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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10041271 No.10041271 [Reply] [Original]

>work at mcdonald's
>some dickhead has the audacity to ask for extra mac sauce
>procedure is to give 3 squirts instead of 2
>i give him 9 and ruin his sandwich

>> No.10041283

Wasn't his sandwich already ruined considering that he was ordering from McDonald's

>> No.10041286

no such thing as too much sauce, you just made that guy's burger _awesome_ you spiteful little shit

>> No.10041287

Do your fucking job right, vengeful wagecuck

>> No.10041289

there was more sauce than meat its like soup i wish i would have taken a picture but my manager might have noticed

>> No.10041292

or what neetfucker? you gonna get me fired? fuck off.

>> No.10041301

Your whining about someone wanting extra sauce, and have the nerve to describe them with the word "audacity"? Fuck you, you could work literally anywhere else. Suck it up and do your job and quit being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.10041314

or alternatively i just fuck up your orders and since like 30 people are on staff at any given time you can't do dick about it cause no one remembers who made what

>> No.10041319

a burger isn't a sandwich

>> No.10041321

Your gonna get yourself fired for being too much of a pissy little girl to complete the simplest order mod possible. Go ahead and start rehearsing your speech about how your manager is a bitch, to explain to your mom why you got fired from McDonald's, you tantrum-throwing faggot.

>> No.10041324
File: 220 KB, 1343x1007, 20150929_214444-1343x1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always order hot and spicy mcchickens with extra mayo and one time I swear they were fucking with me because these mcchickens were loaded with mayo. I noticed right away when the bag weighed like 2 pounds more than it normally would have. Those were probably the best mcchickens i ever ate, to be perfectly honest

>> No.10041332

I don't know what the fuck that is in the pic, but I want one

>> No.10041333

Do that. I'm begging you. Wait 'til one customer complains. Management has already spotted you having a shit attitude, I guarantee it. It's so adorable when you teenagers try to act bad-ass.

>> No.10041342

the death penalty should be reserved for spiteful wagies

>> No.10041355

Tell me your location

>> No.10041362

indiana. good luck.

>> No.10041365

you will give me your store number

>> No.10041373

wanna bet?

>> No.10041434

Give me your store number

>> No.10041449


>> No.10041455

Just fuck already you two

>> No.10041463

Mac sauce is just soybean oil. You chemically castrated him.

>> No.10041494
File: 45 KB, 586x439, 1516570121069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello ? Indiana store 9999 ?
>anon is shitposting on a Chinese basket weaving forum
>wut ?
I imagine that's the best scenario for it

>> No.10041517

I don’t think you or him realize who I am or what I can do

>> No.10041524

>I don’t think you or him realize who I am or what I can do

>I can make you cringe in ways you didn't even know were possible.

>> No.10041528
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>Works in McDonalds
>Thinks he's better than NEET's

>> No.10041536

I’m warning you

>> No.10041558

Anon, getting fed up over someone saying stuff on the internet is really sad specially on a cooking forum of all places

>> No.10041631

Are your initials R. McD?
Clown detected.

>> No.10041639

Shit like this is why i keep coming back to this site. never change edgelords xD

>> No.10041641
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>cooking forum

>> No.10042420

love you

>> No.10042429
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>> No.10042438

What'd you do when he said there was too much sauce?

>> No.10042449

>gets mad for having to put an extra squirt
>chimps out and puts 9 like an autist
>goes to 4chan to brag and play it off like he was cool or something

No wonder you can only get a job at mcdonalds

>> No.10042603

FOOD AND cooking forum, actually. I never cook, myself, but find plenty of interest on this forum.

>> No.10042658
File: 36 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be vengeful wagecuck who fucks with people's orders
>whenever I go out and ask for for modifications, I ask for sauce on the side, cause I know people do dumb shit like this

stay mad neetfaggots

>> No.10042707

hope you enjoyed the taste of my dick

>> No.10042808

It's a chicken sandwich between a double burger.

>> No.10042812

you sound like a complete cunt that'll flip out at the drop of a hat

>> No.10042852

You're cool to me. Fuck all these faggots that can't handle the fun.

>> No.10042888

This is the best edge fight I've seen so far

>> No.10042904

Im going to shit in yoir mouth and give you the ol' chunky dunk butthole supreme.

