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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 500x505, 500px-Burger_King_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10044063 No.10044063 [Reply] [Original]

Kinda hilarious.


>> No.10044078

>people will unironically defend the repeal in this thread

>> No.10044860

I am not an american and I hate americans so of course I am gonna defend the repeal.

Fuck americans.

>> No.10044907

They'll just plug their ears and scream "MAGA MAGA MAGA" like they have been for the past year.

>> No.10044994

so is this just a linksharing site now or what

>> No.10045020
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x688, Tom Hanks Whopper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my corporation is not gonna sell you anything lol

Seems legit

>> No.10045054

>having to use fast food analogys to explain net neutrality to Americans
Kinda depressing

>> No.10045058

It's the only thing they understand.

>> No.10045063
File: 6 KB, 235x215, 1512288614055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neh netwality weepel mean i habe to pay extwa for nehflix and stah wahs game!

>> No.10045314

This makes me glad net neutrality was appealed.

>> No.10045355
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>> No.10045361

This is what happens when you have to explain shit to citizens of a country with no culture: you need to do burger analogies. Americans are pathetic.

>> No.10045394

Sounds like we have the freedom to get Whoppers when we want them.

>> No.10045489

>oh no the internet is like it was before 2015

>> No.10045528

>>oh no the internet is like it was before 2015
Yes. They're not only stopping, but actually reversing progress in multiple fields of development you half-aborting speaking-fetus.

Infrastructure in the US was already a goddamned embarrassment and we don't need greedy ass companies bleeding it out further; especially at the cost of the middle-class as usual.

>> No.10045571
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>> No.10045582

I hate this logic, just because time has passed and a thing changed doesn't automagically make it progress

>> No.10045608

>a thing changed doesn't automagically make it progress
For fuck sakes. If it's changed then it's either progressing or regressing. If it hasn't changed then you're talking about stagnation.

Why the fuck are you defending self-harm? Are you some insane foreigner who wants the US to deteriorate further, or someone who thinks the loss of neutrality will bring competition?

Fuck off cell-phone poster. I've never been to that nightmare.

>> No.10045627

you would belong

>> No.10045635

Been here longer than you have newfriend.

>> No.10045639

progress denotes something good, just because it changed doesn't mean it was good, net neutrality is shite and I'm glad to see it go. sure there will be a rough transition with companies thinking they can do what they want but then market and competition will kick in and things will actually get better

>> No.10045665

>progress denotes something good
Not nitpicking but progress doesn't have to mean "good".

Yeah it's pure stupid shit and they may have shot themselves in the foot. I'm sure the idea was for glorified monopolies to be able to completely control an intangible product, restricting access and charging by usage instead of availability, but it might backfire. If I understand correctly companies like google are already lined up to start competition.

>> No.10045765

ok I'll take the bait
>implying that people haven't always paid extra money for faster internet

>> No.10045802

It will. There was a time both AT&T and Verizon blocked 4chan for a period of time, well before NN was in the minds of the normies. The customers reacted poorly, and despite the fact that we are a small site in the whole swing of things, we had enough of a swing to get them to unblock us and not try it again. They tried shit like this multiple times and it has, without failure, completely backfired. Never underestimate the power of the consumer.

>> No.10045853

Shame I was probably moving or something at the time. I enjoyed the old riots. Was this around the half-year exodus to dot-ru, 420, wtfux, 2ch, and etc because of events...?

>> No.10046181
File: 112 KB, 700x1015, 1455330286684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically participating in a proxy war between Google and Comcast
I can't remember which side I'm on, but the other side are a bunch of ignorant shit-eating faggots.

>> No.10046201

>uncletomming for corporations that want to fuck you over lmao

literal cucks desu

>> No.10046212

no no I'm pretty sure your side was a bunch of ignorant shit-eating faggots.

>> No.10046303

>literal uncletomming for faceberg and google

>> No.10046328

>Ugh, gawd, this is the worst thing I've ever heard of
Great acting

>> No.10046338

how so?

