCE: a fried ham sandwich is our national lunch
FRANCE: a fried ham sandwich with an egg is its wife

>> No.10057432

fucking francophiles eat like 2 oz a day

>> No.10057471

Croque Madame is my waifu.

>> No.10057543
File: 255 KB, 500x304, 51512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should learn to be more humble and less of an asshole, then you wouldn't have to spit on someone's grave to feel better
whats your fucking problem, man?

>> No.10057568

Best post

>> No.10058137

If everyone agrees in 4chan, then there is nothing to talk about and the thread doesn't get bumped. There are no unboat parties like in reddit, so there is no reward for being agreeable in 4chan.

>> No.10059239

And also, pretty much every renowned chef has had some amount of training in France.
Just watch Chef's Table, even the ones who wanted to do something that was renewed and radically different agree that training there was mandatory to achieve this.
And, after, their kitchens are organized the traditional way, even if their cooking isn't traditional.

>> No.10059264


To answer the question accurately OP:

The french basically invented modern western cooking and a lot of western recipes over a few hundred year period. They collected tons of recipes and cooking methods from all around europe, refined them, and wrote books about them and the proper way to implement them. This helped lead the way to the modern concepts of a chef and many parts of a functional restuarant kitchen still used today. Without france european cooking wouldn't be where it is now, it would be a lot more like places like india where it's rudimentary mom and pop family recipe shit.

>> No.10059307

This is bullshit.

Yes I agree that france has created and dictated what we considered Haute Cuisine and Fine Dining globally but to say it has created western cuisine in general is absolutely false.

For example, look at Italy, it's food philosophy is 100% different from that of France's.

>> No.10059612

>Italy, it's food philosophy is 100% different from that of France's.
how so? they seem pretty similar to me which should surprise no one since they share a 500km border

>> No.10059675

fuck those french fucks stuck with a baguette up their ass
they've done nothing but copying nothern italy recipes. They fucking serve pasta as side dish with ketchup, fucking ketchup
fuck them and fuck their stupid sauces

>> No.10059804

wait, is all this anti-french butthurt coming from one insecure eye-talian?

>> No.10060092

Collonges au Mont d'Or, that means the cream you see in the picture is actually some melted mountain cheese. Some really good cheese none the less. And yes, that dish is really fucking tasty.

>> No.10060107

this, my friends, is a good post

>> No.10060116
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Shitpost at its finest

>> No.10060135

>they've done nothing but copying nothern italy recipes

>Lasagne al forno, layered with a thicker ragù and Béchamel sauce

>Béchamel sauce (/bɛʃəˈmɛl/ or /beJʃəˈmɛl/;[1] French: Béchamel [beʃaˈmɛl]), also known as white sauce, is made from a white roux (butter and flour) and milk. It is, since the seventeenth century and on,[2][3] one of the mother sauces of French cuisine.[4]

>> No.10060143

You are ignorant

>> No.10060148

China says hello and fuck you.

>> No.10060678

They're deleting that .gif now?
Is smeared shit not blue board friendly, or is this new? Don't remember what boards I've seen it on before.

Inb4 >.gif

>> No.10060752

> The sauce was originally from renaissance Tuscany
you cant even post from there

>> No.10060771

may as well post the whole thing
>The sauce was originally from renaissance Tuscany and was known as “Salsa Colla or Colletta” ("glue sauce") because of the gluey consistency of the sauce, and was brought to France by the chefs of Catherina de’ Medici in 1533. Louis de Béchamel, Marquis de Nointel, [6] was a financier who held the honorary post of chief steward to King Louis XIV. The sauce was prominent in Italian cooking texts of the Renaissance as "salsa colla", but was renamed much later in Le Cuisinier François, published in 1651 by François Pierre La Varenne (1615–1678), chef de cuisine to Nicolas Chalon du Blé, marquis d'Uxelles.

which basically validates
>They collected tons of recipes and cooking methods from all around europe
but you can replace "collected" with stole or copied.

proxy aint saving you Pierre

>> No.10060787

you come you conveniently omitted the following paragraph?

