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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10048939 No.10048939 [Reply] [Original]

Gas Range: A meme? Or is it really that much better than using an electric range?

>> No.10048943

Often much better. You change the setting and the heat input to your cooking vessel changes instead of changing the electrical control and letting it slowly shift to the new heat setting.

>the real meme is calling everything a meme

>> No.10048945

it is just different.

>> No.10048997

I wouldn't say it's better, it's just different. You got instant and high heat vs very controllable heat, it really depends on what you wanna cook. But you can't get a decent stirfry without gas, and that's why I prefer it.

>> No.10049002

Oops, meant to quote OP aswell.
Just tried to elaborate a little bit

>> No.10049023

Electric is cheap and convenient but ass for control. The heating elements will turn on and off, on and off, on and off. Maintaining a steady temp is fucking impossible, and you can't hit the very high or very low like gas can.

>> No.10049898

way better. on my electric stove the middle of the pan is burning hot and the outside i can touch with my finger

>> No.10049983

I've never seen a quality restaurant that uses electric so gas is great i guess

>> No.10049994

Gas unless I'm in a situation where it simply isn't possible, in which case a high end modern induction cooktop is a decent alternative

>> No.10049995

Electric < gas < induction

>> No.10050003


>> No.10050005

I'd pick gas over induction, but both are miles ahead of electric, which is just shit to deal with.

>> No.10050027

gas is clearly better bc it's really reactive unlike electric stuff that's still hot hours after, gas is cheaper and faster heating.

gas is not a meme, it's top tier for cooking.


>> No.10050133

Gas cos it smells nicer than electric

>> No.10050169

It's better because you have better and more responsive temperature regulation, but it sucks if your gas is low calorific crap.

>> No.10050172

Which is better an instantly changeable bath of hot fluid or an slow changing solid - solid heat interface? Gas will produce hotzones still, so it is reasonable to suggest that a properly designed induction range with the right technique would be the optimal thing to cook with.

>> No.10050178

gas for saute and electric for simmering/boiling and oven.

>> No.10050204

Yeah, people gotta understand that while gas is nice and fast it's not as even as an electric stove so thin pans especially produce unpredictable results

>> No.10050308

Gas, no contest. Instant temperature control, perfect visual cue, extremely responsive (no shit)

>> No.10050378

and highly inefficient.

>> No.10050415

ideally you would have a range that has gas & induction burners. They both have their own respective strengths.

>> No.10050535

>being so poor you care

>> No.10050545

I only care because gas is shit for boiling.
An electric hob can keep a boil given the same volume of water and product introduced.

>> No.10050553

Who gives a fuck? High end gas hobs deliver far more power compared to induction. Even with the efficiency loss, higher end gas hobs still deliver more energy to your cook surface.

>> No.10050557

>Even with the efficiency loss

>> No.10050563

>High end gas hobs
These are only available on $5000 stove models.
Unless you're retarded and use commercial ranges in residential buildings.

>> No.10050600

based on what?

induction max out generally around 3,000w, some have power burners that go up to 3.6-4.6kw, which is roughly equal to 13-18,000 BTU

at ~83-90% efficiency for induction that's ~11,000-16,000 BTU effective.

Gas is 45-60% depending on burner design. So a 20,000 BTU burner is ~12,000 BTU effective. Higher end gas hobs can go up to 25 or even 30,000 BTU. Which would be ~15-18,000 BTU effective. That's a decent bit more than the ~16,000 effective BTU of an induction.

This goes back to this >>10050535

>> No.10050610

>buy this 5k stove when an $70 induction does just as well

Do you work for wolf or viking? shill.

>> No.10050615

More like a $5k wolf and a $3.5k induction.

Anyone spending less than $2500-3000 on a stove/range is a fucking loser faggot.

>> No.10050623
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>reddit stove

>> No.10050625


>> No.10050628

>he buys good shit because he's not poor and doesn't feel like repairing his appliances every few years because they're modern electronic garbage

Yeah, i'm a shill

>> No.10050631

>$2500-3000 on a stove/range is a fucking loser faggot.
you've gone full retard now.

>3.5k induction
Or use a $70 1,800 watt and have not problems keeping your boil.

>> No.10050636

>he buys good shit
He overpays without any benefit.

>> No.10050637

>1,800 watt
lol nigger, we're talking about real cooking here, not boiling water for your ramen.

1,800w induction is less than 10,000 BTU

>> No.10050641


Induction is no where near as efficient as gas. Don't you even know that?

>> No.10050649

You honestly believe high end ovens and ranges have NO advantage over the cheaper ones?

Wow, must be interesting being poor.

>> No.10050650

So I guess none of you are engineers, right?