>> No.10042957

Oh shit, guys, we're in a thread with Liam Neeson!

>> No.10042958

Not really. Far from the best dick I'd tasted. Rate it maybe 3.5/10.

>> No.10042965

I work in fast food and I don't get this mentality. The dude asked for extra sauce so just give him extra fucking sauce. It's like a fraction of a second of more work. I honestly just don't get the rage.

>> No.10042971

It's like people who work in retail getting upset about people retrieving things from their store's bin. They become locked into their organization's rules structure and start to think that anybody trying to buck the rules is a decadent anarchist.

>> No.10043009

>I hate my job but I'm too much of a pussy to quit
>instead I harass customers and spit on their food
perhaps suicide is more to your liking? give it a try!

>> No.10043050

ah, you see, anon, you are a good person, whereas OP is a piece of shit

>> No.10043437

Kill yourself

>> No.10043451

The first time I spit on a customer's food I felt really guilty and was scared they would see/taste the saliva and call me out. I wasn't scared of getting fired, but the confrontation. I've been desensitized to that fear and now spit on as much food as I can. I've been caught once by another employee and they just laughed it off. I told them the customer was an asshole (they weren't). A customer can be the nicest one all week and I'll still spit in their food. I can't stop.

>> No.10043655
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>> No.10043662

i will find you and crucify you

>> No.10043663


>takes about 5 seconds to wipe off excess sauce with a napkin

Yeah, you sure showed him.

>> No.10043676


look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. we guard you while you sleep.
do NOT... fuck with us.

>> No.10043774


>> No.10043807

Someone tried trolling with this just the other day. Wait at least a week to try it again.

>> No.10043828

You shod wait for a month or so before using fresh(but shitty) pasta.

>> No.10043831


>> No.10043834

you “shod” get an education you iliterate nigger

>> No.10043853

Have you seen Tyler?

>> No.10044905

I cant tell you why i love this little story so much

>> No.10044950

his name is robert paulson

>> No.10044971


Ikr? I hate these fuckers

>40 minutes until close
>fryers cleaned and turned off
>grills cleaned and ready for tomorrows open

>uhh can I get 3 big macs and 5 double cheese burgers no pickles?

If you try to pull this stunt there is a 110% you WILL have your food tempered with. Enjoy that saliva (if you're lucky that's all you'll get). It amazes me how people think they can pull this off and expect their food to be spit free. Even the fucking managers are in on it. Some buffoon had the audacity to order 7 cheeseburgers 42 minutes from close, jokes on that fat fuck he's probably in the ER right now

>> No.10044973

One time I ordered a side salad. I didn't bother looking inside until we were halfway back to the dorms. What I got was a a couple slices of lemon in a salad container. That's it. I don't know what the fuck I did to deserve that. The place wasn't even busy.

>> No.10044988
File: 47 KB, 180x240, 362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you're done working when there's still nearly an hour of time left

>> No.10045159

Lighten up Francis

>> No.10045301
File: 23 KB, 920x374, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 minutes bro? i fuck with food if they come 4 hours before closing. fuck you dont make me work!

>> No.10045373

>shutting down the fryers 40 minutes before close
That is in gross violation of mcdonalds policy

>> No.10046577

call a cop

>> No.10047172

Try to tell us why. Please, I'm very interested

>> No.10048804

I'll have 2 number nines and the rest of this dead meme

>> No.10048925

300 confirmed corporate complaints?

>> No.10048928

>when wagecucks act superior to neets

Truly the best timeline.

>> No.10048988

>being a good employee who gives a shit about his responsibilities and the company he works for is a bad thing

Want to know how I know you have an abundance of melanin?

>> No.10049024

>fresh pasta

shit m8 this meme is older than the internet

>> No.10049035

It's called a McGangbang. you order a double cheese burger and a mc-chicken, open the burger, put the mcchicken inside

>> No.10050130

What is it then?

>> No.10050162

This thread is a good reminder of the type of people who work at fast food restaurants, and why you're better off just sticking a frozen tv dinner in the microwave if you want something quick and don't mind the lack of quality/taste. And they expect to be paid $15 or more an hour when their jobs are years from being automated.