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10029556 No.10029556 [Reply] [Original]

Literally why the fuck does anyone make oatmeal with water when milk is 100 times better?

>> No.10029561

Dairy upsets my stomach first thing in the morning

>> No.10029664

Why not use an alternative like soy milk?

>> No.10029670
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>> No.10029674

this is not a thing. if your stomach is upset by dairy in the morning, it's upset by dairy at all times. there's no digestion clock.

and if your stomach is upset by dairy at all, you're probably a nigger

>> No.10029675

What? I use soy milk every morning. It tastes good after a while.

>> No.10029677
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It's an Amerimutt thing

>> No.10029679

This isn't a thing you weakling. It's all in your mind

>> No.10029680

I use almond milk sometimes, but my breakfast is usually a shake. Plant based protein, freeze dried veggie powder shit, flax seed, and some mct oil. With all that stuff, water mixes the best in my experience

>> No.10029682

Some of us make it with water then add butter. So it gets the lord-required dairy.

>> No.10029684

This is annoying. Why do ameriblobs say this?

>> No.10029685

you really are a fag

>> No.10029687
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>> No.10029688

It does affect me at all times, but first thing in the morning it feels the worst imo. Still sleepy and having a bloated stomach and wanting to take a massive shit right when I get to work isn't the best start to my day

>> No.10029690

It's because of their great edumdacation

>> No.10029692


>> No.10029703

Try killing yourself, negro

>> No.10029709


>> No.10029751

I only use water when I'm innawoods.

Otherwise milk, some cinnamon, and a bunch of berries.

>> No.10029772

probably because he doesn't want man boobs

>> No.10029775

Lmao I was just joking but you're an actual faggot.

>> No.10029777

Why though

>> No.10029802

On a diet so every calorie counts

>> No.10029819


>> No.10029821

Man i used to wrok at one of those things shit was hell

>> No.10029824

Yes because the evil sentient milk knows what time it is and decided to only fuck with you in the morning. Fucking retard.

>> No.10029827

you only get those if you replace all milk in your diet by soy milk, and even then if you go to the gym semi frequently it wont be an issue

>> No.10029829

It can fuck up your hormone balance. There's a reason effeminate men are called soyboys these days.

>> No.10029841

That's bullshit Anon, did you actually fall for the meme?

>> No.10029853

Soy doesn't affect your hormones. You need to realize memes aren't reality.

>> No.10029906


>> No.10029949

Well you're breaking a fast with a heavy substance so it's really not that unreasonable.

>> No.10029975

>this study brought to you by the dairy industry

>> No.10029980

Nothing in this study supports your argument, dipshit.

>> No.10029991

You're another one of those onion memers aren't you?

>> No.10029997

Meh. Milk sucks

>> No.10030085

As compared to the studies brought to us by the soy industry, yes. But more specifically it's a meta-study that takes the results of numerous studies and analyzes them to draw larger conclusions regarding the results of said studies. They concluded that soy has benefits and drawbacks and that while the benefits are often lauded in the media the drawbacks are often ignored.

What do you think my argument is? I'm only saying that phytoestrogens can affect you in ways that are poorly understood and as such it is entirely reasonable for someone who is health conscious to avoid soy or to only consume it in small quantities in order to mitigate any of health problems that is seems to cause.

To be fair, I shouldn't have said that it affects your hormones speficially, that's apparently mainly only true for females. Generally though it does have an affect on your physiology, as does everything that you can eat. The thing is that the effects that soy has are less understood than a lot of other things and

If you actually stop to read the study then there should be plenty of sections in there that raise eyebrows. Like the refrence to this study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15053944/ for example in which the behavior of male monkeys were fed a soy protein rich diet and their behavior changed markedly from the control, making them apparently more volatile, submissive, and less social altogether.

That's just ONE citation of dozens of observed negative effects this stuff can apparently cause.

Does that mean it's 100% bad? No, there are clearly positive effects as well.. Does that mean that nobody should drink/eat it? Obviously not, in the conclusion you can see that it's recommended for some individuals alongside warnings for other individuals. What it does mean is that you should be considerate regarding your consumption of it, as you should be with everything, especially considering how the effects of it clearly aren't fully understood.

>> No.10030113

Apart from color and name, how is soy milk similar to cow milk?

>> No.10031440

>evryting on 4cHaN is TRUE

phytoestrogens don't change men into woman fucking retard

>> No.10031443

Milk gives me the toots.

>> No.10031447

>poorly understood food effects
>should avoid eating

my man would have gone auschwitz in any other century

>> No.10031458

What do you guys put in your oatmeal?

>> No.10031465

Peanut butter, cinnamon and a little squirt of honey.
If I'm feeling really wild I might toss some dried cherries in.

>> No.10031472

soyboys detected

>> No.10031491

milk/yogurt, small amounts of water, protein

I've considered adding boost, but I doubt it will turn out well

>> No.10031523

First off I'm not saying that people should nessarily avoid eating anything entirely, more that they should be considerate as to exactly what they're putting into their bodies everyday.

And secondly you're right. Being this picky wouldn't have been an option if you go back a couple hundred years. However, we now live in an age where we're not only have a better understanding of the foods we eat and what they do to us, but also we have an unprecedented amount of choice as to what you do want to eat.

So yea, living in the present has it's perks sometimes.

I usually just cook it with milk and add a bit of brown sugar to give it a bit of flavor afterwards. Sometimes I add coconut flakes too, would recommend trying if you haven't and happen to like coconut.

>> No.10031531

I eat it plain and on special occassion a spoonful of honey or maple syrup over the top. If I'm being really rambunctious it will have a side of cream and I dip each bite into the cream before eating. Or add berries/cinnamon.

>> No.10031645

Machros can be a bitch some times

>> No.10031918

apple sauce

>> No.10031925

We are a wild bunch of fuckers, aren't we lads?

>> No.10031944

Homemade pinto beans with some queso fresco and a poached eggs on top.
That will keep you going all damn day.

>> No.10031989

If you told me that I would be discussing the metrics of soy consumption and my preferred oatmeal configurations on a digital bangladeshi bong bazzar a decade ago then I may have looked at you rather askance, yes.

>> No.10033435

If I have oat, milk, blueberries, almonds and cinnamon. What is the best way to make oats?