>> No.10050664

In 2013 and 2014 DOE developed and proposed new test procedures for cooking products to allow direct comparison of energy transfer efficiency measurements among induction, electric resistance, and gas cooking tops and ranges. The procedures use a new hybrid test block made of aluminum and stainless steel, so it is suitable for tests on induction cookers. The proposed rule lists results of real lab tests conducted with the hybrid block. For comparable (large) cooking elements the following efficiencies were measured with ±0.5% repeatability: 70.7% - 73.6% for induction, 71.9% for electric coil, 43.9% for gas. Summarizing the results of several tests, DOE affirms that "induction units have an average efficiency of 72.2%, not significantly higher than the 69.9% efficiency of smooth—electric resistance units, or the 71.2% of electric coil units"

>> No.10050666

Cooking in cast iron (or enameled cast iron for acidic foods) can help compensate for that.

>> No.10050675

Yes, and consumer reports agrees.

>> No.10050680

Induction is best by far for boiling or cooking anything immersed in fluid.

Gas for frying, searing, anything else.

Absolutely incorrect. Induction is much more efficient because it makes the cooking vessel the heating element itself. Gas sends the majority of its heat energy right up past the range and out the vent hood.

>> No.10050683
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>consumer reports agrees

>> No.10050687
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>implying convection isn't superior to a standard radiant electric oven

>> No.10050689


at 15.6c per KWh? Do you even know how to do math?

>> No.10050691

>I don't really cook but I buy overpriced memes so people think I'm good at it.

It's like nerd culture has spilled over into cooking.

>> No.10050694

Yeah, this is why all pro chefs have cheap induction ranges at home /s

seriously, get fucked you poor fag retard

>> No.10050698

>at 15.6c per KWh?
Mine is 30% less than that.

>> No.10050700

efficiencies were measured with ±0.5% repeatability: 70.7% - 73.6% for induction, 71.9% for electric coil, 43.9% for gas
>efficiencies for gas 43.9%
>gas 43.9%

>> No.10050703

I know you people are generally stupid. But gas is cheap per BTU vs. that crazy thing you call electricity. Do you fucking idiots get that? Electricity to generate heat.. BAD, gas burning is GOOD.

Figure your stupid shit out before you talk.

>> No.10050705

>15.6c per KWh
Damn, that's ridiculous. We pay 4-8c here in Texas

>> No.10050708


Asshole, I'm talking about municipal costs. How did you not get that?

>> No.10050709

Doesn't matter when veg is sitting in simmering water and you are waiting for it to come back to a boil. You think to yourself, damn gas sucks.

>> No.10050713

So you're talking about shit nobody cares about except poorfags.

Poorfags aren't wanted in this thread, faggot poor

>> No.10050719


That's because you live in a fracking infested shithole of poison. Your children are going to die from Toluene poisoning coming from the ground you fracked like the stupid assholes you are.

>> No.10050724


You sound really poor.

>> No.10050726

at least i'm not calculating cost per kw/h.

fucking poor holy fuck.

>> No.10050734


You probably can't afford to or learn how to do it. lol

>> No.10050743

>counts pennies
>thinks he's rich
>does arithmetic
>thinks he's smart
How fucking deluded are you?

>> No.10050745


Whats a kilowatt hour? What's that crazy Ohm's law horseshit? You people are like human dog shit when you're talked to.

>> No.10050768


Clearly you're a wealthy aristocrat on 4chan. Not just a fucking idiot child pretending. Everyone believes you.

>> No.10050773

>uses ohms law to make people think he's smart
Holy shit. at least reference something a 4 year engineer would have to know, not something you'd learn in a high school physics class.

>> No.10050786


you want a smith chart about how fucking stupid you are? I probably could do that. I was talking in baby language.

>> No.10050817

>certainly exceeded
kek, fucking moron

>> No.10050824

Yeah, caught my autocorrect mistake and deleted.
Fuck off.

>> No.10050831

wew, so you're a phone posting nigger faggot too?

Go back to plebbit.

>> No.10050841

>he's so poor he can't afford a cell phone
Let me guess you have a 10 year old thinkpad running ubuntu and a flip phone right?

>> No.10050843

My dad got a gas range with his new place and he complains it takes forever to boil water now.
Is he just being dumb or is that accurate?

>> No.10050847

Any of you fucking idiots here to compare the cost of natural gas to electricity?

>> No.10050857


He needs different pots, or just tell him to relax.

>> No.10050860

No because nobody cares about cost.
We care about boiling water, actual cooking.

>> No.10050870

in some places, natural gas is cheap and abundant, more so than electricity

in other backwards places, like the deep south, NOBODY has gas lines running to their house so electricity is a necessity.

>> No.10050871

No, I have a workstation and a Note8. Workstation is running ESXi with Arch and a windows 10 VM.

GPU is being passed through directly to the windows VM for gaming and other graphical needs.

>> No.10050873


So you're a fucking child with dad paying the bills.

>> No.10050874

>boiling water, actual cooking
if you think boiling water = actual cooking, i've got some bad news for you mate.

Real chefs do a LOT more than boil water on the range.

>> No.10050886

but you or anyone else in this thread is a real chef

so basically, induction is king.

>> No.10050893

Workstations died with UNIX. it's just a PC.

>> No.10050896


You're talking to fucked up depressed 4chan children. Don't talk to them, they're almost ready to suicide. Don't talk to them.

