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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10032976 No.10032976 [Reply] [Original]

can anything ruin your morning more than your yolks breaking? I dont think so

>> No.10032986


>> No.10032994


>> No.10032996


Your heat's too high.

>> No.10033005
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>he cracks his eggs into the edges of the pan

>> No.10033009

i like sunny side down so it doesnt really change anything for me. Hope you enjoy your eggs

>> No.10033034

That's bad, but the absolute worst thing is if you cook them too long and the yolk goes hard.

>> No.10033040
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>sunny side down
you mean over easy

>> No.10033044

Don't forget faggots

>> No.10033057

never happens you cracklet

>> No.10033064

>Melt butter in pan
>Crack egg(s) into bowl and season 'em
>Turn heat to HIGH
>Slide eggs out of bowl and into pan
>Immediately turn heat to medium

its easy as fuck to not break them if you do this

>> No.10033069

Season them? Salt just makes them break more easily, and can be added after serving anyway. Other seasoning ruins the pure egg flavor.

>> No.10033082


>Forgetting spics

>> No.10033095

>pure egg flavor

>> No.10033101


Easy fix, you just flip the broken side on top of the okay side and flip it after cooking it to however runny or not runny you want the yolk to be. Put it between bread or whatever and make a sandwich.

>> No.10033114

Fine when you're cooking for yourself, no good when you're thanking your GF for finally putting out for the first time.

>> No.10033129

You mean the people cooking your food? Way to out yourself, racist.

>> No.10033139

How the fuck can I flip my eggs without the yolk cracking. HELP

>> No.10033141

how the fuck do I make these things taste good? I make sort of a frittata sandwich thing in flat bread and that's great, but I keep craving sunny side up just because it looks good and is so iconic.

>> No.10033158

>sunny side down
don't you mean moony side up

>> No.10033173

Cook on lower heat so the yolk sets before you need to flip.

If you cook on high heat, the bottom will be burning before the yolk is set at all,.

>> No.10033211

all in the wrist breh
also when you grease/oil/whatever the pan, make sure to also apply whatever non stick substance you're using to the edge of the pan that the egg is going to be flipping off of
also remember not to flip it too high, you want to tilt the pan so the egg slides to the edge then flick it back with as little air time as possible.
if all else fails just drip a bit of water in the pan then cover until the tops are cooked to your liking so you dont have to flip in the first place

>> No.10033231

Maybe if I drop my beer. I can still eat an egg if I break the yolk, but I still have too much pride to lap up beer off the floor of my garage. My dog pisses all over that fucking floor.

>> No.10033255

Whats the alternative?

>> No.10033273

supposedly if you crack eggs on a flat surface theres no chance of yolk breaking and no chance of getting shell pieces because the membrane stays intact but i've never had any problems after eating eggs every morning for years and years

>> No.10033310

Yes, drinking strong coffee right after waking up then getting diarrhea in middle of bus ride to work. Since then i drink my first coffee in work.

>> No.10033318

>coffee on an empty stomach
you should have expected this anon

>> No.10033492

Why eggs give me a stomache when they're not overcoooked?

>> No.10033501

on point

>> No.10033541
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>turn heat to HIGH

Nigga, you want crispy edges? I keep mine literally at 2.5/10 on my stove the whole time and it works out wonderfully

>> No.10033548

Might just be psychological if you don't like the texture of softer, less cooked eggs.

>> No.10033553

it's bullshit you have just as much of a chance of yolk breaking and shell pieces.

>> No.10033559

It depends more on the thickness of the egg shell in my experience and how fresh it is. Thicker egg shells crack cleanly but thinner ones will kind of shatter. And fresher eggs have thicker whites which protect the yolk more.

>> No.10033575
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i heat a seperate pan and when im read to flip ill put that pan over my pan and grip both handles together and swoosh them around so the egg switches between pans

>> No.10033591

Yeah I fucking love over easy eggs, specially over steamed rice so you can break and mix it

>> No.10034960

I thought that was ANH's Leia in the thumbnail

>> No.10035133

that is massively over complicated just to flip a goddamn egg

>> No.10035140


>> No.10035326

> Be me
> At gfs apartment
> She's a neat freak and her entire apartment complex has a roach infestation that terrifies her
> She's upset because I saw a roach the previous night
> Cookin eggs with her in the other room
> Feel like being fancy and flipping my eggs by flinging them out of the pan
> wristflick.exe
> Eggs do a perfect 180 but I don't catch it center in the pan
> One of the yolks splits right on the edge of the skillet and explodes into a blob on her carpet

I cleaned it up all stealthily but there's definitely a stain and she hasn't noticed yet, wish me luck bros

>> No.10035350

>flipping my eggs by flinging them out of the pan
What an idiot

>> No.10035467

Way to be a faggot, faggot

>> No.10035480

Why not just add a splash of water and a lid to steam the tops?

>> No.10035481

why the fuck are you cooking in a carpeted room

>> No.10035503

It's not really a carpet, it's a small throw rug she has by her sink

Next time I'm gonna flip em up do a 360noscope and catch em

>> No.10035605

Think the word "trickshot" as you shake the pan

>> No.10037274

Try to shit before getting on the bus. Also, bulletproof coffee doesn't make me need to shit as bad.

>> No.10037277

You can do this with some light vinegar too for a really interesting take on a classic fried egg

>> No.10037354

Just practice, but if you suck then you may enjoy cooking your eggs in bacon or sausage grease. Try splashing grease onto the top of your egg until the whites are no longer runny and the yolk has a cooked outer layer(I use a spoon, but be careful not to splash grease everywhere!)... Voila, simple over easy-medium eggs cooked in a sunny side up style.

>> No.10037704

Buy fresher eggs