>> No.10046346

The argument is the dumbest shit ever. What they are saying is that the new service is somehow different from the existing service, which is the exact same fucking internet I have always paid for. Only it's bad because they say so.

However the presentation and trolling was hilarious.

>> No.10046349

go do some research newfag

>> No.10046369
File: 900 KB, 500x270, 1509003091843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny how they disprove their entire argument by showing that customers wont deal with that kinda bullshit.

>> No.10046374

for a overweight person, having to wait on food IS the worst thing they've ever heard

>> No.10046388
File: 66 KB, 528x792, 1509160884221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF am i on /pol/?!

>> No.10046582

it'z all quarters lol.


anyone tried this shit?

>> No.10046650

Faceberg, Netkikes, and Jewgle want individual customers to subsidize their disproportionately massive data usage by preventing ISPs from charging them more for.literally hogging half the internet. That's why they want to keep NN in place.

>> No.10046670

The fact that you would even make a hellish statement like that tells me you're either a child or a troll. Things like streaming services suck up way more use; but they're going to use that as an excuse to make you pay for cable TV that costs even more for less.

>> No.10046686

you didn't even address his point

>> No.10046703

Actually I misread his post. I'm a fifth deep. Way too deep for corporate bullshit politics once it starts involving the fact that they're scrounging over existing infrastructure instead of improving what's there.

>> No.10046723

Assume I'm a complete moron.

Can you provide examples of the "progress reversal" of which you type?

>> No.10046736

haha we're soooo relateable! (: pls buy our food hey w-wait don't go to mcdonald's

>> No.10046749

Since it just happened it's kinda hard to show examples other than existing damage that was done by moving things like design, manufacturing, and some precision applications do to law changes on taxes. Within 6 months I'd expect some areas to be shifted out of balance horribly.

>> No.10046769
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>> No.10046782

>people don't read legislation at all and think more daddy gubment is a good thing
Every single nation that has allowed the government authority over the internet has systematically started banning everything on it. UK, Japan, SK, China, Vietnam, Russia, Germany, the list goes on.
Stay mad.

>> No.10046801
File: 2.91 MB, 3072x2304, Deathclaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan can't decide if it's "liberal" or liberal
I can't tell what's real anymore. Post food.

>> No.10047356

This was in 2009-10. I only vaguely remember it because at that time I was underaged(shut up, I was here for the porn), but I do remember not being able to access 4chan for a week or so. Then I looked into it years later and said. "Oh... so that's why it was down".
Either way, the oldfags raised enough of a stink to get them to quit being faggits.

>> No.10047523

Keep in mind its was Obama with the internet off switch and trump has it now. Inb4 it never passed, oh sweet child.

>> No.10049026

The repeal literally just brings the internet back to the Federal Trade Commission, who are best equipped at handling these issues and problems.
Rather than the FCC who have no idea what the fuck they're doing

>> No.10049034

I use my computer exclusively as a 4chan and occasional movie-pirating machine, why should I pay for freaks who spend 10 hours a day on Instagram and Netflix?

>> No.10050262

Boo hooo some poors might have to pay a bit more for their netflix.

>> No.10050283

>Implying that either option will have any real effect on consumers
Oh boy, I'm sure that monolithic, borderline evil company that supports one side really has my best interests at heart while the monolithic, borderline evil company on the other side just wants to screw me the first chance they get.

>> No.10051795

>People didn't notice the pricing scheme before they ordered.
>The restaurant didn't just make the burgers slower than normal, rather than flat out refusing to give the completed burgers to the customer.
>Not showing at least one prospective customer saying "Screw it, I'll go eat at (some other burger place) instead" upon being told the wait times.
They didn't handle it as well as I hoped.

>> No.10052670

>blacklights to make sure there's no mayo
look man, mayo is the most important part of a whopper. That mixture of ketchup and mayo is top tier