>> No.10050900
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>the deep south, no gas
keep talking about shit you know nothing about.

>> No.10050903

It has no iGPU, quad channel memory, and hot swap-able drive bays. It's about as close to a real workstation as you get in today's world.

>> No.10050904

Are you retarded?

>> No.10050906

Most of you people are ready to kill yourselves, right? You've got your plans to die..

>> No.10050908

>implying most of the US's natural gas isnt sourced out of the deep south/gulf of mexico

>> No.10050907

Just run Linux on the bare metal and use IOMMU Passthrough with QEMU for the VM. There's no reason to abstract every system that far.

>> No.10050910

ECC is necessary for workstations.

Fight me. You've never had an actual SUN or HP9000 on your desk have you?

>> No.10050911

Specialized SPARC workstations are dead, that doesn't mean modern workstations don't exist. Unification of architecture didn't obliterate them from existence.

>> No.10050919

>ECC is necessary for workstations.
depends on the workload and use-case.

Also, at current RAM prices you can get fucked if you think i'm replacing my current RAM.

Hell, I could sell my current RAM for 2-3x what I originally paid.

>> No.10050920

Gas is best in terms of cooking utility, instant temp control. But it's not the safest option. Induction is a decent second place in terms of cooking utility and is the safest possible option. Induction is only a problem if you cook with ceramic or other non-metal bullshit.

The worst option is conventional electric.

>> No.10050926

>or other non-metal bullshit
Or you know, aluminium or copper.

>> No.10050948

>Gas is bad because thin pans are bad.
Oh kay.

>> No.10050979

That looks like a big slop of shit.

>> No.10051036

What do you mean highly inefficient?
If you don't have shit pans, gas is really efficient and has an unbeatable searing.
Also I might be a bit biased because my stove is the most expensive thing in my home.

>> No.10051041

read the thread
>43.9% efficiency for gas.

>> No.10051045

Yeah my Dad just bought a Ram 3500 with a Cummins and I doubt he could sell it for more than he paid. Idiot

>> No.10051048

He's talking about his gayman PC.

>> No.10051066
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The only thing that sucks about gas is that it leaves a film-residue on the walls that is a complete bitch to clean. It's so sticky and obnoxious. I always liked the complete control, though...

>> No.10051071

Live in an apartment with electric. Is it worth it to buy a portable gas stove to cook with?

>> No.10051078

What's the issue if gas is almost as free as air over here?

>> No.10051080

This. Coils are a fucking joke and induction doesn't change quickly enough.

>> No.10051087

We are talking about actual performance, not cost.

>> No.10051101

If you can use it outside, yes.
I did that.

But some people above me died because of their leaky tanks and asphyxiated the entire family. Morons, to be sure, but... Just be careful. You know, use common sense.

>> No.10051105

Gas is boss. Plus it's so ridiculously cheap I've replaced my electric kettle and toaster with regular, old-fashioned ones.

>> No.10051113
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Jesus Christ. Well, thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.10051118

Probably not, more because of the space. than the money.
Invest in a couple good pans with a perfectly flat bottom instead.

>> No.10051125

Sorry, I didn't mean to be an alarmist.
Those people didn't know what they were dealing with and had an ENORMOUS tank (for an apartment). Just use good judgement is all.

This is SO true.

>> No.10051154

Idk but I was shopping ranges recently and what I eventually learned is that many of the more expensive ranges only cost more because they sell a lot less of them. It was just to capitalize the development costs, but otherwise quality and eberything else was the same.
That was the case for the slide -in model vs the island models for several different manufacturers. Slide-ins are around $700, the island models around $1800. They're the same except where the controls are.

>> No.10051155

I went from a gas stove / oven to a glass topped electric and HATED it. But with the right pans, you can work magic. You just have to learn how the instrument works to be able to wield it with perfection.

I'm back on gas now and am loving it. But it's good to have that working knowledge of how to use both.

>> No.10051159

what a racket

>> No.10051173

Consumer reports guy here. Yes, that's what I was discovering too and prompted me to research. High end is a scam and in many cases Samsung $1,200 stoves can outperform them.
"professional" home kitchen ranges are the "prosumer" lines of electronics.

>> No.10051218

I use cast iron. That’s just how shitty these things are

>> No.10051225

your pan is warped.

>> No.10051297

Not a meme. Just do some research on wok ranges. Having an electric version in an ordinary house would be impossible since the absolute energy demand surpasses the capacity of over ten households for a single range.

I want one so badly, I dream about fried rice at night. Sadly, the closest I've had is a big propane burner, the kind used to heat ginormous pots outdoors...

>> No.10051333






>> No.10051339

>not a meme

>> No.10051349

yeah, I was talking about gas. I think kenmore was the best coil and induction stoves.

>> No.10051404

>he doesn't want the ability to reduce an ounce of liquid to a paste in under a minute
>he doesn't care about getting good textures in his stir fry
>he doesn't make fried rice with his leftover rice

>> No.10051408

>stir fry