>> No.10060847

Only one of those four posts is mine. And my name isn't Pierre ! My name's Théodore, enculé !

>> No.10060931

>to say it has created western cuisine in general is absolutely false.
I didn't say France created Western cuisine. They created the system and codified the techniques of how it's prepared in restaurants. And generally the better the restaurant the more sure you can be it's using French methodology, even if the food they serve has nothing to do with French cuisine.
>Italy, it's food philosophy is 100% different from that of France's.
You could make that case for wine, but not food. Both share a reverence for tradition and value seasonal and regional eating. If anything Italians are more conservative than the French. Their cuisine is less codified and more intensely regional, but Italy and France are pretty much parallel lines - centuries of wealth, lots of regional variation between north and south, plenty of coastline along with winemaking and dairying traditions, My French and Italian friends can point out the differences - the French think Italian wine is fruity and vulgar, Italians think a lot of French food is overwrought. But really the biggest difference is affluence in the 20th Century. In spite of two wars on their soil the French remained wealthy enough to preserve their restaurant culture. Economically the Italians didn't do as well, so the guardians of their cuisine were more grandmothers than chefs. So their focus was less on refinement and the cuisine is not as formally codified. But as far as the regionalism, value of tradition and seasonality are concerned France and Italy have more in common than differences.

>> No.10060945

ITT butthurt Italians

>> No.10060988

that's where his 3 stars restaurant is you cretin

>> No.10061308

Didn't the French basically invent about 70% of modern cooking methods?

(The Italians the other 30%)

>> No.10061328

For me...

>> No.10061541

Et le Mont d'Or c'est pas du fromage ? As tu déjà mangé dans un des restaurants de la famille Bocuse ? Tu es embarrassant.

>> No.10061559

>Didn't the French basically invent about 70% of modern cooking methods?

Pretty sure the niggers did. They invented errthang.

>> No.10061574

Those spaces before the question marks always rustle my jimmies.

>> No.10061653
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10061710

well, when the rest of the world was still eating with the right hand and wiping their asses with the left, Careme was doing tiered cakes n' shit so you will tell me bout that.

>> No.10061714

>hurr that thing that is in all history books and it's common consensus is like, your opinion and therefore invalid

what are you, a polposter?

>> No.10061753

Daily reminder that on English Google if you Google white inventors you only get black ones.

>> No.10062366

>t. Pajeet
You have two more years to reach superpower status before you are eternally known as superpoopers instead.

>> No.10062396

>proxy aint saving you Pierre
You are literally having a melt down.

>> No.10062592

You must be from Naples, all the heavy metals in your drinking water are driving you to madness

>> No.10062610

Most of their shit is disgusting to the rest of us but you can't say it's not refined. Let them have that much at least. It's the only aspect of their culture they can reasonably be proud of.

>> No.10064643

Don't be rude just for the sake of it mah dude. Open some history books and see for yourself. French culture influenced ans defined staples in many classical arts, be it cuisine, music, painting, dancing...

>> No.10064659

hipsters don't like classic french stuff because they don't like sauces or animal cruelty

they're more interested in vinaigrettes and gastro pubs

>> No.10064676

this thread is perfect proof that over the past few years, retard tourists from meme blue boards like /tv/ have started trying to turn /ck/ into a designated shitposting zone. problem is that posting about cooking actually takes knowledge of cooking-- something that tourists lack entirely.

>hurrdurr here's my stupid obvious bait thread

good work. it's not funny, original, and has no memeability. fuck off to whatever board you came from

>> No.10065286


>> No.10065390

from Bozen

>> No.10065409
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>over the past few years
assuming you've actually been here for "a few years", the only reason it seemed totally serious and proper before was because you were 8 years old and didn't know any better. congrats, you were the cancer all along

>> No.10065420
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get btfo by your own wikipedia source
>y-you are L-LITERALLY having a meltdown!
sure thing frog
nope, riviera del brenta
try harder tripfag

>> No.10065426

This. French "food" is for fags and Muslims

>> No.10065618

go back there