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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10025952 No.10025952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what drink is this called /ck/

>> No.10026004


>> No.10026848


>> No.10026963

Thats pretty badass

>> No.10026970

It's called being disgusting for the internet.

Its not something people actually do, even in china.

>> No.10027024

best hangover cure

>> No.10027038

Asain chad, based

>> No.10027472

>animal cruelty

>> No.10027477

>Lol he ate animals the wrong way it's cruel
>Just ignore the steak I'm eating

>> No.10027496

Don't forget the self-abuse part.
> it's a video that combines self-abuse, animal cruelty, dubious intoxicants, and implausible biological feats.

>> No.10027506

Most places stun cows with a bolt gun so they're instantly knocked unconscious and don't feel any pain. It's not really comparable to what this guy did. The alcohol was probably burning them and then they slowly died in his stomach.

>> No.10027584

Fish don't feel pain you fucking moron

>> No.10027588

>the nervous system of small fish/eels is comparable to that of a large complex organism like a cow
lemme guess, you also freak out and cry when you kill insects?

>> No.10027604

Why do Asians always do retarded shit like this.

>> No.10027615

>implying fish feel anything
>fucking implying azns can feel empathy

>> No.10027617

>nerves that function the exact same way in vertebrates that have a nervous system and brain just like ours that descended from the same common ancestor don't feel pain
you aren't even worth a dumb wojak

>> No.10027642


>> No.10027653

A man's drink.

>> No.10027660

the article just states that fish don't suffer pain the same way humans do, which doesn't necessarily equate to they don't feel pain at all ever

>> No.10027679

Because of the "healing properties"

>> No.10027683

Responding to stimuli ≠ pain

>> No.10027688

It makes your dick bigger and cures common cold

>> No.10027755

that's literally what pain is. Your nerves are stimulated by damage and send a message to the brain so that you react to it.

>> No.10027778

No, it's not. Did you even read what I posted?

Reflexes are not the same as pain. Sneezing is a reflex. Your fingertips wrinkling after soaking in water is a reflex. Your leg jerking forward when a doctor taps your knee is a reflex. None of those cause pain.

>> No.10027801

if true then wtf is with their small cocks? even after eating all this crazy shit this is the best it can achieve?

>> No.10027840

I read the anthropocentric drivel in the first sentence and stopped reading it. We have the same nervous systems as all other vertebrates. Our brains only differ in complexity. We respond to stimulus the same way. The same type of nerve cells send the same electrochemical signals to the same portions of the brainstem in all of us. All this "x doesn't feel pain" tripe is just to make hunters and sportfishers feel better about themselves.

>> No.10027852

That was pretty metal

>> No.10027882

Seabugs have no vertebrae, they can be argued to not feel real pain. Eels are fish that travel from freshwater to sea and back and live decades, like salmon. You're kidding yourself if you think they don't feel pain.

That being said, no one knows how long they swam around inside this guy before dying, and these are the questions we need to be asking.

>> No.10027885

Peppering your paragraphs with obscure words doesn't make you look intelligent. Makes it look like you're compensating for lack-there of; intelligence.

>> No.10027909

>i didn't read it but i know i'm right!
Fuck off.

>> No.10027922

You're probably right.

>> No.10027959

why would I read something when the very first sentence is overwhelming evidence that whoever wrote it is full of shit and has the specific agenda of absolving fishermen of feeling any guilt for their hobby of skewering small animals?
I'm not even some animal rights weenie, I fish myself. But those fuckers feel pain, they thrash like crazy when you slice their gills up to bleed them out.
>b-b-but that's just an automatic response to stimulus just because it uses the exact same nerve pathways and signalling chemicals and neurological mechanisms as all other vertebrates including humans doesn't mean anything!!1

>> No.10027977

>hunters and sportfishers feel better about themselves.
That's a pretty naive stereotype of hunters and fisherman. I only hunt and fish for meat, not trophies, and am well aware that they feel pain and can suffer which is why I pass up shots on animals if they might not be kill shots and kill the fish quickly. I do agree trophy hunters are clit dicked penis envyers who are worse than hitler, though.

>> No.10027985

>why would i read something i don't agree with
Because in order to learn, you need to entertain all sides of an argument. You can't possibly have an educated opinion if you refuse to do so. You're talking out your ass, you can't expect people to take your myopic perspective seriously.

>> No.10027990

>please read a long winded article on why the sky is actually brown and race doesn't real and there are 50 genders otherwise you have a myopic perspective and nobody will believe you when you say it's bullshit

>> No.10027998

My eyes nearly rolled out of my skull reading that. You're misrepresenting a legitimate viewpoint and taking pride in your ignorance because you're so self-righteous. Kindly fuck yourself.

>> No.10028006

you see you're acting like you're mad but it's okay you can't actually feel anger because I wrote a scientific article

>> No.10028010

You see you're acting like you have a point but I didn't care to read anything you cited because my head is so far up my own ass and I'm sure I know everything in the world already. I'm very smart. Please pat my ass.

>> No.10028016

Okay I actually perused your dumbass non-article and the entire premise is "just because fish show literally every sign that they feel pain and nothing about them is fundamentally different from the way human brains or nervous systems function, you can't prove they feel pain because you can't prove that they experience consciousness"
consciousness by the way is an undefinable, non-scientific meme term that means nothing, and is solely used to arbitrarily place humans apart from animals. Your article is of no substance whatsoever.

>> No.10028023

Clearly you skimmed the abstract without reading further because that is a gross misrepresentation of the information that article provides.